Liverpool Thread

Sounds like someone needs to take off his blinders and realize pool got away with quite a bit least the undeserved THIRD penalty was missed.

that was a clear penalty sorry, he was last man and Vidic touched or pushed him... if it was oposite - a LFC player on RVP, you would say it is clear..

fantastic save by De Gea....what a match
I didnt complain about the ref. flannegan is equally lucky to still be on the pitch as rafael.

But Utd have done f&£k all in attack and are now just trying to make stuff out of nothing. Same reason I wasnt happy about Sturridge diving for the 3rd pen!
that was a clear penalty sorry, he was last man and Vidic touched or pushed him... if it was oposite - a LFC player on RVP, you would say it is clear..

fantastic save by De Gea....what a match

No i wouldn't actually.. Id respond like your fellow pool fan.
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i think United gave up... tbh i think they don´t even want Europa League so they don´t care about the season anymore imo. after today..

just hope Moyes will stay.. it´s six year deal after all.

they still have the Olympiacos match at home...
1st impression is that Strurrdge dived a la Boyd yesterday

but this game has been men against boys ...nay, men against sperm

Utd are fucking awful. Rubbing my hands at the prospect of the derby in a week
In sorry but while many disagree.. he is the boss, he is responsible for his worker bees. Responsibility in the end is all on him. No excuses.

I think its a bit of both, not a manager for a top club and a 1st team containing far too many older players. Utd's defense is done, midfield has been weak for a few years ( although they have already spent 65mil this season) and main striker is 31? and captain 29?...
Just what a player Joe Allen is. He has been fundamental in each and every one of the matches he has played since returning from his injury. His positioning awareness is great, his tackles too, he can pass, he has vision, he can keep possesion, he keeps it tidy.
that was a clear penalty sorry, he was last man and Vidic touched or pushed him... if it was oposite - a LFC player on RVP, you would say it is clear..

fantastic save by De Gea....what a match

At first I thought it was a pen, but Vidic stand his ground and Stu fluffed himself down. The ref was conned, but the 4th potential Pen was more clear but wasn't given (Carrick's trailing leg), but again it was soft but contact was there so it just wasn't enough to warrant a 4th pen. :SHOCK:

Agree Allen was immense, I though well BR's saving Coutinho's legs but Allen was Hendersonsque (Harrasing, Running, Simple Passing). Hendo was abit pedestrian compared to Allen today.
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Definite dive by Sturridge. It's as if the ref knew it and that's why he didn't give the blatent one a few minutes later (the backheel chop).

The pub I was in was booming and full of laughter; at Utd's demise.

When it cut to Fergie's face... :LOL:
saw this on NY yesterday , makes me feel special :P

amazing day so far, I kind of knew we gonna beat them, maybe not 3-0 but I was thinking like 2-1

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If we can go into the final 2 games of the season with the title in our hands I think we'll be champions -just so long as taking points off us would mean handing the title to Liverpool. Our 2nd to last game is away to Everton. ;)
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If we can go into the final 2 games of the season with the title in our hands I think we'll be champions -just so long as taking points off us would mean handing the title to Liverpool. Our 2nd to last game is away to Everton. ;)

depends on Everton postition, i´m sure they would be happy with EL qualification if they are not even higher..
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