Liverpool Thread

Why is he right ? He loaned him without even ask him and now he close his doors to com back? If Reina want to back than his doors should be open he love club and bean really good with us for many years we can't treat him like one piece of shit now!

He said goodbye already, very clearly in his letter. I have nothing against Reina, but Rodgers just stated the truth. Remember he's not as good as before during the last few years with us so I'm not that fond of him being back in the sticks for us. We parted ways (even with the loan) so that's that.

All this ruckus is just the Media making a meal out of nothing. International Week coming up so they have to write about something.
I would rather start reina than Mignolet this days , Mignolet has been very shaky , it's costing us games and whole team doesn't trust him , he almost coast us also in game vs Swansea!
Reina was already gone, he was very close to signing for Barca before Valdes decided to stick around for one more season. No point keeping Reina when you know he will be off next summer. Mignolet is still a bit shaky, but I'd rather have him using this season to get used to the team and what's expected of him than wait another year. Reina wasn't in especially good form either the past couple of seasons so I'm not really sure if the team is worse or better off at the moment. But atleast he is still young and improving, which wasn't the case anymore for Reina.
Why is he right ? He loaned him without even ask him and now he close his doors to com back? If Reina want to back than his doors should be open he love club and bean really good with us for many years we can't treat him like one piece of shit now!
Reina was the one agitating for a move since he was sure he was going to go to Barcelona to replace Valdes. When Valdes changed his mind, Reina was forced to stay but the relationship changed. You cant do that and expect nothing to change.
I would rather have Mignolet on half the wages Reina was on, honestly.
Lot to change in the second half. Im not liking this Coutinho as a false nine a la messi and Suarez and Sturridge on the flanks. They seem completely lost.
Sterling for Coutinho, Suarez on a flank, Sturridge in the center and back to a 4-3-3 where everybody knows his role and you control the middle.
Hard game , started good but after the goal we aren't playing that good , we need to change something coz we are lucky to have clean sheet in 1st half!

Wining this match will be massive before united away game!
How did that end 0-3?! Liverpool would have been happy with a point after 60min. After the 2-0 it was comfortable. Great result....and probably the hardest away match to play from these 3 coming up.
Agree. I honestly thought we were going to lose before starting the match and that first half gave me that impresion too. The second half Southampton was completely burnt-out.
It seems Rodgers is trying a 4-3-1-2 now.
i had no choice to see the game but i´m so happy about the result.. now i´m going to watch it but i heard Sterling was again the match winning chainge... at 19, that´s a promiss to future.. With 10 games to go... being 4 points of the top it is amazing, realy we should now aim higher than top 4...
Henderson at the cup final today supporting Sunderland where he grew up as a player...

Strong rumour in Belgian press: Jan Vertonghen goes to Liverpool if Spurs don't reach the CL (and that seems more and more unlikely).
Exactly the player Liverpool need. One of my favourite Belgian players.
that would be great... i can see us needing a new CB despite having many already.. i can´t see Kolo Toure, or Coates here for long term + Agger is not 100% now, neither is Skrtel, despite him playing good as well and being helthy, he is unconsistent as hell...

Sakho - Verthongen looks great on paper... probably would be on field as well..
Strong rumour in Belgian press: Jan Vertonghen goes to Liverpool if Spurs don't reach the CL (and that seems more and more unlikely).
Exactly the player Liverpool need. One of my favourite Belgian players.
It would be amazing but I dont see Spurs selling their best CB to us.
Liverpool made a £50m loss in the 2012-13 financial year, according to the club's annual accounts. The figures, for the year to 31 May 2013, show that the club made an operating profit of £15m but were pushed into the heavy loss by the writing down of players' contracts, an accounting requirement, and a £13m loss on the sale of players.

Thank you King Kenny
It's interesting in a way to me. Essentially Henry is being a 'mini' sugar daddy, but presumably only in the short term.

Unlike Abramovich/Mansour, I would imagine the FSG will want their investment back. Still, I believe the 50m loss in a single season is the highest by any club not called City or Chelsea. So that's impressive...I guess?

Highlights the issue for the other clubs in the league though doesn't it? Even the one 'new' club getting into the top 4 needed a sugar daddy to achieve it :(
I don't see Henry as a Sugar daddy, the differences between Liverpool and clubs like PSG, Manchester City and Chelsea are vast.
Does anyone have a link that clearly shows the figures, because they say a 50mil loss, yet debt is down by 29% to 45mil. Which would mean about 20mil of debt has been removed from the books. So how does that make it a 50mil loss if its actually 30mil? I also find the "debt" issue unclear as I remember something along the lines of 20mil overdraft debt, but the 300mil from Hicks and Gillett being removed by FSG.
So Coward Webb its ref for out match vs United !!!

Why has to be this piece of shit ?

I love the power of the internet.

Despite all facts pointing towards him being less helpful to United than the 'average' ref in the league, and despite a video of him singing YNWA, and despite the fact he's given LFC more penalties than he's given MUFC - despite all that, Ryan f*cking Babel re-tweets something and it becomes gospel.

I'm just recalling last game vs arsenal and he didn't give a penalty yeah he gave one but should give 2 or 3 or 4 if they are penalty.

He's a prick everytime he is ref for Liverpool games he make "mistakes" so I don't want he ref our matchs simple as that , it's not power of Internet it's power of watching match and seeing how he cost us matchs!
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