Liverpool Thread

Suarez reputation shouldn't matter at all.
The fact that the defenderwent for the ball is also totally irrelevant.
There is absolutely no doubt that this is a penalty.
Agreed. Went for the ball, missed it and hit the guy instead. Your problem and should be penalized. If all similar tackles aren't given for the same reason then goodbye refereeing.
It's gone, move on. I think all fans can see Webb's refereeing standard's have plummeted in recent years.

I hope Arsenal win the cup this year for Wenger.

League position placing only goal now for Liverpool. Aim high and who knows what may happen?
Agreed. Went for the ball, missed it and hit the guy instead. Your problem and should be penalized. If all similar tackles aren't given for the same reason then goodbye refereeing.

It's highly logical that referee's in incidents where they don't see perfectly clearly what's going on that a player with a reputation for diving gets fewer penalties than one that doesn't dive.

If the ref see clearly what happens, and it is a penalty, then the reputation should not matter.
the ref did see clear what happen, he had perfect view but hey its just coward webb so move on, hes a prick.

but it was our fault too , 2 goals taken just one scored with sturridge having 3 1vs1 chances , also I didnt get that change from BR Sterling was one of the best up front and he bring Henderson in and play Sterling as fullback ? he should have change Allen for Henderson

anyway 12 match's to go here is fixture

V Swansea. 3
@ Shampton 1
V Sunderland 3
@ Man.Utd 1
@ Cardiff 3
V Spurs 3
@ Wham 1
V man city 1
@ Norwich 3
V chelski 1
@ palace 3
V Newcastle 3

26 points from this games I think will be enough for top 4 , 79 points I guess its top 4 , vs Spurs will be a huge game and we must win it , I give 1 point vs City and 1 vs Chelski but I really think we can beat them both at home...
Yeah, think the Top 4 trophy is virtually guaranteed now. You've no other distractions (and didn't really before - big reason you're where you are).

The real test will be teh summer and next season imo. It's one thing to achieve something with a team in any sport, it's much harder to hold on to that achievement.

And unless Henry is willing to keep throwing money into pool, it's going to be hard to build up the squad to be able to compete on all fronts. Keep in mind by the end of the year you'll have played something like 15-20 matches less than Chelsea and City. That is a huge reason for the success this year, imo.

Very few teams in European football history have managed to successfully compete in both the CL and their domestic league. That's the real challenge, and to be honest only one I see City and Chelsea being able to do moving forward (cause of their ability to buy several squads).
the ref did see clear what happen, he had perfect view but hey its just coward webb so move on, hes a prick.

but it was our fault too , 2 goals taken just one scored with sturridge having 3 1vs1 chances , also I didnt get that change from BR Sterling was one of the best up front and he bring Henderson in and play Sterling as fullback ? he should have change Allen for Henderson

anyway 12 match's to go here is fixture

V Swansea. 3
@ Shampton 1
V Sunderland 3
@ Man.Utd 1
@ Cardiff 3
V Spurs 3
@ Wham 1
V man city 1
@ Norwich 3
V chelski 1
@ palace 3
V Newcastle 3

26 points from this games I think will be enough for top 4 , 79 points I guess its top 4 , vs Spurs will be a huge game and we must win it , I give 1 point vs City and 1 vs Chelski but I really think we can beat them both at home...
That would be great! to hammer them at home, more Chelsea though :LOL:
the ref did see clear what happen, he had perfect view but hey its just coward webb so move on, hes a prick.

A) You're Howard Webb.
B) You're not Howard Webb and don't have a fucking clue what he did or did not see.

PS: Interpretation is also a big part of seeing. He didn't have fifteen slow-motion repetitions as we all did.
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A) You're Howard Webb.
B) You're not Howard Webb and don't have a fucking clue what he did or did not see.

PS: Interpretation is also a big part of seeing. He didn't have fifteen slow-motion repetitions as we all did.
We do actually. He was 5 yards from the incident. He completely saw it.
Yeah, think the Top 4 trophy is virtually guaranteed now. You've no other distractions (and didn't really before - big reason you're where you are).

The real test will be teh summer and next season imo. It's one thing to achieve something with a team in any sport, it's much harder to hold on to that achievement.

And unless Henry is willing to keep throwing money into pool, it's going to be hard to build up the squad to be able to compete on all fronts. Keep in mind by the end of the year you'll have played something like 15-20 matches less than Chelsea and City. That is a huge reason for the success this year, imo.

Very few teams in European football history have managed to successfully compete in both the CL and their domestic league. That's the real challenge, and to be honest only one I see City and Chelsea being able to do moving forward (cause of their ability to buy several squads).
I asume that if we qualify to the CL Brendan is going to have a lot of money to spend. He is going to renew his contract at the end of the season and one can imagine that he will make sure that a considerable amount of money is going to be at his disposal to invest.
In my opinion, it is actually quite frightening what we could become once we buy proper fullbacks, a quality midfielder and a quality winger. Quality fullbacks are key to the style Brendan wants to implement and he hasnt had any of those.
A) You're Howard Webb.
B) You're not Howard Webb and don't have a fucking clue what he did or did not see.

PS: Interpretation is also a big part of seeing. He didn't have fifteen slow-motion repetitions as we all did.

alright mr. smart ass , I'm seriously thinking you can be related to Mourinho coz your comments are very close with him. maybe a cousin?
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A) You're Howard Webb.
B) You're not Howard Webb and don't have a fucking clue what he did or did not see.

PS: Interpretation is also a big part of seeing. He didn't have fifteen slow-motion repetitions as we all did.

It's nice playing devil's advocate at times, but you can't replace that with complete ignorance just to wind people up, that's not the same.

It's clearly a penalty, he clearly fouled him inside the area. If it had been another player he wouldn't have hesitated, but as it was Suarez he decided not to follow the rules.

I think the problem here is that he'd already given a penalty, for which he probably recieved quite a bit of stick from the Arsenal players and bench, thus making him doubt himself because it was Suarez who has dived in the past. So when it happened again he decided not to give the penalty in order to play it safe.

To say he didn't see it is a ridiculous statement in my opinion.

Either way, Liverpool deserved to win the game, but didn't. Oh well... back to the matter at hand.
As I said in the Arsenal thread, from his point of view, it looked like Ox played the ball into Suarez, and it came off the Uruguayan and flew out of bounds. And then the contact was made, cue the histrionics and so forth.

Obviously if he'd seen it from the goal side, he would have given it. The linesman couldn't really help either, as he was on the other side of the pitch looking through a sea of bodies.
I know i'm sounding like a broken record, but that was as big a penalty as i've eveer seen. There is absolutely no excuse for not giving it, not because of Suarez' reputation, not because he'd already given a penalty...a good ref don't take those thing into consideration.

It seems as if Webb doesn't have his best season, but on the other hand Liverpool has had plenty of bad seasons too, so i must say the stick Webb is getting is exagerated. The thing is that if Liverpool would have taken their chances, all this was irrelevant and Gerrard should have been sent off, but Gerard being Gerrard, he never get a sending off...

And about that top 4 trophy, i hope Spurs win it, but i must say Liverpool deserve it more for their excellent football...and one can't complain about Suarez too much this season either...
It seems as if Webb doesn't have his best season, but on the other hand Liverpool has had plenty of bad seasons too, so i must say the stick Webb is getting is exagerated.

Uuh, Gerd, Webb isn't practising a sport and teams shouldn't be punished because he is out of form. If he was a player he would be benched. He is there to keep the sport fair. If he can't do that for whatever reason he shouldn't be there. And he has been crap for a while now and that's for all the teams he refs.

I've read quite a bit of nonsense in the forums trying to explain why he didn't give the penalty (a highly amusing one was that Ox was attempting to play the ball and missed so it isn't a penalty...WTF?!) but really he didn't have the bottle to give two penalties within 10min. to the same player (especially Suarez who every ref must have doubts about when he goes down). I also don't agree with the statement that from his view he couldn't tell, he is unlikely to get a better view than that 9 out of 10 times.

In the same way Monreal should have been sent off for practically stamping on Allen's ankle in the first 10min. But hey, it's the first 10min. so GBH is allowed. Same for goes for Gerrard and Poldolski. Gerrard could have gotten his 1st yellow for a high tackle on Podolski but didn't, so to make up for that Webb didn't book Podolski for a blatant late foul on Flanno. Gerrard didn't get a 2nd yellow because he is England captain, etc, etc. The game was full of those kind of decisions and were followed up by non-decisions to balance things up. Skrtl could also have a conceded a penalty late on against Cazorla, but he couldn't give that after the earlier f@#k-up.

He really did ruin a good game and Liverpool were unlucky that the poor decisions started with them. Even then they should still have won so Webb isn't responsible. But he was just utterly sh!t and deserves the criticism and to be benched for a few games.
Tik, i agree with your post, except with your first paragraph.
IMO what refs do is fact it's more athletic than what football players do.

The point i was trying to make is that people always complain as if refs are deciding matches...they take isolated incidents and then attach far too much importance to them...Sturridge can miss sitters and nobody really cares, but Webb doesn't see a penalty and this suddenly becomes more isn't.

If Liverpool hadn't missed big chances, it could have been a similar match as the one at Anfield Road.

Another example: the penalty and red card for Danny Rose in Spurs-City. There are Spurs fans who say that this was the key moment in the wasn't. City was much, much better and at that time there were already leading 0-1...

IMO Liverpool should have won that match and they only have to blame themselves even if the ref had a bad match...

What should be done about Webb ? Give him a few matches in the championship and let a young inexperienced ref officiate EPL matches ? Will he do better than Webb ? I doubt it. And we all know that the FA will not sanction Webb in a WC year...this might well result in not having an English ref at the next WC...
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I know i'm sounding like a broken record, but that was as big a penalty as i've eveer seen. There is absolutely no excuse for not giving it, not because of Suarez' reputation, not because he'd already given a penalty...a good ref don't take those thing into consideration.

It seems as if Webb doesn't have his best season, but on the other hand Liverpool has had plenty of bad seasons too, so i must say the stick Webb is getting is exagerated. The thing is that if Liverpool would have taken their chances, all this was irrelevant and Gerrard should have been sent off, but Gerard being Gerrard, he never get a sending off...

And about that top 4 trophy, i hope Spurs win it, but i must say Liverpool deserve it more for their excellent football...and one can't complain about Suarez too much this season either...

exactly, there should be objective judgement always. I don´t buy the fact he didn´t saw it..

From this angle, the angle Webb saw it and at the speed he saw it, I can see why he didn't give it and it wasn't as a ridiculous decision why he didn't give it IMO :DD
Arseblog contributed with this :LOL:

And there are plenty more hilarious gifs of Suarez, but I won't post them here on the Liverpool thread, as I don't want to come across as a troll ;)

If we would only clean up his act... the guy is a joy to watch (unless he's playing against your team, that is) but his theatrics and hissy fits are very off putting to a neutral.
so Ibe is loaned to Birmingham,, i think the lad has a bright future here.

will be a better player next season with this experience imo.
we should have signed this guy , his ball control and dribbling its very good and thats a very hard pitch to play... he would have been great upfront with Suarez and Sturridge.

hes selfish but so was Sturridge , also where he play his "king" so thats what makes him even more selfish but in Liverpool I dont think he would be that selfish tbh

I hope we go for him in summer, this team for real and not joke around!

YouTube - Yevhen Konoplyanka vs Tottenham | HD
Liverpool did all they could to sign him, it's not their fault that the director of Dnipro pulled out of the deal at the last minute.

He looks a quality player, will be difficult to sign him because a few of the other big clubs will no doubt be in for him this Summer.

In other news I play him on the right wing for Liverpool on PES and he's superb :D
I think we should have react earlier and not let deal in last minutes. I think we are to blame too for all this , and we pay money for likes of aspas borini and some others who aren't good enough and we don't want to "over pay" for some others!
I think we should have react earlier and not let deal in last minutes. I think we are to blame too for all this , and we pay money for likes of aspas borini and some others who aren't good enough and we don't want to "over pay" for some others!

It wasn't a case of "over paying" though, the deal was agreed, all it needed was the director's signature and at the last minute he pulled out. Yes the timing wasn't great but then, most clubs wait til late because you can get a better deal that way, it's how transfers always work.

Also, can you really judge Borini or Aspas? Both have hardly been played and Borini has looked a decent player for Sunderland scoring some very important goals and is only 22. Also in todays market £10m for a promising 21 year old striker and £8m for a player who'd just played a massive role in keeping Celta Vigo in La Liga are not huge amounts of money and sometimes it's worth taking a risk like that.
i´m not that sad we didn´t sign Konoplyanka tbh.. i think Sterling will be better player than him. Ibe also has massive potetial.. i would want us to rather sign a DM so Gerrard can play more offensive game...

Rodgers: Why Jordon needed loan switch

22nd Feb 2014

Jordon Ibe has been loaned to Championship outfit Birmingham City to ensure that the talented Liverpool winger gains the necessary experience to continue his rapid progress.

The fleet-footed wide-man established himself on the first-team scene in 2012-13 after impressing with a series of dominant performances which helped the club's U18s reach the FA Youth Cup semi-finals.

Brendan Rodgers' interest was piqued and the manager rewarded the youngster with a senior debut on the final day of the campaign; Ibe responded by setting up the winning goal in a 1-0 victory over Queens Park Rangers.

Although the 18-year-old has been a regular name in the matchday squad this season, only two appearances have followed. Rodgers was therefore keen to find playing time for the promising No.33.

"I've wanted to have Jordon out on loan for a little while," the Northern Irishman told "Because he has been close to the team and the squad, he has been unable to.

"Our squad was very small so he was playing a big part in that over the last few months. But he's still a very young player - he needs games and experience under pressure, and obviously that was limited with us.

"He has not long turned 18, he has got plenty of time. We wanted to send him to a club with a manager who has worked with young players and got the best out of some young players.

"Lee Clark, we feel, is someone who could do that. Traditionally, Birmingham City is a brilliant club, a big club. So there is a little bit of pressure, but he's going to go there and hopefully play, get his experience and earn his position in the team."
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