Liverpool Thread

i just dont understand Rodgers logic.. Agger with Sakho on bench.... WTF?!

we are fucked without Sturridge, only inteligent Striker we have in the team.

Moses still didn´t show anything special..

the midfield isn´t performing as it should..

shamefull performance today, well deserved win for Hull. We didn´t create anything special..
fucking annoying with this performance , hope next match we start with Coutinho , Allen , Luis Alberto instead of Gerrard , Henderson , Moses , BR suck it you deserved this idiot
Yeah this was my point , BR it's buying "cheap" players , Allen , aspas , borini , sakho (22 mln?) that Portuguese defender , Luis Alberto all together coast what ? £65 milion ? For what ? When arsenal buy ONE Ozil for 45 who is world class player , and BR don't get blamed for that at all . We are lacking on quality for HIS fault , he has fail big time and I won't be surprised if soon he get sacked coz he's not being as good as people are talking about him

And last thing I HATE(dislike) Henderson more than ANY player in the world !!!!!
Yeah this was my point , BR it's buying "cheap" players , Allen , aspas , borini , sakho (22 mln?) that Portuguese defender , Luis Alberto all together coast what ? £65 milion ? For what ? When arsenal buy ONE Ozil for 45 who is world class player , and BR don't get blamed for that at all . We are lacking on quality for HIS fault , he has fail big time and I won't be surprised if soon he get sacked coz he's not being as good as people are talking about him

And last thing I HATE(dislike) Henderson more than ANY player in the world !!!!!
Most people based their opinions only on results and results this season have been good, but as you said before, with some luck and because of the brilliance of Sturridge and Suarez. The only match I remember we played good as a team was against Fulham, and Ive been saying this for weeks, Rodgers is a manager full of contradictions. I think he did a good job last season, but this season I have very mix feelings about the team.
im not happy at all this season , I think its one of worst , yeah we had some good results BUT you cant expect we win many more with this luck we need PERFORMANCES

1st match Stoke City home , 1-0 they missed a penalty at 88 minute right after penalty an other great save from mignolet , at 89 minute could easy finish 1-1 so lucky and good performance by Mignolet

2nd away vs Aston Villa , scored a goal and played shite in 2nd half , some great saves at end by Mignolet , could easy finish 1-1 so lucky and good performance by Mignolet

3rd Manchester Utd home 1-0 , scored 1 goal , parked bus for whole match and was lucky that united was shite at time and had many problems so we end up winning 1-0 ....

4th away at Swansea very bad performance , lucky to get a point which Shelvey GAVE US this 1 point

5th lost at home vs Southampton 0-1 , and everyone telling Southampton its a really strong team which its a bit true but real true its that we werent good enough and so on...

vs WBA everyone was talking about AMAZING match which I didnt see at all even if we won 4-1 , goals most came out of nothing and write same thing over here that day

vs Arsenal lost 2-0 and were shite for whole match

vs Fulham 4-0 the only AMAZING performance so far this season

vs Everton 3-3 lucky to get a point there , 3 goals scored from free kicks/corner , 1st goal scored from a corner , 2nd free kick , 3rd again cross and header , non of goals where by open game or created as a really good action , while Everton had so many chances and we were lucky Lukaku didnt score 3-4 goals that match

vs Hull lost 3-1 again our only goal was from free kick , didnt create anything expect that Moses chance

so I'm not happy at all with this seson , if we dont perform better we could easy finish at 7-8 place again !!!
Rodgers post game....

It was very disappointing," Rodgers told reporters in his post-match press conference. "I thought this was an opportunity for us to begin the week well.

"Hull came in on the back of losing at home and we arrived into the game with confidence and belief. But we made too many mistakes, with and without the ball, and overall it was very disappointing."

He added: "I just thought we lacked quality. With the ball we just didn't create enough and we didn't keep the ball long enough in order to move them about.

"I always felt that we were in control of the game, but we needed to show a wee bit more quality and penetrate that wee bit more.

"But we didn't play well enough. The players are committed enough and they have been giving everything - but today, our quality [was lacking] and there were just too many individual mistakes.

"There were two deflected goals - we were unfortunate with that. We gave the ball away in a bad area [for the first goal] and it was a deflected goal, which puts you on the back foot straight away. We equalised with a great free-kick that got us back into it.

"But then we didn't defend well enough when the ball came into the box. We were too slow and not aggressive enough in our defending. The third one is an own-goal. So it wasn't very good from that aspect.

"McGregor never really had to make too many saves and we're a team that has created a lot of chances this season."

Rodgers brought Kolo Toure back into the side to partner Skrtel at the heart of defence, electing to keep Daniel Agger and Mamadou Sakho in reserve.

"As a team, defensively, it's been difficult for us because we've had to change a lot," explained Rodgers. "The only stability we've had has been our goalkeeper.

"We've had a lot of changes to make defensively this season after injuries and people out. So that hasn't helped us.

"Toure has good experience and we were playing against more physical opponents, [against which] he does well. Sometimes we have struggled in that department. Ideally, I want to be able to play a balanced back-five, but we haven't been able to do that.

"In our last two games we've conceded six goals. So we need to be much, much better than that and that's something we need to return to on Wednesday night."

Daniel Sturridge sustained an ankle sprain in the build-up to the weekend's action and so the prolific England international was missing from the Reds' starting XI.

Likewise, Philippe Coutinho had suffered a high ankle sprain, which meant the Brazilian playmaker was unable to train at Melwood throughout the week.

While Coutinho was introduced in the 66th minute to replace Victor Moses, Rodgers admitted that the pair were missed as the Reds slipped to their first ever defeat against Hull.

"If you take those two out, they're obviously two very good players, who have been very efficient for us this season," said the manager. "But this little period now will test us.

"We've got players who will come in and it will be a great opportunity for them to come in and stake their place in the team. Hopefully we get back to winning games on Wednesday.

"When we went into the Fulham game, we had targets in terms of points, starting with Fulham. And if we get two victories in our next two home games, that will put us on course for the bigger picture, which is two points a game."

Reporters questioned Rodgers afterwards as to whether he was surprised by the quality of their play.

The manager responded: "No, out of the promoted teams, Hull have done the best this season.

"Before the game they were on 14 points, which tells you that if they keep that level going, they will be around mid-table.

"Steve changed things at half-time, but we still couldn't find a cutting edge and then we didn't defend well enough as a team.

"We just need to reflect on this. We haven't had too many days of late like this here. Now we have a massive game on Wednesday and we must focus and look to get our points in that game."
"The quality of our squad isn't big enough to cope with big players missing. We need as many of our good players as possible," said Rodgers.
Again he speaks w/o thinking...that statement is damaging . I rather he look foolish and stay quiet on the subject . Then ,speak out and remove all doubt.
Kinda funny how Pool posters/fans everywhere seem to be ready to declare this another "lost" season while many United fans seem to be convinced we are still in the running for title 21. Different strokes I guess.
im not happy at all this season , I think its one of worst , yeah we had some good results BUT you cant expect we win many more with this luck we need PERFORMANCES

1st match Stoke City home , 1-0 they missed a penalty at 88 minute right after penalty an other great save from mignolet , at 89 minute could easy finish 1-1 so lucky and good performance by Mignolet

2nd away vs Aston Villa , scored a goal and played shite in 2nd half , some great saves at end by Mignolet , could easy finish 1-1 so lucky and good performance by Mignolet

3rd Manchester Utd home 1-0 , scored 1 goal , parked bus for whole match and was lucky that united was shite at time and had many problems so we end up winning 1-0 ....

4th away at Swansea very bad performance , lucky to get a point which Shelvey GAVE US this 1 point

5th lost at home vs Southampton 0-1 , and everyone telling Southampton its a really strong team which its a bit true but real true its that we werent good enough and so on...

vs WBA everyone was talking about AMAZING match which I didnt see at all even if we won 4-1 , goals most came out of nothing and write same thing over here that day

vs Arsenal lost 2-0 and were shite for whole match

vs Fulham 4-0 the only AMAZING performance so far this season

vs Everton 3-3 lucky to get a point there , 3 goals scored from free kicks/corner , 1st goal scored from a corner , 2nd free kick , 3rd again cross and header , non of goals where by open game or created as a really good action , while Everton had so many chances and we were lucky Lukaku didnt score 3-4 goals that match

vs Hull lost 3-1 again our only goal was from free kick , didnt create anything expect that Moses chance

so I'm not happy at all with this seson , if we dont perform better we could easy finish at 7-8 place again !!!

Picking up points despite not playing well is usually seen as a positive.

Think you're overreacting after 1 defeat. Once Coutinho gets back on song you'll be fine. Top 5 this year. I hope you get 4th if it means Utd finish 5th
Yes I guess all teams sometimes pick up points without play well , but not "ALWAYS" because you can't be so lucky all season long , you can't hope saying ok we score one goal play shit all match after that goal but we can keep clean sheet coz our keeper will make miracles , this can happen 1-2 times but not all season !
I've been reading the reactions after the defeat and you guys are seriously ovverreacting.
I wont begin about Henderson, you all know i think he's a very good player and i don't want to sound too much like a broken record.

I want to talk about Gerrard. I've never been a fan of Gerrard, IMO he is a very good player, but not the world class player most Liverpool fans think he is. I also thought that the 3 previous seasons Gerrard was a shadow of his former self and that Liverpool should have transferred him.
I was wrong.

I've seen Liverpool fairly regularly this season and to me Gerard has been outstanding this season. I haven't seen the match against Hull, but surely every player can have an off-day ?

Fans are so fickle.
cant see why Liverpool fans have a problem with Henderson. I back him purely for his desire and attitude.

as much as a player like coutinho will produce magic and win you points at times there are times these players go missing. as did luis Garcia

Henderson has never gone missing
I've been reading the reactions after the defeat and you guys are seriously ovverreacting.
I wont begin about Henderson, you all know i think he's a very good player and i don't want to sound too much like a broken record.

I want to talk about Gerrard. I've never been a fan of Gerrard, IMO he is a very good player, but not the world class player most Liverpool fans think he is. I also thought that the 3 previous seasons Gerrard was a shadow of his former self and that Liverpool should have transferred him.
I was wrong.

I've seen Liverpool fairly regularly this season and to me Gerard has been outstanding this season. I haven't seen the match against Hull, but surely every player can have an off-day ?

Fans are so fickle.
Gerrard has been outstanding this season ??? Only against the likes of Fulham and Crystal Palace. The weakest part of our team is the midfield, that partnership Lucas-Gerrard is a joke if our ambition is getting into the top 4.
About Henderson, he should never play as the link between the midfield and the foward. He doesnt have the creativity, vision, knowledge of the game, to be in that position. But this is a manager that has also played Moses there so ..
Liverbird, with all respect, but i can't remember ever agreeing with you...when i read your posts i feel totally clueless....

Granted i certainlydon't watch Liverpool as much as the fans in this thread,but this season i have watched them quite regularly and IMO Gerrard was very good in his passing.
Gerrard playes deeper role than with Torres when he was basicly a second striker... imo Gerrard isn´t the main problem, surey there is no goals from him from open play as he used to chainge games alone before..but he does more hard work and as mentioned passing still among the best in league..LFC will need to search for his long term replacement in near future though...

the problem again for us is non existing wingers or less quality wings than other clubs.. we have been playing talented kids with Ibe and Sterling but you can´t expect nothing from them yet.. they should be somewhere on loan gaining experience by playing more games in high competition not start for us right now sporadically... Moses isn´t the player so far i to Valencia with Nani or Hazard with Schurrle, or Chadli with Lennon, or Ozil with Cazorla/Chamberlain ... our wingers can hide themselfs..

then we have no replacement for Sturridge, Aspas for his cost should feature already... otherwise he will be a second Borini... and waste of money..i don´t judge him, but by now i expected him to make at least some difference...

We have no dynamic midfielde general, someone who Lucas should be sitting on bench for.

Our defence in last X games was almost always rotated... says it all.

Only bright part of summer transfers is Mignolet, who made me forget about Reina and who is also a big reason we are not in bottom half of the table right now.

We should buy a top CM/DM player who would be dominant in air and would balance the team....i dream to see Alonso again in the team, he would improve us massivelly...

then we should focus on wingers and a proper Left back... Flanagan is a good player, but not for a top 4 team in this competitive league... he is a good squad player, not more... few of our players should go this summer..

My to go list:

Ibe (loan)
Ilori (loan)
Sterling (loan)

bring back Suso
buy a top LB - DM/CM and a Winger finally.
Liverbird, with all respect, but i can't remember ever agreeing with you...when i read your posts i feel totally clueless....

Granted i certainlydon't watch Liverpool as much as the fans in this thread,but this season i have watched them quite regularly and IMO Gerrard was very good in his passing.
Yes, same thing happens to me when I read your opinion about Liverpool players. I tend to agree with you when you talk about other teams, but I never agree with you about Liverpool.
About Gerrard, he makes some good passes and some amazing hollywood passes but that is not the only thing he should be judged for. Our midfield is a highway sometimes.
About Henderson, he has been playing in atacking positions this season and in 13 games he has 1 assist and 0 goals. The only positive aspects of his game is that he has been running for what Lucas and Gerrard dont run. He should play instead of Gerrard or Lucas, and stay there. He has no idea what to do in the final third.
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So Rodgers today labelled Sakho as a "one for the future". So, a 23 years old international player who cost around 18M E and that has played around 200 profesional matches and Brendan sees him as one for the future. Great use of resources he has done this summer market.
The Reds' team in full is: Mignolet, Flanagan, Agger, Skrtel, Johnson, Allen, Gerrard, Henderson, Sterling, Coutinho, Suarez.

Subs: Jones, Toure, Sakho, Moses, Alberto, Aspas, Lucas.

good to see Allen at first team , lets hope we win c'mon reds we really really need 3 points !
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