Liverpool Thread

You have such a short fuse on players who just recently transfered, almost like a kid who says "he can't score goals after one game and sells him". We don't treat players like toys.

Not all players can be Bale / Messi / Ronaldo that they can gel right away to a new team and score goals. Defence is the hardest to master as it takes 4 to make it a good defence. Wisdom has played very well during preseason and he will come good, yes Kelly just got back from a knee injury and even that he's not that good all the time.

some players you can see righ there that they dont have anything to offer at all , and Aspas its one of them , its not about goal its about him and every time he get ball , he just dont know what to do , he's not good simple as that , many players dosnt score goals but they are good , I believe he's not even as good as downing who was awful , Aspas isn't quality for ANY team on EPL , so if we want a top 4 we can't get it with players like him on field.
Wisdom was very bad at times he got ball , a lot of panic (yeah I guess with time he can learn with games and don't panic since his young) , many times he's not on his posision and he's bad at offence , I guess he could be a good play in future but not going up front , maybe defending yes, since we look for 3 points next match I wish we could play some other guy on right but not sure if Kelly its ready and I'm not sure if we should play that new guy we got from Sporting , I won't play that since it seems like dangerous , so I dont mind starting with Wisdom again on next match , but I really hope Agger will be fit
here we go .... Johnson out , Coutinho out what miss ? Sturridge ?

and Aspas its like we play with 10 man , I hope we don't play him anymore , he's not good enough and he'll never be (yeah bullshits judge to early, but even after 1 season 2 or whatever he'll never do any better) hope we play Luis Alberto in place of Coutinho or maybe Allen , and hope Agger its fit so we dont have to play that Sakho who was very bad that match , maybe he need some time since its just one match , but if Agger was there I guess non of 2 goals will com like that

and Widson or how the hell its his name , why dont we play Kelly ? is he fit ? at last he's way much better than this guy

you said the same about´s stupid statement imo. sorry.
Talked to a few guys who watch the reserves and Kelly is still very rusty after his injury , will take maybe a couple of months more to get back to first team level.
Wisdom is just 20 years old talent brought from academy with just few games in first team.. you think he can´t develop to a top player already?
Wisdom is just 20 years old talent brought from academy with just few games in first team.. you think he can´t develop to a top player already?
Agree that it would be unfair to write him off already. Same way it is unfair to expect every player coming from the academy to turn into a top player.
Wisdom is just 20 years old talent brought from academy with just few games in first team.. you think he can´t develop to a top player already?

No what I mean is wisdom maybe can turn out to be good , since he has same
Problems as Henderson had when we got him and he's young.

And Aspas it's different story
And Aspas it's different story

But im curious and surprised how soon you can make that conclusion about a player who had good pre season and played only few minutes in to new season in new league with new language to speak to team mates... It´s realy just writing someone off for a bad step or not winning previous match for us? What´s your problem with Aspas?!
I agree with him though. I know there is a matter of understanding the league and he is not playing his prefered position but really, he is doing everyhing wrong every time he touches the ball. I hope he proves me completely wrong but signs are not good. I still would like Rodgers to play him in his natural position or try him in a flank. Clearly, the hole is not for him.
People in here probably play the game at some sort of level. If you join a new a club and not playing great to start with and also not in your favoured position, would you be happy with some know-it-all calling you crap when you know for a fact you aren't? 4 bloody league games played and you write off players? I find that absolutely pathetic. Many a top player struggles at a new team but comes good. Maybe even a season later. Give the kid a chance FFS! Same applies to any club. Ramsey is having his balls sucked now! Overboard a bit but be was also slagged off overboard last year too. There's some right tools in these forums.
Jesus. I'm a Spurs fan, but right now i want Liverpool to win the EPL.
Rivalries are so daft.
Without having a dig, you're from Belgium, United Vs Liverpool is not a rivalry that affects you,Unless you live in the region and socialise and work with match going United/Liverpool fan's on a daily basis.Maybe humour doesn't come across on the internet but most of my mates are Liverpool fan's,and I say the same to them It's called banter mate.
And to be pedantic it's the British premier League now we have Cardiff city and Swansea.:BYE:
People in here probably play the game at some sort of level. If you join a new a club and not playing great to start with and also not in your favoured position, would you be happy with some know-it-all calling you crap when you know for a fact you aren't? 4 bloody league games played and you write off players? I find that absolutely pathetic. Many a top player struggles at a new team but comes good. Maybe even a season later. Give the kid a chance FFS! Same applies to any club. Ramsey is having his balls sucked now! Overboard a bit but be was also slagged off overboard last year too. There's some right tools in these forums.

Absolutely spot on mate, Wasn't it the same story when Lucas Leiva was going through a sticky patch at the beginning of his LFC career?
yep, allot more goes into it than talent. mental side of things is a big thing and it takes some people longer than others

People in here probably play the game at some sort of level. If you join a new a club and not playing great to start with and also not in your favoured position, would you be happy with some know-it-all calling you crap when you know for a fact you aren't? 4 bloody league games played and you write off players? I find that absolutely pathetic. Many a top player struggles at a new team but comes good. Maybe even a season later. Give the kid a chance FFS! Same applies to any club. Ramsey is having his balls sucked now! Overboard a bit but be was also slagged off overboard last year too. There's some right tools in these forums.
The Reds XI in full: Mignolet, Toure, Sakho, Agger, Skrtel, Lucas, Henderson, Gerrard, Aspas, Moses, Sturridge.

4 CENTRALS ????? Dont like this formation at all.
all (including Rogers) bar keeper should be fined a months wages or every fan who paid to go to that match get a reduction on the next.

that was pathetic
Jesus, cant believe I got up at 7am for that!

Absolutely shocking, Southampton had their tactics spot on, overcrowd and pressure the front 4 and the team was nullified, which isnt a surprise with 4 cb's and no space for gerrard to play his passes, who was also rubbish today aswell.
Yes, Liverpool were poor but it's not embarrassing to draw away to Swansea nowadays. They have an excellent side and not many teams will go there and get anything. First half against Swansea we played well but fell away in the second and came away with a point. Pleased with that.

Today was a little different. Southampton set out to defend and stifle and it worked. They grew in confidence and deserved the win.

Creativity is a problem for us with Coutinho and Suarez missing. Along with so many players who today just didn't perform. No natural full backs and it shows how good a player Johnson is when he's not there.

I thought Studge should have had a pen in the first half which would have changed Saints approach completely but we didn't get it and have to now move on.
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