Liverpool Thread

yeah Sturridge too couldn't get in Chelsea team not even from bench but look where he's now ;)

I'm sure Moses will be on 1st 11 , he's good player and by far better than Aspas , glad about Sakho coming now we have more quality team and also quality bench , looking forward to see this team on action!

btw I agree on Agger I think he will be a starter with Sakho/Toure , I think we'll sell Skrtle in January if Napoli com for him again!

Moses might end up great but people saying he should be a starter is a bit overboard atm. He hasn't proved anything yet and doesn't deserve to be in the starting 11. When he gets his chance and if he takes it then I'm not going to complain if he ends up being great... unless its against Cardiff!
I can't see us playing 3 at the back.....

He's still going to have us playing 4-3-3 and it's minor BR said that Suarez will come back into the team out wide with Sturridge down the middle and Coutinho behind Sturridge...

Yeah I agree that Sakho and Agger should start....and in the Cup games we may have Kolo and Ilori/Skrtel....with Skrtel gone in January I'd think.

Moses will be a decent and better alternative to Downing....for starters Moses is a far more aggressive and confident player. And the key aspect is that he allows Coutinho to be freed into the Center of the pitch where he will do far more damage with his pretty through balls for Sturridge and Suarez...
Suarez will cause nightmares on the other flank with his dribbling.....

It all seems very optimistic for a decent shout for top-4.
With good performance he will be accepted back, like Rooney was when he had his fit back in the day. Suarez may well ask to leave again though, but hopefully we can get some game winners out of him before.
for me personally i hope he will behave as a professional untill we eventually sell him abroad. He is not a LFC player for me anymore, not in same mood as Gerrard or Agger... He is just a modern top football player playing in my club.. if he helps us get n.4, great.. but for me football should be about fans as much as about the money.. fans make money for players so they should be respected.
for me personally i hope he will behave as a professional untill we eventually sell him abroad. He is not a LFC player for me anymore, not in same mood as Gerrard or Agger... He is just a modern top football player playing in my club.. if he helps us get n.4, great.. but for me football should be about fans as much as about the money.. fans make money for players so they should be respected.

What`s your take on Ozil then? Fans wanted him to stay ,He and the players as well.
What`s your take on Ozil then? Fans wanted him to stay ,He and the players as well.

Several major differences;

-Ozil is not a controversial player on the pitch (unless you secretly think he s a Martian.which possible with those eyes)
-Ozil doesn't go around hating the press only to use the press to hate on his current team repeatedly
-Ozil didn't push for a move away from Real, making t appear as if the biggest motivation was with Real, not him.
-Ozil was replaced with the world's most expensive transfer. Isco was also brought on board ahead of that. Regardless of what you think of Bale and Isco, i could see how that softens the blow a bit.
-See the above; what are the odds of Liverpool replacing Suarez with similar or better quality as long as they dont play in the CL?

Sorry if this comes across a bit dickish..not intended that way but hope you see my point(s)
It couldn't be dickish, it's the truth. Wasn't Ozil going to be "frozen out"? Or not first choice anyway. He left to get playing time, he's still got CL football and he's helping build a team. He was on a team full of stars that couldn't get it done. He wants to play, nothing wrong with that, he didn't force anything, they were willing to let him go and he went.
I never liked Suarez, that is not a secret.
I also think Özil is completely different for all the reasons dplane pointed out.

Yet i don't agree with pipa (i'm sorry pipa, we rarely seem to agree).
I don't agree because pipa dislikes Suarez for all the wrong reasons. It was perfectly his right to try and go to another club. I know he played it without class, but everybody except pipa was aware of the fact that Suarez was a classless person, hence his behaviour on the field.

It is good to be fan, but imo a fan has the moral duty towards his club to stay very critical. What happened in the Evra-Suarez and in bitegate was bad for Liverpool's reputation as a club. That is the moment when fans should stand up and say they think the club is wrong. No player is bigger than a club, but Liverpool has been treating Suarez as if he was bigger than the club. IMO the club Liverpool and most fans (on this forum people like tik and especially mathewss are notorious exceptions) never asked questions about Suarez' behaviour. It bordered on sycophancy and that is never a good thing.

IMO there are certain moral limits. The Villa fans protesting against the possible transfer of Lee Bowyer, that is the way critical fans should react. Those fans have done Villa a massive favour.

Once again: it seems that i'm always picking on pipa, i'm sorry for that. he is a genuinely nice person that i like and respect a lot. It's just seems that we never agree about football. Please don't take it personal, pipa.
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WOW gerd, hold on..i am aware of the fact he is a diver..i never said he isn´t... but imo the media tend to overblow things, especially in england and they made him the victim n.1 for things that other players that did same things or even worse in past didn´t had to suffer that much attention and attacks from media. Thats why i stand behind him untill real quotes of him came out ahead of the saga of him wanting to move to CL club...or Arsenal..

i said i hate him to behave as a idiot, but if he does it in the game, there is referee to punish him and not the fans of oposite team or media. Refs have this in control so they should be judged ahead of the players imo. If the refs punish such behaviour then the players would think twice to dive or bite etc...

Liverpool FC made it clear the player wont be sold so they have their reasons... we will see how it will turn out.

i don´t take nothing personal, i try to be objective but it seems you think im not... I would be the first to agree for Suarez to move, just not to the rival team in same league, just like SAF didn´t wanted to sell Heinze to us, just like i think Wenger didnt wanted RVP to join United..but he had no choice becouse of the short contract that almost was expired. In Suarez case Liverpool had a choice becouse of Suarez contract still has some years. and they did right thing imo.

btw, he scored two goals against Peru, he dived for the penalty..but i can find X players who did the same...doubt Henry is hated for his hand against Ireland as much as Surez is for his hand against Ghana...i just don´t understand why...Henry wasnt punished, Suarez was, he was send it his fault Ghana didnt score, i think not.

enjoy the goals: Luis Suarez Goals vs Peru (2-1) World Cup Qualification 07/09/2013:
While i don't like diving, it is not because of the diving that most people don't like Suarez, pipa. It is because of his general behaviour on the pitch, that is extremely irritating.
He partially comes away with because he is such a fantastic player. Imagine a less gifted player doing similar things....
i agree but if he was less gifted, media wouldn´t give a damn... they wouldn´t follow his every move on pitch.. there are X micro fights on field during any game.. i dont like Suarez behaviour, but what i don´t like more is overreaction if he does something that other players did in past or do today without media noticing or making it big to sell papers..
As we discussed before the difference is that some players have one case of outburst. Suarez has done it all.

I think Pipa's point is that every time Suarez does anything remotely wrong it's made to be a heinous crime. Like the handball in the cup last year, it wasn't deliberate and he almost looked embarrassed when it went in, but the press made out it was like Maradona's handball and even went as far as to say he kissed his hand after it to rub it in the fans faces, when in fact he always kisses his hand after a goal to honour his wife and daughter. If it had been Gerrard who scored that goal it would have been "Cheeky Gerrard sinks Mansfield" or in the Star it'd be "The Hand of Ged" or something shite like that.

Another point is that if it had been a Mansfield player scoring with their hand it'd be seen as a massive underdog story and the player responsible would definitely be described as "cheeky" or "crafty" rather than "digusting cheat".

I'm no Suarez advocate, i hate diving, cheating, crying bastards like him. But if he's scoring for Liverpool and Liverpool are winning then so be it. Most succesful teams have a player who gets away with murder and i think we might need his little edge to put us back up there.
Liverpool duo Brendan Rodgers and Daniel Sturridge have been announced as the Barclays Premier League Manager and Player of the Month for August

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