Liverpool Thread

Great result. Was really nervous watching the second half, United dominated possession and pressed hard, even when they had tired a bit at about 80 minutes they had some good chances. What a great birthday for Sturridge, and great day for the Liverpool fans!
Not my favourite player but is a very valuable asset in these type of matches and the type of player every manager falls in love with. He has at least 5 lungs.
Congratulations, I think you can keep that form going looking at those fixtures.

I thought you were alright, we lacked any creativity to be honest so for all the ball we had we barely did anything with it.
Fantastic result, we played brilliantly in the first half, and 2nd half we tired and had to sit back.

I think almost all the players contributed to the victory, can't think of anyone who had a bad day except Aspas who's still getting used to the EPL.

Confidence breeds more confidence, I think the players have really bought into the playing style of Rodgers which is now effective, since we rely on set-pieces, counter-attack, possession,'s much better than just passing the ball aimlessly.

Just hope this victory helps us keep going and we don't get over-confident....we look like a good team unit,...and when Suarez comes back I hope we add even more goal threat...because we should no longer be a 1-man team.

It's looking promising !!
i knew Rodgers and the team will try to make good singins and get rid of overpayed players who didn´t performed....but to think we could do it in such manner and effectivity and in time finally... it´s realy above all i expected.. Sakho, Ilori, and Moses with Cissokho will improve us a lot imo... looking forward to the solution with moves away for some players i expect...especially loan for Borini, he needs to play definetly.. + the solution with Skrtel..who was fantastic yesterday..but now we have to much defenders who are national players and should all play in first 11 with Agger, Sakho and Skrtel, Toure... Ilori and Coates, who i expect to leave as well now.. FANTASTIC summer so far in transfers..

I don´t think we will sell Suarez, so it will be interesting to see if we contiue winning if he is back... or he will break current team spirit.. i personally would sell now for 55 mil. to Real Madrid.

EDIT: apparently Borini loan to Sunderland will be official soon...
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Dani Pacheco joins Alcoron

good luck to him. never said a bad word about the club..

I'm proud to announce that I'm joining @AD_Alcorcon permanent. I wanna say massive thanks to LFC for all they gave me in 6 years. I will always be a red. It's been my house and I will never forget it. Thanks to all you fans for the support and hope we celebrate The premier league this season. YNWA. THANKS FOR ALL.
You cant sell Suarez Pipa. Rodgers needs to find the balance with him in the team, but he is way way better than Iago Aspas. Wether he should play central or in the wing or we are going to play 5-3-2 (please god no) it is something Rodgers has to evaluate. But once a balance is found we should be a lot better with Suarez in the team than out of it.
Dont get carried away. We didnt deserve to win against Aston Villa and yesterday we found ourselves with an early goal and then defended very well.
this are the type of wins a team needs, just remember how many times even the champions have been playing bad and won with luck... luck belongs to this and we had luck on our side so far... nobody will ask how good we play if we manage to win 3 points. And i realy hope we will perform with consistency this season....

yeah imo, Suarez shouldn´t take Sturridges CF spot....

best starting lineup would be:

Suarez (LW) - Sturridge (CF) - Aspas/Moses (RW)

---------------- Coutinho (AM) ----------------
I think with moses coming in it will mean coutinho can play in the centre meaning better service for sturridge, really happy with the transfers in and out and i think the 20 games less liverpool will play over the season will have them well placed for a top 4 finish
imo Moses will cover Downing and be a competition for Ibe mostly.. start over him..mostly on right wing.

Aspas will be cover for Sturridge imo and Suarez usually playes from wing or as second striker...depends on position...once he is back i can´t see him benching Sturridge, so either he switches wing position with Moses or he will play behind Sturridge... Coutinho if fit should play his AM we have at lest ballance...with Sterling and Ibe coming as subs if Suarez, Sturridge and Moses/Aspas are playing.
this are the type of wins a team needs, just remember how many times even the champions have been playing bad and won with luck... luck belongs to this and we had luck on our side so far... nobody will ask how good we play if we manage to win 3 points. And i realy hope we will perform with consistency this season....

yeah imo, Suarez shouldn´t take Sturridges CF spot....

best starting lineup would be:

Suarez (LW) - Sturridge (CF) - Aspas/Moses (RW)

---------------- Coutinho (AM) ----------------
You talk about performing with consistency, well for that you need to play well and to play well you need players like Suarez so it would be nonsense to even consider selling him at this stage.
I agree that you need a bit of luck to achieve targets. Let's not get carried away. The only realistic chance we have to break into the top four is if we keep Suarez and Rodgers can find a balance.
i know, but knowing he wants out... 55 from madrid would assure us being linked with someone in January anyway...+ we wouldn´t sell to our direct rival for league positions. I don´t want to sell, but why keep an unhappy player?.. i be glad if he stayes and performs well though.
I think with moses coming in it will mean coutinho can play in the centre meaning better service for sturridge, really happy with the transfers in and out and i think the 20 games less liverpool will play over the season will have them well placed for a top 4 finish

This should be our best XI:


It's got goals, great defense......I'm optimistic about our chances this season if we avoid major injuries.
Moses was playing for Wigan not long ago and couldn't get in Chelsea team. How come he's a starter for some straight away?
How come Sakho (and Toure for that matter) come straight in over Agger?
agree on Agger, but imo Moses is better than our current wingers.. he should start..

+ Sakho and Agger might start next games... not sure what we will do with so many quality defenders..i heard Sakho can play as LB as well..
nice post from other forum on how we might line up with so much defenders in the squad now..

I think we'll be using 3 at the back.

Skrtel - Sakho - Agger
Johnson - Lucas - Gerrard - Enrique
Suarez --- Sturridge​

That's the most balanced team if we go with a 3-4-1-2/3-5-2. Obviously we can have Cissokho as the LWB if he turns out better in attack than Enrique. It doesn't really matter who the third CB is between Skrtel, Kolo or Ilori.


Toure - Sakho - Agger
Johnson - Lucas - Gerrard - Hendo
Suarez --- Sturridge​

This one is my personal favorite as you have Hendo starting. What this allows us to do is interchange between 5 at the back and 4 at the back more smoothly. If need be Agger/Sakho can move to the left and Johnson can drop back as a RB then you've got our natural formation we're using right now 4-2-3-1. Hendo in this line up will not necessarily be a left wingback but more of a LM/LCM (left midfielder). I like Johnson in this formation because he offers more than Enrique attacking wise but if need be we could easily just do this by dropping Gleninho and having Hendo as RM/RCM and playing Enrique as the left wing back, kind of like so

Ilori - Sakho - Agger
Hendo - Lucas - Gerrard - Enrique
Suarez --- Sturridge​

What this formation also does, it maximizes Coutinho's ability to get involved more often. We know our attack is fluid and love to interchange positions during the course of the match. Well Coutinho now has the freedom to roam 360 degrees all around the attack. Playing him on the left minimizes his ability to get involved. Sure he has a little more room on the wing to operate since it's a clusterf*ck in the middle of the pitch with so many bodies. However, on the wing Coutinho is limited to only 180 degrees of passing lanes, and all of the play is to his right which means defenders can read his moves much easier. To make my point on this clear, you just have to wait for Suarez to come back then defenses cannot gamble on marking Cou with 2/3 guys because Suarez will be a menace if left unmarked.

Another thing this formation does is it never leaves Sturridge stranded by himself up top if we decide to hold on to 1 goal leads and park the bus. You now have Suarez also causing havoc up top with him and harassing defenders with his presence alongside Studge. In the 3 games so far once we decided to hold on to our lead Studge was basically rendered useless in attack as he's all by himself and any competent back 4 can deal with one guy.

And finally our biggest problem with our fullbacks could potentially be solved. Both Enrique and Johnson love to maraud forward leaving tons of space behind. Well now you have 3 CBs and Lucas covering for them when they do it, and it gives them much more freedom to express themselves without fearing the oppositions counter attacks.

For the Swansea match after the break I'd love to see

Skrtel - Sakho - Agger
Hendo - Lucas - Gerrard - Enrique
Moses --- Sturridge​

Skrtel needs to be rewarded for his great performance against Yanited. And this is assuming we don't want to Rush Kolo and Glen back from their injuries. As for having Moses ahead of Aspas is just he's much more physical and pacier than Iago which could help stretch the defense.
I think Liverpool are going to play a more defensive style. I think clean sheets are going to be your main focus. During the Liv vs Mut match , Liverpool look like the away team at times . It's going to to be a good match up for Capital One Cup.
I think Liverpool are going to play a more defensive style. I think clean sheets are going to be your main focus. During the Liv vs Mut match , Liverpool look like the away team at times . It's going to to be a good match up for Capital One Cup.

Well, Liverpool usually play 4-3-3 as we all know if one anchor man, one deep playmaker and the pivot.

Vs United they switched to a 4231 with the wingers playing wide to counter act United playing keep ball in the centre and then looking for the long ball into the CF's feet or out wide for a cross (as is becoming common under Moyes) and it worked well, we barely threatened their goal, maybe with Rooney there it might have been a different story. Imo it was a tactical master stroke by Rodgers.

I expect livepoo to continue playing their attacking 433 formation against most opponents, but for Rodgers to change the system to combat certain teams styles. What really works for him is the fact his 4-3-3 is so easily adapted to different systems of play.
Moses was playing for Wigan not long ago and couldn't get in Chelsea team. How come he's a starter for some straight away?
How come Sakho (and Toure for that matter) come straight in over Agger?

yeah Sturridge too couldn't get in Chelsea team not even from bench but look where he's now ;)

I'm sure Moses will be on 1st 11 , he's good player and by far better than Aspas , glad about Sakho coming now we have more quality team and also quality bench , looking forward to see this team on action!

btw I agree on Agger I think he will be a starter with Sakho/Toure , I think we'll sell Skrtle in January if Napoli com for him again!
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