Liverpool Thread

As a footballer, Suarez is arguably the best striker in the world.

As a character it's ...different. But probably it's partly what makes him so good.
So looks like Suarez is staying for this season then. He played it well. All this bullshit he made is going to get him a pay rise and a proper release clause so that he can leave next year.
and at the same time. Liverpool stood their ground and shown that they won't let him go for less than he is worth.

thats business for you, would make a change for LFC not to be shafted in the market
but next year he will be 1 year older and not as valuable, should have accepted arsenal £40m bid cos you wont get more than that.
Has anyone confirmed those quotes are true? I never know who to trust on the interwebz, have seen some saying he never said he was 'staying for the fans' and others reporting it.

Anywho. The most important thing if he does stay...

Get the t-shirts back out.
it is a shame.

I don't know what the truth is but if he doesn't want to wear the shirt then as a fan I would happily watch him sulk on the bench.

as a business I would like to get as much money for him as possible as we still do not have a good enough replacement with him and it is hard enough getting to 4th spot as it is.

I remember Owen, torres being just as good as Suarez and they got allot of stick for leaving Liverpool or at least Owen playing for utd.

I would say those were unjust compared to Suarez, if this has any truth

LFC put all the support into Suarez when they shouldn't of with the racism fiasco then he goes and bites players. is really dirty on the pitch but is a really good footballer.

as good as a footballer Suarez has been for Liverpool he has done more harm than good and he it "seems" is still sticking the boot in.

Torres, Owen never did that. I still watch Torres now at Chelsea and hope he does well.
Suarez has apologised to brendan and the first team according to sky sports news. There is an example of a strong club bitch slapping a want away player, long may it continue!
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One thing I will give Liverpool fans - they'll support Suarez when he plays tomorrow.

United fans will boo Rooney from now til he leaves, regardless of him never actually saying personally he wants to leave.
I don't see any reason whatsoever why Wayne Rooney should be booed. He is a professional who wants to work for another company. Something that happens for all of us. I've never beeb booed when i went to my former employers, let alone by my current one...
Some people might think there is a big difference for football players. They are so wrong.
As long as the player is committed to doing well on the field, the fans should atleast not boo the player.
Regardless of his long term feature.

In a way I'm glad to see Suarez back in training, as it puts to bed all this media madness and gives LFC the chance to focus on the start of a brand new season.

Hoping that we have a far better start to this season than last year.....especially hoping we can stuff the mancs at Anfield when they visit us in a few weeks' time :-)
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