Liverpool Thread

i see some chainges being made.. we should buy a new CB asap, especially if we loan or sell Skrtel...

Wisdom made mistake, but he is still very young and played as CB first time today in the first team.

i think Aspas was realy alone upfront..

Coutinho should always be playing as attacking midfielder, not a winger..

we need a top class winger on left to play in first team, Coutinho should be playing in midfield, becouse his passing is needed there.

Downing wasn´t that bad today, but imo he is off soon.. for an 80 000 a week player, he should be playng better.

Big dissapointment today were our fullbacks Enrique and Johnson.. realy bad match from both..

Kolo Toure is a great player to have in defence for free...

we realy need a TOP CB, who can handle strong CF like Balde today.. + winger on either right or left side to replace Downing...

positives from today, again Jordon Ibe, also Joe Allen and of course Coutinho, amazing little player.
I think Liverpool played pretty well today, deserved to win by two goals at least, we created 6 chances very very clear.
As said we need a CB, LB and a winger.
Heard they're already showing off liverpool's new home kit for 2014/15..


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Liverpool plotting move for Derby wonderkid Will Hughes - to groom him as next Steven Gerrard
By Alan Nixon
11 Aug 2013 12:00

Rodgers is hot on the trail of the young Ram who has been attracting big interest, headed by Manchester City and Arsenal

Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers wants Derby County midfield marvel Will Hughes - to groom him as the next Steven Gerrard, writes Alan Nixon in the Sunday People.

Rodgers is hot on the trail of the young Ram who has been starring in the Championship and attracting big interest, headed by Manchester City and Arsenal.

Derby want at least £7 million for home-grown Hughes but could be open to a sale and loan back deal with one of the big clubs.

Rodgers's spies have been homing in on Hughes and could strike a deal with Nigel Clough's side shortly, but they are also happy to leave him at Pride Park to play.

Liverpool have found it hard to land top big-name targets this summer - but Rodgers has collected bargain players he can work with.

But landing Hughes - one of the most wanted young English players around - would be a huge statement.

Twitter questions:

Q: Who's your footballing hero and who'd you like to resemble?

@0.40 Hughes: Gerrard.

Q: If you could have been involved in any game in the last 20 years, which?

@0.50 Hughes: Liverpool - AC Milan

Q: Who's your dream central midfield partner from the present and the past?

@1.55 Hughes: Past, Zidane. Present Gerrard or Xavi.

Q: What former England player that you'd wish could be in the present squad?

@2.50 Hughes: Robbie Fowler
Agger is just named our vice captain, doubt he will want to move.. he is the last player i have hopes that is loayal to the club and fans...
I know its not Liverpool ,but Arsenal had 2 captains leave their ship . Anyhow, is it true Suarez refuse to apologies ? and he thinks his openness was done respectful :CONFUSE:
Now, they`re talk Spurs entered the race for Suarez. I thought it was over :P its obvious Suarez`s agents are still pressing regardless of Liverpool`s stance :BLEH: :SHAKE: :CLOSED:. To me its over : I think Wenger is using the media to still cover the saga. While he`s shopping w/o media price hiking.
I know its not Liverpool ,but Arsenal had 2 captains leave their ship . Anyhow, is it true Suarez refuse to apologies ? and he thinks his openness was done respectful :CONFUSE:
Now, they`re talk Spurs entered the race for Suarez. I thought it was over :P its obvious Suarez`s agents are still pressing regardless of Liverpool`s stance :BLEH: :SHAKE: :CLOSED:. To me its over : I think Wenger is using the media to still cover the saga. While he`s shopping w/o media price hiking.

You might be right. Can't wait for the window to close...I'm so ridiculously tired of all the drama and tabloid press. ESPN seems to be making up more shit than the likes of the Daily Mail these days. This feels like some type of scripted Kardashian type look at me strategy by several players and clubs...and I fucking hate the Kardashians.
You might be right. Can't wait for the window to close...I'm so ridiculously tired of all the drama and tabloid press. ESPN seems to be making up more shit than the likes of the Daily Mail these days. This feels like some type of scripted Kardashian type look at me strategy by several players and clubs...and I fucking hate the Kardashians.

Stop watching the show then and stop reading football tabloids :LOL: *jk!
Stop watching the show then and stop reading football tabloids :LOL: *jk!

That would require two things to happen;

1. My occasional boredom when I'm on my computer, tablet or phone would have to entirely disappear from my life
2. My wife would have to stop watching the show when I'm around

Since neither is likely to happen, unless I die or get a divorce, I am pretty much screwed.
Barca had a bid for Agger rejected.....but his agent is angling for a move.

We're close to getting Sequeira
This is really interesting. I guess Rodgers realised the Jose Enrique is simply not good enough if Liverpool want to improve. He was first looking fullbacks just to compete with him, now he wants to improve him. If you want to play attacking football you need fullbacks that know what they are doing, Jose Enrique has no end product, his crossing ability is very mediocre, and we need better than that.
Agger is just named our vice captain, doubt he will want to move.. he is the last player i have hopes that is loayal to the club and fans...

I'm not sure I understand why there is such a big thing about loyalty towards fans and the club....
Football players want to earn money and have a career.
That's the definition of being a's their profession....not necessarily their passion for a certain team.

They very rarely join a club because they support that's all about personal career and ambition.
It's the fans who over-react and hero-worship these players,....and when they want to leave to further advance
in their career for financial or ambition reasons,....then all of a sudden the club and the fans accuse them of lacking loyalty...

There are only a handful of players like Gerrard, Carra, Gary Neville, Ryan Giggs, Scholes, Xavi, Iniesta
who will stay at their club forever...because they are passionate about those clubs and again...I'm sure that some of them were not fans of their clubs when they were kids......Carra was an Everton fan for example.

If Agger wants to move to Barca, what's wrong with it....he has been with the club since 2006-07 ...that's 7 years !!
Reina was with us for 8 years !!

These clubs are not loyal to players who cost money in wages, when they want to dump a player, they will sell him or loan him out......Suarez was supported because he's a great talent.......the fans and the management want him because of his talent.....they ignored all his flaws....only because of his's not loyalty or some personal relationship....Imagine if Downing was banned for 10 games....they would have marched him out of the club !!

So now when Suarez wants to leave....why all the fuss about loyalty ??
Even in this summer the message from Liverpool FC was that if a big offer came they would sell where's the loyalty there from LFC ?
It's all a business....everyone is looking at their own gain..whether it's LFC or Suarez or Reina or anyone else.
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I'm not sure I understand why there is such a big thing about loyalty towards fans and the club....
Football players want to earn money and have a career.
That's the definition of being a's their profession....not necessarily their passion for a certain team.

They very rarely join a club because they support that's all about personal career and ambition.
It's the fans who over-react and hero-worship these players,....and when they want to leave to further advance
in their career for financial or ambition reasons,....then all of a sudden the club and the fans accuse them of lacking loyalty...

There are only a handful of players like Gerrard, Carra, Gary Neville, Ryan Giggs, Scholes, Xavi, Iniesta
who will stay at their club forever...because they are passionate about those clubs and again...I'm sure that some of them were not fans of their clubs when they were kids......Carra was an Everton fan for example.

If Agger wants to move to Barca, what's wrong with it....he has been with the club since 2006-07 ...that's 7 years !!
Reina was with us for 8 years !!

These clubs are not loyal to players who cost money in wages, when they want to dump a player, they will sell him or loan him out......Suarez was supported because he's a great talent.......the fans and the management want him because of his talent.....they ignored all his flaws....only because of his's not loyalty or some personal relationship....Imagine if Downing was banned for 10 games....they would have marched him out of the club !!

So now when Suarez wants to leave....why all the fuss about loyalty ??
Even in this summer the message from Liverpool FC was that if a big offer came they would sell where's the loyalty there from LFC ?
It's all a business....everyone is looking at their own gain..whether it's LFC or Suarez or Reina or anyone else.

Very good post. I agree with all of it except the Suarez part. If he'd have just kept his head down, said nothing and a bid had come in from Real, Arsenal or wherever, maybe the fuss and upset with him and Liverpool wouldn't have happened. I am sure his agent could have got a move or bids started for Suarez without Suarez making a tit of himself over the last 4 months.

Suarez unfortunately is a tit and couldn't help himself but burn his bridges and come across as a nasty, selfish cretin. I know footballers treat their career as just that, a job and employees but there are ways of doing things professionally by the player that Suarez simply doesn't have any class about him to realise this.

People feel let down by Suarez because he hasn't been with Liverpool for all that long and has recently signed a contract stating he was happy to stay and play for Liverpool for many years then changes his mind and wants out for Real (who don't want him as priority, they want Bale) so now this leaves him with only Arsenal or doing the seemingly impossible thing for him, apologize and play another season or at least until January with Liverpool. I don't think Liverpool should have come out publicly and asked Suarez to say sorry but maybe they feel the fans needed to hear this?
I tend to agree with both last posts. But if Rodgers did make a promise (no CL-football, transfer is ok), then i understand Suarez.

Trying to keep players at all costs is silly. Liverpool could sell Agger for more money than tehy bought him, he served the club exceptionally well. Let him go and buy a younger replacement.
I'm not sure I understand why there is such a big thing about loyalty towards fans and the club....
Football players want to earn money and have a career.
That's the definition of being a's their profession....not necessarily their passion for a certain team.

They very rarely join a club because they support that's all about personal career and ambition.
It's the fans who over-react and hero-worship these players,....and when they want to leave to further advance
in their career for financial or ambition reasons,....then all of a sudden the club and the fans accuse them of lacking loyalty...

There are only a handful of players like Gerrard, Carra, Gary Neville, Ryan Giggs, Scholes, Xavi, Iniesta
who will stay at their club forever...because they are passionate about those clubs and again...I'm sure that some of them were not fans of their clubs when they were kids......Carra was an Everton fan for example.

If Agger wants to move to Barca, what's wrong with it....he has been with the club since 2006-07 ...that's 7 years !!
Reina was with us for 8 years !!

These clubs are not loyal to players who cost money in wages, when they want to dump a player, they will sell him or loan him out......Suarez was supported because he's a great talent.......the fans and the management want him because of his talent.....they ignored all his flaws....only because of his's not loyalty or some personal relationship....Imagine if Downing was banned for 10 games....they would have marched him out of the club !!

So now when Suarez wants to leave....why all the fuss about loyalty ??
Even in this summer the message from Liverpool FC was that if a big offer came they would sell where's the loyalty there from LFC ?
It's all a business....everyone is looking at their own gain..whether it's LFC or Suarez or Reina or anyone else.

Layality is about being well paid and satisfied from both personal and financial reasons in one club and of course wanted by a club. I can see Agger being all that. He said himself he will stay at LFC untill they want him to stay. If LFC want the money from Barca, and it has to be a lot, and if they would want him to go, he will, just so the club benefits.

Football is about not just players, but also fans and passion.. Fans are humans who have feelings towards club legends, or players who symbolise the club.. They are rolemodels for kids, reason people buy tickets for the match.. players like Agger, Gerrard etc are link from fans to the club... guys who undersand the club and supporters. Football without supporters is nothing remember.

In Suarez case you mention, it is not what he wants, it is the way he want things to be done. He has 3 years left in his contract...or as Liverbird said even 5 years..

I would have no problems if the club sell him for his price to Barca, Real, Milan clubs etc., but not to our PL rival.

Of course LFC would sell,even to Arsenal, but they had to make the big offer 50 mil. + sooner, not now with no time to get replacements, remember LFC doesn´t need another Carroll type of transfer, late and overpayed panic buy.
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The problem I have is these players are happy to sign new (extended) contracts to bump their pay packets up. A year later they want to leave. That's where the pisstake is for me. Don't sign a new contract in the first place. Total greed.

I have no issue with people wanting to further their careers as we'd all do the same in our own profession but don't sign a new contract. He obviously had these feelings when he signed a new one (from what has been said since) so why sign a new one? For the money and it stinks tbh. Football is becoming a joke. The players salaries are absolutely ridiculous nowadays.
The problem I have is these players are happy to sign new (extended) contracts to bump their pay packets up. A year later they want to leave. That's where the pisstake is for me. Don't sign a new contract in the first place. Total greed.

I have no issue with people wanting to further their careers as we'd all do the same in our own profession but don't sign a new contract. He obviously had these feelings when he signed a new one (from what has been said since) so why sign a new one? For the money and it stinks tbh. Football is becoming a joke. The players salaries are absolutely ridiculous nowadays.

That is a very one-dimensional view. Players sign a new contract for safety. Once they have that, they want higher up. Perhaps not very fair, but a normal thing to do.
It's also often funny how fans think about this. They require loyzlty from Suarez and Agger, but Downing and Henderson can't be out fast enough, contract or no contract. And don't start about high wages. In the end the club agreed with those high wages.
That is a very one-dimensional view. Players sign a new contract for safety. Once they have that, they want higher up. Perhaps not very fair, but a normal thing to do.
It's also often funny how fans think about this. They require loyzlty from Suarez and Agger, but Downing and Henderson can't be out fast enough, contract or no contract. And don't start about high wages. In the end the club agreed with those high wages.
And who said loyalty doesnt go both ways ? Liverpool have all the right to want to get rid of Downing and Henderson and they have all the right to block any move they dont want to make and to be paid every penny they agreed.
That is a very one-dimensional view. Players sign a new contract for safety. Once they have that, they want higher up. Perhaps not very fair, but a normal thing to do.
It's also often funny how fans think about this. They require loyzlty from Suarez and Agger, but Downing and Henderson can't be out fast enough, contract or no contract. And don't start about high wages. In the end the club agreed with those high wages.

Safety my ass. You are telling me they couldn't live on their shitty 100k a week salary and need the "safety" of 150k instead?! Not buying that at all.

Yes the club agrees to pay it so if they want to keep the player who is on a 3/4 year contract (signed 6 months ago to get extra money) then they are well within their right to do so. It's up to them if they want to try and sell players too but also if the player wants to see out his contract then he has the right to do that aswell.

One dimensional? I'm not stupid and know how it works but you cannot deny that the players are full of greed.

Not many footballers are loyal. Well aware of that but contracts nowadays are just a joke.
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