Liverpool Thread

Safety my ass. You are telling me they couldn't live on their shitty 100k a week salary and need the "safety" of 150k instead?! Not buying that at all.

Yes the club agrees to pay it so if they want to keep the player who is on a 3/4 year contract (signed 6 months ago to get extra money) then they are well within their right to do so. It's up to them if they want to try and sell players too but also if the player wants to see out his contract then he has the right to do that aswell.

One dimensional? I'm not stupid and know how it works but you cannot deny that the players are full of greed.

Not many footballers are loyal. Well aware of that but contracts nowadays are just a joke.
You are completely right. I just wish that this was like in Us sports. Players know what a contract mean there.
All sports athletes want safety in their income with the longest amount of year possible, that's normal. Remember, they are althletes, and in Football they only have until 30-35 years till they can't work their normal job anymore. AND if they get an injury, especially long term ones, they'll lose their jobs and their income. So "safety" is definitely an issue.
It is extremely unrealistic to expect loyalty from football players. And like i said, fans are not consequent they expect loyalty from good players while bad players can't get out fast enough. Most football fans are clueless...
I don't mind players wanting to move on or signing bumper contracts the year before, it's how they go about it that can be frustrating. As Suarez has shown. A more important aspect imo is whether Suarez will actually be a professional and play to his usual standard when he doesn't get the transfer. If not they should be able to fine him imo, as they can't fire him!
I think it's obvious that something was discussed between Suarez and the club regarding a potential exit this summer...which is why there is this 40m minimum in the contract for LFC to enter in "good faith" with a bidder.
Suarez may have played out of his skin last year knowing that he could get a break into a top club like Real/Bayern/etc.....
Rodgers and the Club may have thought that 40m was a good figure last year....

But Liverpool have now realized that Suarez is worth close to 55m when they see Cavani and Falcao going for those amounts....and hence they don't want to sell at 40m that too to Arsenal who will easily get into the top-4 with Suarez...

There's no loyalty from either side, it's all about money....both Suarez and the Club want what is best for themselves,...namely money.

Again I'm not defending Suarez....I'll be happy to see him leave the club....maybe we should do a swap+cash deal with some club...
that's the only way we can get rid of him this summer.
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Memories ? You hit a pub on a night with him or something ?

He worked hard for the team, just didn't have the goods at the end. Appreciated his efforts. I remembered him playing for Boro back when he was much younger and such a promising player, wanted him to come to LFC.
Downing was a decent squad player, an over-priced one at that.......but so little end-product....the price and the pressure got to him.
I think it's not entirely his fault.....he provided a lot of assists where players like Carroll/Suarez would miss easy chances.

I am concerned that we have been very quick in getting rid of players and there has'nt been enough signings.

I'd think this would be our starting lineup for the Stoke game






Jones, Kelly, Wisdom, Hendo, Alberto, Assaidi, Borini, Ibe, Sterling

Still looks a bit lightweight....
Agree. Definetly not his fault. All the blame relies on Kenny Dalglish and Commolli and the owners of course for giving that kind of funds and power to people that have no clue what football is about.
About the length of the squad remember that we dont have that much matches this season. I think that apart from a LB we need one more winger and that would be all really because Sterling and Ibe are going to be very valuable squad players this season. Not no mention Luis Alberto, that kid is amazing, havent been so excited about a Liverpool player since Aquilani ... oh that didnt end well, but Im confident this wont be the case.
Also, Assaidi left to QPR.
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Agree. Definetly not his fault. All the blame relies on Kenny Dalglish and Commolli and the owners of course for giving that kind of funds and power to people that have no clue what football is about.
About the length of the squad remember that we dont have that much matches this season. I think that apart from a LB we need one more winger and that would be all really because Sterling and Ibe are going to be very valuable squad players this season. Not no mention Luis Alberto, that kid is amazing, havent been so excited about a Liverpool player since Aquilani ... oh that didnt end well, but Im confident this wont be the case.
Also, Assaidi left to QPR.

I think we also need a backup central holding midfielder given that Lucas is injury prone.
Loyalty is an absurd thing in football, it's there jobs to play football and when they get a bumper pay rise from else where, people questions someones loyalty? end of the day, would you stay and work somewhere in which you were liked or move on and earn more money in a job? I understand the grief about liverpool standing by him(suarez) through they times (imo, they were wrong to do so in first place) but he never really asked them to stand by him, so really i don't see why he can't test himself further in his career, he's practically in his prime and realistically, footballers career's are very short, and liverpool can't guarantee Europe anymore never mind champions league, liverpool will be better off without him and can build better team with the money, just my personal view.
Loyalty is an absurd thing in football, it's there jobs to play football and when they get a bumper pay rise from else where, people questions someones loyalty? end of the day, would you stay and work somewhere in which you were liked or move on and earn more money in a job? I understand the grief about liverpool standing by him(suarez) through they times (imo, they were wrong to do so in first place) but he never really asked them to stand by him, so really i don't see why he can't test himself further in his career, he's practically in his prime and realistically, footballers career's are very short, and liverpool can't guarantee Europe anymore never mind champions league, liverpool will be better off without him and can build better team with the money, just my personal view.

This. Excellent post.
I think their is still loyalty but you can't be naive about it, don't look for loyalty in that star signing because it isn't their, maybe they'll grow into that but its a rare thing, Cantona and Bergkamp only really come to mind in that category.

even the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and Henry who IMO truly are big fans and posses fond memories of their time in United/Arsenal couldn't turn down the lure of moving onto Barcelona/Real Madrid.

I'd be a bit shocked and gutted if Danny Welbeck becomes a superstar and decides its his dream to play for Barcelona but when it comes to say Rafael in 4-5 years deciding he wants to play for Real Madrid I won't begrudge that and it wouldn't and shouldn't shock you.
Players have a short time span to make a lot of money, what the fuck is an uneducated athlete going to do for a Job when football is over???? It's not greed it is called having a brain...
good article this

NBCsports said:
Rodgers isn’t the first person to evoke this rhetoric, but it isn’t any more apt now than when Alex Ferguson applied it to Wayne Rooney (or when numerous other managers have tried to shame their want-away stars). Ultimately, these are just negotiating ploys – emotional appeals to loyalists who see their club as having particular values, morals, and standards (a “[club name] Way”), as if other clubs of the same size don’t see themselves the exact same way.
Players have a short time span to make a lot of money, what the fuck is an uneducated athlete going to do for a Job when football is over???? It's not greed it is called having a brain...

Nobody blames them for taking the money. Most would do the same but there's a lot of players who earn more in a year than what some people earn in a lifetime so forgive me if I don't feel sorry for the plight of some being forced to train on their own because they won't stick to the more than generous contract they have signed 6 months earlier so yes, it is greed in some cases. I feel more sorry for the average joe.

Just because somebody thinks some football players are spoilt and well overpaid, doesn't mean they are clueless (opposed to the people who think they are know-it-alls) about the game either.

And these uneducated athletes can go and learn new skills just like a load of other people who find themselves out of a job have to do. What a silly comment.
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Nobody blames them for taking the money. Most would do the same but there's a lot of players who earn more in a year than what some people earn in a lifetime so forgive me if I don't feel sorry for the plight of some being forced to train on their own because they won't stick to the more than generous contract they have signed 6 months earlier so yes, it is greed in some cases. I feel more sorry for the average joe.

Just because somebody thinks some football players are spoilt and well overpaid, doesn't mean they are clueless (opposed to the people who think they are know-it-alls) about the game either.

And these uneducated athletes can go and learn new skills just like a load of other people who find themselves out of a job have to do. What a silly comment.

Not a silly comment it is reality mate. Why should they learn new skills if the market is going to pay them money that is going to last a lifetime.. And to your point if avg joe isn't making enough money then why can't he learn skills to mAke more,if it is so easy?
Not a silly comment it is reality mate. Why should they learn new skills if the market is going to pay them money that is going to last a lifetime.. And to your point if avg joe isn't making enough money then why can't he learn skills to mAke more,if it is so easy?

Never said it was easy but seems as though people feel a bit sorry for some players. I certainly don't. They are blessed (some just plain lucky as people get on the bandwagon) and paid handsomely (so called top players are) and milk clubs. I don't blame them. If somebody is crazy enough to chuck massive amounts of money then take it but its tough if you are tied into a contract. Don't sign the bloody thing if you aren't prepared to have to put up with the terms.
To be honest, I don't know why any top 25m+ rated player would choose Liverpool,
We don't have European football
and the existing players are not great attractions either.

Gerrard is at the end of his career.
Suarez wants to leave.
Coutinho is young.
Reina has left.
Aspas and Alberto are relatively unknowns...
Lucas and Agger are not world-class names.

Our only hope is to copy Borussia Dortmund and that players we sign for under 15m from the Continent
will turn out to be great buys that help us get top-4 before they move on to other top-4 clubs.
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Can Suarez be world class if the ONLY club wanting him is Arsenal? Or is he just another great player at the bottom of the barrel . I think only Liverpool has put him at the very top. He will realize this sooner or later. I love what he does by scoring goals for fun , and I think he`ll be better than RVP.
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Can Suarez be world class if the ONLY club wanting him is Arsenal? Or is he just another great player at the bottom of the barrel . I think only Liverpool has put him at the very top. He will realize this sooner or later. I love what he does by scoring goals for fun , and I think he`ll be better than RVP.

Of course I might be biased but he d have to seriously up the efficiency and contributions on all ends of the field to be get to the beyond RvP level. Suarez does more on the field than he is often given credit for, but very versatile he is not IMHO.
He is a world class player, there is no doubt about that. He is also an absolute winner. Unfortunately for him his problematical behaviour is an integral part of that winners' mentality.
Only Arsenal is interested because over 40 million is a gigantic amount of money for a player that risks having suspensions every season because of his behaviour. Buying Suarez now is a big risk and negative publicity.
Willian would represent the type of big-statement signing Rodgers is keen to secure before the close of the transfer window having spent around £24m on Kolo Touré, Simon Mignolet, Iago Aspas and Luis Alberto.

So with Carrol (15mil), Downing (6mil), Spearing (3mil?) leaving (and maybe someone else I've forgotten), Liverpool haven't actually spent any money yet.
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