Liverpool Thread

Tbh Gerd I think most Pool supporters don't mind the fact that he wants to leave for CL football, it's more the way he has gone about it. First it's the media and authorities, then England, and now it's CL football. If the interview is true Liverpool are as much to blame for this mess as he is. But now he has made it even harder for himself imo, as his value has dropped again and Liverpool will be even less inclined to want to sell him.

But what I find the most annoying is that he wanted to leave after a single season in which he caused so much trouble for the club. And now he is portraying it as some kind of loyalty.

Anyway, it's actually somewhat amusing that anything with Suarez....(even if in this case he might be the "correct" party) still turns into a huge drama.

It might be nice to see him play for Arsenal just to have the perspective of the opposition and see how much of a "c#nt" he is when he isn't playing for you. ;)
The fans will be so extreme in their's either Suarez is worshipped or he is hated...

I'm sure there may be some truth in the fact that Rodgers/FSG may have given him a verbal agreement in leaving this summer....but now want more money for him....He can't be making it up fully...

Also Suarez is no saint either....just few months ago he was saying that he would stay at Liverpool for long even if CL football did not come this year.

The guy should be sold ASAP......
Liverpool need to move on and get some replacements soon.
The guy should be sold ASAP......
Liverpool need to move on and get some replacements soon.

I agree with this.
It's the same for Spurs and Bale. Madrid has made an ourageous bid (far too much), no SPurs should let Bale go and also get some replacements.

Most clubs are managed very irrationally.

Tik, of course Suarez made it worse with his interview about the English press. That was all very stupid, first saying that he is fed up with England and the England press and now wanting to join another English club.

But sometimes we expect too much from these guys. I'm not talking about the Evra and Ivanovic things (there is no excuse for both these incidents), but about the things he said in the press.

We are talking about young people who have barely been to school and who have had one single target since a very young age: becoming a professional football player. These people live inside an isolated bubble where everything is taken care of for them and were generally they don't have to take important decisions off the pitch.

In Belgium clubs like Anderlecht, Brugge or Genk have social departments who guide those young people and who also help foreign players when they have to relocate. Anderlecht striker Mathias Suarez is a fine example: when he first arrived in Belgium from Argentina, he just couldn't adapt. Anderlecht's social department helped him and a couple of years later he was player of the season...

Yes Suarez is to blame, yes he probably is a cunt, but could we have expected something different from him (as a football player not as the person Suarez) ? I don't think so. Most clubs' involvement only concerns matches and training (and a litle bit communication).
there is no way the club should consider selling to our main rivals for CL spot..that i consider Tottenham and Arsenal.

i rather have him sold to Chelsea than Arsenal, or player + money .. Chelsea are aiming for the league title..but Suarez for Arsenal could mean more loss to us, even if we manage to get 40 m. +... in long term, if they get to CL groups or stay in CL after next season.. we could lose much more than gain with that transfer.

You are nowhere near competing for top 4.

Your main rival are the likes of everton fighting for 6th 7th place.
You are nowhere near competing for top 4.

Your main rival are the likes of everton fighting for 6th 7th place.

let the season begin with new players to make that statement and with Suarez replacement perhaps.

My view on this is he can as well stay in LFC, depends on how much we need him and how much we want to get rid of him. Both equals imo..

But those things are for sure: we won´t sell under 40 mil. that´s impossible. His true worth might be in that area, but so is Bale´s, becouse he isn´t a worst footballer than Bale. If Real buys Bale, it will deciede that Suarez also has biger price than 40 mil. with 3 years left in his contract. Gerd to be honest, a promise is a promis, but a 3 year deal is a 3 year contract, wich is HIS promiss he will honour it and stay. Or not demand a move to Arsenal of all the teams. I have no problem we would sell him to Real, Barca or Bayern for what he is worth or even more, he is certainly better forward than Torres, he doesn´t need Gerrard to score a goal.. and Torres went for 50 mil. If the club get rid of him for 40+1 it will be again a joke on us. This is impossible.

He will stay, play for his life before the world cup and be sold next summer to the highest bid outside England. We can´t afford to lose him to Arsenal, or any PL team... We can sell him abroad wich is not a secret.

read this BR interview:

Brendan Rodgers maintains Liverpool have no intention of selling Luis Suarez to Arsenal, despite the striker upping his bid to force a move.

After weeks of speculation over the 26-year-old's intentions, which began earlier in the summer when he publicly admitted he could not turn down an approach from Real Madrid, the Uruguay international has threatened to submit a transfer request by the end of the week.

He believes the club have reneged on an agreement to allow him to join a Champions League club after rejecting two bids from Arsenal, the second amounting to £40,000,001 in an attempt to activate a clause they believed - apparently mistakenly - would force the Reds to sell.

However, Rodgers appears to have no intention of letting Suarez join the Gunners, although he has admitted every player does have a market value.

"We have no intention of selling one of the top players in the world to one of our rivals," said Rodgers.

"The message is very clear: Luis Suarez is very much a Liverpool player."

Rodgers, speaking just hours before Suarez gave an interview complaining of broken promises by the Merseysiders, added: "We've obviously had a couple of bids from one club that has been nowhere near the valuation.

"I repeat - nowhere near the valuation of what he is worth in this market.
There's no change to that.

"It's the same with any of our players - we're very much a team that's trying to build and go forward. For that, we want to keep our best players.

"There's not even really a discussion point, unless someone comes within anywhere near the valuation of Luis.

"At this present time, that's not the case."

Suarez is adamant he should be allowed to leave.

Which big name stars could be on the move? Find out with the latest Rumor Mill edition.

"Last year I had the opportunity to move to a big European club and I stayed on the understanding that if we failed to qualify for the Champions League the following season I'd be allowed to go," he was quoted as saying in the Daily Telegraph and Guardian.

"I spoke with Brendan Rodgers several times and he told me, 'Stay another season, and you have my word if we don't make it then I will personally make sure that you can leave'.

"I gave absolutely everything last season but it was not enough to give us a top-four finish - now all I want is for Liverpool to honor our agreement.

"They gave me their word a year ago and now I want them to honor that.

"I have the club's word and we have the written contract and we are happy to take this to the Premier League for them to decide the case, but I do not want it to come to that.

"We have the backing of the PFA."

While Suarez believes there is a clause in his contract which allows him to leave, Liverpool have confidence in their position.

They have always maintained the £40million mark was the point at which they had to inform the player of an approach and was the basis for the beginning of negotiations should they wish to sell.

The club did not want to comment on Suarez's interview or the nuances of his contract but throughout the summer they have maintained they do not want to sell.

Suarez has no chance to just say allow me to go to a CL club as you promissed. What is he a little kid? As the bold quotes suggest pretty much he is for sale, but for the right price. There is only small chance Arsenal will bid what he is worth realy and how much LFC want for him, that is 50 mil. + or even more if Bale is "worth" 80 - 100 mil. for Real.
Are clauses for 'talking to clubs' once a certain fee is offered common? Surely a clause with such a high value is put so the club can get that amount If somebody wants to leave? To agree to a fee so high just so he can speak to a club? I don't know a lot about these clauses but it sounds a bi fishy? Like some special wording was used, ambiguously for a purpose?
Pipa, a player is worth what a club is willing to pay for him, not what the selling club asks for him.

If you ask me if Bale is worth 80-100 million, i will immediately answer that nobody is worth that much and that besides that even in the inflated market that football is, Bale certainly isn't worth that much.
Fact is that there is a club willing to pay that amount of money...

At the moment it's clear that Suarez is worth less than Bale. Is Bale a better player than Suarez ? I'm not so sure about that (i'm even inclined to say that Suarez is the better one), but once again: Real Madrid are prepared to pay that amount of money.

Besides all this, there is another factor that influneces Suarez worth: the fact that it is most likely that every season Suarez will miss between 5 and 10 matches because of his behaviour...
true, but at the same time, LFC can´t afford to get less what they expect, that is area of 50 mil. +


Gordon Taylor has confirmed that the PFA have been asked to mediate in the ongoing row between Luis Suarez and Liverpool FC.

The Reds striker made public his desire to leave Anfield last night, accusing the club of breaking a promise to sell him if they failed to qualify for the Champions League.

Suarez claims he has a clause written into his contract, signed exactly a year ago today, which enables him to leave Liverpool if they receive an offer of more than £40m.

The Reds rejected a bid from Arsenal of £40m and one pound last month, and believe that the clause in Suarez's contract merely compels them to inform the player of the offer, and then negotiate further if they so wish.

Suarez, though, has insisted he is willing to take his case to the Premier League for arbitration, as he looks to force through a transfer before the September 2 deadline, and has also contacted the PFA, the footballers' trade union, for assistance.

PFA chief executive Taylor said: “We have been asked to try and help to sort the situation out and we have been trying to do that.

“These buy-out clauses have caused no end of problems in the past and they continue to do so because of the way they were drafted at the time.

“He believes the £40m amount that is mentioned, if that is offered that gives him the right to go.

"Liverpool, from their side, are saying that is a minimum figure from which they will consider negotiation and of course they will want to keep the player, unless they replace the player with someone as good or better, which is not going to be easy in a short period of time.

"We have raised this issue with the Premier League, that buy-out clauses should have a great deal more clarity because I’ve never seen one yet that hasn’t caused trouble.

"It’s also down to discussions Luis had with the manager as well and of course you have the owners involved.

“There are different ways it can be interpreted. If it goes to the Premier League it will take time and the window is then closed. It is a delicate situation and we are trying to help.

"The lad has had a chequered past but he is also an extremely good footballer and this is about a situation on the interpretation of a contract.

"You want contracts to be straight forward and clear and on this issue it is not clear. It is open to different interpretation by lawyers so, at the end of the day, it is about if an agreement can be reached."
Pipa, a player is worth what a club is willing to pay for him, not what the selling club asks for him.

If you ask me if Bale is worth 80-100 million, i will immediately answer that nobody is worth that much and that besides that even in the inflated market that football is, Bale certainly isn't worth that much.
Fact is that there is a club willing to pay that amount of money...

At the moment it's clear that Suarez is worth less than Bale. Is Bale a better player than Suarez ? I'm not so sure about that (i'm even inclined to say that Suarez is the better one), but once again: Real Madrid are prepared to pay that amount of money.

Besides all this, there is another factor that influneces Suarez worth: the fact that it is most likely that every season Suarez will miss between 5 and 10 matches because of his behaviour...

Good post. Cavani only went for he money he did because the club after him could pay that. If no big clubs with lots of money were in for him and regular clubs were fighting over him, then he would have gone for half the price. Also with Higuain only went for so much because they got the money from the other sale so they could afford it and get their man.

Suarez is only worth 80million if a billionaire team want him and are willing to pay that much. If only one team is interested then he is only worth what the other team are willing to pay. We learned that with Van Perilie. Suerez is worth less now because of his actions and what he said just like Van Persie.

Also he is worth much less because of his antics.

So I really do think Liverpools valuation of Suarez is too high.

But that is just me :DD
i´m sure the club would right now sale him to any non PL club for those 40+1 you bid for him.

The club only recieved bid from Arsenal for him as i understand, that´s what makes the situation complicated, if Real or Bayern bid tomorow for him the same, he is gone. But we can´t afford to sell to Arsenal simply becouse we aim to get to CL this season or try to do it, and without his goals it will be difficult. Even with the bans he got, he still was one of best players in the league last season.. You wouldn´t sell RVP to United if he had still 3 years left, you sold becouse he had one i think or he was in the last year and you didn´t wanted him to go for free to your deal is different to Suarez situation. I believe the club has this in their hands and this should be dealt by their rules, not Suarez or his agent rules.

@LFCTS: Guardian - The first thing to understand about Suárez's interview is that he came to us. There was no pursuit this side. It was his idea.

dissapointed a lot in him, i can´t care anymore for´s realy sad what this sport became.
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Of course van persies situation was different but with everything that has happened etc he isn't worth what Liverpool want IMO.

As soon as he speaks out it brings his price down, of he hands in a transfer request price goes down. His past price is less, he misses first 6 games price is less. Plus he doesn't have another team after him etc.

It's true though if real come in and bid 40 I'm sue they will sell.

The problem is the player has all the power, once it gets like this it's best to cut your loses. Get the money improve your team quickly and move on. Your only option is to keep a non motivated player who's value will decrease because he is not performing or you don't play him and his price goes down and you don't get any money to improve.

It's shit but it has happened to us a lot and I too hate it.

To be honest I don't really want him, I think he will do the same to us. But there is a part of me that just wants to sign anybody at the moment :LOL: and if he can give us one good season and a trophy and the. Leave for a decent fee then so be it :-)

Football players are dicks most of the time :-(
Gerd, Bobby,

You are talking as if it's a buyers market and Liverpool want to get rid. (Which is the case with the housing market these days). But that isn't the case with Suarez, disregarding for the moment the question of whether he will put the effort in if he has to stay.

Liverpool value him as integral to CL qualification, which combined with a 4th position and other marketing aspects can be worth around 50mil by itself. And then you have the remaining value of the contract of the player (which is say 30mil). So his value isn't determined by how much a buyer is willing to pay, but also at what value Liverpool consider that getting rid of him can be offset by the smaller chance of CL qualification or the investment needed to strengthen the team to bring it back up to the level with Suarez in the team.
Gerd, Bobby,

You are talking as if it's a buyers market and Liverpool want to get rid. (Which is the case with the housing market these days). But that isn't the case with Suarez, disregarding for the moment the question of whether he will put the effort in if he has to stay.

Liverpool value him as integral to CL qualification, which combined with a 4th position and other marketing aspects can be worth around 50mil by itself. And then you have the remaining value of the contract of the player (which is say 30mil). So his value isn't determined by how much a buyer is willing to pay, but also at what value Liverpool consider that getting rid of him can be offset by the smaller chance of CL qualification or the investment needed to strengthen the team to bring it back up to the level with Suarez in the team.

That is all true in a perfect world, but having an unhappy player that has just done what he has makes his position at the club untenable. Just having him at the club will be bad. Players must not like him, fans don't like him the manager and owners mustn't like him etc

It's a big gamble to keep him on your part, the only thing I think that might be in your favour is the world cup coming up, he will want to play well. So you keeping him could work out ok and he could perform how he did last season. But with all that has happened it is a gamble IMO.
Basically i totally agree with Bobby's previous post.
Liverpool/Suarez/Arsenal reminds me much of Spurs/Berbatov/Man Utd a while ago.

In the end, Spurs lost Berbatov and it was too late to find a decent replacement....cfr. also Torres.
Liverpool are concerning so much about Suarez n Arsenal 4th spot fight. Newcastle is strengthing themselves under everyone's noses. Remy - Gomis- Cisse leading the attacking line. Oh gosh ...
The inevitable will certainly happen at this point, He'll be an Arsenal player no doubt about it.

He's gone too far out the door to step back in IMO and the reality is no one else is interested. Real are in a battle of their own with signing Bale.

The real question will be if Liverpool have learned from past mistakes or will they end up signing Grant Holt for 40M
Reds arrive in Oslo for tonights game with Valeranga... i can expect the fans will be crazy as in past here.. massive support in Norway..









Agree with gerd, Liverpool can talk about Suarez and Bale being the same price, but the fact is unless nobody is willing to buy at that price, then the price is just paper money.

Real are getting a relatively controversy-free player at the peak of his game who will bring in more shirt sales and commercial money...

Anyone getting Suarez will be getting controversy along with his fine talent.

So I can't see any club in their right mind paying 80m for Suarez.... at the moment only one club Arsenal are interested...

What will Liverpool do? I hope they sell him soon for 45-50m and get this thing over with.....because having Suarez stay at the club and have a legal case hanging over the club will be more damaging than losing Suarez....we can always get a few players that can replace him.
Look at Newcastle...if they can sign players....I'm sure we can do it.
As far as I know Bale's transfer cost was about 10m, a few seasons ago.

Referencing a hypothetical bid reported by Marca et al as a starting point to negotiations is weak at best.

40m would make Suarez the most expensive transfer in British football history that didn't involve a sugar daddy. Is Luis Suarez the most valuable player out there? I don't believe he is.

Liverpool can talk all they want about 'market value' - but as an economist I back up Gerd completely - a good (or player) is worth precisely what someone wants to pay for it.

If PSG, Monaco, Chelsea, City and so forth were bidding fine - make up a price - it's not real money anyway. But it's not them that are on the buy side.

40m for Luis Suarez is great business, and he'll go for possibly even less imo.
For the past years we have been the image of a club that can be completely fucked on transfers. That sell players on the cheap, that buys players for much more than there real value and that offer exhorbitant contracts. This culture heart us in every business we want to make and the owners have set as an objective to cut this perception other clubs have from us. Part of that is the new approach we have to transfers, buying for reasonable prices and offering contracts more based on performance.
Now Henry, Rodgers and Ayre have all stated that he wont go for that price to Arsenal. They cant sell him, and I think they are not going to sell him to Arsenal unless a bid of 50M or more.
I clearly dont see how Suarez has all the cards. In a situation like this you need a big pair of balls. Levy blocked Modric transfer a few years ago, Modric cried, criticised, went into strike, presented a transfer request but Levy was firm and he blocked his move. Modric went and had an incredible season, and Levy sold him the year after for the club and the price he thought it was right. This is exactly what needs to be done.
For the past years we have been the image of a club that can be completely fucked on transfers. That sell players on the cheap, that buys players for much more than there real value and that offer exhorbitant contracts. This culture heart us in every business we want to make and the owners have set as an objective to cut this perception other clubs have from us. Part of that is the new approach we have to transfers, buying for reasonable prices and offering contracts more based on performance.
Now Henry, Rodgers and Ayre have all stated that he wont go for that price to Arsenal. They cant sell him, and I think they are not going to sell him to Arsenal unless a bid of 50M or more.
I clearly dont see how Suarez has all the cards. In a situation like this you need a big pair of balls. Levy blocked Modric transfer a few years ago, Modric cried, criticised, went into strike, presented a transfer request but Levy was firm and he blocked his move. Modric went and had an incredible season, and Levy sold him the year after for the club and the price he thought it was right. This is exactly what needs to be done.

I guess it will depend on how things turn out
- will Suarez go the legal route?
- will the LFC fans start booing him ?
- how will Rodgers react?
- will it affect the Dressing Room ?

If things get more ugly, then it does not make sense for Liverpool to keep him.
The Guardian are running a piece on their backpage in tomorrow’s paper which claims that Luis Suarez will be told to train away from the Liverpool squad until his attitude improves. He needs to start showing respect to the club and team mates .

I guess , that`s that!
Luis Suarez showing a 'total lack of respect', says Rodgers

Brendan Rodgers has accused Luis Suarez of showing “a total lack of respect” to Liverpool Football Club as the disgraced striker was banished to training on his own.

The Anfield boss rubbished Suarez's claims that he promised him he could leave this summer if the Reds failed to qualify for the Champions League.

And Rodgers insists the Uruguayan has no grounds to take legal action over the disputed clause in his contract which Suarez believes should enable him to join Arsenal for £40million plus £1.

The ECHO understands that Liverpool's owners remain absolutely adamant that Suarez will not be sold to the Gunners, regardless of whether they increase their offer over the coming weeks.

Rodgers has vowed to take “strong and decisive action” against Suarez following his outspoken attack on the club.

“There were no promises made - categorically none - and no promises broken,” Rodgers said.

“The club and his representatives had several conversations and he knew exactly where he was at.

"I think Luis knows the support he's had at the football club and that's something that's been unswerving throughout the whole of last season.

“Obviously the remarks I've read are bitterly disappointing - but my job is bigger than that.

“My job is to fight and protect the club. The conversations I've had with him, he knows I've had and they will remain private.

“I will take strong, decisive action, absolutely. There has been total disrespect of the club - this is a lack of respect of a club that has given him everything. Absolutely everything.

“I really, really feel sorry for the supporters, people that have sung his name. We have travelled the world over the course of this pre-season. 85,00 fans were singing Luis' name in Jakarta. It was the same in Australia, in Thailand and at Steven Gerrard's testimonial.

“I don't believe there is a clause in his contract that says he can leave for any sort of price.”

The decision to make Suarez train on his own away from the first team squad isn't due to the interview he gave earlier this week.

Instead it's punishment for what Rodgers deems to be the poor attitude he has shown during friendly matches and training sessions recently.
I love , what it says ' I don't think there's a clause to leave at any price'. :LOL: We just fooled Suarez's into signing and threw the word Clause as to Diving!
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