Liverpool Thread

It is Downing, it would be another major loss but it is better than having him on 70/80k and do nothing. I cant see him even getting to the bench really.
Same did Falcao before going to Monaco. Same did Coutinho, Aspas, Luis Alberto before coming here. It is the usual official answer to that question, unless you are an ungrateful hypocrite called Luis Suarez.
can´t wait

bye Luis, either the reserves or out of PL..i don´t think the owners are stupid to sell him to any PL club.

he tries everything and bites players. FFS.

hope we deal with this guy asap. tired of this shite tbh.

he want´s a big european club and want to move to Arsenal. with all respect to Arsenal fans, that´s ridicilous.
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he has a 3 years contract, he should be the first to honour it imo... after what the club did for him

and i think he or his agent are not that stupid to think we can afford to make other PL club stronger by selling them our best player.
Footballers are such detestable, self-entitled little f*ckes these days.

If the damn sport weren't so entertaining, I'd love to just stop watching.
“I have no problem playing in England for many more years. If we are just talking about the level of the football and the way the supporters are then it is an incredible league. Any player in the world at the moment would like to play in the Premier League.”

realy Luis, now all is OK in England..i imagine Arsenal fans now think he is a top player who deserves to stay in PL and not that bad actually.. in arsenal he won´t be racist diving etc....

i had no problem with him if he wouldn´t say such things and then accept to go to Arsenal.. then all he was saying before is total BS.
Calm down Pipa . No need to attack Arsenal here!!! Look , not many care for Suarez. Then , again RVP is our biggest regret ... why ? we took him for granted due to his love for Arsenal. I would be happy for Suarez to come , but we won't defend him either!

We know and he knows Arsenal doesn't hold their players. The moment a player wants to go they leave. We may very well lose money on Suarez! He may leave to Barça next season for Fabregas, but if we get a title or a tin cup . Then it will serve its purpose... Arsenal needs a tin cup !
about racist or diving i was mainly thinking about the media, well..i can see many that were against him suddenly back his side of the story..
I saw that coming , I'm curious to see what is Liverpool answer for this , its time to play dirty so hope we play very nice this time , we lost a lot of money with Carroll downing and others so its worth keeping dog on reserv for whole year ;)

I'm sure what he did vs Chelsea was in propose , he know there's no chance for CL anymore so he thought that could make it more easy to leave , I hope if we don't sell him we don't play him at all for whole season, I don't care if we finish 15th (at the last what's difference between 15th and 8th? Non of them play Europe)

C'mon Liverpool where is Pride ? Show some damn pride
there is no way the club should consider selling to our main rivals for CL spot..that i consider Tottenham and Arsenal.

i rather have him sold to Chelsea than Arsenal, or player + money .. Chelsea are aiming for the league title..but Suarez for Arsenal could mean more loss to us, even if we manage to get 40 m. +... in long term, if they get to CL groups or stay in CL after next season.. we could lose much more than gain with that transfer.
doubt after this he will ever wear the shirt again.

apparently was only player not attending Gerrard´s after match dinner.

he burned the bridges.

i expect a big words from coach and owner. from the interviews i read before, we simply won´t sell him under his true value wich i think is higher if Bale will be sold to Madrid for 80 - 100 mil.

Luis is in trouble, bad timing, bad advices...bad choices will cost him.
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there is no way the club should consider selling to our main rivals for CL spot..that i consider Tottenham and Arsenal.

i rather have him sold to Chelsea than Arsenal, or player + money .. Chelsea are aiming for the league title..but Suarez for Arsenal could mean more loss to us, even if we manage to get 40 m. +... in long term, if they get to CL groups or stay in CL after next season.. we could lose much more than gain with that transfer.

Not in the last 2 seasons...They were in 6th spot and 3rd. Arsenal were behind Chelsea by 2pts apart and 3pts from Spurs. They been very close these 3 clubs lately. Why would Chelsea want Suarez ? He`s still serving a ban from Ivan being mauled (rumour has it ,still in therapy )

The best option would be RM coming in w/ a low bid still possible(what`s FSG smoking at Boston), but that leaves Liverpool and Arsenal needing a CF. What player would choose, what club? One that makes promises and breaks them? I think Wenger/Arsenal don`t make promises,but will sell for a profit.
£0 - Clichy +£7m (MC)
£150k - Toure +£14m (MC)
£3m - Adebayor +£25m(MC)
£12m - Nasri +£25m(MC)
£2.75m - RVP +£22.5m(£1.5m extra title)(MUTD)
ALL of them won the league title :COAT::JAY::P:CRY::CURSE::BLUSH::EMB: RVP recieved the guard of honour at the EMIRATES
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doubt after this he will ever wear the shirt again.

apparently was only player not attending Gerrard´s after match dinner.

he burned the bridges.

i expect a big words from coach and owner. from the interviews i read before, we simply won´t sell him under his true value wich i think is higher if Bale will be sold to Madrid for 80 - 100 mil.

Luis is in trouble, bad timing, bad advices...bad choices will cost him.

To be honest, I think Liverpool as a club deserve the treatment it's getting from Suarez. The club have bent backwards to protect him inspite of all his controversial dealings......we have placed Suarez above the club, and this is what you get in return.....both FSG and Rodgers and the fans have worshipped Suarez....

The saying "no player is bigger than the club" .....does not apply to Suarez.
It does apply to Reina, Carroll, Downing, Adam, etc....

I think we need to sell him ASAP, and to any club outside the PL if possible..... or to Chelsea if they don't get Rooney......but not sure Mourinho wants him.....
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Is Luis still here? Couldn't the little baby get what he wanted?

Some footballers are such hypocrites. Only a year ago he gave this interview >>>

Please BR, just let the Gooners have him. We have a whole squad of players that deserve attention just as the season is a bout to start and Luis wants it all.

LFC are better than this. Sell up, move on and Arsenal will have to put up with his nonsense. He will do the same to Arsenal eventually. Which is a shame as I really like Arsenal.
If it's true that Liverpool made promises (no CL place, then Suarez can leave), then i Liverpool have to blame themselves about this soap opera. A promise is a promise. Of course all this is a big "if". We will never know who exactly made this promise, perhaps it was the kitman who told him that and since he is among the staff, Suarez has reason to say that "Liverpool promised me"....
I can understand that this preoccupies Liverpool fans, but the real issue (for football) is once again proven with Suarez' reasoning (which is perfectly logic and valid for a professional football player).

The real issue for football is that the CL league is cannibalizing football. The Euro League is a third rate cup. The difference between clubs who play CL and who doesn't is huge. Way too big.

Liverpool and Arsenal are both massive clubs, yet the fact that Arsenal plays CL (if they reach the CL of course) makes a very big difference. Nowadays football is all about "market value" (read my latest blog in the blog section to see how far this can go). And where can a player get a better market value: either at a World Cup or in the CL. A World Cup is only played once every four years, a CL is played every single it's logical that players aspire to play CL football.
I honestly don't see a solution to this problem. A possibility would be an even bigger cup competition or a super league like the NBA, but both would harm grass roots football enormously.

I never liked Suarez, but i don't see what he has done wrong here (if the story about the promise is true). IMO English fans attach way too much importance to players' loyalty. Expecting loyalty from professional football players is very unrealistic. Most of us wouldn't hesitate a second if they could earn more for another company...that is the way professional football players are reasoning too...that is only natural.
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