Liverpool Thread

so Robinson loaned to Blackpool for a season..

i can see Melgarejo being close now to cover for Enrique or fight with him for LB spot.

i rate Robinson and i think he has future here, hope he has a good loan without injurys.
so Robinson loaned to Blackpool for a season..

i can see Melgarejo being close now to cover for Enrique or fight with him for LB spot.

i rate Robinson and i think he has future here, hope he has a good loan without injurys.

Skrtel is out on loan, with permanent deal maybe after 1 year

Rodgers also says he will not spend money for the sake of it, unless they find players with good value....hoping to see 1 more defender and 1 attacker.
Too bad Arsene Wenger didn't tap him up and made him write an open statement in his website to drive his price down I guess :P
Is the feeling now that Suarez will stay?

Not sure tbh, with Bale likely moving to Real, psg and monaco having bought their strikers I cant see many teams left. Spurs might use their money to outbid/compete with Arsenal but that could backfire in a way. Spurs dont have CL to offer so will have to bid a lot which could stop Arsenal....but then what is the point for Suarez, he might aswell stay another season and then try to get his move, as he wont be able to leave Spurs very easily if he was just bought for 55-60mil. Thats if spurs will even bid for players again this summer as after the bale sale clubs will be asking for extra just because the have the money.

There doesnt seem to be much left besides Arsenal, and Liverpool are hopefully not going to sell to a rival for a low value. And if they compare him to Bale with the likes of Cavani then 55-65 mil doesnt even seem unreasonable. And I cant imagine Arsenal wanting to spend that. Might just be another Ronaldo/Alonso situation, give one more season and then he can leave.
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How is Arsenal Liverpool`s rivals ? I think Everton n Spurs have more of a say. Last 2 season it was btw Arsenal,Chelsea and Spurs. Liverpool are not Arsenals rivals for 4th spot , its like saying Arsenal will challenge for the title. Arsenal wants to challenge for the title ,just like Liverpool want to challenge 4th spot.

Rodger is not the man to challenge 4th spot, neither is Wenger for the title. Come December my claims will confirm this! I hope I don`t get banned for this :))

How is Arsenal Liverpool`s rivals ? I think Everton n Spurs have more of a say. Last 2 season it was btw Arsenal,Chelsea and Spurs. Liverpool are not Arsenals rivals for 4th spot , its like saying Arsenal will challenge for the title. Arsenal wants to challenge for the title ,just like Liverpool want to challenge 4th spot.

Rodger is not the man to challenge 4th spot, neither is Wenger for the title. Come December my claims will confirm this! I hope I don`t get banned for this :))


I agree totally, Liverpool are competing with Everton for 6th spot at the moment.

But you also have to remember that Rodgers only started last year and had a very tough beginning to the season.

So this year may be different and if we start well enough, we may yet join Spurs in challenging Arsenal for that 4th spot.
I agree totally, Liverpool are competing with Everton for 6th spot at the moment.

But you also have to remember that Rodgers only started last year and had a very tough beginning to the season.

So this year may be different and if we start well enough, we may yet join Spurs in challenging Arsenal for that 4th spot.

fair enough!
oh ,I saw plenty of Diego Costa last season . He`s a freaking beast! literally. He is very strong player (rugby innit) EPL ready somewhat of a Drogba style of bully.
yes he is based on that video, but i bet you could find X players that do similar stuff as well during game if not worse..

important are his goals of course and i doubt Atletico will sell after selling Falcao..

i think Suarez will stay for this season... we can´t afford to seel him bellow his price.
yes he is based on that video, but i bet you could find X players that do similar stuff as well during game if not worse..

important are his goals of course and i doubt Atletico will sell after selling Falcao..

i think Suarez will stay for this season... we can´t afford to seel him bellow his price.
We triggered his clause so Atletico cant do nothing about it if he wants to come.
i believe it when i see it..

Costa will be eaten alive by english media if he continues like that during matches..
so this guy has a 25mln euro clause ?

I would love we get Luis Muriel (Udinese) this guy its amazing , I saw him from 2 years at Lecce and I was sure he gonna be next big thing , hes really good and young he'll get just better !

this video from his days at Lecce but alsy last season with Udinese in 22games he scored 12 goals , also tonight scored 2 goals on europa league for Udinese !

as you can see in this video , almost all those goals (and best of them) are against big clubs , Inter , Roma , Napoli !
YouTube - | Serie A Talent | Luis Muriel | U.S Lecce | 2011/2012| HD |

about Borini I think he'll never make it , from 1st time I saw I dont understand why we bought him in 1st place , we could use those money better , he dosnt have speed , technique or power , I just dont see anything at him!
well imo Borini is not a bad player, he was good at Roma, made it to Italy NT... perhaps he needs a loan and TIME, confidence...

he has great positioning, good shoot, just didn´t show it in LFC yet..

there is a chance he can be great, he needs to grow as player and play as much as possible.

i would welcome a loan deal for him..but in PL, just like he had with Swansea in Championship..or better a PL club.
I think Borini has a nice of ball movement, some decent finishing and that is about it. As you say he isnt specially fast, is low weight and mediocre technically.
We clearly made some errors last transfer market too. Luckily I think the owners have solved the problem with the transfer commitee.
Haven't Arsenal triggered Suarez's clause? Thought that's what the £1 thing was about? Or does that just give them the chance to speak to him?

no , the thing is that if offer more than 40mln com club should tell player about it , but theres no clause at all
According to that vid , nothing is personal just business on the pitch. England would not accept that! He would leave CL football for Liverpool?
A biter and a spitter? Match made in heaven

actually he's playing on derby vs Real and against 2 big cunts Pepe and Ramos , also seems you guys have never played football , this thongs happen everytime on pitch defenders vs strikers , I have seen way more worst than this !
Throwing snot and spit about multiple times, yeah, that's really common...

I've played and seen plenty of crazy shit on a footy pitch but we're talking about professional football, not Sunday league down Moss Side.

At least you might have another cunt to stick up for ...until he wants to leave :LOL:
To be honest, the kind of signings made by Rodgers last summer are not that great. Both Borini and Allen are squad players and not top-4 material at the moment, but that may change if they develop...and that's a big "if". The problem is they are playing in a high pressure environment.

Regarding Costa, I'm a bit surprised they are going for him, but hopefully he's not as bad as Suarez in terms of bans.
But then again what's the guarantee he wants to come here ???
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