Liverpool Thread

disappointed with Liverpool , Reina deserve more than this , isn't just to treat this Legend in this way , this guy has loved the club and has always been great person , how the hell could you do a deal without he even know it ? I always knew Reina don't wanna leave and I think BR was afraid from his FAIL , coz Reina will make it this season too over Mignolet so he just send it away , very very disappointed I thought we were better than this !
yeah that sucks , we react against him as he was a cunt and with a cunt like suarez we are good , fucking disappointed from Liverpool....
disappointed with Liverpool , Reina deserve more than this , isn't just to treat this Legend in this way , this guy has loved the club and has always been great person , how the hell could you do a deal without he even know it ? I always knew Reina don't wanna leave and I think BR was afraid from his FAIL , coz Reina will make it this season too over Mignolet so he just send it away , very very disappointed I thought we were better than this !

I love Reina as much as most LFC fans, but I can 100% understand why he's gone out on loan. Simply put, Rodgers was led to believe that Barca were going to bid for Reina and the club would have to let him go, so instead of waiting for that to happen he went and bought a top quality replacement. Then Barca didn't come in and we were left with two top keepers but in all honesty Mignolet is currently the better keeper, Reina hasn't been at his best for a couple of seasons now. People are getting really angry at the club over this, but if we'd waited and Reina had gone to Barca and we'd left it too late, the club would get slaughtered even more because we'd end up in the Carroll/Suarez situation all over again.

Somebody on twitter made a good comparison today, when they said Reina talking of Barcelona is the equivalent of a man saying to his wife "Hey i'd like to fuck the gorgeous neighbour, if she says no then i expect to carry on our relationship as if nothing happened" That's a fair assessment I reckon.

Besides it's clearly in his best interest that he goes to a team where he'll be the number 1 this season.
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I think at last he deserve to be told before you make a damn deal , im very angry at club too , we are acting gay , whole thing with suarez and we have to go in his ass and protect always and even now when everyday he talk bullshit we are like if we dont have him liverpool gonna die while people like Pepe Reina been loaned to other club without even tell him a shit before !

and I dont think Mignolet its better than Reina at all , Reina had not best season , but Reina isnt over yet , I bet he'll be better than Mignolet this season
Spot on UJ. Just that in my opinion, he has to be consulted about it, unless of course LFC thought he wouldn't agree to the move, which doesn't make much sense as Rafa's on the other side and a surely No. 1 shirt is his alone before the World Cup year becons. Who's Napoli's keeper again?
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... im very angry at club too , we are acting gay , ...

Not sure on the rules of the board Albania, but this could be read as a homophobic post. Try and use other non homosexual negative descriptions please.

As for your point, I can't get angry with the way clubs act regarding players, the players are quick enough to jump ship when it suits them. And from what I have read, the Barca deal being very close to actually happening had Valdes not decided to give it another year. If anything Reina is lucky the club managed to find a top CL team for him to play at instead of having him sit on the bench for a year.
Reina message to the fans had a dig at Rodgers that was unecessary. Of course the club can agree a deal with any club, after all it´s on player if he agrees it. Reina and Mignolet and all knew that once we buy Mignolet who was one of best PL keepers last season, that he was bought to play as the n.1 keeper. Reina will not return to LFC and i can thank him for his service. It was his decision to move to Barca, pity for him they did want to stick with Valdes for one more season. There is nothing wrong with the club making deals before it´s to late, as we did with Mignolet.

As for Napoli, who knows...maybe Reina might win a big trophy with that team next season and make his price go higher.. Its a win-win situation for club and player.

@LFC Albania try to be more polite, or the unecessary to offensive messages will be deleted.
I think Liverpool don't need Reina as bad as they need Suarez, and hence that is the difference in behavior towards them.
Remember last season how Henderson was being offloaded on loan, and before that Carroll was offloaded to West Ham....the club does what is right according to their own some players they will push them out the door, others like Suarez they will do anything to support them.

Which is why there is no meaning in clubs saying righteous things like "he is on a 3 year how can he join another club??"'s rubbish...these clubs will happily get rid of players not as important by ignoring the very same contracts they signed.....

Suarez should put in a transfer request and leave, we'll get someone else and life will continue.
I love Reina as much as most LFC fans, but I can 100% understand why he's gone out on loan. Simply put, Rodgers was led to believe that Barca were going to bid for Reina and the club would have to let him go, so instead of waiting for that to happen he went and bought a top quality replacement. Then Barca didn't come in and we were left with two top keepers but in all honesty Mignolet is currently the better keeper, Reina hasn't been at his best for a couple of seasons now. People are getting really angry at the club over this, but if we'd waited and Reina had gone to Barca and we'd left it too late, the club would get slaughtered even more because we'd end up in the Carroll/Suarez situation all over again.

Somebody on twitter made a good comparison today, when they said Reina talking of Barcelona is the equivalent of a man saying to his wife "Hey i'd like to fuck the gorgeous neighbour, if she says no then i expect to carry on our relationship as if nothing happened" That's a fair assessment I reckon.

Besides it's clearly in his best interest that he goes to a team where he'll be the number 1 this season.

Ha that's probably the best analogy ive seen in a while and its spot on. Reina accomplishes nothing more with that letter than to make himself look petty.
we must have a deal on the line for CB...hopefully Papa or Ilori...

but if not, i can see Kelly or Wisdom being promted to CB spot, i don´t know if both or only one of them.. hopefully they can handle it.. i have no worries about Wisdom, who is a good player, but neither of them played CB in first team i´m excited to see them play on this postion..

still i think Coates to Napoli would have been a better option for both teams and player... becouse he needs experience.. hopefully we can find a good PL team for him if Rodgers still counts on him for future.
Papa'lous would be a good signing, only concern is his injury record.
Skrtel deserves first team football somewhere, so Napoli is good for him.
Rumours are that Barca boss Martino wants a new CB and is looking at David Luiz and/or Daniel Agger....

I hope we resolve this Suarez situation, best would be to get a good striker before he leaves.
words liverpool are not allowed to say..

hahahaha wtf
Because I find none of those words offensive, that offends me.

Does that mean I'm discriminated against?

Or maybe the world is just too sensitive a place and people need educating as to what is really important in life.
Was reading a report that Melgarejo is a great attacking left-back, but he's not good defensively.....and he needs a work permit with only 1 full cap for Paraguay...
from RAWK

With Pepe going out on loan and Skrtel seemingly set to follow, a lot of us have been questioning the logic of it, none more so than myself.

I found this interesting article on TIA and felt it was worth sharing. It made me calm down a bit and take a look at the bigger picture. This article shows just how crazy our wage structure was/is. Now, it's very positive saving all this money on wages, but it will only work if those wages are reinvested in top class, ready for the first team players. For example, the only way I want to see Martin Skrtel loaned out is if he is replaced by someone like Kyriakos Papadopolous and not, with all due respect, Tiago Ilori.

Anyway, here's the article, and I guess it begs the questions - are we going about our departures in a good way? It's hard to argue with the numbers, but don't forget Skrtel and Reina could easily be back next year.

It's easy to be wary of FSG but these numbers are incredible. They're saving £500,000 a week. £2 million a month. £24 million a year. While some of this has been reinvested in wages for new players, lets hope the rest is too. Wisely.

Here it is:

The decision to loan Pepe Reina to Napoli, coupled with the reported potential loan move of Martin Skrtel to the Italian side, has been met with criticism from some sections of the Liverpool support.

The truth is though, that Liverpool owners Fenway Sports Group are applying financial sense by offloading high-earning players whose place within the squad is not proportionate to their salary.

Martin Skrtel is on a reported £70,000 per week, yet he is not considered a starting player under Brendan Rodgers. The club would have been happy to sell the Slovakian this summer had the right offer arrived. So far it hasn’t, and thus they are happy to remove his wages and therefore free up a place within the squad. You can’t simply keep a player on 70 grand a week just to make up numbers – especially when you aren’t in Europe.

Similarly, Reina was on a reported £100,000 per week wage. Once the decision to sign Simon Mignolet – whether you agree with it or not – was made, it would have been absurd to pay a reserve keeper that amount – one of the highest earners at the club.

Another player to have left the club this summer, although under entirely different circumstances, is Jamie Carragher. The legendary defender was on a similar wage to Reina.

That’s over a quarter of a million pounds removed from the weekly wage bill already.

It was reported early on after their acquisition of the club that FSG were shocked by the size of Liverpool’s wage bill, especially players on vast wages who were not key members of the squad.

What Liverpool want now is for a player’s wages to match his worth within the squad. That’s why tough decisions must be made.

Take Stewart Downing, reportedly on £70,000 per week but despite an improved second half of last season, not viewed as a key player and could be even less so this season after new arrivals. If the right bid arrived, it would make sense to sell him.

Another high value departure this summer has been Andy Carroll, on a reported £85,000 per week.

Add in the sale of Jonjo Shelvey, imminent departures of Ousamma Assaidi and Jay Spearing and you have a total of all those who have left the club this summer of around half a million pounds per week. Over £20m per year.

This follows on from last year were high-earners Alberto Aquilani (£90k), Joe Cole (£90k), Dirk Kuyt (£70k), Maxi (£70k), Craig Bellamy (£70K) and Charlie Adam (£50k) have also left the club. Add that together and the total amount saved per week following departures in the last year is closer to one million pounds.

Of course, Liverpool have signed players during this time and given improved contracts to key players such as Luis Suarez, Daniel Agger and Steven Gerrard. The point is that those three are on contracts that are in accordance with their place within the squad.

Next time you hear somebody moaning about loaning out Martin Skrtel, a player who started FOUR Premier League games since the turn of the year, think of the bigger picture.

Remember what owner John Henry wrote in his open letter to the fans almost a year ago:

"We will build and grow from within, buy prudently and cleverly and never again waste resources on inflated transfer fees and unrealistic wages. We have no fear of spending and competing with the very best but we will not overpay for players.

We will never place this club in the precarious position that we found it in when we took over at Anfield. This club should never again run up debts that threaten its existence."

Liverpool are building sensibly and economically. It takes patience and perspective to see this – which is often in short supply among some supporters.
Anyway you have to think what was FSG doing until last summer because the strategy they were following from the moment they bought the club 3 years ago until last year had nothing to do with their speeches.
About Skrtel, Rodgers has to take a lot of blame. If he didnt rate him, why didnt we sell him last year when some clubs were interested ? No, we didnt sell him, we renewed his contract and gave him a pay rise ...
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Anyway you have to think what was FSG doing until last summer because the strategy they were following from the moment they bought the club 3 years ago until last year had nothing to do with their speeches.
About Skrtel, Rodgers has to take a lot of blame. If he didnt rate him, why didnt we sell him last year when some clubs were interested ? No, we didnt sell him, we renewed his contract and gave him a pay rise ...

He obviously rated him after he had a good season previously. As games went on and he lost form, he lost his place in the team. That's not Rodgers fault. That's the players fault for playing shit.
For all readers who support Liverpool, i just found a litle gem at Waterstones.

Red or Dead by David Peace (who also wrote the fantastic Red Riding Hood Trilogy and the Damned Utd - about Clough at Leeds United): a novel about the life of Bill Shankly.
It's seems as if i bought the book on the first day, since it came out today...

For those who wants to know more:
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