Liverpool Thread

We are about to sign Aly Cissokho in a loan deal with a fee of 1ME and an obligatory purchase (if some objectives are met) after the loan has ended with a fee of 4ME.
Pretty good deal in my opinion. He is a good and versatile player that can operate as a left back or as a center back. Major LFC fan too.

Cissokho added: "When I was little, I was a Manchester United fan, and so also of David Beckham. It's strange to think I'll be playing against him, but it's not the first time I'll have come up against great players."

This is historical for Arsenal to actually put a bid of £40,000,001 . I'm shocked and can't believe I'm alive to witness such a thing. Liverpool has every right to hold on to their player. I think only pipa took Arsenal serious at the start of the bidding.
Still not allowed to talk to him, waiting for 55mil apparently! Anything near 50mil and they should get rid of him imo, hopefully a foreign team. Good to see that the bids have increased as fast as they have, is that 10mil in a week?
Liverpool are crazy. Not many teams would pay £40m or more for suarez.

£40m you forgot + £1 ;)

not crazy at all , a rise of £10m for a week mean that Arsenal is willing to pay even more , seems Wenger is all in on Suarez ! I bet he'll com with £46m offer next days
I guess the only reason to turn that bid down is to not sell to a team directly impacting you, otherwise it would be stupid to turn that down.

If Real come in with the same bid you should accept.
That's class! Oh, you won't let us speak to him? How about now!!?

It was over the £40m :LOL: Last time they refuse us it was Reina . He was never the same player afterwards. He'll be sold for €5m to Napoli or Barça. Suarez should stay or be sold to RM for £20m . RVP didn't go to Juve their offer was a joke at the end of the day it was good business can't keep rot from spreading.
since Alonso left , this is most sad news for a player leaving .... I really didnt want this happen :(

wish the best to Reina , and thankful for all he have done for us
30 mil + vermaelen id take

This would be awful business, since Vermaelan has been so injury prone the last two years. He's not the defender Liverpool need now.

Walcott is a player I hate, so so so much, but given that it would be an attacking player it makes better footballing sense than Vermaelan.
You 'hate' Walcott? Why hate?

I meant to say "type of player", but he lacks any footballing intelligence and just puts his head down and sprints forward without looking for a pass until he gets stuck in a corner, and then 9/10 on ten his attempted pass or cross is awful. Another over hyped useless English player.
Anyway how hypocrite fuck you have to be to want to leave Liverpool to go to Arsenal, I mean ARSENAL. You could understand when he wanted to go to Real Madrid but Arsenal .. a club whose latest trophy was 8 gears ago, never won the CL, and has prooved over and over these last years that cant compete for it.
I believe Arsenal will win trophies w/ Suarez and challenge for the title. Suarez is on 100k at Liverpool and Arsenal will give him 150k . Liverpool won FACup/Carling Cup but they haven`t got £31m every year for being in the CL . Footballers don`t care about history! its £££ w/ imagine rights today.

I think Arsenal are closer to catching up w/ MUTD for titles , NOW. We suffered selling our best players(2006-2012) and building a stadium.
Im not talking about history here. I dont think Arsenal is a big improvement for a player that plays in Liverpool.
You mention Arsenal's history with all due respect. CL is a place where players want to ply their trade. You have to be in it to win it. I know Suarez wants RM and he must want out of Liverpool to rather join us then stay. Now, RM will have to match our bid and everything depends on GB11 hehehe leaving Spurs. I think Liverpool would rather sell to RM for £20m then sell to us. Liverpool is more about pride then good business.

I still cant believe the owner respond to the bid as smoking to some sort of looney stuff at the Emirates. Liverpool is a class organization and his reaction is of a drunk owner at a dog track race. I assume he did this to impress the fans and it worked. I don't care if we dont get Suarez tbh . Now, that Wenger will spend that much on a player . He can easily buy someone almost as good as Suarez. He cant play for 6 matches, he could play qualifiers (cl) .
Im not talking about history here. I dont think Arsenal is a big improvement for a player that plays in Liverpool.

It's a huge improvement. With Arsenal you are guarnateed CL football...and i do agree with bebo, as much as i don't like Suarez, with him Arsenal can compete for the title or a cup win.

It is also funny that some Liverpool finally begin to see Suarez for what he is, a hypocrite, albeit for the wrong reasons...
It's a huge improvement. With Arsenal you are guarnateed CL football...and i do agree with bebo, as much as i don't like Suarez, with him Arsenal can compete for the title or a cup win.

It is also funny that some Liverpool finally begin to see Suarez for what he is, a hypocrite, albeit for the wrong reasons...

Besides next season I don't see how Arsenal are "guaranteed" CL football. Looking at the past couple of seasons Arsenal are pretty lucky to still be in it. If Spurs hadn't screwed up two seasons ago and last season actually had a striker they would be well above Arsenal. I see more development and opportunity with Spurs than Arsenal, who have stood still for quite a few seasons now.

Then again, I can't see Suarez wanting to stay at Arsenal long, like Liverpool they are probably the next stepping stone before moving to the very top teams (Bayern, Barca, Real, etc). He's proven he is one of the best in the EPL, next up the CL.
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