Liverpool Thread

That champions league argument signing players in bollox, look at teams like spurs fiorentina etc can buy amazing players with no champions league to offer. Its liverpool being stingy in the market thats costing them, you wont win anything in the premier league signing players for 5 million a pop, they need to start shopping in the 15-25 mil bracket to get back into the top 4

Agreed. Dalglish did a great job getting us into the top 4 by signing high-priced players, you've certainly got a point. Will never forget the Champions League run under Dalglish where Downing and Henderson ruled and Carroll scored in the final.

Mkhitaryan was never going to sign for Liverpool, 90% of it was paper-talk and guesswork on twitter. Also, Fiorentina is a bollocks comparison as they only finished 2 points off the CL places in Serie A and therefore are much more likely to be in the CL in the next two years. So that is a big draw. Plus, they've signed Mario Gomez, one top player, you'd think they were signing top players all over the shop the way you're talking.
Ignore what your last few failed managers did in the transfermarket, they obviously couldn't manage to get Europa League spot with Barcelona if their life depended on it.

If Liverpool want to keep buying 3 'maybe' players for 5 million where one or none turn out good instead of just buying a sure thing 15 million player it's fine by me. Stay the midtable team you've established yourself at, it's suitable. Middle class team for the working class heroes.

PS. Do yourself a favor, get rid of Gerrard.

I think he's gone back to his old club on loan, so there's still time :)

I know, there are pics of him and Solskjær hugging and kissing in the papers.
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This isntg specifically targeted at Suarez, but isn't it ironic that some of the players who feel they are treated unfairly by the press also use the press to fuck with clubs and fans alike? (Or at least their greedy agents do)
Ignore what your last few failed managers did in the transfermarket, they obviously couldn't manage to get Europa League spot with Barcelona if their life depended on it.

If Liverpool want to keep buying 3 'maybe' players for 5 million where one or none turn out good instead of just buying a sure thing 15 million player it's fine by me. Stay the midtable team you've established yourself at, it's suitable. Middle class team for the working class heroes.

PS. Do yourself a favor, get rid of Gerrard.

Rodgers is not the type of character who will go against a big-name.
See how he handles Suarez, and he publicly berates players like Enrique, Downing, Sterling, Hendo, etc....

Rodgers needs to become successful first before he can get rid of Gerrard.
I've read an analysis in the Guardian about recent transfers. The analysis was written by a talent scout and he thought Spurs did excellence business with Paulinho. The guy thought that Paulinho was a bargain for Spurs. He compared him with the Brazilian from Donetsk that City bought and with another high profile transfer (can't remember which one) and he said Spurs in his opinion had the bargain of the 3.
Of course this is all relative, if Paulinho never plays a decent match then Spurs did bad businees even he came for free. But according to people who are less biased then me and Pipa, it seems that Spurs did not pay crazy money at all. Perhaps the fact that Liverpool fans (well one) call this crazy money might be an indication that Liverpool aren't investing enough in their squad (to be honest IMO until now Liverpool did well).
well it´s a matter of perspective..this will be first season for Paulinho in Europe at age 24 (soon 25). He might do well or not, only time will tell.
Gerrard still has it , just look at those passes , everyone of them can be a dangerous if you got 2 quality wingers !

YouTube - Return of Steven Gerrard - Passes, Intelligence & Vision 2013 - Liverpool FC

I bet nearly every midfielder in the league can have a 3 miute compilation of good passes after a season.

Paulinho will be as good as lampard in the league if he is played in his right position, if spurs buy a quality striker they could win the league

I don't think Spurs will win the league in my lifetime. I do hope paulinho will be the creative engine we sorely need though.
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I think we all wonder that and Ive no doubts that we would be playing CL every season and winning things.

I think getting Hodgson was the biggest blunder. If we had not got him, then we wouldnt have needed Dalglish.

If anyone had said that we would be with an ex-Swansea/Watford/Reading manager in 2010 when Benitez was gone, then there would have been a riot by Liverpool fans.
Those days we were linked with Pellegrini, Rijkaard.
And last summer it was Roberto Martinez and Brendan Rodgers....
How times have changed !!!
To be fair Rodgers deserves a 2nd season, but I feel he made mistakes in signing Borini/Allen for close to 25m. They're probably worth 15m total.... And now this summer we need the money to sign better players.
Not sure if we're going to spend much more, but Rodgers did say more are coming.....let's see.
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Allen was injurd more than healthy in his LFC career, the same Borini.. let judge them after next season..

Rodgers is the right man for us for years imo, already we play better football, maybe the defence was better with Dalglish, but with Rodgers we have a style of football
Allen was injurd more than healthy in his LFC career, the same Borini.. let judge them after next season..

Rodgers is the right man for us for years imo, already we play better football, maybe the defence was better with Dalglish, but with Rodgers we have a style of football

That was also said under Dalglish, Pipa.
£6.9million that 's the fee Norwich agrred for Alderweireld. Like I said before, Ive seen very little of him, I just know that he is a beast on FM.
What do you think gerd ? For that money he could be a very good buy, no ?
Liverpool team to face Preston North End:

22 Mignolet
38 Flanagan
5 Agger
4 Toure
14 Henderson
24 Allen
20 Spearing
11 Assaidi
29 Borini
44 Ibe
10 Coutinho

Subs: Ward, Johnson, Skrtel, Wisdom, Robinson, Lucas, Alberto, Pacheco, Aspas, Sterling, Downing, Kelly.
Ibe looks great so far, good on the ball, clever and nice moves... realy impressed with him! scored a goal just now..
some pics from today:

+ nice article:








Not so sure about Alderweireld. I hardly ever see him play with Ajax and with our national team he plays richt back, which isn't his natural position.
Shaqiri would be brilliant, I'd love for him to come over. Suarez is busy talking is way out so hopefully some team is ready to buy him before the last day of the transfer window. I don't care who, I just want him out now.

We will need a great forward to replace him though, and sadly he is lowering his price tag every time he opens his mouth.
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