Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Dont understand why he didnt change his formation to a more attacking one... he should have played 3 strikers.... strange how a coach who arrived from the very attacking Spanish league decided to play more defensive!!
Re: Liverpool Thread

LaAm said:
When is Cisse coming back, is he out for the rest of the season


Now onto todays performance. There was just nothing from us today, considering we knew that Everton lost you would expect us to play a more attacking game and go all out to win it, but no we play a 4-5-1 formation and put Baros on the wing. FFS do you know what you are doing Mr Benitez?! Have you not realised that formation just doesnt work for us away from home and I really dont want to see it used at Anfield. 442 is the way to go, a striker needs a partner not some random runner from midfield occasionally!!

I think my head may explode shortly so I am gonne leave now
Re: Liverpool Thread

We have a great first team, but shite squad depth... Just hold out to the summer guys, Rafa needs time to build his own squad. It's ridiculously fucking frustrating but i'm sure we'll come good.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Agree with you, Danwin. Hold out till the summer?? Jeez, don't know if I can wait that feels like we need to bring back rejuvenated "God". Mind you, playing Baros wide right was never going to work.
Re: Liverpool Thread

If you guys remember, this is the exact same discussion you had last season.... when Cisse and co arrived.... you were all going "Perfect!!!". Its a continuous curse/cycle for Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yup, the same things been happening since 1991, Milanista. False dawns are a recurring theme it seems, as far as the League goes.
Re: Liverpool Thread

What the fuck? Lose to those clowns with a shot at the final Champs League spot in the grasp?!?! I havent seen the game yet, but it'll be replayed here on Tuesday. Should be a nightmare to watch i am sure.

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up.
Re: Liverpool Thread

lol - true dat, Danwin. . i guess i will exact revenge with a game on the PS2. . hail hail the merseyside Reds! lol
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yes, I find that a good way of venting frustrations, because they are a great team in Pro Evo!
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think it helps, having a captain who will not commit to the club, if Shankly were still about, the lad would be out on his arse.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Agreed. Too many players having too much power. Personally I wish he'd let Hamann/Riise take the free kicks too. He wasted them on Sat.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Dunno mate, Hamann hasn't got the best free kick record, and Gerrard got a great assist for Hyypia the other week. He's shite at corners though, really pisses me off when he doesn't clear the first man.

I'm really not looking forward to this champion's league game without Alonso or Gerrard, I hate the thought of Hamann and Biscuit in the middle. Why didn't we bring the kid Diarra back from loan?? I'd rather see Le Tallec thrown in than Biscan playing to be honest, hes been absolutley crap this season.
Re: Liverpool Thread

crayon said:
My PES playing is better than him.

I find that very hard to believe ;)

I know we have had a lot of injuries but is Biscan the best we have. His ratings in all the papers for the last couple of games have been shocking and yet Rafa keeps picking him. Maybe Biscan has some photos of Rafa doing something unsavoury with a donkey
Re: Liverpool Thread

Wouldn't we be better playing Welsh or Le Tallec? Biscan doesn't even seem to be trying. A youngster would at least give 100%

Le Tallec scored for the reserves last night, that's 2 in 2 :)
Kewell played 40 mins.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

danwin said:
I think he gets locked in the basement when he's not playing.

I thought he slept in a bush outside the ground?
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think we should put Biscan in one of those leccy wheelchairs, it will probably improve his mobility. In fact, just bring in Steven Hawking to do the job. He cant be any worse can he
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