Liverpool Thread

From today's edition of El Observador of Uruguay:

Coates, from dream to disappointment

The centre back arrived to England in 2011 as the best defender in the Uruguayan league, but is now paying his dues: he trains, doesn't play, asked Liverpool's authorities to go on a loan and was denied

How does it feel to train all week and not play?
It's complicated, but every player has to go through this, and you have to train as best as possible so that you don't waste any opportunity given.

Have you talked in the club, with Liverpool's manager?
Yes, yes, in this transfer window there was a possiblity to go out on a loan to some teams, but the club said I couldn't. It also means something, and that is that they still keep me in mind.

Did you insist? Do you want to play, to go out?
I want to play, mostly because of everything that is coming with the national team, where every Uruguayan player wants to be. With that in mind, that's why I want to play, be it on Liverpool or elsewhere.

What do you do during weekends? It must be frustrating to train every day and have free weekends.
I haven't been in many games, but in others I've been on the bench. In any case, I almost always travel with the team and I'm left out on the same day. But you have to be ok, keep a cool head, train well, and wait for the opportunity.

Does this situation piss you off, as Uruguayans say? *
Yes, like anyone would be. It's difficult, but that's why say that one has to handle it he best possible way, so that the manager sees that one is willing to train well and work hard to be there.

* [Translator's note: "calentar" (to heat up) is Uruguayan slang for getting angry or pissed off]

Do you find an explanation for this?
No, I don't know. That's something to talk with the manager. All I have to care about is to be fit and and then wait.

How long is your contract with Liverpool?
I'm here until 2016. But we'll see what happens with my future. I have to wait until the transfer window and talk with the club.

Three years is a long time to wait. Have you set yourself a limit for your exit if you are not taking into consideration?
I don't have an exit date, because you have to analyze any incoming offer. Suppose one arrives from a very important club, but I don't have the opportunity that I could get here in Liverpool, so it's better to stay...

Have you talked with your father about leaving Liverpool?
We have, but like I said, it's up to the offers.

Is it the first time that this happens to you?
Since I began in First Division, yes. That's why one takes it differently, because if I was older I might have already gonoe through a situation like this. But this being the first time makes it complicated.

Tabarez (Uruguay's manager) has spoken many times with footballers who couldn't play in their teams. Has he made you any suggestion?
The message is the same for everyone, which is that it is better to be playing. He knows my situation, though. I have the advantage of age because I have plenty of time ahead of me.

At a certain point, there was speculation about interest from Brazil. Would you be seduced by that possiblity, or would you prefer to stay in Europe?
In truth, what matters is not what one would like, but the the sport project presented to you. If the offer seduces me, I have no trouble.

Does that mean that returning to America would not be a step back?
Not at all. I think that Nicolas (Lodeiro) went to play in Brazil, and thanks to that he is in the national team. It's not a step back; so long as one plays it doesn't matter the place.

The fifth Beatle
Sebastian Coates shares life in Liverpool with the team's idol, his national team's mate Luis Suarez. Asked by El Observador what it means the presence of the striker in the team and the city, Coates answered: "Luis is a figure in Liverpool, a star. The club is very identified with Luis and he is very happy. The city also loves him. He is doing everything well, and that's why people idolize him." When it's time to go out for dinner or shopping with his teammate, Coates revealed that there are no inconvenients. "People there do not bother you, don't invade privacy, though they want a picture like anyone elsewhere. Truth is, the city respects him a lot and let him live his life in peace," said the Celeste defender.
Carra: You'll not see me crying


Before his final Liverpool appearance this Sunday, defender Jamie Carragher answered questions from reporters gathered at Melwood today. Read everything our No.23 had to say…

One game to go, how are you feeling about retirement now?

People keep asking me, the answer will come after the game. We just want to concentrate on the game; I'm looking forward to getting my tickets sorted and hopefully get a win, then I can look back and give you a better answer.

Have you, at any time, reconsidered retirement or has Brendan asked you to reconsider?

No, not really. We've had a couple of chats about different things over the season, not just since I made my decision. The more I've been in the team, the more I've wanted to stick with my decision and go out playing. I've been quite fortunate really that at the time that I announced it, I kept myself in the side. I can go out playing, which is something I'd prefer rather than maybe stay another year and be in the stand, on the bench or wherever it may be.

What will be the best memory of your Liverpool career?

Istanbul, nothing will beat that - the Champions League final. There's no point going over the game, I think we all know what happened that night. It's difficult to ever top that.

What was it like, that feeling, to lift the European Cup?

We've never won the league, which is a disappointment; if we'd have won that maybe I could have compared the two. We've won FA Cups, Carling Cups, the UEFA Cup but nothing compared to the Champions League. It's the biggest and best trophy that you can win as a footballer in club football. It's what we achieved.

Given the step you're taking after your football career, does it rule out management or is that something you're still looking at in the future?

I've never ruled anything out or in. I've gone down this road for a couple of years, I'll see if I enjoy it or if I'm any good at it, and see where it takes me. I've been playing football all my life and I'm looking forward to doing different things, and seeing where it takes me.

How emotional are you going to be at the weekend?

I won't be crying, put it that way!

Are you somebody who might have a 'Wish I could have...' when you retire?

I wish I'd have won the league. But you've given it everything and done as much as you can in terms of what you put into it. It's a team game; there are different managers and coaches who have helped you along the way, you do your best. I've done alright.

You've been part of a close-knit family for all of those years - that's a big part of your life that's suddenly going to change...

People automatically think of Anfield, I think of this place [Melwood]. This is where you come every day, this is where I've been coming since I was nine years of age. Anfield is sort of the icing on the cake where you go at the end of the week or every couple of weeks. It's special but this is where you come every day, the people you see; the people on the gate, the girls upstairs in the canteen, Ann on reception who is the only one who has been here longer than me - she's just pipped me. It's probably coming here and the characters and people you meet every day. You'll have to fill that void in your life.

Will the door still be open for you? Do you plan on coming back?

Ask Brendan on Friday, he's the boss. Once you're done, you're done. I'm sure I'll be welcome to come in for my lunch one day and watch training, but I don't think it's something I'll be doing.

When did you first realise it was time to go?

About 12 months ago, the end of the season. I was in and out of the side with Kenny. I was thinking about it in the summer but I had a year to go and a new manager coming in. I knew then it was always going to be my last season.

Going back to your debut, would have you taken then what you have achieved?

If someone had offered me to be here until the end of my career - the trophies, the big games we've played and won, the stadiums I've played in - I'd have bitten their hand off for that. I'm very lucky to have played with some great players, top managers and given the opportunity to experience those wins and sometimes losses. I've very lucky.

You mentioned the league title...why did Liverpool fall short?

Very simple - we weren't good enough, all of us. There's no fancy reason or excuse, other teams in that particular season were better than us. A couple of times we went close but it was Manchester United or Arsenal. It's not something I lose sleep over, I've been very lucky to achieve some of the things I have. If you look at everyone, there's always something someone hasn't done. There's always more to achieve, whatever you've done. I'm pleased with how it's gone.

You and Steven Gerrard always seem to be together - are there any concerns about Liverpool not having that local heartbeat in the team when you've gone?

I'm probably more concerned about who he's going to sit next to on the coach on the way home. I had that problem at the weekend coming back from Fulham when he wasn't there. I was on my own! Every club will say they want to bring players through from the Academy, that's why you have academies and put so much time and money into it. But the players have got to be good enough. If they're good enough, brilliant - get them in there. It's always good to have a few local lads in the side. That's the aim of everyone.

Now that Alex Ferguson has retired at Manchester United, does it give everyone else an opportunity?

I think it does a little bit more, he's obviously been a top manager - his record is there for all to see. They've got another top manager in David Moyes, I'm sure he'll do a great job there. I'm sure everyone is looking at it and seeing how it will go; maybe it will give other people a chance to get in there if there is maybe a bit of uncertainty at the club. But Manchester United are probably aware of that as well so I'm sure they'll be doing everything to stop that.

In terms of the Liverpool you're leaving, are you excited about the future of the club?

I am, I'm always positive about the club. The last few years haven't been great for us, with league positions and missing out on the Champions League. But with the new manager coming in and the run we've been on in the second half of the season, it gives us a lot to look forward to for next season.

How would a 'team of Carraghers' cope in the Premier League?

A lot of 0-0s!

Paul Scholes came back from retirement after half a year - can you see something similar for yourself?

No, I don't think so. The manager has known for a while that I'm retiring, so I'm sure he's got plans in place and different players that he wants to bring in, ideas of what he wants to do.

How did if feel physically when you were suffering cramp in Istanbul?

Not good! It was just one of those things, you've got to play on. Plenty of players have been in that situation and done the same - mine's highlighted because of the magnitude of the game and everyone was watching. I'm not the only player who has had cramp in football and carried on - there are plenty of other players who have done that. It was just part of the game, that's what made it so special. There were lots of different incidents and things going on, I'm just glad to have been part of it.

Who were the players who were inspirational for you during your time here?

When I first got into the side, I'd say John Barnes, he was the captain and a great player - one of the top players to ever play for the club. As I came into the side a bit more I'd say Steven Gerrard, even though he's younger than me. He's an inspiration, not just for younger players. It doesn't matter if it's a younger player or an older player. You watch the way he plays, what he's done for us and how he's won us a few trophies - he's added to my medal collection! I'd say those two.

Defensively, who have you learnt most from?

The best centre-back I played alongside was Sami Hyypia, I thought he was a great player for the club. We've had lots of players but it could also be a coach; we had Phil Thompson here, Benitez was brilliant at setting up defences. He brought my game on a lot in terms of playing at centre-back because that was his expertise - making a team solid. It's difficult to pick one person, I've had a lot of help from a lot of different people.

How did you feel when your position was under pressure?

It gives you motivation, football is a fight really whether it's opposition or sometimes it can be within your own dressing room in terms of getting a place. We're all mates, we're a big squad but when the team goes up, there's only one name that you look for. It's added motivation but if it hadn't have happened I'd have still motivated myself some other way. I've always been that type of lad. It pushed me on and made me a better player.

Have your recent performances made you think you could carry on?

It's made me go the other way, to be honest. It's made me think it is the right time. It's nice that I'm in the side and people are saying I'm doing well and why not stay for another year? It's better than them saying you should have gone a year ago. I prefer it to be like that and get out while it's going well because it can easily change.

How has the game changed during your era?

Anyone who has been in football the amount of time I have, you look from day one until now. There are big changes. The sports science side of it has come on more than anything; doctors, how to train and all this type of stuff. I think that has been the big advance in the game during that time. Four or five years ago, the Premier League was its best - I think it's dipped a little bit at the moment. A few years ago, ourselves, Chelsea and Manchester United were always close to winning the Champions League for two or three years. I think that was the height of the Premier League - hopefully that's something that I'll be able to talk about next season and we get the Premier League back up there. It would be nice to see some more top players coming in and give the league a little bit of a boost.

Rio Ferdinand has announced his England retirement today. Do you look back and think it would be nice to have had a few more games at that level?

I wish he'd have retired years ago, I might have got a few more games! He's been a great player, he's retired from England. He's a similar age to me so it was always going to come up at one time or another. Him and John Terry were the cornerstones of the England side for 10 years and it was just timing really - it was difficult for me to get in. They're two great players and I wish them well.

Is there anything you won't miss about being a professional player?

The feeling when you get beat, but I suppose I'll have that as a fan - watching and I won't be able to do anything about it if results aren't going well for Liverpool. So that feeling after a defeat, you're pretty low for a few days.



He will be missed, A LOT. You can perhaps buy a player with the skills, but you can´t buy a warrior, leader and passionate person for football and the club as much as Carra is for LFC. you only know what you have untill it´s gone. Carra is a Liverpool FC legend.
Yesterday I received the player of the year's award by the LDSA (Liverpool disabled supporters association). I thank you for this award, I really do! Thank you very much to all of you!!

erm, what? El Zhar is playing at Levante, he was nowhere near better level, Assaidi is average, not better than Downing atm, that´s why he isn´t playing.
Of course Downing is better than him NOW that he ISN'T playing.
And IMO it wasn't Brendan's choice or he would have let him play at least as a joker.
About El Zhar, that guy had so much potential I remember that a lot of teams wanted him back when he was in Saint Etienne.
Assaidi seems a really nice player and still dont know why he dosnt get more minutes on pitch , every time he has played he seems okay , and Downing a lot of times seems to be a BAD player so why not give Assaidi more chance ? anyway I hope we sign a new player on summer to replace downing , this guy its awful and he dosnt do much during the most of games

I like how this January we got Sturridge and Coutinho (which I honestly did'nt rate that much , but I do now and I think he's great player) , we buy two young great player who were not wanted by they'r team , this way we get them for "cheap" and they dont have a lot of presson on sholders when they play for Liverpool , Carroll , Downing , Henderson and Allen all were stars in they're team that mean we payed a lot for them way much more than what they are worth and they were'nt that good , so I hope we strike for same kind of players from BIG teams where they can't find theyrself over there and they are not wanted !

I hear rumors say that Guardiola don't like Xherdan Shaqiri and he's one of players than can leave bayern , also with Rooben , Rbery , muller , gotze on those possisions its hard he can get space to that bayer team so we could go for him and we can get him for 10-15m the guy its really class and would be great to have him on place of downing ! but again there are just rumors and maybe he's on plans of Guardiola.
Of course Downing is better than him NOW that he ISN'T playing.
And IMO it wasn't Brendan's choice or he would have let him play at least as a joker.
About El Zhar, that guy had so much potential I remember that a lot of teams wanted him back when he was in Saint Etienne.

Assaidi came here to show what he can do, he wasn´t bought with the intention to play in first 11.. he is no doubt a quality winger, and i disagree with the statement that LFC are destroying his career.. He was already in Ajax and was about to sign for them before he decieded to join LFC maybe becouse he wanted a biger club or he was sure to suceed here.. He is a good quick winger, but he has a lot to learn about the pace of this league.. The news are he is satisfied and don´t want to go away from the club despite the fact he isn´t playing.. His first few weeks he could play but he wasn´t also becouse of his religion - he was not eating meat or something in ramadan and he therefore wasn´t match ready and fit for the games..

El Zhar wasn´t more than a substitute player for LFC, his career is ok where he is now i think..

about Downing, last few games he was much much more betteer than before, still not breathtaking but he made some great runs and assist´s. Just people don´t remember what work he is doing for the team, becouse his moves and skills are not the same as Coutinho..but, Rodgers wouldn´t play him if he wasn´t good enough + he was on bring to be sold, but now i think he should stay and become a quality squad player. Agree we would look better with more quality winger, but he did what he can do pretty good last few weeks.
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Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Carragher, Skrtel, Lucas, Henderson, Downing, Ibe, Coutinho, Sturridge.
Subs: Jones, Wisdom, Coady, Coates, Suso, Assaidi, Borini.

don't know anything about this guy but would be interesting to see him today !
Jordon Ibe already played in Europa League i think..he is the youngest ever LFC player who played for the first team.
Coutinho...boy i´m in love with this player

... that´s the best transfer this team has made in YEARS.

a goal already and one provided but it was not allowed...clear goal by Skrtel... that´s one assist from corner and long distance goal in 26 minutes so far for Coutinho against QPR.

here is the goal:

assist by Jordon Ibe..
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watching this Panorama show(BBC 1) on the Hillborough cover up has disgusted me to the core, i urge you all to watch it if you can... police scum media scum and government scum. The convictions are coming after this JFT96
They admitted to their wrongs ...there is a saying 'f the popos until someone robs you, then ,its call the police!'
I think he can be a good stopgap until BR trust Kelly enough to put him in the rotation. And he's a ballplaying CB so fits well.

Oh and he failed a doping test in 2011 so not sure he's a good influence for the team.
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i don´t mind..he has experience to give to other defenders we have at the club, maybe except Agger...
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