Liverpool Thread

It's not your idea. It's just the rules. And I hope everyone abide by them.

EDIT: Anyway, excuse my sudden interruption.

Please continue your discussions... :)
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I think I love Coutinho. I don't care he plays for Liverpool, I want him to play for every team so we can see him all the time. The ball is stuck to his right foot, and the passes he produces, and only £7-8m(?) Unbelievable.
City do rate Rodgers, he was offered the assistant manager role before going to Swansea, but I can't see it. If Mancini does go, which I now doubt, they'll most likely want a manager with CL experience/success. *cough please not Rafa *cough
City do rate Rodgers, he was offered the assistant manager role before going to Swansea, but I can't see it. If Mancini does go, which I now doubt, they'll most likely want a manager with CL experience/success. *cough please not Rafa *cough

id say city would go for Klopp first
I think I love Coutinho. I don't care he plays for Liverpool, I want him to play for every team so we can see him all the time. The ball is stuck to his right foot, and the passes he produces, and only £7-8m(?) Unbelievable.

Yea, he looks quality.

He's a number 10 imo, not a wide player.

id say city would go for Klopp first

Him or de Boer
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realy? after one half time performance you could predict a whole season form without our best striker who made also many assist´s?


I hate articles like that BBC one that tries to be clever with such statistics.

Look at some of the other statistics of how Suarez contributes to Pool (not overall, but liverpool specifically):
2nd in Assists (with 5, tied with Downing, after Gerrard's 9. Now I think assists is a useless stat, but quite a few people like that sort of stuff here, so here ya go).

#1 in terms of key passes that create chances(even more than Gerrard!)
#2 in terms of accurate through balls
And excluding GK's and central defenders, #4 in accurate Long balls for Pool (after Gerrard, sitting at a ridiculous 8.4 a game- 6th in the world excluding GK's and CB's!)

To put that into context - his passing is better than Rooney's despite rooney playing a more withdrawn role.

In terms of key passes- he is tied with Taraabt and Mata and is only beaten by David Silva and Baines in the entire EPL!

He has had a remarkable season and contributes much more than just goals.
I'd rather win 2-0 against newcastle and win 1-0 and 1-0 to reading and west ham.

It's great that we're scoring lots of goals, some of them being world class team moves.

But we ain't going anywhere unless we can produce this week in, week out. Which I hope we will learn next season.

Really think it's worth having Carroll on the bench as another alternative when things aren't going our way...

Before he left, he was on fire.
Some of you mancs can go get to fuck with your attitude. your drug testing bans (rio), adultery(giggs, rooney), callous intentional tackling (keane) to name but a few and you have the nerve to come in here spouting off. but then that united fans for you. blinkered.

Yeah, cause it was all United fans? They all served their bans and no one denies that they were in the wrong, you lack a real point to your post.
Yeah, cause it was all United fans? They all served their bans and no one denies that they were in the wrong, you lack a real point to your post.

You missed my point completely as usual in here. Im talking about hypocrisy, pure and simple. Im not talking about punishments, im talking about rival fans spouting off when they should get their own house in order first.
Dammit - Pool desperately need a solid L winger so that Coutinho can play inside all the time.

Maybe Andre Schurle from Germany? He's had a great season.

Man what I'd pay to raid a player or two from Juventus' midfield... <drooling>. Vidal! The love of my life!
Dammit - Pool desperately need a solid L winger so that Coutinho can play inside all the time.

Maybe Andre Schurle from Germany? He's had a great season.

Man what I'd pay to raid a player or two from Juventus' midfield... <drooling>. Vidal! The love of my life!

Dries mertins would be my weapon of choice
Dries Mertens is much better than Downing, much better.

Well Pipa, Liverpool don't need Suarez at all...Coutinho and Sturridge were both great and so was Henderson.
Sell Suarez and with the millions you get for him buy some good players (for example a decent CB).

This was one of the best performances of the season by any team. It's true Newcastle were a shambles, but Liverpool made them look like that...
This man is amazing. He has to play on the hole. As said, if we sell Suarez a solid left winger must be a priority. If not, is Coutinho who should play on the whole and Suarez on the wing, not the other way. Coutinho has so much to offer in terms of vision, passing and football IQ.
He is by far the most intelligent player we have.
Dries Mertens is much better than Downing, much better.

Well Pipa, Liverpool don't need Suarez at all...Coutinho and Sturridge were both great and so was Henderson.
Sell Suarez and with the millions you get for him buy some good players (for example a decent CB).

This was one of the best performances of the season by any team. It's true Newcastle were a shambles, but Liverpool made them look like that...
Totally agree. This is what we need more than anything.
Hmmm, so Suarez was booed at the PFA awards. I find that quite disturbing as I expected most of the ire at Suarez to be from the fans and not so much from the players.

Not sure there is much of a future for Suarez now. We all know the fans' position, the referees will now be even more cynical towards him and apparently the players can't stand him either.
Hmmm, so Suarez was booed at the PFA awards. I find that quite disturbing as I expected most of the ire at Suarez to be from the fans and not so much from the players.

Not sure there is much of a future for Suarez now. We all know the fans' position, the referees will now be even more cynical towards him and apparently the players can't stand him either.

Does this comes as a surprise to you tik ?
You are part Dutch and in our language there is a very accurate word for Suarez: "matennaaier". I can't translate it literally, but it is said of a player who does everything to make his opponents look bad individually.

Like i already said in this thread: Liverpool certainly don't need a player like Suarez. I wonder what his team mates think about him... (i know that Diego Forlan thinks Suarez is a wonderfull guy, a warm person off the pitch...what a shame really).
Hmmm, so Suarez was booed at the PFA awards. I find that quite disturbing as I expected most of the ire at Suarez to be from the fans and not so much from the players.

Not sure there is much of a future for Suarez now. We all know the fans' position, the referees will now be even more cynical towards him and apparently the players can't stand him either.

I think its a disgrace personally.

Also interesting they booked a comedian who made jokes about the suarez/evra affair and said the n word several times and left the crowd including Clarke Carlise laughing.

Fucking disgrace.
I think its a disgrace personally.

Also interesting they booked a comedian who made jokes about the suarez/evra affair and said the n word several times and left the crowd including Clarke Carlise laughing.

Fucking disgrace.


There is something seriously wrong with your moral standards. Humour is a disgrace, but as long as there no teeth marks it's ok to bite. Fantastic.

There is something seriously wrong with your moral standards. Humour is a disgrace, but as long as there no teeth marks it's ok to bite. Fantastic.

Right i need to put you in your place and your overly simplistic view on the world.

Right first off, i didnt say Luis Suarez should not be punished. He tried to bite someone on the field of play.

Ok you got that, or do you want me to put it in capitals, or maybe send you a letter in the post confirming it? Good.

Secondly, the fact is he didnt actually BITE anyone in this instance (notice i say bite, not attempted bite), as both the police and the chelsea club doctors checked out Ivanovic and found nothing, thats why police charges, that could have been pressed, were dropped.

So is that clear? I'm not defending Suarez, he deserved a ban. The criticism comes from the lack of FA consistency regarding incidents and incidents of similar ilk (Defoe, Terry).

Ok thirdly, you may brush off what i said in the last post, but the fact remains that last nights PFA that was supported by Clarke Carlise, Gordon Taylor and Jason Roberts, all of whom campaigned against Surez when the Evra/Saurez incident happened, championing their moral outrage for months on end, where then engaging in laughing at a black comedian making jokes about Saurez and using the n word several times.

So theres something utterly wrong there? If the N word is not acceptable in this country why is it acceptable there? that was what everyone was told last year. Double standards and hypocrisy abounds as usual.

So is that clear? Theres nothing wrong with my moral compass. I just dont start foaming at the mouth as soon as something happens, and as ive continually said, there are those that come in here, supporting clubs that have had players of their own doing detestable things, whether you like it or not, but at the same time trying to take some moral high ground with Suarez.
I think fellow professionals have more right to boo him, they are the ones getting abused by Suarez and could do in the future. I think them booing shows that it is not only fans, FA etc that are against him, his fellow professionals are against him for what he is doing. Hopefully Suarez will wake up and actually realise that his actions will cause reactions against them.

On the comedian, I haven't seen it, but Black people use the 'N' word and if he was doing it in a satirical/ironic way it is to point out the stupidity of somebody using that word in a certain context. I have seen other Reginald D Hunter stand up shows and he is a very clever comedian.

Context is the key phrase here, certain words said by certain people or in certain ways is a big part of what makes a word or saying offensive to people or unacceptable.
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I'm glad you are disturbed by my over simplistic post as i attempted a litle experiment, i.e. to see how you would react if somebody mimicked your style of using "arguments".

In your reply you do it again: "attempted to bite", no he bit simple as's ,not because there are no teethmarks that he didn't bite...

This post is not about Suareze or biting, but about the way you discuss. IMO you continually use false arguments or arguments taht are no real arguments.

I'm afraid we may never agree on this, so feel free to reply and just leave it at that. No hard feelings.

PS: i agree with Bobby's last post.
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