Liverpool Thread

thanks to him, otherwise we would be 3rd or 4th from bottom.

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It's pointless having a reasonable discussion with you,Suarez could come into your house on Christmas day and piss on your kids and you'd still sing his praises, can't wait for the day he fucks off and leaves Liverpool,then we'll see what you really think of him, just like Nando Torres, greatest striker in the world, now waste of money shite Chelsea striker.
Thanks to all the Liverpool fans who can see beyond the tribalism and not come out with the old Cantona did this, and Keane did that, Fergie runs the FA bollocks.
That is utter bullshit pipa. With the money Liverpool spend on Suarez they could have bought another player that is maybe not as good as Suarez but could have also scored lots of do as if Suarez is the only decent forward in the world.

he is not, but pretty much he is one of few who can create a goal themselfs and also score from free kick...for me he is ultimate forward, who can win a game on his own...often he doesn´t need a pass + he makes goals happend with his assist´s, wich is more than just a true CF. If we sold him, we would maybe panic and make Carroll kind of buy again... or buy someone who wouldn´t replace him, becouse i don´t know what top forward would want to join a team who has a big chance not to play even in europa league next season...
Check this out

It's pointless having a reasonable discussion with you,Suarez could come into your house on Christmas day and piss on your kids and you'd still sing his praises, can't wait for the day he fucks off and leaves Liverpool,then we'll see what you really think of him, just like Nando Torres, greatest striker in the world, now waste of money shite Chelsea striker.
Thanks to all the Liverpool fans who can see beyond the tribalism and not come out with the old Cantona did this, and Keane did that, Fergie runs the FA bollocks.

I won´t say it´s pointless to discouse, i don´t like what you think that i think of Suarez..i am pissed off becouse the ban and i´m also pissed off becouse his actions on field the same way as non-lfc fans...but it is kind of strainge to see my view as a LFC supporter. Perhaps if you wouldn´t be United supporter, you would see the things more simillar to mine.. i stand by my words, and i strongly hope he stayes in the club and start´s to behave..becouse he also has bright side to his game and he is important for the team so i try to think of that part before i say we should fuck him off to other league...


great goals by Agger and Hendo btw... great start!!
that's surely a 10 day ban from the forum talking to a mod like that

I think you get some uncalled for stick to be fair pippa, just your opinion at the end of the day.
nevermind mate..

but what a player Coutinho is, a diamond.. he should play in Brazil if he continues like that.. i mean the world cup :)
Coz you're being annoying , first told we would be 3 or 4 from bottom and now after we are wining you tell Newcastle are playing bad ... So if I have to use same arguments as you now we beat Newcastle while we draw at HOME 1-1 , maybe without Suarez we would finish 3 or 4 on top of the table ?
Coz you're being annoying , first told we would be 3 or 4 from bottom and now after we are wining you tell Newcastle are playing bad ... So if I have to use same arguments as you now we beat Newcastle while we draw at HOME 1-1 , maybe without Suarez we would finish 3 or 4 on top of the table ?


realy? after one half time performance you could predict a whole season form without our best striker who made also many assist´s?

wow. Newcastle indeed are playing bad at home, i thought this will be a draw, but i´m happy we look so good.

you are pathetic, so now that we are playing good how much, 59 minutes to Suarez ban, we don´t need him already? i thought you were more clever..
thats 4-0 now, seeing this today will be what rodgers had in mind when he started. i think now thats the most goals liverpool have scored in the league since 1995/1996
thats 4-0 now, seeing this today will be what rodgers had in mind when he started. i think now thats the most goals liverpool have scored in the league since 1995/1996

i fancy Sturridge for a hattrick, that would make it 3 goals and one assist, thanks Chelsea :P

and thanks Inter Milan for Phil, what were you thinking?! :D
Really good balanced performance. Didnt realise Newcastle were so far down the table, just goes to show how quickly things can change. Last year we were moaning about Liverpool's signings compared to how well Newcastle were doing! Im not saying pool's signings were good, which they werent, but just how a season can quickly change things.
Hendo's been superb, non stop running and rewarded. I wonder why they stopped playing Sturridge, was he injured before? When we signed him, we was suppose to play Stu in ST with Suarez and Coutinho / Downing.

Newcastle's back 4 is lacking that discipline, Collocini's not playing so that's a big miss.
a day to remember for both teams and fans...

i like the fact we have a young team with experienced players like Johnson, Gerrard and Reina with great performances today...especially Reina looks solid as before.. good sign.

Not to mention Sturridge and Coutinho, they ALWAYS should start from now on...

Borini first touch with ball and scored, realy good for him...

great day at the office, hopefully we will buy the targets Rodgers wants to CB position, either Alderwield or Martins Indi...or De Vrij.. all young and perspective... + if we manage to find someone like Coutinho on right wing for future, we could become again top 4 team i believe.. but it takes lot of work and team work like today...

many chelsea fans said Sturridge is selfish, so either it was a myth, or Rodgers made him a great team player who can also create but also score... for me he deserves the n.9 if we sell Carroll eventually..
today´s result makes us second highest scoring team after United...

PIPA, I know it's only one game, but I have to say "I told you".
Liverpool are not a 1-man team. We have Sturridge, Coutinho and Henderson.

I am actually glad the Suarez ban has happened, it will force other players to come to the forefront and stand up to be counted, instead of hiding behind Suarez and Gerrard.
Suarez will hopefully learn his lesson and come back a reformed player or we sell him for a decent fee.

If we can get a few more good signings this summer, and I mean intelligent signings like Coutinho/Sturridge, then we'll keep doing ok.
well i´m not angry or something..i support LFC before Suarez, i will after Suarez...i don´t support Suarez FC.. ;)

I´m not glad he get such ban, but i´m as well glad for our other players to prove they can also create and score goals in his absence..

but before we get carry away from today, you have to admit Newcastle were very bad today...if we manage to repeat this performance in the derby next week, it would mean a lot more for our future than today...Newcastle didn´t played after the third goal.. their defence is a joke... Everton will be a though oponent and someone who will test even our defence more than Newcastle...

Coutinho and Sturridge were amazing buys of this new regime LFC...together for 20 mil. great buisiness.
LFC Albania was banned for 7 days for that insult.

You do not say that to a fellow member let alone a moderator.

And fgs get off each other's back. No need to insult each other over opinions. Pipa might have a point, you might have a point, but that doesn't warrant you go down someone's throat.

End of.
mate i didn´t felt bad when he said it.. i hope you consider his he doesn´t think it was my idea..
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