Liverpool Thread

I think he priced himself out of a move to us tonight!

Gundogan on the other hand...

If I were Gundogan or Lewandowski, I would stay clear of English football which is already way behind German football.
How many English teams do you think can live with the likes of Bayern or Dortmund ?

I absolutely admire what Jurgen Klopp is doing at Dortmund, to have won the Bundesliga twice, and now going to reach the CL final, without breaking the bank.

For me it would be terribly sad to see this Dortmund team be ravaged by the big money clubs, players like Gundogan, Reus, Lewandowski should stay where they are. They are doing so well because of the team and Klopp's playing style.
next 3 games could be a nightmare! w/o Suarez. Liverpool at least won`t fall any further I can`t imagine Liverpool 10th spot .
If I were Gundogan or Lewandowski, I would stay clear of English football which is already way behind German football.
How many English teams do you think can live with the likes of Bayern or Dortmund ?

I absolutely admire what Jurgen Klopp is doing at Dortmund, to have won the Bundesliga twice, and now going to reach the CL final, without breaking the bank.

For me it would be terribly sad to see this Dortmund team be ravaged by the big money clubs, players like Gundogan, Reus, Lewandowski should stay where they are. They are doing so well because of the team and Klopp's playing style.

I kind of agree with this. It would be great to think they'd all stay with Dortmund, but already Kagawa and Goetze are gone/going, and Lewandowski has run down his contract so will be off too.

Plus, as well as they' done in the CL, Dortmund are 20 (!) points behind Bayern in the title race.

While you can obviously see the strength of the German league at this exact moment, it's worth noting that they just don't get anywhere near the worldwide exposure of other leagues - so they can't offer as much fame or payment. And in the end that's going to make the difference.

And it's worth noting Dortmund's current XI is heavily made up of shrewd buys from smaller clubs - not like this is a youth team that has been together forever. It's undeniably special, but I don't think it'll last.
No surprise hes considering his future i would. You can all throw a party when he leaves. This country has gone to the dogs, full of moral high ground hypocrites.
:LMAO: Pipa's avatar.

I think the bans about right, I agree with Bobby that he's clearly not learning from his mistakes and he should pay the price.
No surprise hes considering his future i would. You can all throw a party when he leaves. This country has gone to the dogs, full of moral high ground hypocrites.

You won't see me throwing a party. It will make it a hell of a lot harder to pick on Liverpool & its fans. Though of course, if he does leave, we might have to listen to apologists all season long claiming that the evil outside world chased him off and that it's all a big conspiracy against the team.

As far as the punishment goes; I don't agree with the considerable length of it, because despite everything Suarez has done wrong, the FA has done nothing to set the right precedent for this type of offense. 6 games would have seemed more reasonable. I agree much worse things have been virtually ignored by the FA. Consistent they are not.
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10 games is soft if you compare it to 12 games that joey barton got for almost nuttin' someone. the number of games for players being banned is random though, wouldn't surprise me if FA just rolled dice.
The thing is though Pipa, is that it's not 10 games for that action. It's 10 games because he has had two lengthy bans in the past and hasn't learnt his lesson.

To use an analogy, if you steal from a shop and get caught, you'll probably get a police caution and will be banned from that shop. If you steal again and get caught you'll probably go to jail because you're a repeat offender. Now, if after that you go out and hit someone, you'll get a lengthy sentence because you're a repeat offender with a history of breaking the law. It's as simple as that really.

Excellent post.

Bebo, this is a perfect example wy IMO opinion this is a real fan. Although i'm sure he regrets that is club has to miss the fantastic player that Suarez is for 10 matches, he still can be objective. He has an opinion and can support his opinion with objective arguments. The law works like UJ describes it, so a 10 match ban makes perfectly sense.

In a way, he does think like me.Yes.

My favourite team in Belgium got caught with tax fraud, got a fine, didn't even start to pay a fine and got no license anymore...the team went 8 divisions down and was effectively finished. It broke my heart, but IMO it was a fair punishment. That is also the reason for all my rants about money and football. Clubs like Real Madrid did exactly the same thing and bought star players with the money they got from their financial fraud. But i'm going off-topic.

Pipa, your post are getting very sad...i know you as a very reasonable guy and i hope your Livepool blindness is your only gigantic weakness. No offense meant.
For me it would be terribly sad to see this Dortmund team be ravaged by the big money clubs, players like Gundogan, Reus, Lewandowski should stay where they are. They are doing so well because of the team and Klopp's playing style.

well its sad they are going from Dortmund but imo if thtas what they all want then let them go and get some cash , it happen to Dortmund 2 years ago best player (Sahin) left , what happen ? nothing they move on and bean even better , last year other best player (Kagawa) left again they are still good enough and maybe gonna win CL , gotze will leave this year and I think they'll do just fine without him , last night we saw they can even play without gotze (who didnt do much on last night match) I just hope they menage to keep Lewandowski for some more at last 1 season (but his contract over next summer so if he dont continua it they going to sell him I believe) but with Reus and Gundogan on team + some gkdsfgogh3489t894twgh players they gonna show up next season they'll be good again I believe !

Lineker mentioned last night that Lewandowski's agent said Bayern reached an agreement to sign him.

No idea how true is that.

yeah I read it too , actually it was Enrique Reyes agent of Jupp Heynckes who said same as gotze also Lewandowski has sign for Bayern and that wont surprise me !
I think the ban is fair for Suarez but the FA really need to sort it out, they just seem to make it up as they go along and I think in that respect I can understand why Liverpool fans are upset about it.

They need to update their disciplinary procedure and bans, so it can be universal, so it is clear if a player does something, they will get a certain ban.

Even if it is along the lines of, 'If it is serious (Harming another player on purpose) incident, then the FA have the right to increase the ban from 3 games to a maximum of 10 and this ban can be raised higher taking into account previous bans applied across worldwide footballing associations'

Obviously it will be worded better and there will be a part in there for extreme circumstances where a player gets banned for life/season/half a season, but at least people would know where they stand somewhat. If they have something like that already it needs to be clearer.

In updating the bans they should definitely add cumulative bans if a player keeps on getting banned, for cases such as Suarez.
10 games is soft if you compare it to 12 games that joey barton got for almost nuttin' someone. the number of games for players being banned is random though, wouldn't surprise me if FA just rolled dice.

The Barton thing, didnt he go for three players? im sure he did.
End of the line for Suarez in England:
Luis Suárez is convinced that his time in England came to an end. According to the British press, the Uruguayan striker faces the punishment of 10 games after the bite Ivanovic of Chelsea, as the end of line in Liverpool and the Premier League.

Suspended until September, Suárez has confessed to close friends in Uruguay that the act with the classic Chelsea will have repercussions beyond the suspension imposed by the FA, since the English referees, believes not turn to look at him equally with respect as the other athletes.

However, the punishment can be just a way to force out Suarez of Liverpool, and the failure of Reds to fight for cups will be the basis of the decision of the Uruguayan, who plans to head to a club that allows him to fight for domestic and international cups.

In this scenario, there are already rumors circulating for a possible interest of FC Barcelona, aswell as Bayern München since Pep Guardiola's brother, Pere Guardiola, has already been in contact with officials from Liverpool to address the subject of the Uruguayan.
zerozero (google translate)
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The Barton thing, didnt he go for three players? im sure he did.

probably, but he missed didn't he. anyway at the start of next season liverpool could just send Suarez on loan to some scottish club, their season starts about a month before EPL. use up the banned games init then bring him back and he might only miss about 1 or 2 games of start of next season. not 100% sure you allowed to do this though lol..
Players in PL did the same thing in past, Keane ended a career get 5 matches ban then... seems like Suarez is a player on wich the FA want´s to show their power..

Whose career did Keane end? Cause it wasn't Haaland's.That tackle on Haaland's right knee took place in April 2001, Haaland retired due to a injury on his left knee in July 2003. Haaland finished the Manchester derby in which that tackle took place and played for Norway 4 days later. Keane received a 3 match ban for the initial tackle and then an additional 5 match ban for admitting he went out to hurt Haaland in his book.
Ah, the old bring up a myth about Man Utd to support your argument. We never see that from Liverpool fans. Ever.
Whose career did Keane end? Cause it wasn't Haaland's.That tackle on Haaland's right knee took place in April 2001, Haaland retired due to a injury on his left knee in July 2003. Haaland finished the Manchester derby in which that tackle took place and played for Norway 4 days later. Keane received a 3 match ban for the initial tackle and then an additional 5 match ban for admitting he went out to hurt Haaland in his book.

Dammit, you with the facts and the truth.

I like Reina's line. The FA is racist against Uruguayans. Like Diego Forlan.
Not every Liverpool supporter is "shocked" about the 10-match ban

Richard Pedder, the Liverpool Supporters’ Club chairman, said: ‘I don’t think it’s a shock, I think he deserves everything he gets. It’s down to the club to tell him, “This is your last chance”.
‘He won’t leave the club this summer. They shouldn’t have said anything and just accepted the ban. With them releasing a statement, it’s going to go on again and we want it closed. We haven’t had enough but we’re concerned. Nobody is bigger than the club.

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Pretty convincing stuff, on why Suarez deserves his ban, and once again Liverpool are looking foolish in their defence of their "star" player.

Agree with much of that article.

It may well have been a shorter ban had Liverpool banned him themselves.
City did that with Ben Thatcher and the FA took it into consideration.
If the FA aren't convinced Liverpool are serious about sorting Suarez out then it makes sense that the FA will do what is in their power to do it for them.

(not that I agree with the claim that 10 games is harsh - it's lenient if anything. Biting is subhuman behaviour)
Yeah, United banned Cantona too.

For me LFC and Suarez look like a couple where the guy knows the chick is waaay hotter than him, and keeps bending over backwards to keep her, even though she treats him like crap.
Hopefully Suarez will leave in the summer or before next season. No doubt he starts claiming he can no longer be in England as the media and Fa forced his hand. Always the victim. I am sad my club is hated so much. It never used to be this way. Respect is earned and we have lost it all on one mans childish, wild actions.

This circus will come to an end and LFC can start to build a squad and more importantly their reputation again and not have to rely on the erratic Suarez. Talented yes. Reliable never.

Then this thread will be full of tumbleweed... :YAWN:
Don't worry jonnyluvrod, sooner or later Suarez will leave for pastures (supposedly) greener and the tide will turn.
Meanwhile i can't say that Liverpool are the best run club of the EPL, but look how a club like Dortmund was able to turn the tables... a strong Liverpool is always a major asset for the EPL and English football.
Don't worry jonnyluvrod, sooner or later Suarez will leave for pastures (supposedly) greener and the tide will turn.
Meanwhile i can't say that Liverpool are the best run club of the EPL, but look how a club like Dortmund was able to turn the tables... a strong Liverpool is always a major asset for the EPL and English football.

It wasn't too long ago Liverpool were playing football like Dortmund and competing, sometimes dominating teams across Europe. Barcelona away and Real at Anfield instantly spring to my mind as fantastic performances where we played fast, flowing football and were lots of people second favorite team in Europe.

I hope Brendan and the board do the right thing here for the good of LFC and football in general.

It might sound biased but a strong Liverpool is good for the EPL, FA and UEFA.
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