Liverpool Thread

I think it is good, with his previous, his bans should increase until he gets the message, next time he does something as bad then he should get 15 games etc etc

But I also think it will get reduced unfortunately.
He's had a 7 game ban for biting previously, that obviously didn't deter him, he received an 8 game ban for racial abuse and was warned about future conduct. What did you think he'd get? Hope you do argue it to be honest and get hit with an additional ban for a frivolous appeal.

You cant carry over incidents from another country and league when making a decision.
Purely theoretically a ban for Suarez is completely useless. He will do other things that are very contorversial. So the FA might aswell not have banned him.

If you look at it from Ivanovic's point of view (and that of his future victims) 10 matches is very lenient, also consdering that he also had two long bans. He is a recividist, from that point of view 10 games is not enough.

To be honest, it doesn't really matters...

Ok and now the Liverpool fans can begin to complain that the FA is against their club...i wonder what arguments they will use.

Oh for goodness sakes man he didnt even bite him. Thats a fact. No teethmarks, no penetration, checked over by Doctors and police, there was nothing. He attempted to bite or at worse gave him a nasty suck.

No wonder the games going down the pan people talk themselves into believing something happened that actually did not.
You cant carry over incidents from another country and league when making a decision.

Actually the FA hire an independent judge, player and official to make the decision, and they can do what they feel is best. There is no hard fast rule.

That he has a longer ban than Thatcher is ridiculous.
I think it is good, with his previous, his bans should increase until he gets the message, next time he does something as bad then he should get 15 games etc etc

But I also think it will get reduced unfortunately.

I agree with this. Loads of bellends are kicking off now with "so biting is worse than racism?!" as their argument. Now, that argument would stand up if it were a different player, say if Suarez was banned for racism and then Coutinho bit someone and still got 10 games, the fact is Suarez is a repeat offender who clearly has discipline and anger issues that need addressing so i can't blame the FA for giving him a longer ban this time. Yes it does seem excessive if you only look at it in the context of "it was just a bite" but it's not his first ban, he's been warned about his future conduct several times, so he deserves this long ban. The complete fucking idiot.
I agree with this. Loads of bellends are kicking off now with "so biting is worse than racism?!" as their argument. Now, that argument would stand up if it were a different player, say if Suarez was banned for racism and then Coutinho bit someone and still got 10 games, the fact is Suarez is a repeat offender who clearly has discipline and anger issues that need addressing so i can't blame the FA for giving him a longer ban this time. Yes it does seem excessive if you only look at it in the context of "it was just a bite" but it's not his first ban, he's been warned about his future conduct several times, so he deserves this long ban. The complete fucking idiot.

Agreed, the fact that Suarez has 1 major incident every season, means the bans keep getting longer and longer.

Liverpool again are acting foolish by saying the 10-game ban was too much. It's as if none of his previous misdemeanours ever existed.
Which is why they signed him, pretending it never existed.

I don't think Liverpool or Suarez have learned their lessons. It's obvious.
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I agree with this. Loads of bellends are kicking off now with "so biting is worse than racism?!" as their argument. Now, that argument would stand up if it were a different player, say if Suarez was banned for racism and then Coutinho bit someone and still got 10 games, the fact is Suarez is a repeat offender who clearly has discipline and anger issues that need addressing so i can't blame the FA for giving him a longer ban this time. Yes it does seem excessive if you only look at it in the context of "it was just a bite" but it's not his first ban, he's been warned about his future conduct several times, so he deserves this long ban. The complete fucking idiot.

Post of a real fan. I hope for you Suarez has learned his lesson and scores the winner in the CL final in 2015...

That's a really short-sighted view though. What if he now moves to Germany and bites someone there. Should be a 'first-time offence' thing?

Then he could go to Italy, then Spain and finally the MLS and have completed the biting world cup!

If you receive a ban in any UEFA competition, it holds even though you move countries and teams. Why should your history be any different?
That's a really short-sighted view though. What if he now moves to Germany and bites someone there. Should be a 'first-time offence' thing?

Then he could go to Italy, then Spain and finally the MLS and have completed the biting world cup!

If you receive a ban in any UEFA competition, it holds even though you move countries and teams. Why should your history be any different?

Because it's a different country that is, and it's not the same competition. It's like driving if you had an accident in England would it carry with you to Italy? At least not now. You can argue both ways really, both ways have merits of its own and we'll probably won't see the end of it.

I see the whole incident as childish attempt to bite Ivanovic by Suarez and not maliciously trying to hurt Ivanovic. Although I expected it to be more than 3 games, 10 games is excessive. We'll never see eye on eye on this with you or other people in the thread so take it as it is.
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That's a really short-sighted view though. What if he now moves to Germany and bites someone there. Should be a 'first-time offence' thing?

Then he could go to Italy, then Spain and finally the MLS and have completed the biting world cup!

If you receive a ban in any UEFA competition, it holds even though you move countries and teams. Why should your history be any different?

Maybe he likes international cuisine.
10 match its exaggerated honestly , 4 matchs its enough for this what happen , but if there are 10 matchs than I don't think he'll play for Liverpool anymore :/

shame coz the guy really has class and its one of best strikers on the world atm , but lets see and wait what gonna happen !
Terry and Defoe's combined bans for two identical incidents totalled 4 games and a yellow card.

Suarez gets 18 game ban for the two.

i bet he would go to jail if he tried to bite a dark skin player..

i won´t even comment anymore on the fairness of FA...
The problem though is the ridiculous rules now in place that means people can get off when doing similar or worse acts. I cant say Im that bothered about the ban, he's an idiot. But that Daily mail article had a good number of examples showing this.

As for the ban, 7 games for the offense and another 3 as a repeat offender seems fine to me.

There is slways a silverlining, and it's that Beach will have less oppertunity to come in here and moan about him..over and over again. ( see makes you feel better now doesnt it? ;)
The problem though is the ridiculous rules now in place that means people can get off when doing similar or worse acts. I cant say Im that bothered about the ban, he's an idiot. But that Daily mail article had a good number of examples showing this.

As for the ban, 7 games for the offense and another 3 as a repeat offender seems fine to me.

There is slways a silverlining, and it's that Beach will have less oppertunity to come in here and moan about him..over and over again. ( see makes you feel better now doesnt it? ;)

You wait, I'll find some GIFS of him in the stands...

10 match ban for that action is not fine, and i hope the club will appeal against it.

The thing is though Pipa, is that it's not 10 games for that action. It's 10 games because he has had two lengthy bans in the past and hasn't learnt his lesson.

To use an analogy, if you steal from a shop and get caught, you'll probably get a police caution and will be banned from that shop. If you steal again and get caught you'll probably go to jail because you're a repeat offender. Now, if after that you go out and hit someone, you'll get a lengthy sentence because you're a repeat offender with a history of breaking the law. It's as simple as that really.
There is slways a silverlining, and it's that Beach will have less oppertunity to come in here and moan about him..over and over again. ( see makes you feel better now doesnt it? ;)

didn´t saw that sentence at first..i don´t mind oposite teams fans comment if they talk sence... just i would love to see his reaction if a United player, let´s say Rooney or RVP or someone even more imporatnt did same thing as Suarez, how would he, the team, the fans and FA react. i know Suarez did this in past..but he also payed for that actions. Players in PL did the same thing in past, Keane ended a career get 5 matches ban then... seems like Suarez is a player on wich the FA want´s to show their power..but i think more dangerous things happend in past and near past and were not dealt with as this incident. wich is a shame to whole FA realy.
As I said, it's ridiculous that his ban is longer than Ben Thatchers.

I thought 4 games would be fine, end his season and give him a suspended massive sentence. So if he does something else stupid, it's like 15 games or something.
The thing is though Pipa, is that it's not 10 games for that action. It's 10 games because he has had two lengthy bans in the past and hasn't learnt his lesson.

To use an analogy, if you steal from a shop and get caught, you'll probably get a police caution and will be banned from that shop. If you steal again and get caught you'll probably go to jail because you're a repeat offender. Now, if after that you go out and hit someone, you'll get a lengthy sentence because you're a repeat offender with a history of breaking the law. It's as simple as that really.

but the question is, does FA want to punish ACTION or PLAYER?! becouse Suarez payed for words + one bite attempt more than players payed for breaking legs.. Suarez never got a red card in LFC career, yet he got 19 matches ban already for stuff that was massively overreacted response either in media or in people who felt offended, yet didn´t reacted same way in other same incidents made by other players.
but the question is, does FA want to punish ACTION or PLAYER?! becouse Suarez payed for words + one bite attempt more than players payed for breaking legs.. Suarez never got a red card in LFC career, yet he got 19 matches ban already for stuff that was massively overreacted response either in media or in people who felt offended, yet didn´t reacted same way in other same incidents made by other players.

To be fair he's also injured players with potentially leg-breaking tackles. It's not like these are the only two times he's done anything.

Has he really never been sent off for LFC? I'm surprised by that. Accumulates a ton of yellows.
I'm glad Suarez did it actually. Has taken my mind off the title. Hell, even my rag mates are more interested in talking about ratboy :D
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