Liverpool Thread

Gerd take it easy buddy , youre really over reacting on whole this , players use his punch to hurt other player , suarez have one other way as he's tooth are big so he try to use them sometimes :D I bet that silly trackle by Aguero on Luiz last week can hurt way much and its worse than what suarez did yesterday ! 8 match ban its much , 3-4 its most he can get !

I like what Ian Ayre said and hope to don't see Luis leaving next season hes amazing player and if we lose him it will be really hard to find as good player as suarez to replace him !

btw people talking about Cavani I can tell you that he's not even near Suarez and I wont change him for Cavani even if I was drunk!
Its a good way for suarez to leave liverpool though, he could have engineered the whole thing so if he doesnt play for the rest of the season and he decides to leave it looks like he's been hounded out of england instead of him not wanting to play for a midtable team anymore, the fans will blame the FA, suarez will get his champions league football and liverpool with make a profit
Its not about this particular bite, its about consistent biting and misbehave on pitch through his career. Biting in Ajax, biting in Liverpool, elbowing in national team, snowboarding on top of Zenit defender.. Cmon someone has to stop him. Liverpool should back him up - 100% But Suarez needs to give it back to Liverpool, not only by playing world class football, but also by keeping Liverpool out of this Vampire mess.
Gerd take it easy buddy , youre really over reacting on whole this , players use his punch to hurt other player , suarez have one other way as he's tooth are big so he try to use them sometimes :D I bet that silly trackle by Aguero on Luiz last week can hurt way much and its worse than what suarez did yesterday ! 8 match ban its much , 3-4 its most he can get !

I like what Ian Ayre said and hope to don't see Luis leaving next season hes amazing player and if we lose him it will be really hard to find as good player as suarez to replace him !

btw people talking about Cavani I can tell you that he's not even near Suarez and I wont change him for Cavani even if I was drunk!

Then why don't you just sign Jaws from 007 movies? Oh wait...

Liverpool FC's reaction has been obviously useless.
What is a fine going to do to Suarez ? Nothing ....

We should sell this guy and restore some pride back to Anfield.
I am sick of seeing the owners, manager, and directors just being
swayed by the fact that he's a great talent, but a despicable cheat.

We should never have signed him, that was our biggest mistake.
When he had just finished a ban for biting Bakal, it was ridiculous
for us to be signing Suarez.
I think signing Suarez + Carroll has got to be the worst piece of
business conducted by Liverpool ever, wasting 50m of money on
1 - a player of questionable character on the pitch
2 - another player with half a good season in the premier league, who is more suited to Stoke or West Ham.

I understand that Suarez is one of the top players in the world on current form, but he's not worth keeping if it means that Liverpool's reputation is tarnished.
without Suarez we would be in Championship...he is carrying the team for second season now..

That is a ridiculous statement to say the least.
Football is a team game, Suarez is not some god.
Yes he scores a lot of goals, but if he was not there, we would have some other striker who can contribute some amount of goals,
AND other players will step up their game.

Just take a look at games in past seasons when Gerrard was the main player
and was out of matches, we had OTHER players step up their game.
That is always natural response.

If we had signed Sturridge/Bent/Adebayor/Defoe when Torres had left Liverpool, I am 100% sure we would have been in the top-8 teams of the league.

This sickening attitude by Liverpool management and fans that Suarez is a great player, we should be tolerating his madness sickening.

Even the Hillsborough campaign have come out and said that they didnt want his money from the fine, rather he just stop biting, etc

For me a club like AJAX has real class, in the way they treated Suarez by banning him before their Dutch FA did anything.
What have Liverpool done, a measly fine for a guy who makes 120K a week.

By not banning Suarez, Liverpool have shown how impotent they are.
LFC doesn´t tolerate his behaviour.. they stick with the player and wait for FA to react.

he has a long term contract here... + he must now behave, otherwise he is gone.
Even the Hillsborough campaign have come out and said that they didnt want his money from the fine, rather he just stop biting, etc

The only just and decent reaction.
The fact that Suarez is one of the best players in the world does not justifies his behaviour. Hats off to these people.
LFC doesn´t tolerate his behaviour.. they stick with the player and wait for FA to react.

he has a long term contract here... + he must now behave, otherwise he is gone.

Ajax also were in a similar situation. He was their best player scoring 40+ goals in the previous season, he had a great world cup, etc....
And then he bit a player from one of their rivals PSV.
Did Ajax just fine him and wait for their FA to do something.

No, Ajax did the right thing and banned him.

If Liverpool had banned him for the rest of the season, then I think the entire football world would have respected them.
But this pathetic fine is just a token gesture with no real meaning.
I love the 'defence' on here. It's not that bad, he just bit someone. Not like he's Roy Keane or Eric Cantona. Because, that's what the latest LFC defenders have been jumping on. You can't end someone's career with a bite, so of course it's not that bad.

Ignoring of course the multiple times that Suarez has put in leg-breakers, how on Earth is that a defence?

He BIT someone. AGAIN. And this time it wasn't even a 'oh my mouth is here so why not' bite, this was a grab the arm, line it up and take a mouthful. It's just mental!

If that was the only bad thing he did, I'd have some sympathy and somewhat agree it's not that big a deal - as with the Defoe thing. But this is Luis Suarez here. You can't take this one incident in isolation - he absolutely is that type of player.
Ajax also were in a similar situation. He was their best player scoring 40+ goals in the previous season, he had a great world cup, etc....
And then he bit a player from one of their rivals PSV.
Did Ajax just fine him and wait for their FA to do something.

No, Ajax did the right thing and banned him.

If Liverpool had banned him for the rest of the season, then I think the entire football world would have respected them.
But this pathetic fine is just a token gesture with no real meaning.

At least they didn't make t-shirts.
Liverpool says Suarez can leave for 40 million at least but only outside England. Is that true?

And Suarez said in a newspaper that biting someone is a friendly way to say hello in uruguay, besides Ivanovic started the whole fight by biting him with his fingers and the fingers are the fangs of our hands...WTF??? Is that from a Hungarian sport site so i guess its not entirely reliable source but anyone saw something similar?? :D I cant believe a grown up man would state something like this.
Liverpool says Suarez can leave for 40 million at least but only outside England. Is that true?

LFC just gave a statement he is going nowhere and that he signed 4 year conract last summer... what is there more to add?

i hope we won´t talk about Suarez again for half year...
Sturridge to step up hopefully.

Probably the only man linked to Liverpool happy that Suarez chose to be an idiot.

Exactly my point, this is a perfect chance for Sturridge to stake his claim as the main striker.
I think Liverpool need to start planning for life after Suarez, because at this rate, he will either leave or every season we'll be without him for 8-10 matches due to his yearly bans.
I love the 'defence' on here. It's not that bad, he just bit someone. Not like he's Roy Keane or Eric Cantona. Because, that's what the latest LFC defenders have been jumping on. You can't end someone's career with a bite, so of course it's not that bad.

Ignoring of course the multiple times that Suarez has put in leg-breakers, how on Earth is that a defence?

He BIT someone. AGAIN. And this time it wasn't even a 'oh my mouth is here so why not' bite, this was a grab the arm, line it up and take a mouthful. It's just mental!

If that was the only bad thing he did, I'd have some sympathy and somewhat agree it's not that big a deal - as with the Defoe thing. But this is Luis Suarez here. You can't take this one incident in isolation - he absolutely is that type of player.

Yup you just look past your own misbehaving players while condeming a rival player. Hypocrite of the highest order.

I can accept opinions - i cant accept hypocrisy. To defend cantona and keane that always had previousthen cite suarez previous is staggering.
Yup you just look past your own misbehaving players while condeming a rival player. Hypocrite of the highest order.

I can accept opinions - i cant accept hypocrisy. To defend cantona and keane that always had previousthen cite suarez previous is staggering.

I realise you just joined so may just be winding me up, but where did I defend Cantona or Keane? I think both of them are utter c*nts for having done what they did (Keane especially) and have never tried to justify either of their actions.

Similarly, I think Suarez is a c*nt of the highest order, and don't understand how something some other team's players did 15 years ago should be at all in the frame of reference for evaluating the SECOND time he BIT someone.
i hope we won´t talk about Suarez again for half year...

I agree with you that a 6 month ban is a minimum.

That was joke, sorry.

I will stop posting about Suarez.
I really don't understand how the fans still defend Suarez, it is beyond me. Very disappointed with the club's reaction too.
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I realise you just joined so may just be winding me up, but where did I defend Cantona or Keane? I think both of them are utter c*nts for having done what they did (Keane especially) and have never tried to justify either of their actions.

Similarly, I think Suarez is a c*nt of the highest order, and don't understand how something some other team's players did 15 years ago should be at all in the frame of reference for evaluating the SECOND time he BIT someone.

Im talking about the faux rage thats enimating from rival fans of teams! Yet these fans have players of their own that have been out of line.

As usual the overreaction far outweighs the crime.

ban him, fine him and get on with it, but dont make him out to be worse than anything else thats gone on in football.
I said a few weeks ago they should change this threads name. I see how wrong I was not realizing the constant attack Liverpool supporters goes through here. Rafa, King Kenny ,Torres ,Carroll ,and Suarez. Well, even the media attacked Liverpool for the 96! I think Liverpool pick a perfect song to represent them.

And there lies the rub Gerd. Really, is this worthy of a comment from the Prime Minister? The cynic in me would think he was out to punish a club from a city that celebrated Margaret Thatchers death last week....

As an aside this is a good piece of writing on Sundays antics and exactly what im getting at regarding us all as fans and rivals.
Wow, that is a clever article. I call that transparency reporting . In defense of RvP raped case , I believe Arsenal sold him for that reason. We don't approve of raping :LOL:
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