Liverpool Thread

I will be happy to see Suarez leave our club.
Liverpool deserve better than this.

FSG and Rodgers need to decide, that it's time to cash out on this guy.
Even if we get 30m, we should grab it, and get a couple of decent strikers.

Credit to Rafa for being diplomatic about it.
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I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last of Suarez being a cunt in England, might get banned for the rest of the season and then off to Bayern.
To be fair to Suarez, Ivanovic most probably have been holding onto him for the whole game before that incident (he's holding Suarez's elbow just before he "got" ivanovic). I would guessed he snapped at it and his inner carnivore decided to show up for a couple of second.

But then every game he would've gotten the same treatment with other defenders (even had one holding his nut while defending corner, guess what's his retaliation?)

He just gave gas to the fire that was lit ever so dimly the last months or so, and he only has himself to blame. I will still support him, see the crime as it is and accept the result of it.

Oh and why do you think bigger clubs want to get him now? He tarnished his current employer's reputation, and as with LFC, other clubs are bigger than the players. Surely now the Barca's and the Bayern's would think twice of getting him now.
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Don't worry guys. Suarez isn't going to get banned by F.A as it happened against Chelsea. Like with Aguero and many other players, F.A don't care if it happens against Chelsea.

Good god, are you actually being serious?

I'm pretty sure the FA have better things to do than try and destroy Chelsea and make sure everybody does better than them. Stop whining, every team has decisions go against them etc. You've been awarded 17 penalties this season, pretty sure some of them will have been a bit dubious so please stop claiming the FA and referees are single handedly trying to ruin Chelsea Football Club (because this isn't the first time you've mentioned it, I notice).
Good god, are you actually being serious?

I'm pretty sure the FA have better things to do than try and destroy Chelsea and make sure everybody does better than them. Stop whining, every team has decisions go against them etc. You've been awarded 17 penalties this season, pretty sure some of them will have been a bit dubious so please stop claiming the FA and referees are single handedly trying to ruin Chelsea Football Club (because this isn't the first time you've mentioned it, I notice).

Yeah sure. I actually have problems with referees(refereephobia) since I was born and argue for no apparent reason.
give him a 5 game ban,no worries he'll be fresh for the start of next season

And the oscar goes to.... GOALGERD!!!!!

That you actually took the time to search all these images of Souness was already a low point (it's obvious that Souness cares more about Liverpool than you do, but you will not understand that). But this reply would be among the most daft posts i've ever read on this forum.

Don't you see what Suarez does to your club's image ?

He's a vilain, but it's "our" vilain...oh my god how i hate this sort of tribalism. People like you don't care about football at all, only their club counts. There is a broader perspective...

Somebody found a clip about Defoe and already the paranoia took over: "Suarez will get more than Defoe".

Of course he will. It's the second time he bites someone. He has already been through it all, official Ajax statement where the club declares that he has let himself and the club down and that with a club like Ajax there is no place for behaviour like this. So Suarez decided to test if there is place for behaviour like this at a club like Liverpool. And guess what ? There isn't. The poor guy must be baffled...

Suarez will get a longer ban than Defoe.

It was Defoe who had a racist thing with Evra. It was Defoe who keeps on diving, who keeps on bickering with refs and linesmen. It was Defoe who puts his studs on the back of an opponent on the ground ?

Everybody is against Liverpool. Just like everybody is against Chelsea.

My god, we need an IQ-test before people can post here.

I'm sorry for this rant. But i'm getting more and more fed up with the blind tribalism of some "fans" on this forum. Isn't football much more important than clubs and players ? Things like this are not good for football. I don't care if Suarez plays for Liverpool, Spurs, Chelsea or Genk, he deserves a very, very long and international ban for this. This has nothing do with football. Football is played with feet and head, not with teeth.

Rant over.
Defoe didn't get a he was yellow carded by the ref during the game so the FA couldn't do anything. I'm pretty confident Suarez will get a bigger ban than him though.... ;)
The thing is, Defoe didn't actually bite. He was clipped down three times in less than ten minutes, and just vented his frustration in a comical manner, acting like a "dog nibbling at his owner." Mascherano had no mark to show for, like Ivanovic.

There's also the fact that the ref was standing above Defoe, and awarded him a yellow card for his act, Suarez' incident wasn't seen by the ref and that's FA's open window to punish in retrospect.
gerd you're very ofensive sometimes , I bet goalgerd was being ironic !

Suarez did something not good so what ? when is this conisder more bad than punching a player on his face ? and we see that a lot of times coming from players , I think that its more rude than this "bite" , I dont know why you make such a big deal about that , let FA talk and give him a ban which I think won't be as long as some of you think

Suarez this Suarez that , cmon LFC dosn't tell him to bite someone , he just act as that and we know what he is , and personaly I can live with that (if that dosnt happen very offten) I know his a bit of dick but he's also class on football , just look at his assist and you can see that , I hope he dosn't leave Liverpool , someone should work more with him and try to slow a bit his agression on field .

I'll suport suarez after this too , he did wrong , he should pay for that and everybody is okay with that , he do more great stuff for club than bad , its just people are way to much after his head and he's on everybody's eyes !
I will be happy to see Suarez leave our club.
Liverpool deserve better than this.

FSG and Rodgers need to decide, that it's time to cash out on this guy.
Even if we get 30m, we should grab it, and get a couple of decent strikers.

that´s not true, players like Suarez don´t grow on trees... he needs to be punished, but at the same time, the club needs to stand behind him and give him some rules... after he breaks them again in same manner, then i guess he should be sold..but he need to be backed...the same way any manager would back his best player...

30 mil.? maybe his left foot only..
Whilst i dont condemn biting to say this incident has been blown way out of proportion is an understatement.

What Luis did was wrong, plain and simple. He should be fined and banned and thats the end of it. But you know that wont be the case as the media and rival fans come out all full of hypocrisy wanting his head to roll.

Career ending tackles, elbows to heads, head butting, missing drug tests, adultery and kung fu kicking a fan is all forgotten as every rival fan rushes to laughably label Suarez whilst forgetting their own players misdemeanors in the past.

Its pathetic.

As for the bite, what i dont understand is if Ivanovic pointed it out to the ref, and the ref didnt do anything, was there a serious bite mark there in the first place? or was it simply a deadly suck?

Because if their were marks on Ivanovic surely the ref would send him off? Surely Ivanovic would be screaming blue murder. The whole thing is a storm in a teacup. He should be banned and thats that.
And the oscar goes to.... GOALGERD!!!!!

That you actually took the time to search all these images of Souness was already a low point (it's obvious that Souness cares more about Liverpool than you do, but you will not understand that). But this reply would be among the most daft posts i've ever read on this forum.

Don't you see what Suarez does to your club's image ?

He's a vilain, but it's "our" vilain...oh my god how i hate this sort of tribalism. People like you don't care about football at all, only their club counts. There is a broader perspective...

Somebody found a clip about Defoe and already the paranoia took over: "Suarez will get more than Defoe".

Of course he will. It's the second time he bites someone. He has already been through it all, official Ajax statement where the club declares that he has let himself and the club down and that with a club like Ajax there is no place for behaviour like this. So Suarez decided to test if there is place for behaviour like this at a club like Liverpool. And guess what ? There isn't. The poor guy must be baffled...

Suarez will get a longer ban than Defoe.

It was Defoe who had a racist thing with Evra. It was Defoe who keeps on diving, who keeps on bickering with refs and linesmen. It was Defoe who puts his studs on the back of an opponent on the ground ?

Everybody is against Liverpool. Just like everybody is against Chelsea.

My god, we need an IQ-test before people can post here.

I'm sorry for this rant. But i'm getting more and more fed up with the blind tribalism of some "fans" on this forum. Isn't football much more important than clubs and players ? Things like this are not good for football. I don't care if Suarez plays for Liverpool, Spurs, Chelsea or Genk, he deserves a very, very long and international ban for this. This has nothing do with football. Football is played with feet and head, not with teeth.

Rant over.

Gerd you wont stop stuff like this happening so get used to it. Football is an emotive sport, players do stupid, rash things. I've done it myself in games, saw red, made a bad tackle or grabbed someone, it happens.
Another one bites the dus... err arm!


well it was a must for poor Suárez, he hasnt bitten anyone since...
YouTube - Luis Suarez bite Otman Bakkal after red card Lindgren ( The New Mike Tyson)

But Bakkal liked it a lot, his bite contains a poison wich makes everyone his bff so soon we will see Iva and Suie in a park having a picnic for sure.
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Luis Suarez:
For my unacceptable behaviour yesterday, the club has fined me today. I have asked the club to donate the money to the Hillsborough Family Support Group for the inconvenience I have created to the Liverpool fans and to Ivanovic.
It's true that there are lots of emotions on a football field, but it's the second time Suarez bites an opponent.
He has been all through this in Holland after his bite. People are supposed to learn from their mistakes.

He doesn't.

Am i offensive towards goalgerd ? That was not my intention.
But IMO there are limits in defending your team or it's players. What Suarez did yesterday is completely undefensable, it becomes even more undefensable considering the fact that he is a recividist.

How would goalgerd have reacted if Terry had bitten Gerrard and if some Chelsea fan would actually searched the internet for clips about Graeme Souness ?

You don't bite other people, not on the street, not on the a sports pitch. The "heat of the moment" is not a good argument to defend it and it becomes not an argument at all if the same player has done it before...(and if that same player afterwards decides the match).

If i was the FA i would take two decisions:

1 the end result of yesterday's match is 1-2 (bear in mind that i'm a SPurs fan)
2 Suarez get's a worldwide ban for a very long period (until january 2014 doesn't seem unfair considering all he did before yesterday).

He will have an 8 match ban and yesterday's result will not be changed.
Liverpool fans will see a conspiracy and Chelsea fans will also see a conspiracy.
Liverpool FC will have a word with Suarez will give him a fine and somehow that fine will be recuperated for Suarez. Liverpool (like most other clubs) really don't care about what happened, save for the fact that it's bad for their image...

The official statement condemning Suarez is ridiculous.

And to Lo Zio: i don't care if Suarez is a fantastic player (and he certainly is: look at Liverpool's first goal, one of the goals of the season IMO), i just don't want to see him. The last weeks i treid to enjoy him (and i did). I've had it with him...

Next season Suarez will continue to behave badly on the pitch.

Edit: of course he gives money to the Hillsborough family support group...this is all so predictable, cynical and disgusting, using a tragedy to for PR reasons. And now i'm speaking about Liverpool FC and not about Suarez. Liverpool can learn a thing or two from Everton.
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Liverpool FC managing director Ian Ayre today provided an update on the incident that occurred involving Luis Suarez during Sunday's game with Chelsea. Here is what he had to say in full.

Ian, everyone is still talking about Sunday's incident with Luis Suarez. What is the latest on the situation?

I think the most important thing is that we acted swiftly yesterday. Luis issued his apology and then we spoke with him last night and then again this morning. We've taken action to fine Luis for his actions. Brendan has spoken to him and I've spoken to him, and Brendan will be working with him further on his discipline. You can see when you speak to him how sorry he is about it and he's certainly shown quite a lot of contrition to us - and as part of that, he's also asked we donate the fine to the Hillsborough Family Support Group. I think he felt like he let a lot of people down yesterday. We'll work with Luis - Brendan particularly - on this side of his character in his game. Hopefully that puts the matter to rest from our point of view and we'll wait and see if there's any further action from the football authorities.

Have you had any contact with the owners regarding this situation?

Yes, of course. With any incident like this, any major incident at the club, we're in direct dialogue with the owners, always. I spoke to them last night and they were happy with the way we were handling the matter.

Will the events of the last 24 hours have any bearing on Luis's future at Liverpool Football Club?

Not at all. It affects his future in the sense that we have to work with him on his discipline - but Luis is a very important player to the club. He's a very popular player with his teammates. As we keep saying, he signed a new four-year contract last summer and we'd all love to see him here throughout that contract. He's a fantastic player, top scorer and everything we'd want in a striker, so there's no change there. This is more about getting him back on the right track and it's largely down to Brendan now to work with him on that side of his character.
that´s not true, players like Suarez don´t grow on trees... he needs to be punished, but at the same time, the club needs to stand behind him and give him some rules... after he breaks them again in same manner, then i guess he should be sold..but he need to be backed...the same way any manager would back his best player...

30 mil.? maybe his left foot only..

He needs another season like this one to be in the same kind of price range the likes of Cavani and Falcao are in.
If Arsenal secures a CL spot for next season I'd like Wenger to sign Suarez. When I look at some of our attacking performances, we've been pretty toothless.

The attacking side of our game certainly needs a little bit more bite to it.
And the oscar goes to.... GOALGERD!!!!!

That you actually took the time to search all these images of Souness was already a low point (it's obvious that Souness cares more about Liverpool than you do, but you will not understand that). But this reply would be among the most daft posts i've ever read on this forum.

Don't you see what Suarez does to your club's image ?

He's a vilain, but it's "our" vilain...oh my god how i hate this sort of tribalism. People like you don't care about football at all, only their club counts. There is a broader perspective...

Somebody found a clip about Defoe and already the paranoia took over: "Suarez will get more than Defoe".

Of course he will. It's the second time he bites someone. He has already been through it all, official Ajax statement where the club declares that he has let himself and the club down and that with a club like Ajax there is no place for behaviour like this. So Suarez decided to test if there is place for behaviour like this at a club like Liverpool. And guess what ? There isn't. The poor guy must be baffled...

Suarez will get a longer ban than Defoe.

It was Defoe who had a racist thing with Evra. It was Defoe who keeps on diving, who keeps on bickering with refs and linesmen. It was Defoe who puts his studs on the back of an opponent on the ground ?

Everybody is against Liverpool. Just like everybody is against Chelsea.

My god, we need an IQ-test before people can post here.

I'm sorry for this rant. But i'm getting more and more fed up with the blind tribalism of some "fans" on this forum. Isn't football much more important than clubs and players ? Things like this are not good for football. I don't care if Suarez plays for Liverpool, Spurs, Chelsea or Genk, he deserves a very, very long and international ban for this. This has nothing do with football. Football is played with feet and head, not with teeth.

Rant over.

I was being sarcastic
He needs another season like this one to be in the same kind of price range the likes of Cavani and Falcao are in.

maybe, but personally i wouldn´t swap him for any of them.. he is all round attacking footballer who needs top players around him and sorting his head...i hope that happens while he is still in LFC one day...
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