Liverpool Thread

btw, interesting stats for comparsion of Oscar and Coutinho, who both will face fight for WC 2014 in Brazil...

Oscar - £25million
Coutinho - £8million

Oscar - 1,670 mins, 1 goal, 4 assists.
Coutinho - 292 mins, 2 goals, 4 assists.

comparsion before today:
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Beach, you are for 10 year an evo-web member and it's only lately that you talk about Suarez ? If my memory serves me well, ten years ago Suarez wasn't playing for Liverpool...

And is that the reason you do it ? Because Liverpool complained about Ronaldo's diving, so it's merely an act of tribalism, disguised as 'i'm a football fan'...i thought you were more intelligent than that.

And talking about Ronaldo and diving...Suarez is merely an amateur in diving compared to the way Ronaldo dived and in all fairness to Liverpool's manager, they never had a manager who was faking outrage when Suarez dived.. Every time when Ronaldo dived, i seem to remember the Man Utd manager did his litle choreography in perfect synchronistation...Pina Bausch or Ann-Theresa De Keermaeker should make a dance choreography of it....very inspiring...maybe on Mogwai music like that Zidane movie.

PS: stonewall penalty on Suarez.
Carra is a f**king pro. Subtle enough not to get called on shirt grabs. And it's not like Benteke never ever did it back.

Great win today, team has been playing well, 5 wins in last 6 games. But let's face it, the whole defense needs an overhaul.
Beach, you are for 10 year an evo-web member and it's only lately that you talk about Suarez ? If my memory serves me well, ten years ago Suarez wasn't playing for Liverpool...

And is that the reason you do it ? Because Liverpool complained about Ronaldo's diving, so it's merely an act of tribalism, disguised as 'i'm a football fan'...i thought you were more intelligent than that.

And talking about Ronaldo and diving...Suarez is merely an amateur in diving compared to the way Ronaldo dived and in all fairness to Liverpool's manager, they never had a manager who was faking outrage when Suarez dived.. Every time when Ronaldo dived, i seem to remember the Man Utd manager did his litle choreography in perfect synchronistation...Pina Bausch or Ann-Theresa De Keermaeker should make a dance choreography of it....very inspiring...maybe on Mogwai music like that Zidane movie.

PS: stonewall penalty on Suarez.

Yep, all that Ronnie ever had going for him was his diving, and all Fergie has is his faux outrage. You've summed up their success right there.

Good win for LFC today, can't believe it's been over a year since a comeback win! That's mental.

Coutinho's ball for Henderson's goal was magnificent, one of the best passes of the season.
Yep, all that Ronnie ever had going for him was his diving, and all Fergie has is his faux outrage. You've summed up their success right there.

I was just mimicking you beach...Suarez is also about more than crookery. He is a fantastic player. You would love him if he played for your team.
Just on the subject of suarez/ronaldo, i'm not saying who does this or that, not here to debate, difference between ronaldo and suarez on what you're talking about was ronaldo was 18 when he started playing for us, with age he did this less and less, where suarez is 28 currently and sometimes makes a meal of a situation, only thing is maturity of a player, i understand his hunger to win, which he's probably one of the few players i've seen that wants to win so bad, sometime's his reaction or desire is seen by others as cheating/trying to gain advantage.

Me personally i don't mind the way he is, i think without him in the epl currently, it would be a more dull place.
ronaldo was 18 when he started playing for us, with age he did this less and less, where suarez is 28 currently and sometimes makes a meal of a situation,

I can see your point, but how old was Ferguson at the time ?
I can't argue with the fact that Ferguson must be among the best managers ever (and why not the best ever), but he has a an unfair streak that i really don't like. Most of the time when Ronaldo dived, Ferguson played the outrageous manager who felt wronged if afoul wasn't given. Some people will call this being clever, but i don't like it. This stopped me being a Man Utd fan...i want my clubs to win fair and beautiful. I prefer a club who looses to one who wins everything, but with "clever tricks". Perhaps this says more about me than about Ferguson....
In the end Man Utd deserve all this silverware, they are the biggest English club by far, but i don't always like their style...could be me of course.
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I can see your point, but how old was Ferguson at the time ?
I can't argue with the fact that Ferguson must be among the best managers ever (and why not the best ever), but he has a an unfair streak that i really don't like. Most of the time when Ronaldo dived, Ferguson played the outrageous manager who felt wronged if afoul wasn't given. Some people will call this being clever, but i don't like it. This stopped me being a Man Utd fan...i want my clubs to win fair and beautiful. I prefer a club who looses to one who wins everything, but with "clever tricks". Perhaps this says more about me than about Ferguson....
In the end Man Utd deserve all this silverware, they are the biggest English club by far, but i don't always like their style...could be me of course.

My only riposte that is look at the other successful managers in recent years:

Wenger: I did not see any incidents that my players cheated ever. I have very good vision, however, when my players have been wronged.
Benitez: Ferguson runs the FA, let me produce this list of events that he and David Gill have orchestrated. Please ignore the fact that my team has played more than a third of our matches this year against 10 men, and we've had the 2nd most penalties given to us. It's all a conspiracy. The refs are against us.
Mourinho: The list is too long for me to possibly begin.

Of 'great' managers in this generation, the only one I truly respect is Ancelotti. And that's probably just because I don't know his career well enough. I also kind of like Mancini, because he genuinely looks like half the time he doesn't give a f*ck about the media, and just says what he feels like. And because he treats his players with contempt.
Eh? So all managers have their own "qualities" so that disqualifies any individual criticism.....but that isnt the case for a player you really dislike. Ok.
Eh? So all managers have their own "qualities" so that disqualifies any individual criticism.....but that isnt the case for a player you really dislike. Ok.

Pretty sure I just criticised all of them. They each have qualities I dislike, and obviously some that are redeeming.

Guessing your dig is attempting to vindicate a player that literally has expressed every single aspect I dislike in a footballer in the past few seasons. It would be like me trying to forgive Roy Keane for deliberately injuring someone, Ronaldo for deliberately trying to deceive the ref countless times, Rio Ferdinand for deliberately yelling at officials, John Terry for saying something racist, with some added corwardly, dangerous challenges and biting thrown in.

Ferguson is a terrible loser, and he is embarrassing at times in the press. I've said that countless times. I wish he was a better elderly statesmen of the game, like a Robson or even Uncle Woy. Trying to pick the one thing I wish Luis Suarez did less of is virtually impossible.
You completely missed the point Ryan. The point, which you missed as any post in here from a Liverpool fan is deemed by you an automatic defense of a player, is that I dont see you going round posting gif's of the above mentioned at every opportunity when they do something we dont like.

Then again, I can't be arsed to waste my time in other football threads, let alone post similar crap in there. If I remember correctly, you're not a big fan of the tabloids, yet your continued bashing in here of Suarez reminds me of the singular retoric those tabloids use. It's boring, one sided and makes us think of them as utter arseholes...
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Is there any chance this thread can be used for football comments and not personal opinions of other members?

Nearly every time I look on here it's hardly ever about football.
You completely missed the point Ryan. The point, which you missed as any post in here from a Liverpool fan is deemed by you an automatic defense of a player, is that I dont see you going round posting gif's of the above mentioned at every opportunity when they do something we dont like.

Then again, I can't be arsed to waste my time in other football threads, let alone post similar crap in there. If I remember correctly, you're not a big fan of the tabloids, yet your continued bashing in here of Suarez reminds me of the singular retoric those tabloids use. It's boring, one sided and makes us think of them as utter arseholes...

There's a lengthy apology right here on this very page a few posts up. I don't want to talk about him any more, but I also can't resist responding when someone challenges me. I'll try to ignore such things from here on out.
Alright fair enough. He did nothing wrong. I apologise for even noting it.

Do you mean this sarcastic apology? As the lengthy apology you are otherwise refering to doesn't actually contain an apology ( not that I want one or feel it is neccessary) but is actually a moan that people in here are too sensitive and shouldnt be on an internet forum if they cant handle your continued moans and digs about a player you cant stand.

Agreed. It's some boring ass sh*t and you should ignore it. I've posted 3 gifs of Suarez in the entirety of my (holy bejesus) almost 10 years on evo web. It's all I do.

It was international week and there was almost literally nothing else of interest to talk about. I'm done, fine, I get some people are seriously over-sensitive on here, that's their right. As I have a right to my opinion as a football fan of more than 30 years to express that he manages to do more unsavory things in a season than anyone I've ever seen.

If you can't handle gifs or anecdotes or even mentions that a player for your team is a serious c*nt than you shouldn't follow football or post on internet forums. I was around here when a whole host of LFC fans used to come in the United forum and point out a Ronaldo dive week in week out. I thought some could give as good as they take, but clearly that's not the case.

I'd love to talk about actual football, is this still a thread that allows that? Let's discuss the Rodgers evolution - which I do believe is actually interesting.

Just I wouldnt want your hypocritical posting in here to be highlighted.
Terribly sorry TikTik, let me get it out of the way more clearly:

I am sorry for posting several gifs showing Luis Suarez. I am sorry for joining in or sometime initiating a conversation about things he does on a football pitch. I am sorry that I have raised issues which so offended posters. I am sorry for distracting this thread from the usual topics of football tactics and analysis.

And I'm sorry for having misused the term apology in my last post. What I should have said is I've tried to draw a line under it and moved on. Can we just do that now?
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:LOL: sensitivity isn't becoming , walk outside and piss in a pond you'll feel like a man again. They should change this thread to men in skirts
Seeing the highlights of the Aston Villa match, some interesting points:
- Benteke is a good player to get for the cheap, if Villa do go down.
- Coutinho's pass was world-class
- But the entire move was fantastic
starting from Gerrard's quick pass to Coutinho which was done first-time
and was more difficult to do, and then Hendo's awareness of the counter
attack and his run to make himself available and cool finish

Kudos to Gerrard for a MOTM performance.

Once we sort out our defence and get one more striker and wide player we could really be serious top-4 contenders.
i would love us to sign someone like Eriksen, even if it´s unrealistic if we don´t play in CL...becouse Coutinho, even with n. 10 cut´s it rather from left wing and he is great in that position + he creates.. with another player like that on right win we would improve a lot our attack...
Surely Eriksen would be too expensive? He's genuine CL quality, as he's shown in the CL in the past 2 seasons. Wouldn't be cheap at his age.

I think an actual winger is more of a priority. Whatever happened to Assaidi anyway? Is he in the reserves?
Surely Eriksen would be too expensive? He's genuine CL quality, as he's shown in the CL in the past 2 seasons. Wouldn't be cheap at his age.

I think an actual winger is more of a priority. Whatever happened to Assaidi anyway? Is he in the reserves?

i know Eriksen would be expensive and he is CL player, that´s why i said what i said..

Assaidi, not sure..he will probably move on with number of players..

i think after this season we will see Pacheco, Coates, Wilson, Skrtel, Assaidi, Carrol and Spearing leave the club. Carragher will retrire and i thik we will loan out Suso, Robinson, Coady and Yesil out to another club..

not sure about Flanagan and Morgan..
Im sure, that's not right(STATS), Arsenal has much older players nowadays. To think their wages is like 3rd of the league n Wenger`s ridiculous amount does no favours :LOL:
Some teams just have more first team players. Counting a load of kids, most of which probably won't make it, is a bit misleading.

Would rather see an appearance based age table
Agreed, can't PL squads only have 25 players registered anyway?

Then again, those figures may be the players that have played this year. Wouldn't surprise me - in the early season Rodgers fielded a bunch of reserve/youth players.
So apparently next season Liverpool will also have a Belgian player: Toby Alderweireld.

He is a CB playing for Ajax now. Don't know him that good. WIth our national team he plays as RB and he's often the weak link in the team (without being catastrophic) but it is unfair to target him because his best position is CB. Last season he formed a great partnership with Jan Vertonghen, but IMO he is not as good as Vertonghen.
He seems defensively solid (in Holland) and has a very good long distance shot.

Hope he does well for Liverpool.

Oh yes: source: every single paper in Belgium this morning (Liverpool would have to pay 10 million euro for him).
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