Liverpool Thread

Based on the matches i saw of Villa, i would say Andreas Weimann is a very promising player.
Would he be a good buy for Liverpool ? Time would tell, but it's doesn't seen the worst piece of business to me.
It's time for that weekly event, Suarez does something naughty!


That's one way to stop close marking!
I don't normally defend Suarez because he's generally a fucking idiot, but to be fair to him this time it does look like Jara is reaching for something he shouldn't be touching in an attempt to put Suarez off. I also think the fact that he didn't jump around in mock agony shows he was probably expecting it as well.

He'll probably get a 32 game ban and a fine of one hundred billion dollars.
It's time for that weekly event, Suarez does something naughty!


That's one way to stop close marking!

yeah, no mention that chile guy grab his ribs...

i would do the same and any other player would, but seems like Suarez witch hunt by mancs fans continues sadly..

why no Ferdinand foul on Torres gifs?
This happens 10 times in every match beach...

Pretty sure you were in agreement and pretty vocal about Fellaini getting his just rewards for doing this to Shawcross. I know it's easy to shoot the messenger, but I'm just reporting a major story doing the rounds. He'll get banned as he should.

I watched about 4 matches yesterday and I assure you that no other player was deliberately punched in the face. Hyberbole much?

I expect that kind of response from LFC fans (indeed the defence of the latest Suarez misdemeanour seems to be 'oh go mind your own business fans of other clubs' as opposed to addressing the actual incident) but from a neutral?

Maybe you're right, maybe it's just me (and ESPN, The Guardian and so forth) that bring up little things like punching a player as newsworthy. I remember when Scholes was sent off for trying to punch Alonso a few seasons ago. Seem to remember very few protests then.
yeah, no mention that chile guy grab his ribs...

i would do the same and any other player would, but seems like Suarez witch hunt by mancs fans continues sadly..

why no Ferdinand foul on Torres gifs?

Because he didn't punch him in the face.

Are you serious? Any player would punch someone holding them on a corner? Do you even read what you type?
come on... this happens a lot during match and i saw it many times and players fight small fights between each other ALL the time. I don´t get why do you keep reposting Suarez gifs, it´s realy becoming awkward now. You try to make him worst person in world as i imagine... well he always will be loved by his own and hated by everyone else..

edit: no offence beachryan, but it looks like you are watching his every move or at least follow the media who watch his every move, with just one purpose, to make him look worse than any other player...becouse of his reputation...but honestly, as gerd said, this stuff happens on field all the time so why don´t you show some gifs of United players for example or City, Chelsea etc...

for example:



i dont have time to look for more..
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i don´t say he didn´t do wrong, i only say this things are in media becouse it´s Suarez. If it was another player who don´t mean to much to media, we would never see it written about or made gifs or videos...

it´s over the top now that Suarez hunt by everyone.. i wonder if it will stop after he will be out of England eventually...
yeah, no mention that chile guy grab his ribs...

i would do the same and any other player would, but seems like Suarez witch hunt by mancs fans continues sadly..

why no Ferdinand foul on Torres gifs?

If you would watch the complete match, you would noticed before that Suarez once again did his best trick " dive" to get a penalty, then the chilean complained at him, and the next play is the punch of luisito, beside everyone knows he is anti fair play.

Btw last night the only thing done by luisito was the punch and kick to balls other chilean player. Like a great player he is.
it´s referee fault to not give yellow or red for players who dive...players won´t stop diving and he isn´t the only one who dives, ref has everything in his hands..and i´m 100% for punishing divers.
No offense meant beach, but would you even mention this if Suarez would have been a Fulham or Swansea player ? No you wouldn't. I'm sick and tired of English football and it's childish rivalries...

Like i already said, incidents like that happen 10 times (or more) every match.

The problem is not Suarez, the problem is that somebody (or some body) has let it come too far. It starts with litle tussles who are basically already fouls but are rarely given (remember the fracass after a ref gave a penalty because a Spanish player held an Irish player at a WC, that was a very clear penalty for me, but their was outrage because no ref gives these penalties anymore). IMO what Suarez does on that gif, should be punished with a yellow or even a red card. The problem is that if you do that nowadays every match ends with less than 14 players and thus should be stopped...10 years ago it happened less on a football field, 20 years ago it hardly happened at all. Same for what happens on corners, every defender who grabs an attacker = penalty. Holding a player is a foul, a foul in the 16 = penalty. Refs who give these nowadays are called idiots.

Don't blame Suarez for this and certainly don't single him out. Players like Vidic and Ferdinand do this 5 times in every match.Every attacker and defender does this 5 times or more in every match.
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I know it's easy to shoot the messenger, but I'm just reporting a major story doing the rounds.

Thing is though, it's not a major story. It may be reported to death as its international week and its Suarez but in any other week with 99% of other players it would barely get a mention. That is why no one in here is bothered enough to post it as any little thing around Suarez is all over the media anyway.

But thanks for posting it and starting another pointless debate and keeping all of us in touch with the (non) news as besides evo-web we don't have any internet access to other sites in here...( it's apparently something to do with the big chip we carry around on our shoulders that blocks all wifi signals ;) )
As always, excellent and sensible posts by Gerd and Tik.

We have just had the thread correctly named back as the Liverpool thread and then we get an 'EVIL SUAREZ' post in it again.

He is not the devil and as mentioned, many players do this kind of jostling and aggressive striking during matches that go unnoticed and unpunished. It's gone on for years and will continue.

It's easy to ignore the post and refuse to comment but in this case, it is clear what the post has been placed in here for. A reaction. It got one. A collective, leveled and educated response by two clued up members of this forum.

Shall we now move on as Suarez bating is very :YAWN:
i don´t say he didn´t do wrong, i only say this things are in media becouse it´s Suarez. If it was another player who don´t mean to much to media, we would never see it written about or made gifs or videos...

it´s over the top now that Suarez hunt by everyone.. i wonder if it will stop after he will be out of England eventually...

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No offense meant beach, but would you even mention this if Suarez would have been a Fulham or Swansea player ? No you wouldn't. I'm sick and tired of English football and it's childish rivalries...

Like i already said, incidents like that happen 10 times (or more) every match.

The problem is not Suarez, the problem is that somebody (or some body) has let it come too far. It starts with litle tussles who are basically already fouls but are rarely given (remember the fracass after a ref gave a penalty because a Spanish player held an Irish player at a WC, that was a very clear penalty for me, but their was outrage because no ref gives these penalties anymore). IMO what Suarez does on that gif, should be punished with a yellow or even a red card. The problem is that if you do that nowadays every match ends with less than 14 players and thus should be stopped...10 years ago it happened less on a football field, 20 years ago it hardly happened at all. Same for what happens on corners, every defender who grabs an attacker = penalty. Holding a player is a foul, a foul in the 16 = penalty. Refs who give these nowadays are called idiots.

Don't blame Suarez for this and certainly don't single him out. Players like Vidic and Ferdinand do this 5 times in every match.Every attacker and defender does this 5 times or more in every match.

completely disagree, what suarez did in that match does not happen 10 times a game. Tugging on the corners, sure. But that is not what suarez did.

Is he worse than >> Pepe? Joey Barton? Materazzi?

My personal favorite is Kevin that guy IS a c**t as you eloquently put it.

Let's face it, Suarez has a side to his game that infuriates the opposition fans and players. Football has always had it's fair share of villains.

Enough already!
by the reaction of Chile player that wasn´t even a punch, and those who say such things don´t happend a lot in a you watch live football?!

these things happend all the time, especially when players try to do them knowing the ref don´t watch or doesn´t see them..

besides he was hold in his ribs and that also is painfull, if i was in his place i would do the same.. that punch was soft, it´s not like he did KO to the Chile player..

something like Scholes intended to do to Alonso remember?
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Gomito mate, i wonder if you watch football. This happens in every single match and plenty of times.

I repeat what i said earlier: if this would have been a Fulham player, this would never have been mentioned.

As a neutral i would really love to see Suarez go to Man Utd. All the people who attack him now would defend him then and the people who defend him now would attack him.

Beachryan even starts to defend Crystal palace players who are already bought by Man Utd but are still playing for Crystal Palace (Zaha, in the referee thread if i remember well).

Everybody is biased (like i'm positively biased towards Belgian players), but some people loose all perspective. It's not a bad thing realising that you are biased.
besides he was hold in his ribs and that also is painfull, if i was in his place i would do the same.. that punch was soft, it´s not like he did KO to the Chile player..


i don't think that why suarez was mad, he mad cos jara was trying to toss him off.. and ye i agree the punch was very soft so he shouldn't be banned because he has a weak punch.
No offense meant beach, but would you even mention this if Suarez would have been a Fulham or Swansea player ? No you wouldn't. I'm sick and tired of English football and it's childish rivalries...

Like i already said, incidents like that happen 10 times (or more) every match.

The problem is not Suarez, the problem is that somebody (or some body) has let it come too far. It starts with litle tussles who are basically already fouls but are rarely given (remember the fracass after a ref gave a penalty because a Spanish player held an Irish player at a WC, that was a very clear penalty for me, but their was outrage because no ref gives these penalties anymore). IMO what Suarez does on that gif, should be punished with a yellow or even a red card. The problem is that if you do that nowadays every match ends with less than 14 players and thus should be stopped...10 years ago it happened less on a football field, 20 years ago it hardly happened at all. Same for what happens on corners, every defender who grabs an attacker = penalty. Holding a player is a foul, a foul in the 16 = penalty. Refs who give these nowadays are called idiots.

Don't blame Suarez for this and certainly don't single him out. Players like Vidic and Ferdinand do this 5 times in every match.Every attacker and defender does this 5 times or more in every match.

I actually agree with a lot of this and posted in the ref thread that something needs to be done on corners because it's arbitrary when refs give fouls and when they don't. Grabbing, pushing and shoving are definitely always present. Not to mention the obligatory shirt grab, or my least favourite, the inexplicably allowed blocking of the keeper.

I guess it's just me that hasn't seen a good number of face punches, week in/week out. Rio and Vida are just lucky that there aren't many tv cameras used during United games, or else I'm sure you're right and there'd be 5 examples from every match.
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