Liverpool Thread


Jara was testing, but don't worry after the game he said he didn't find nothing to grab, so no problem :D

Anyway everything started before with a Luisito diving number 1 trick.
beach look at the picture pipa has posted

if someone tried to grab your nuts would you just let them

he is lucky he did not get smashed harder than that...

funny how you missed that and just thought about Suarez being a c88t. nice

arm round and grabbing nuts at the same time. needs a slap
Gomito mate, i wonder if you watch football. This happens in every single match and plenty of times.

I repeat what i said earlier: if this would have been a Fulham player, this would never have been mentioned.

As a neutral i would really love to see Suarez go to Man Utd. All the people who attack him now would defend him then and the people who defend him now would attack him.

Beachryan even starts to defend Crystal palace players who are already bought by Man Utd but are still playing for Crystal Palace (Zaha, in the referee thread if i remember well).

Everybody is biased (like i'm positively biased towards Belgian players), but some people loose all perspective. It's not a bad thing realising that you are biased.

Sorry mate but I watch plenty of football and I never see jabs to the face like that. In fact can't most FA's review that and suspend players accordingly...
@Gomito i agree with you about the jab but I even more rarely seen people try to find his opponents nuts during corners so surely it's something that doesn't happen 10 times a game, lol. Grabbing yes but finding the other nuts to put them off? Please ..
beach look at the picture pipa has posted

if someone tried to grab your nuts would you just let them

he is lucky he did not get smashed harder than that...

funny how you missed that and just thought about Suarez being a c88t. nice

arm round and grabbing nuts at the same time. needs a slap

Agree, it's the first time in the history of the game that someone has done something like that, and Suarez was right to punch in response. We need to stamp out such things now, and the only way to do that is to allow players do punch out their frustration.

Dennis Wise had a great trick up his sleeve. Any time a player was on the ground, he'd reach down to help him up. As he did, he would subtly pinch the player in his armpit - which is apparently incredibly painful. Then if the player retaliated, he would consider it a success, as the retaliation would likely be seen by the ref and result in punishment.

If only Luis had been around then, we could have been one punch away from sorting such atrocities out.
Agree, it's the first time in the history of the game that someone has done something like that, and Suarez was right to punch in response. We need to stamp out such things now, and the only way to do that is to allow players do punch out their frustration.

Dennis Wise had a great trick up his sleeve. Any time a player was on the ground, he'd reach down to help him up. As he did, he would subtly pinch the player in his armpit - which is apparently incredibly painful. Then if the player retaliated, he would consider it a success, as the retaliation would likely be seen by the ref and result in punishment.

If only Luis had been around then, we could have been one punch away from sorting such atrocities out.

Sarcasm is not your strong point.
Agree, it's the first time in the history of the game that someone has done something like that, and Suarez was right to punch in response. We need to stamp out such things now, and the only way to do that is to allow players do punch out their frustration.

It happens all the time, you concede it yourself here.
And did Suarez give him a hook so that he went knock-out ? Compare this to what Rooney did against Wigan's child's play compared to what Rooney did.
Rooney got away with it, so what are you complaining about Suarez.

End of debate.

Next please.
Suarez is a horrible, odious cretin. He bites, is racist, he dives, he punches people in face. No other player does all of these things.

And I am Swansea City supporter so not an Evertonian or Man United fan saying this.

united , everton or swanswea no matter what you're acting like cunt!
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Suarez is a horrible, odious cretin. He bites, is racist, he dives, he punches people in face. No other player does all of these things.

And I am Swansea City supporter so not an Evertonian or Man United fan saying this.

yeah, yeah , i know, i know you're swan fan,really i believe it, really.. sweetygirl
No offense meant beach, but would you even mention this if Suarez would have been a Fulham or Swansea player ? No you wouldn't. I'm sick and tired of English football and it's childish rivalries...

Like i already said, incidents like that happen 10 times (or more) every match.

The problem is not Suarez, the problem is that somebody (or some body) has let it come too far. It starts with litle tussles who are basically already fouls but are rarely given (remember the fracass after a ref gave a penalty because a Spanish player held an Irish player at a WC, that was a very clear penalty for me, but their was outrage because no ref gives these penalties anymore). IMO what Suarez does on that gif, should be punished with a yellow or even a red card. The problem is that if you do that nowadays every match ends with less than 14 players and thus should be stopped...10 years ago it happened less on a football field, 20 years ago it hardly happened at all. Same for what happens on corners, every defender who grabs an attacker = penalty. Holding a player is a foul, a foul in the 16 = penalty. Refs who give these nowadays are called idiots.

Don't blame Suarez for this and certainly don't single him out. Players like Vidic and Ferdinand do this 5 times in every match.Every attacker and defender does this 5 times or more in every match.

Players don't punch other players in the face 10 times every match. What are you talking about?

Suarez should just sign for Utd and carry on their tradition of worshiping utter cunts. They're made for each other.
This thread has so much Rawk in it. Let's all hope Suarez leaves England this summer so we can all get together, smoke a peace pipe and sing kumbayah.
lol, i love how non-LFC fans want him to go...

Surely LFC fans will want their top player and one of top league players to go and then smoke a peace pipe and sing kumbayah.

lol, i love how non-LFC fans want him to go...

Surely LFC fans will want their top player and one of top league players to go and then smoke a peace pipe and sing kumbayah.


I am a fan of Ajax too and even when he played there and was habitually scoring goals, I was happy to see him leave. Many Ajax fans think he was a total disgrace on the pitch. Still, I can understand when folks don't want to see their best player leave. Its just sad that no matter how much Pool fans hate it, these stories an discussions will continue until he either does a 180, or leaves. Its an easy target yes, but there is only one person responsible for the attention he gets, and that's the man himself. Blaming the media and or wild conspiracy theories in this is just silly.

Arrrgh now look what happened, got pulled into this bs again.
yeah the discussions will continue, becouse this is Liverpool thread and he is Liverpool player.. i strongly disagree he is only one person responsible for the attention he gets ;) you started talking about him again.

Liverpool will continue existing without him, but i doubt you find fans that would want their hero to go.. i hope he signs a long term contract and continues his performance on the pitch as untill now. The other stuff written about him in media is something he has to deal with and i hope he will. If he was playing for United, you would see things different way and don´t tell me you wouldn´t.

Ajax fans btw gave him one of best farawells i have ever seen for a player...
yeah the discussions will continue, becouse this is Liverpool thread and he is Liverpool player.. i strongly disagree he is only one person responsible for the attention he gets ;) you started talking about him again.

Liverpool will continue existing without him, but i doubt you find fans that would want their hero to go.. i hope he signs a long term contract and continues his performance on the pitch as untill now. The other stuff written about him in media is something he has to deal with and i hope he will. If he was playing for United, you would see things different way and don´t tell me you wouldn´t.

Ajax fans btw gave him one of best farawells i have ever seen for a player...

Continually pointing at Utd and their history of players is weak to hide behind. "Player X on your team was a dick so why blame our guy?" That's the type of reasoning that will only continue to perpetuate bad behaviour, not just in the Suarez case. And I am going to tell you I feel differently; bad behaviour should be punished, not rewarded with bigger contracts or more worshipping. If we had a player currently on our squad who exhibits as much cuntish behavior you wouldn't see me defending him in the Utd thread. (Yes I know folks are now itching to bring up Rooney) Generalizing fan bases tends to happen based on the opinion of the vocal few such as the hardcore fan sections, much like the extreme left and right in politics. Its a dangerous line to walk.
i´m pointing on United, becuse you are their supporter and mostly United fans come here to talk how evil Suarez is and how he should be moving out of the league... and becouse United get away with players having done same, if not worse actions in past.

Bad behaviour should be punished that´s for sure, but Suarez was punished for something that wasn´t even proven 100! %, he missed a lot of matches for that. He might be a cunt on field, but nobody would care if he wasn´t one of the best players in world same time.. I havent seen you bitching about other such controversial players as Barton or name others... but yet Suarez is always hot topic.

He is class and the actions he does on field that stay unpunished is fault of the referee. I don´t mind if we win ugly, as long as we win. We have no other choice and as LFC fan i´m happy he is playing for my team and not aginst it. Hope he stayes for as long as possible.

for me perosnaly he is a good guy, becouse off the pitch he is a family guy without any scandals. You can write anything about his on field actions, he remains hero for his fans and enemy for everyone else.
In all fairness, Beachryan is one boring sod banging on about Suarez all the time. And people saying "No offence Beach but..." Sod him. What sad bugger goes around looking for gifs and posting them on the net? For months I've (I'm clearly not the only one) seen him doing this type of thing. What possesses somebody to do this? I don't get it.
He doesn't like Suarez. We get it. How many times does he have to keep doing and posting basically the same shit over and over again?
You then get people asking him what he thinks about Liverpool matters (read something like that the other week). Who gives a shit what he thinks? This is the web and people have the freedom to post where and what they want but Christ, he's a boring git. Change the record for Christ sake.
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In all fairness, Beachryan is one boring sod banging on about Suarez all the time. And people saying "No offence Beach but..." Sod him. What sad bugger goes around looking for gifs and posting them on the net? For months I've (I'm clearly not the only one) seen him doing this type of thing. What possesses somebody to do this? I don't get it.
He doesn't like Suarez. We get it. How many times does he have to keep doing and posting basically the same shit over and over again?
You then get people asking him what he thinks about Liverpool matters (read something like that the other week). Who gives a shit what he thinks? This is the web and people have the freedom to post where and what they want but Christ, he's a boring git. Change the record for Christ sake.

exactly what I would said for him , he com always with same things over and over again , really boring !
why would anyone create a new username just to voice his honest opinion in the Liverpool thead? are we that important?
In all fairness, Beachryan is one boring sod banging on about Suarez all the time. And people saying "No offence Beach but..." Sod him. What sad bugger goes around looking for gifs and posting them on the net? For months I've (I'm clearly not the only one) seen him doing this type of thing. What possesses somebody to do this? I don't get it.
He doesn't like Suarez. We get it. How many times does he have to keep doing and posting basically the same shit over and over again?
You then get people asking him what he thinks about Liverpool matters (read something like that the other week). Who gives a shit what he thinks? This is the web and people have the freedom to post where and what they want but Christ, he's a boring git. Change the record for Christ sake.

Agreed. It's some boring ass sh*t and you should ignore it. I've posted 3 gifs of Suarez in the entirety of my (holy bejesus) almost 10 years on evo web. It's all I do.

It was international week and there was almost literally nothing else of interest to talk about. I'm done, fine, I get some people are seriously over-sensitive on here, that's their right. As I have a right to my opinion as a football fan of more than 30 years to express that he manages to do more unsavory things in a season than anyone I've ever seen.

If you can't handle gifs or anecdotes or even mentions that a player for your team is a serious c*nt than you shouldn't follow football or post on internet forums. I was around here when a whole host of LFC fans used to come in the United forum and point out a Ronaldo dive week in week out. I thought some could give as good as they take, but clearly that's not the case.

I'd love to talk about actual football, is this still a thread that allows that? Let's discuss the Rodgers evolution - which I do believe is actually interesting.

He started the season playing an incredibly regimented ground-passing game, that stunted LFC's attack and due primarily to a serious lack of pace up front which basically rendered them useless. Then as Gerrard came back into the first team possibly by coincidence or by design the attack became notably more direct. More passes were going from the back (or more specifically the midfielder in front of the defense) into the channels, which Suarez runs as well as anyone. It's mainly been this more direct method that has seen them have some real success since December, and they've conceded a little bit of possession in return for better chances. I've been impressed with the way Rodgers has adapted.

Buying Sturridge was a great decision, as he finally gives the team actual pace up front. And with the technical abilities and more importantly the awareness of Suarez and Coutinho Liverpool can finally create chances with just the 3 up top, without needing to pass aimlessly until the midfield can catch up.

If you can buy a better CB to build the defence around and another winger who isn't Stuart Downing, I think the team is definitely Europe-bound next season (and maybe this year).

Can we talk about that instead? Or have I pissed too many people off with a gif?
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Agreed. It's some boring ass sh*t and you should ignore it. I've posted 3 gifs of Suarez in the entirety of my (holy bejesus) almost 10 years on evo web. It's all I do.

It was international week and there was almost literally nothing else of interest to talk about. I'm done, fine, I get some people are seriously over-sensitive on here, that's their right. As I have a right to my opinion as a football fan of more than 30 years to express that he manages to do more unsavory things in a season than anyone I've ever seen.

If you can't handle gifs or anecdotes or even mentions that a player for your team is a serious c*nt than you shouldn't follow football or post on internet forums. I was around here when a whole host of LFC fans used to come in the United forum and point out a Ronaldo dive week in week out. I thought some could give as good as they take, but clearly that's not the case.

I'd love to talk about actual football, is this still a thread that allows that? Let's discuss the Rodgers evolution - which I do believe is actually interesting.

He started the season playing an incredibly regimented ground-passing game, that stunted LFC's attack and due primarily to a serious lack of pace up front which basically rendered them useless. Then as Gerrard came back into the first team possibly by coincidence or by design the attack became notably more direct. More passes were going from the back (or more specifically the midfielder in front of the defense) into the channels, which Suarez runs as well as anyone. It's mainly been this more direct method that has seen them have some real success since December, and they've conceded a little bit of possession in return for better chances. I've been impressed with the way Rodgers has adapted.

Buying Sturridge was a great decision, as he finally gives the team actual pace up front. And with the technical abilities and more importantly the awareness of Suarez and Coutinho Liverpool can finally create chances with just the 3 up top, without needing to pass aimlessly until the midfield can catch up.

If you can buy a better CB to build the defence around and another winger who isn't Stuart Downing, I think the team is definitely Europe-bound next season (and maybe this year).

Can we talk about that instead? Or have I pissed too many people off with a gif?

Most times I come in here lately its you blabbing about Suarez. Virtually the first one in here to have a say. I find people who do that annoying. I don't get them.

Anyway, fair enough. I apologise for going a bit over the top. I didn't have a good day yesterday and was in a pretty bad mood.

Can't say I disagree with the other stuff you have mentioned above. There are "fans" in here (and other places) who slate Rodgers and want to go back to the anti football days of that fool who is at Chelsea for a few months. Hated his style I play. I'm more than happy to stick with Rodgers an give him time. And a winger, CB and a bit more creativity through the middle (a Silva or Mata type player) is needed IMO. Liverpool are better but still something missing for me.
The Reds team in full is: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Agger, Carragher, Lucas, Gerrard, Henderson, Coutinho, Downing, Suarez. Subs: Jones, Coates, Skrtel, Shelvey, Sterling, Suso, Sturridge.
Too similar with each other, while Suarez isn't clicking yet on the other hand Benteke's killing Carragher. Surely the ref's gonna call these shirt tugging by Carra a Pen, or they're gonna slide it as he's retiring?

Now Rodgers won't have any alternative but to charge forward.
nice we won...have seen just last 15 minutes...

i guess it´s over for Skrtel in the club...we need two new CB players if we don´t plan to convert either Wisdom or Kelly or both to play on that position.

our main targets for CB spot are Bruno Martins Indi, Stefan de Vrij and Ashley Williams...
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