Liverpool Thread

Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

God I hope we don't sign Suarez in the summer. I was bored of reading about 1 individual (Mario) all the time and rather not go through that shite again.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I'd just rather not have cunts in the team (not that Mario was a cunt, more a lovable rogue - something Suarez is not)

Foreign concept to a Utd fan, I know ;)
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I actually think that it's one thing City have done a pretty good job of. Unlike Chelsea when they assembled their plaything, City has some pretty likeable players. Kompany, Aguero, Milner, Zabaleta and Silva in particular seem pretty decent folk.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I actually think that it's one thing City have done a pretty good job of. Unlike Chelsea when they assembled their plaything, City has some pretty likeable players. Kompany, Aguero, Milner, Zabaleta and Silva in particular seem pretty decent folk.

Aye. The only one who approaches Suarez levels is Tevez..but considering he doesn't seem to play much nowadays he doesn't bother me much. Never thought Mario was a cunt..rather an idiot..big diff
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Strong reserve team out for Liverpool against United - including Shelvey, Spearing, Sterling and Wisdom. Shoudl really dominate United at this level - almost all of United's really good U21 team have been loaned out to the Championship.

Interesting, especially as Jay Spearing is out on loan at Bolton...
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Oh, could have sworn I heard his name, maybe he was just there. Crappy stream. Still all the rest played im pretty sure. Terrible match, not sure why it was played on a rugby pitch (literally)
Re: Liverpool Thread

you com here to blame suarez for cheating and talk here for Ghana match so thats nothing to do with Zenit or Liverpool first of all

than don't blame someone for something that whole your team do same things over and over again , your fucking team and you as one barca fan don't have right to talk about cheating you idiot get your team right than com and say anything about "suarez cheating" you're last one who has right to talk about it

I can behave but not with idiots like you , who love a team that always cheat and itrs grupe of actors than start to blame other player for doing same thing ? REALLY ?

and im grown enough don't worry if I was for kindergarden than I would be a barca fan thats for sure ;)

Oh sorry I forgot its your personal thread, pardon me oh mighty.

So you want to say that all Barcelona supporters around the world are idiots? Maybe all supporters of Spanish national team are idiots too? Maybe whole Spain is full of idiots then?
Barcelona always cheats - you are really mentally ill. If you don't like how Barcelona play - fine, what does it have to do with Suarez? I mentioned Ghana cause that was first time for me seeing Suarez being "Fair play ambassador". You know you can "defend" him like PIPA23 does, with opinion and rational explanation not typing some bollox about Barcelona.

Why I'm last one who has right to talk, who da f*ck are you to say what to say and what not. If you use your rotten brains you might figure out why I came here in Liverpool thread, to express my opinion about Suarez and I came here AFTER ZENIT GAME, not to TROLL or whine ALL OF THE SUDDEN. You haven't said a freaking ONE CONSRUCTIVE WORD, just accusing me of being Barcelona fan and idiot. I do not like hand goal by Messi, Busquets acting or Pinto whistling offside idiotism, but we are not talking about Barcelona here, this is thread about Suarez and Liverpool. I posted my opinion about Suarez and his behaviour and you started pointing fingers and calling idiots.

Man really grow up.
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Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Liverpools baby is Suarez and he is like the kid from the omen.

If a player was dangling precariously by a balcony, he would drive along in his tricycle and knock them over the edge.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Oh, could have sworn I heard his name, maybe he was just there. Crappy stream. Still all the rest played im pretty sure. Terrible match, not sure why it was played on a rugby pitch (literally)

Yeh i don't get that myself, the last few years we've done that, used to be at Warrington Wolves, now it's at St. Helens.

The reserve league is a massive waste of time in its current format, i remember when the mini-derby or the utd reserve game would still have a little bit of excitement around it, but nowadays nobody gives a shit, the only positive is that it gives kids in the likes of Warrington and St. Helens a chance to go watch the likes of Sterling and Shelvey who are in the first team, and occasionally a returning injured player. Other than that it's pointless.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Speaking of sterling..... What happened to him...

What happened to him? Are you serious???

He's 18 years of age. He's still very much work in progress. He will be in and out of the team over the next few seasons until he is fully ready and developed.

He may become incredible and fulfill his obvious potential. He may of course not.

That's what 'happened' to him.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Jonny that seemed a pretty innocent question to me. I could have asked exactly the same question.
Look at the posts of Sterling from before Christmas and England had it's 2369th Messi (like Oxlade Chamberlain, Walcott, Shelvey, and hunders overhyped players before them). The fact is that Liverpool fans in this thread made a high profile player out of Sterling. Read commentaries about any match and Sterling has to be the second best Liverpool player.

Now let's imagine that gomito asked the same question about the second best player of any other EPL club, would he get an answer like that:

Speaking of Kompany...What happened to him ?
Speaking of Rooney...What happened to him ?
Speaking of Hazard...what happened to him ?

Of course in a way you are absolutely right, you can't expect an 18 year old to perform througout an entire season.
But that is exactly what most people here expected from him.
In two seasons Sterling will turn out to be a very good player (like Walcott) but most Liverpool fans will be disappointed about him because he didn't fullfill the massive expectations. This happens time and again in England...
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I apologize if my response reads aggressive or defensive but I meant it to sound as ludicrous as the question asked had suggested.

What happened to an 18 year old footballer in his first full season at top level. That's not exactly a sensible question is it?

It's not in the same context as what happened to Paul Gascoigne?

Now that's a tragedy to the English game. Truly our best player since Bobby Moore.

I agree English players are way over-hyped. Sterling isn't anything special. Not yet anyway. He shows promise. Nothing more.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

No need to apologize jonny, you are a nice guy.
This overhyping seems to me something typical for the English press, it also happens for 50 years with all sorts of bands. Every week there is a new hype, which is forgotten a month later...strange.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Things I did not know: Suarez's agent is Pep's brother:
"If Bayern Munich makes an offer I would certainly be willing to listen and think about it," Suarez is quoted as saying in The Metro.

"It doesn't mean I will definitely leave, it just means that I will not automatically reject other clubs."

The speculation may be driven by Suarez's agent - Pere Guardiola, brother of the Bayern manager-elect.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Things I did not know: Suarez's agent is Pep's brother:
"If Bayern Munich makes an offer I would certainly be willing to listen and think about it," Suarez is quoted as saying in The Metro.

"It doesn't mean I will definitely leave, it just means that I will not automatically reject other clubs."

The speculation may be driven by Suarez's agent - Pere Guardiola, brother of the Bayern manager-elect.

I think he will leave latest by 2014 summer, if not this summer.
I was just looking at the situation with Torres and was thinking, man if Torres had stayed, we would never have got Carroll or probably even Downing. Imagine a strike force of Suarez and Torres, we would have surely got top-4 and Kenny would still be in charge.
None of the malarky about young manager and young team and all the stuff we have to deal with now !!
So it's all Torres' fault :-)
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Torres was hardly looking good for LFC when he left. Suarez was bought to complement him as I understand it, but let's be honest - Suarez would have taken over given Torres' systemic fall from grace.

As for keeping Kenny a United fan that's something I would love to see. That should tell you all you need to know.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

beachryan. what is your opinion on Rogers compared to Kenny...

I think Rodgers talks a lot of crap and would best served to shut up and get on with his job, but the football LFC are playing this season is the best I've seen in absolutely donkey's years (far better than under Benitez). Under Kenny it really just looked like sticking out the best XI and hoping things happened.

Rodgers appears to have eased up on his obsession with slow build up, and LFC have been far more dynamic in recent matches - willing to go forward quickly, especially into feet. And they look much better because of it.

Generally speaking I think Rodgers has done alright. There's a coherent feel to what LFC is trying to achieve, even if individual errors has often ruined it this year.

Personally I didn't see any of that last year with Kenny in charge.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Rodgers has got us playing some great stuff this year.
But he talks too much, again spouting off that we can catch chelsea, cue another defeat coming soon I would guess.

And beach, going back to your point, actually Torres was doing very well under Dalglish. He was scoring goals since October that season and was reasonably consistent. In fact we were playing some scintillating stuff under Kenny that half-season. Remember the 3-1 spanking we gave you at Anfield. And of course the 3-0 over Man City.
We were doing fine, and until Dalglish messed it up by getting too smart for himself and getting Adam/Downing.

Torres went off the boil ever since he moved out from under Kenny.
I think he was doing pretty well that season considering he was just returning from injury, and scored 9 league goals in half a season.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Rodgers' communication is bad, but apart from that he seems to be doing very well. Liverpool's football is very good.
I don' expect them to compete for a top 4 place next season, but the season after that they should be at least contenders for a top 4. Meanwhile Liverpool should concentrate on the FA CUP and the League Cup.

Of course all depends on the the players Rodgers can use. If Suarez leaves, that would be a blow.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

That's what Torres was saying until 1 day before he left !

I would love Suarez stay , he's world class player and one of best strikers in the world but if we keep ending at 8th place than I don't think he'll stay , I hope he doesn't leave this summer and go on with Liverpool for 1 more season so if we get CL spot than I don't think he'll leave , if we don't get it next season too than I don't see a reason for such a class player to font leave he deserve CL football !
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

If Suarez leaves for around 50-60 millions (they paid 40 for Javi Martinez so ..) then it would be a good deal for both Suarez and Liverpool.
That of course if magically we start to make good transfers, if not .. it is going to be complicated.
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