Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

good match , for some reason i forget Sturridge can'r play for us in europa league and i was sure we gonna beat them so bad as they arent a good team , but without hm and suarez alone up there it was more hard !

anyway great match happy for how we played and we were by far better team than zenit in two matchs

I dont like how we play in defence , we just try those passes and wrongs happen so it can coast us 2-3 goals last night just for this , coz zenit dont dd anything by theyrself

I would say a big fuck to BR to dont pick Assaidi more offten , I would start him over downing all day long , hope he starts in EPL next match
Re: Liverpool Thread

Suarez should be shot, actually that should have been done at WC2010 against Ghana.. I feel pity for Liverpool fans, that have world class player with world class mental problems.. really retarted guy. Like our Denisov, who is good DMF but started to whine about money when Hulk joined.

About the game. Clown opera from Danny and Denisov resulted in first goal from Suarez.. Danny didnt cover the wall, very childish behavior. Second goal - well Lomberts got injury?!?! He would cover that position if not that. Third goal - perfect freekick, very lovely stuff from Suarez.

In the end Hulk 2 goals, Suarez 2 goals. Just as expected )))

Good luck to Liverpool in APL, great stadium and amazing atmosphere!

Sorry to react on this imo horrible words, but i have to.. I never understand why people hate Suarez for what he did at world cup... he wasn´t Liverpool player then and i thought what he did was phenomenal that time, i remember the match very good and i remember being happy for Uruguay to go through, simply becouse they fighted and wanted the win more. Suarez did hand ball, that happens..if he didn´t, they are off anyway, but he saved his team from elimination, he was punished with red and Ghana got the penalty...they didn´t score. How is that Suarez fault?! :D i wonder... him celebrating at the penalty miss? who wouldnt? what were the odds that they miss? like zero at that point... i would go crazy celebrating myself if i was in his place..

just my - at that time objective - view on Suarez.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Suarez amazing free kick yesterday:

Re: Liverpool Thread

LOL used wrong way to say fuck to him I guess haha I'm really pissed off why this guy don't get his chance over downing tho , he seems good player and has more technique than downing

Remember Downing's a regular english national team player, of course he plays ahead of Assaidi :)). He has two good feet and need a lot of encouragement to move forward, and he's getting better lately. Unfortunately he doesn't yet have the confidence of the likes of Robben and other excellent wingers to strike fear on defenders.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Remember Downing's a regular english national team player, of course he plays ahead of Assaidi :)). He has two good feet and need a lot of encouragement to move forward, and he's getting better lately. Unfortunately he doesn't yet have the confidence of the likes of Robben and other excellent wingers to strike fear on defenders.

honestly Downing dosnt have a special technique , he's movements are always predictable , he always goes for same thing over and over , defender dosnt need to be that quality to stop him and his crosses most of time are low and awful , you hardly see downing "pass" a player on 1vs1 I think assaidi its way much better on this also he's not predictable so make defender have more hard on stoping him ....

I just think he need more chances that what he had until now so far , than if sure he's not good enough move on , but I think he's "only" LFC player who didn't have a fair chance until now so far !

Re: Liverpool Thread

Downing was one of the better players yesterday...

He isn´t a bad player at all, just not worth what we payed for him, but..imo a decent player to have.

Assaidi might have looked good for few minutes, but that doesn´t mean he is ready to take Downing´s spot immediatelly..

i hope to see more of him, but he has to earn it first..

and i think he is more a left winger so that doesn´t affect Downing position..more Sterling´s..
Re: Liverpool Thread

honestly Downing dosnt have a special technique , he's movements are always predictable , he always goes for same thing over and over , defender dosnt need to be that quality to stop him and his crosses most of time are low and awful , you hardly see downing "pass" a player on 1vs1 I think assaidi its way much better on this also he's not predictable so make defender have more hard on stoping him ....

I just think he need more chances that what he had until now so far , than if sure he's not good enough move on , but I think he's "only" LFC player who didn't have a fair chance until now so far !


I wish he can play more often as a super sub as he would've done better in the latter stages of game against tired legs, but defensively I think Downing is ahead of Assaidi which is important aspect of the game. He can make an impact hopefully sooner than later, we need attacking players like him

Suarez trickery is almost predicable now most defenders just close their feet when guarding Luis so they don't get the nutmeg from him lol, so you see it's not as often he successfully nutmegs the defenders.

Pity that Suso's ouf ot the equasion entirely and Sterling .. well he's 18 so back he goes to the academy :SHOCK:

EDIT: Not academy, reserves for Raheem !
Re: Liverpool Thread

I wish he can play more often as a super sub as he would've done better in the latter stages of game against tired legs, but defensively I think Downing is ahead of Assaidi which is important aspect of the game. He can make an impact hopefully sooner than later, we need attacking players like him

Suarez trickery is almost predicable now most defenders just close their feet when guarding Luis so they don't get the nutmeg from him lol, so you see it's not as often he successfully nutmegs the defenders.

Pity that Suso's ouf ot the equasion entirely and Sterling .. well he's 18 so back he goes to the academy :SHOCK:

EDIT: Not academy, reserves for Raheem !

Great point and no doubt about that, this is exactly the reason i think why Sterling and Assaidi came later yesterday.. Downing helps out in defence a lot more than both..he is very valuable if you watch his game closely..
Re: Liverpool Thread

not really , Enrique was class last night , hes technique sometimes seems better than of our wingers and seems he does well in 1vs1

Im not saying he have to take downing place just like that , but before last night match , when was last time you saw him playing ? how he can show himself if he never get chance ? play him over downing in 65-70minute and if guy play better than him in some matchs start him on next match , last night he had good match at last he should com as sub. in next EPL match , but im afraid he wont even be on bench....
Re: Liverpool Thread

the coach is there to give players a chances according to the trainings..i tend to trust the coach and don´t turn in to what if or why questions..

Assaidi might not be better in training than other so he doesn´t play simple as that..

How can you say he is better than him if he didn´t play more than the can´t judge player by few minutes, even if i agree with you about that short time, but it all depends on the coach and how players train in the end..
Re: Liverpool Thread

the coach is there to give players a chances according to the trainings..i tend to trust the coach and don´t turn in to what if or why questions..

Assaidi might not be better in training than other so he doesn´t play simple as that..

How can you say he is better than him if he didn´t play more than the can´t judge player by few minutes, even if i agree with you about that short time, but it all depends on the coach and how players train in the end..

I trust this coach too and i support him for everything and we seems to be a promissing team with him , but it seems that "only" player who dosnt have his chance is assaidi and I dont get why ?

im just talking for what i have seen from him so far and he look good , maybe I can be wrong hes worst than downing , but maybe I can be right too , so give him more play time and we'll understand that ... if hes not I dont think we are losing much , but if hes better than downing and we are not playing and making him leave than yes we are losing much and it will be coach foult...
Re: Liverpool Thread

not really , Enrique was class last night , hes technique sometimes seems better than of our wingers and seems he does well in 1vs1

Im not saying he have to take downing place just like that , but before last night match , when was last time you saw him playing ? how he can show himself if he never get chance ? play him over downing in 65-70minute and if guy play better than him in some matchs start him on next match , last night he had good match at last he should com as sub. in next EPL match , but im afraid he wont even be on bench....

I'm afraid it's something the Coach knows more than we do. But surely his time will come as we know he has talent.

Enrique has played very well as left midfield a couple of months ago, but problem is the left back position has no real backup right now that's why he's back there again with more defensive responsibility, although he's loves bombing forward when possible.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Although I'm is Zenit fan, but I can say thank you to Anfield and Liverpool, it was a great, not, even the legendary game! :WORSHIP: I looked and saw as my team plays with really one of the best teams in the world, Liverpool. After this match, I'm was very proud for Zenit, and while it has lost, but it will going next round after great battle with SUCH a team. Thanks you for the game and good luck in future games! :BYE:

P.S Suarez is real "gentleman". :COAT:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Although I'm is Zenit fan, but I can say thank you to Anfield and Liverpool, it was a great, not, even the legendary game! :WORSHIP: I looked and saw as my team plays with really one of the best teams in the world, Liverpool. After this match, I'm was very proud for Zenit, and while it has lost, but it will going next round after great battle with SUCH a team. Thanks you for the game and good luck in future games! :BYE:

P.S Suarez is real "gentleman". :COAT:

Was a great game, great atmosphere in Anfield, unfortunately for us, Hulk took his chance. We took ours but you defended well in the end. If this is your first time seeing Suarez then you haven't seen the other things he did :))
Re: Liverpool Thread

Was a great game, great atmosphere in Anfield, unfortunately for us, Hulk took his chance. We took ours but you defended well in the end. If this is your first time seeing Suarez then you haven't seen the other things he did :))
I do not often watch of Liverpool game, but I think I understand what you mean. :P
Re: Liverpool Thread

Meh. That was nothing, IMO. On purpose or not. Those two were giving each other cheap shots all night, that wasn't even top 10.

Yes so because they were at each other all night, standing on someone on the ground with studs is perfectly fine.

Just a bit of harmless banter between the lads.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Erm... you mentioned that he'd scored more own goals than goals and said "That sums it all really." That, my ignorant friend, is where you judged him based on a ridiculous stat. You think i'm an idiot because i don't want to orally pleasure Alberto Aquilani every night. I'm fine with that.

While we're on stats; Carragher has played 150 games in European football. Everton FC have played 71 in their entire history. :SMUG:
Ahahaha you keep talking about Aquilani man, I havent talked about him for ages. It ´s pathetic really that you have to bring him up to offend me all the time (you should know that I dont fucking care) when the last official match he played for Liverpool was in 2010.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sorry to react on this imo horrible words, but i have to..

What he did in the WC was bad sportsmanship, but excusable because he took the red card and he couldn't help Ghana missing the penalty. Fair enough, I say.

What he has done since in terms of bad behavior, and I am not aiming at the racism case because I personally think that's a load of hogwash. Suarez also have a very long wrap sheet of dirty tricks, class B acting for FK's and penalties, badmouthing, whining and god knows what.. the guy is a filthy, despicable little vermin of a human being (at least on the football field) and there are no good excuse to admire such a player despite his obvious football talent.

I tried hard to like this guy, but he's either pure evil or dead stupid... i suspect the latter to be honest.
Re: Liverpool Thread

bad sportsmanship? Where are you from, i supose England, if any of english players saved your team of elimination with handball, you would celebrate the fact it isn´t over... at that split second you don´t think of sportsmanship mate.. it´s instinct.

Suarez is a crazy player but that´s why he is loved and hated at same time.. He playes for my club and i admire him as fantastic talent that i honestly didn´t saw yet in red shirt such unpredictable striker.. but at the same time i can understand why oposite teams follow him and try to find something on him while other players similar actions are left unnoticable perhaps..

i don´t think he is stupid to be honest, just passionate and hates losing that´s all. he gives his all except maybe brains sometimes, but it´s sport and it´s refs buisiness to stop him..he isn´t the only player who playes dirty sometimes...

if he played for Tottenham you would love him that´s all. I doubt you wouldn´t.

..Maradona was a drug addict as well you know ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

..Maradona was a drug addict as well you know ;)

and he scored a goal with his hand, if you don't want to go that far...

TBH I would like to see how those Suarez-haters would react if another player grabs his rival's jersey while he is about to score, and is sent off for that. Is he going to be doomed with the "unsportman" label for the rest of his carrer?. Let me say that I've seen lots of fouls like that, and those players are not labeled like that...

Anyway, I must say that Suárez is a bit tricky sometimes (diving, acting, etc), but there're lots of players like that and they're not as questioned as he is.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yes so because they were at each other all night, standing on someone on the ground with studs is perfectly fine.

Just a bit of harmless banter between the lads.

As someone who played American football and basketball in college, and football (soccer) briefly professionally, I can say that whatever "standing" Suarez did is pretty tame compared to the cheap shots I saw happening all the time across all sports.

It's clear that Suarez didn't put his full weight on the guy and did a sort of a half step. He wasn't kicking down or back with an intent to injure like we've all seen done before in real "stamping" incidents. If you don't want to get stepped on, don't fall down in the field of play. Not that you don't have the right to complain if someone deliberately kicks or injures you... but c'mon, this isn't that.
Re: Liverpool Thread

"There are two types of football fans, the ones who would love Luis Suarez in their team. The rest are liars."

Jim Boardman
Re: Liverpool Thread

Guess we may as well "enjoy" talking about Suarez for the last few months in this thread. Come summer the discussion will probably have to continue elsewhere :BOP:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Maradonna was a drug addict ? I don't care.
What he does in his private life is none of my business.

We are talking about what is happening on a football pitch here...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thtat´s right, but it is stupid to take drugs, it isn´t to play dirty to win. Suarez isn´t a butcher, he has class that only few players in the league have.. He is an asshole on pitch, becouse he want´s to win all the time.. He doesn´t care how or what to sacrifice for the win..

@dplane, that´s what i think as well... so i try to enjoy his LFC career untill it last´s ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ahahaha you keep talking about Aquilani man, I havent talked about him for ages. It ´s pathetic really that you have to bring him up to offend me all the time (you should know that I dont fucking care) when the last official match he played for Liverpool was in 2010.

Typical of you, you miss my actual point. I've mentioned Aquilani because the way you acted over him showed your character.
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