Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Suarez has been labeled now and he'll never get rid of it in England at least. The British media is making him out to be the biggest villain ever, but I don't really think he has done much wrong. The whole Evra thing was massively blown out of proportion, because it was between Liverpool and United. Besides, I'm sure footballers say much worse things to eachother on the pitch every week.

He is like Lichtsteiner at Juve, if he plays for you you'll love him, if he plays against you you'll loathe him.
Re: Liverpool Thread

nice post Damjan, definetly.. He is a top player, if he was a bad player playing for Stoke or different team and done that things even if not mind to do them, nobody would care...
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Thank you pipa.

If anything, I think Suarez has been calmed down a bit. He did much worse things at Ajax. He dived a lot more, he even bit a player (Otman Bakkal, then at PSV) on his collar bone.
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Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Fabio Borini took to Twitter to declare his shoulder operation a success.

The striker underwent surgery this weekend after dislocating his shoulder against Swansea a week ago.

Brendan Rodgers confirmed after the game that the Italian would miss the rest of the season - and while that was devastating news for the man himself, his spirits seemed to have lifted slightly now.

He posted the following message and picture on Twitter on Saturday afternoon:


Re: Liverpool Thread

Another 'accidental' bit of niceness from everyone's favourite:

Now, with my anti-Suarez glasses that looks to me like he knows exactly what he's doing, but I thought that about the Distin 'challenge' too...

That isn't a surprising behavior of Suarez. I expected that.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

recent Skretl interview...

Why did you not start in Liverpool’s recent premier league games?

„That should be question for the manager. He selects team and players. At the moment I’m not in the starting eleven. I regret it but the manager made the decision and I have to respect that.“

Did Brendan Rodgers explain you why he decided to bench you? Do you talk to each other?

„We talk but it’s not ideal. He told me something, gave me some reason but it’s hard to say if if was the real reason. I don’t think it was, I think it’s something else. But I’m not that kind of player who keeps visiting manager, being in his office every day and finding out what’s going on and why I’m not playing. I have never done that and never will do so. If manager wants to talk he comes to me and we talk but I don’t come to him.“

The reason he told you was?

„It all happened after the Man Utd game in the middle of january. Previously we won twice, away at QPR 0:3 – and home with Sunderland, keeping two clean sheets. We lost in Manchester 1:2 though, but I think we played some great football in the second half particulary. What’s more many sources gave me good mark for my performance. Manager told me that he thinks we lost organistation in defence in last few games and because of that he will not play me in upcoming fixtures. I don’t know which games he was thinking about considering we managed to win last two games and kept clean sheet.“

So you think it’s not the real reason. What do you think it is then?

„I think it was affected by one situation but I don’t want to talk about it now. Maybe after the season but not right now. I don’t want to cause any conflicts, the most important thing is team success and I will cheer for my team whether it’s from the bench or stands.“

What’s next for you?

„Wait, that’s the only thing I can do right now. While I was fit I gave my best and did everything I could to prove manager that I belong here. I waited for my chance, one came in Petersburg but I didn’t play after that game. Unfortunately I’m injured now and we’ll see what happens when I’ll be fit.“

Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Fabio Borini took to Twitter to declare his shoulder operation a success.

The striker underwent surgery this weekend after dislocating his shoulder against Swansea a week ago.

Brendan Rodgers confirmed after the game that the Italian would miss the rest of the season - and while that was devastating news for the man himself, his spirits seemed to have lifted slightly now.

He posted the following message and picture on Twitter on Saturday afternoon:



Did they chop it off?!
Re: Liverpool Thread

bad sportsmanship? Where are you from, i supose England, if any of english players saved your team of elimination with handball, you would celebrate the fact it isn´t over... at that split second you don´t think of sportsmanship mate.. it´s instinct.

No, I am not from England.. I doubt any Englishmen would use Maradona as avatar... Yes it is bad sportsmanship, and it's irrelevant whether I would celebrate or not because it's still bad sportsmanship. I, at least, have enough humility to call a spade a spade. I am a true descendant of the Vikings, the original ones from the vik, the Oslofjord in Norway. A proud people who, despite popular belief, were mainly traders that traveled the world at a very early date historically speaking. (correct history lesson of the day)

Suarez is a crazy player but that´s why he is loved and hated at same time.. He playes for my club and i admire him as fantastic talent that i honestly didn´t saw yet in red shirt such unpredictable striker.. but at the same time i can understand why oposite teams follow him and try to find something on him while other players similar actions are left unnoticable perhaps..

He would be very easy to antagonize because he has a very hot temper and he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. He makes many bad choices, which results in him not getting penalties he sometimes should have. I call it poetic justice...

i don´t think he is stupid to be honest, just passionate and hates losing that´s all. he gives his all except maybe brains sometimes, but it´s sport and it´s refs buisiness to stop him..he isn´t the only player who playes dirty sometimes...

I never said he was the only one, but he is a high profile player with a vile personality, at least on the pitch. I believe I also said "fair enough" after describing some of the things he has done, which clearly indicates that the things I actually do hold against him is the dirty tricks, the spitting, the stomping, the bad acting.. well that basically covers it.

if he played for Tottenham you would love him that´s all. I doubt you wouldn´t.

Well, you're in no position to say that with any certainty, really. Do I strike you as a big hypocrite, or just a really honest and reflected person? I was not a very big fan of Neil Ruddock, even when he sported the right colours...

..Maradona was a drug addict as well you know ;)

Although not really comparable or relevant, I will dignify this low blow with an answer. Yes he was a cocaine addict, and for many years as well. He was the best player in the world despite taking performance reducing drugs, imagine that?
Maradona was a fantastically gifted player in all aspects of football, but I admire him for his incomparable offensive football intellect. He's clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed socially, but his football intellect is unmatched. Even semi injured, overweight and without stamina he had the ability to make his team better through shear intelligent passing and assists. Maradona is probably one of the least professional successful athletes in the history of modern football, he lacked sportsmanship on a few occasions and he even played dirty in his youth. The latter exemplified in the 1982 WC against Brazil. However, he overcame his temper, his poor judgment and his lack of intelligence and became the most brilliant footballer of all time. Messis' impressive records considered, he will never become the "new Maradona". Messi is Messi, which is impressive enough in his own right.
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Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

The difference between Suarez and other 'pantomine villians' is that he actively looks to hurt players. And has done numerous times in his career, but in England and abroad. I'm not going to rehash the gifs again here, but there are some genuinely horrendous challenges of his from the Eridevise, and just last season we saw the same trick against City - go in studs up and then feign your own injury. Distin earlier this season, just now against Zenit - he's not only a cheater in the 'not hurt anyone' way - handballs, mouthing off, diving - but he's also a snide little sh*t that loves to leave his studs in when he thinks no one is looking.

That's the bit I can't stand. And of course if someone so much as sniffs in his general direction he's down holding his face screaming at hte top of his lungs.

If you're going to pretend to be hard and mix it up then at least take it like a man. He's the worst of both world's - cowardly and dangerous.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Sabatasso look i have respect for you for that reply, i realy do, i enjoy Suarez as a player for the football club i support untill it´s lasts, i won´t cry if he goes...i would support LFC even in amateur league,support for me is is maybe different as for others...i originaly support my hockey club from my town and i love our club..i love our fans and we are a family...supporting a club is just wonderfull... i love Suarez becouse he is crazy.. and i will love him untill he wears liverbird on his chest.. ;) whatever other fans say i realy don´t care.
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Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Yesterday i deleted a semi-furious post about the title of this thread.
Now i'm gonna ask it very polite.
Could somebody PLEASE change the title of this thread.
It's just not fair: Liverpool fans are complaining that other people talk too much about Suarez. I tried to refrain from talking about him and now this is called the Suarez's a fine example of paranoia from football fans. Just as if everybody who isn't a Liverpool fan, is against Liverpool. I'm gonna be straightforward: when Suarez came to Liverpool i was over the moon, but IMO he's ithe most disgusting player i've come across in the 45 years i follow football, but i genuinely like Liverpool as a club...
If this becomes the Liverpool thread again i will refrain talking about Suarez.
If not, i can organize quite a few interesting talking point (for example: what is the most despiccable act you saw from Suarez). I'd rather talk about football and not about this awfull excuse of a human being...please change the title of this thread (and Pipa, you are a mod, you can do that easily).

I'm sorry for this post, but it is really important for me. If title of this thread is changed, you can also delete this post.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

gerd buddy take it easy , somebody change thread name to Suarez as everybody over here was talking about him so they made it for fun I guess :) take it in sportive way not needed to feel "bad" about this buddy

he's ithe most disgusting player i've come across in the 45 years i follow football

WOW thats something , if hes so bad as you say right now than im glad hes playing for Liverpool so I can't feel disgust about him , if he was on other team than maybe i'll feel like you :D
Re: Liverpool Thread

OMG a Barca fan complaining , get out of here man your team its a fucking groupe of actors worst than suarez so dont blame suarez before you do to your barca cunts

and that against Ghana was NOTHING he dont did anything "wrong" he dont broke anybodys legs , he made hand ball , there was penalty and red card what more you want ?

your FUCKING messi scored with hand and whats happen ? youre proud of him arent you? so stop telling bullshits over here , you barca fan

I came here to comment because of Zenit not Barca. Don't cunt me you stupid prick. I didn't insult you or anyone else. If you can't behave go back to kindergarden.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sorry to react on this imo horrible words, but i have to.. I never understand why people hate Suarez for what he did at world cup... he wasn´t Liverpool player then and i thought what he did was phenomenal that time, i remember the match very good and i remember being happy for Uruguay to go through, simply becouse they fighted and wanted the win more. Suarez did hand ball, that happens..if he didn´t, they are off anyway, but he saved his team from elimination, he was punished with red and Ghana got the penalty...they didn´t score. How is that Suarez fault?! :D i wonder... him celebrating at the penalty miss? who wouldnt? what were the odds that they miss? like zero at that point... i would go crazy celebrating myself if i was in his place..

just my - at that time objective - view on Suarez.

You are entitled to opinion, it sounds like Uruguay should give him a medal for his heroic save. I wouldn't like that kind of attitude on the pitch, be it Messi, Hulk or anyone else. Celebrating penalty miss is totally ok to me, its the idea of cheating thats bothering me.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I came here to comment because of Zenit not Barca. Don't cunt me you stupid prick. I didn't insult you or anyone else. If you can't behave go back to kindergarden.

you com here to blame suarez for cheating and talk here for Ghana match so thats nothing to do with Zenit or Liverpool first of all

than don't blame someone for something that whole your team do same things over and over again , your fucking team and you as one barca fan don't have right to talk about cheating you idiot get your team right than com and say anything about "suarez cheating" you're last one who has right to talk about it

I can behave but not with idiots like you , who love a team that always cheat and itrs grupe of actors than start to blame other player for doing same thing ? REALLY ?

and im grown enough don't worry if I was for kindergarden than I would be a barca fan thats for sure ;)
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Yesterday i deleted a semi-furious post about the title of this thread.
Now i'm gonna ask it very polite.
Could somebody PLEASE change the title of this thread.
It's just not fair: Liverpool fans are complaining that other people talk too much about Suarez. I tried to refrain from talking about him and now this is called the Suarez's a fine example of paranoia from football fans. Just as if everybody who isn't a Liverpool fan, is against Liverpool. I'm gonna be straightforward: when Suarez came to Liverpool i was over the moon, but IMO he's ithe most disgusting player i've come across in the 45 years i follow football, but i genuinely like Liverpool as a club...
If this becomes the Liverpool thread again i will refrain talking about Suarez.
If not, i can organize quite a few interesting talking point (for example: what is the most despiccable act you saw from Suarez). I'd rather talk about football and not about this awfull excuse of a human being...please change the title of this thread (and Pipa, you are a mod, you can do that easily).

I'm sorry for this post, but it is really important for me. If title of this thread is changed, you can also delete this post.

mate i wanted to make new Liverpool thread some time ago, since the title was most probably chainged by the author of this thread..or someone else, i don´t know realy.. and i wasn´t here all day so i couldn´t answer sooner..

take it easy
Re: Liverpool Thread

You are entitled to opinion, it sounds like Uruguay should give him a medal for his heroic save. I wouldn't like that kind of attitude on the pitch, be it Messi, Hulk or anyone else. Celebrating penalty miss is totally ok to me, its the idea of cheating thats bothering me.

keeping a ball from the net when there is no other way isn´t cheating. it´s only way to save the team, and he did a great save tbh.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Lots of chat about his handball heroics - which is completely defensible - very little of his stamping and kicking.

But he's just really keen to win, and snidely hurting players gives his team an advantage, so he should be saluted really.
Jesus. He's kicked a few people. It happens a lot more than what people actually believe but it gets highlighted because of the league he's in. There are probably players around the world who are much worse but you don't hear about it. FFS wind your necks in. Every few weeks something gets said about him. Be it something that's just happened or something from quite a while a go. Things around him had been quite quiet but all of a sudden a little something happens and he's vile, disgusting or whatever else people are saying. None of you know him but label the guy for something that goes on during competitive football games. Kicks, confrontations or whatever you want to call them occur every week but just keep boring everyone slagging the same guy off all the time ZZZzzz
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Jesus. He's kicked a few people. It happens a lot more than what people actually believe but it gets highlighted because of the league he's in. There are probably players around the world who are much worse but you don't hear about it. FFS wind your necks in. Every few weeks something gets said about him. Be it something that's just happened or something from quite a while a go. Things around him had been quite quiet but all of a sudden a little something happens and he's vile, disgusting or whatever else people are saying. None of you know him but label the guy for something that goes on during competitive football games. Kicks, confrontations or whatever you want to call them occur every week but just keep boring everyone slagging the same guy off all the time ZZZzzz

Are you Narcoleptic? You just fell asleep before you finished your post? :ZZZ:
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Strong reserve team out for Liverpool against United - including Shelvey, Spearing, Sterling and Wisdom. Shoudl really dominate United at this level - almost all of United's really good U21 team have been loaned out to the Championship.
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