Liverpool Thread

Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

@luis16suarez Very happy for the win and to have helped the team. Here a picture with our captain!!! YNWA

Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Great win, good to see so many goals. We have absolutely hammered the "smaller" teams this season, except for a few blips here and there.
Also given some of the teams above us a serious run (Man C, Arsenal, Man U, Spurs).

If we get 5th spot and Europa, it will be a successful season given that we
had a tough start and new manager and the transfer fiascos of the summer.
Arsenal are 5 pts clear with a game in hand. So it will be tough to catch them.
We need to beat Spurs and Everton at home to have any chance.

Also it was cool to hear the "Rafa Rafael ..." chants from the fans,
and then immediately followed by "one brendan rodgers"..... COOL.
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Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I like that Coutinho. He has good vision and control. He's easing the stress on Suarez too. With Sturridge this might look like a pretty decent trio.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I think its a good sign that the team are now battering the poor sides. Its a good base to build on. And in a lot of the top10 matches they were equal or even deserved to win. A few good signings in the summer could lift them up to the race for 3rd and 4th.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

With Spurs winning today, I think it may still be possible to beat Arsenal and Everton to the 5th spot/Europa League.
We need to win most of our games though and hope Arsenal slip up a bit more.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

I was impressed By Reina's saves and even more with his kick that led to a goal (assist Coutinho).

Don't want to rain on your parade but Wigan looked a shambles, IMO this year they will not avoid relegation unless something spectacular happens.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

A good win and performance by Liverpool

Defeat next week it is then :P

we can beat Tottenham I guess , if we mark good Bale than sure whole Tottenham is blocked !

I dont have idea whats going on with sturridge is he injured or what ? if we start with Suarez , Sturridge and Coutinho than we are going to win this match and kick theyr ass so bad :D

really exited after last 3 matchs we show some very good games and seems everytime we are getting better ;)
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

we can beat Tottenham I guess , if we mark good Bale than sure whole Tottenham is blocked !

Just look at Spurs-Man Utd and what happened there: Jones neutralized Bale and Lennon won the match for Spurs. I'm probably biased, but IMO Spurs is much more than just Bale. AVB is a really good manager, he will have a plan to beat Liverpool.

I'm not saying Spurs WILL beat Liverpool, but what you write is just a litle bit too simple.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Spurs have a brilliant squad and have had for the last 4 years now. Spurs are far from a one man team.

Liverpool have been leveled that accusation over the last 10 years with Gerrard and now we 'only' have Suarez which is nonsense. Games are won by the 11 men on the pitch. The likes of Bale and Suarez win games because of the efforts of the other 10 players around them.

Both 'teams' have increasingly improving squads with Tottenhams superior to Liverpool's imo and their league positions and form confirm this.

Current form suggests a close match coming up >>>
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

It will be a fantastic game. I see a lot of goals in this one. If Liverpool can take their chances, then we can win. I think 2:2 would be a fair result.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Just look at Spurs-Man Utd and what happened there: Jones neutralized Bale and Lennon won the match for Spurs. I'm probably biased, but IMO Spurs is much more than just Bale. AVB is a really good manager, he will have a plan to beat Liverpool.

I'm not saying Spurs WILL beat Liverpool, but what you write is just a litle bit too simple.

well im just making it looks more easy for myself gerd :D

I know it gonna be a very hard match but still if Bale is marked good than chances are more big for us to win , bale is killing every team , hes amazing but i believe we gonna win this one !

It will be a fantastic game. I see a lot of goals in this one. If Liverpool can take their chances, then we can win. I think 2:2 would be a fair result.

how 2-2 could be a fair result ? without game happen and see it , it never can be a fair result , maybe we beat them 4-0 or they beat us 4-0 and they deserve it , so thats fair result too !
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

what is going to be our line up for todays match ?

this would be mine :Reina , Glen , Skrtle , Agger , Enrique , Lucas , Gerrard , Coutinho , Downing , Sturridge , Suarez !

still not sure why Sturridge dont play some matchs but hope he start as well !
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

not sure if Skrtel is already fit to start today.. but other than that i agree on the lineup. Sturridge will start today, he was saved for this match..
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Spurs have a brilliant squad and have had for the last 4 years now. Spurs are far from a one man team.

Liverpool have been leveled that accusation over the last 10 years with Gerrard and now we 'only' have Suarez which is nonsense. Games are won by the 11 men on the pitch. The likes of Bale and Suarez win games because of the efforts of the other 10 players around them.

Both 'teams' have increasingly improving squads with Tottenhams superior to Liverpool's imo and their league positions and form confirm this.

Current form suggests a close match coming up >>>

Hmm - Obviously the liverpool of yesteryear wasn't a one man team - I mean there was Torres, Xabi Alonso and Mascherano (along with Gerrard) who were all considered near the top of their respective positions and roles in world football.

I still think that Spurs are pretty close to being a one man team - they have a good squad, not something I would call 'brilliant'. In terms of attacking players, they have a huge drop-off after Bale, whereas 'pool have had quite a few players (in recent weeks anyway) that pick up after Suarez. In the last couple of years - with Modric and Van Der Vaart - yes spurs seemed pretty special, but they are two gaping holes that have only been partially filled.

I think Spurs excel with their defensive players though - their back 4 has been great (incomparable to Liverpool's shambles really) and play excellently as a unit. Sandro was a beast defensively before he got hurt, and Dembele has picked up where he left off and has the added vision of a long passer AND can run with the ball.

Spurs when healthy have a great first XI but their squad isn't as good as Man U /City and AVB pretty much picks the same team week in-out (occasionally shuffling his back two a bit). I agree that they are in much better shape than liverpool though, HOWEVER the renaissance of Downing/Henderson (if they maintain it) makes the squad much more competitive - remember there is Shelvey, Sterling, Suso who all show quite a lot of promise in the years to come.

Oh yeah - then there is that italian guy Borini :P
No idea what the hell is going on with him. Seems like 'pool enjoy buying italian players for a season and then sending them right back to Serie A :COOL:
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Borini is injured and won´t play again this season. It´s not his fault and he is very unlucky. He will be back next season.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

The Reds team in full is: Jones, Johnson, Enrique, Agger, Carragher, Lucas, Gerrard, Downing, Coutinho, Sturridge, Suarez.

Subs: Gulacsi, Wisdom, Skrtel, Henderson, Allen, Shelvey, Sterling.

btw, Aquilani transfer is miles different to Borini.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Coutinho is a steal. Sterling will have hard time to play on that position again if Coutinho continues like that.

Suarez is lethal.

to bad about that Verthongen goal, Bale has fantastic crosses...

hope we win this one, even if it will be very difficult.
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Great goal by Suarez , coutinho and Johnson did great working that goal , other than that I see Tottenham goal coming we aren't playing that good hope for better 2nd half coz I can't see us wining with that performance !

Looking forward to see more of sturridge on 2nd half, c'mon reds
Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Our defense is equally shite tbh...

EDIT: Like I said...

The only thing I am satisfied with here is the fact that the commentators said it was "a massive win for Liverpool" which indicate that Spurs is a bigger club :P
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Re: The Suarez (Liverpool) Thread

Great game, Suarez activity was the reason he got the penalty, cool as ever Gerrard !
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