Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

I have been critical of Agger for so long BUT he said this on Twitter earlier. Total respect for the guy -

"I agree with most of you. My performance the last 10 minutes of yesterday's game was NOT good enough. It's as simple as that!!!!! -- Daniel Agger (@DanielAgger)"

Can't ask for more than that. If they all looked in the mirror perhaps we'd improve as a team.

He got skinned by Lukaku (SP?). I wouldn't say that makes it dreadful defending. If Suarez goes up the other end and skins somebody it's good play. If a Pool defender gets skinned it's bad defending?

Forwards should beat defenders when running at them so I wouldn't be overly critical of Agger at all. It happens.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He got skinned by Lukaku (SP?). I wouldn't say that makes it dreadful defending. If Suarez goes up the other end and skins somebody it's good play. If a Pool defender gets skinned it's bad defending?

Forwards should beat defenders when running at them so I wouldn't be overly critical of Agger at all. It happens.

He was poor for the Lukaku goal, but worse for the first goal. His marking was embarrassingly bad, he's been out of position a lot over the past few weeks, especially from set-pieces.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Totally deserved? Serious?! They parked the bus. It's up to Liverpool to break them down (and unfortunately they couldn't) but to say WBA totally deserved it is a shocking statement.

they played perfect away game, what is there undeserved.. their goalkeeper was fantastic and saved them, we broke mentally after Gerrard´s missed penalty, they took the chances and finished us.

I think the sooner Rodgers realises that football is about goals and scoring more rather than chances and not converting them, the better.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He got skinned by Lukaku (SP?). I wouldn't say that makes it dreadful defending. If Suarez goes up the other end and skins somebody it's good play. If a Pool defender gets skinned it's bad defending?

Forwards should beat defenders when running at them so I wouldn't be overly critical of Agger at all. It happens.

yeah becouse LFC fan looks at LFC players and judges them , so it´s another perspective. I think Lukaku is amazing for his age and he was just clinical yesterday.
Re: Liverpool Thread

What I cant understand is why all of the sudden Allen isnt playing anymore. Rodgers bought him for 15M and saying that was even cheap for a player like him. He played very good the first matches, then some matches not very good but still ... when was the last time he started a match?
Re: Liverpool Thread

He doesnt really offer much in the current midfield, lucas defends and keeps it tidy, gerrard has the range and the shot and henderson has the running to occupy defenders to create space for suarez and sturridge.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He is much better than Henderson in my opinion. He should be given a chance playing in a more advanced role with Lucas in the defensive position.
Re: Liverpool Thread

it´s called rotation ;) i think Allen will play against Napoli..or perhaps be a substitute..

It's called shite signings, which Rodgers has been doing ever since
he got here. So far only 1 signing has succeeded.

Allen - shite
Borini - shite
Sahin - shipped out
Assaidi - no chance
Yesil - too young
Sturridge - good so far
Coutinho - let's see

Our signings look like they are for a team like Swansea (with all due respect), not Liverpool FC.

Of course people will point to Lucas/Hendo....but for me Rodgers keeps going after feather-weight players who may do well in less physical leagues like La Liga. But here we need a bit more presence....and I'm not talking Andy Caroll....I'm talking Moussa Sissoko, Michu, etc...skilful yet having some presence.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He is much better than Henderson in my opinion. He should be given a chance playing in a more advanced role with Lucas in the defensive position.

He has not shown any vision or any other ability to apply his passing in the final third of the pitch.

Maybe he can develop, I dunno, but he was grossly overpaid.
It's called shite signings, which Rodgers has been doing ever since
he got here. So far only 1 signing has succeeded.

Allen - shite
Borini - shite
Sahin - shipped out
Assaidi - no chance
Yesil - too young
Sturridge - good so far
Coutinho - let's see

Our signings look like they are for a team like Swansea (with all due respect), not Liverpool FC.

Of course people will point to Lucas/Hendo....but for me Rodgers keeps going after feather-weight players who may do well in less physical leagues like La Liga. But here we need a bit more presence....and I'm not talking Andy Caroll....I'm talking Moussa Sissoko, Michu, etc...skilful yet having some presence.

Allen is far from shite. First I saw him play was against Cardiff a few years ago and he was a cracking little footballer. He's not somebody with much flair but he will keep the ball ticking over all day long. I'd rather have somebody like that than some show pony who gives the ball away all the time. He's young and decent. Calling him shite is a bit over the top. He's been at the club 6 months and he's young. Give him a chance for Christ sake.
Re: Liverpool Thread

It's called shite signings, which Rodgers has been doing ever since
he got here. So far only 1 signing has succeeded.

Allen - shite
Borini - shite
Sahin - shipped out
Assaidi - no chance
Yesil - too young
Sturridge - good so far
Coutinho - let's see

Our signings look like they are for a team like Swansea (with all due respect), not Liverpool FC.

Of course people will point to Lucas/Hendo....but for me Rodgers keeps going after feather-weight players who may do well in less physical leagues like La Liga. But here we need a bit more presence....and I'm not talking Andy Caroll....I'm talking Moussa Sissoko, Michu, etc...skilful yet having some presence.

Mate you're being a bit unfair and far too impatient. Borini and Allen shite? How many times has Borini started? He's 21 and has made sporadic appearances and has had a couple of injuries, judging him on this is ridiculous. Everyone was raving about Allen after a few weeks, then he started to look tired (don't forget he didn't have a pre-season thanks to the Oympics, so he's bound to start tiring now.

You say he's had one success, who is that, Sturridge? He's made 6 appearances and you're hailing him as a success for £12m? What if that's it and he never scores again? Extreme example i know but the point is you're being very hasty.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool team in full: Reina, Johnson, Skrtel, Carragher, Enrique, Allen, Henderson, Gerrard, Downing, Sterling, Suarez.

Subs: Jones, Coates, Lucas, Borini, Shelvey, Suso, Wisdom.

no sturridge again ! we should get worry about this or hes going to be on weekend vs Swansea ?
Re: Liverpool Thread

What was wrong with Suarez tonight, he missed 3 golden chances and it feels like deja vu from Monday, even though tonight Zenit were superior in possession and controlled the game.

Only a miracle can save our skin in the 2nd leg, especially when I think of our liability in defense.
Re: Liverpool Thread

its going from bad to worst for us

Suarez should have score

I would do for Coates - Carragher on sunday match vs Swansea

im exited about 2nd leg we have to win 3-0 that match than we can get some motivation and trust , I don't know whats behind everything but I guess BR dosn't have enought respect from players and maybe they dont trust on him !
Re: Liverpool Thread

I just don't understand Brent anymore: "Apart from the opening 5/10 minutes it was a near perfect away performance."

No Brendan. You lost 2-0.
Re: Liverpool Thread

If Rodgers said that, beachryan, then he clearly lacks the ambition to go for a win... LFC should do themselves a huge favor and get rid of that joker sooner rather than later. You can have Villas Boas for free...
If Rodgers said that, beachryan, then he clearly lacks the ambition to go for a win... LFC should do themselves a huge favor and get rid of that joker sooner rather than later. You can have Villas Boas for free...

Man you are a negative fan for a team in the chase for the CL spot and doing well in europe
Re: Liverpool Thread

I have to say I think people are right about Joe Allen. He was pretty hopeless last night, I read somewhere that Zenit were targeting him as the weak link in Liverpool's midfield as they felt he can't pass very well under pressure, it certainly seemed to be the case. I know he is a new signing and should be given time to settle in, in the long run he might come good, but can you sacrifice important games by playing him?
Re: Liverpool Thread

I have to say I think people are right about Joe Allen. He was pretty hopeless last night, I read somewhere that Zenit were targeting him as the weak link in Liverpool's midfield as they felt he can't pass very well under pressure, it certainly seemed to be the case. I know he is a new signing and should be given time to settle in, in the long run he might come good, but can you sacrifice important games by playing him?

Tbh, I think the guy is pretty average.

I can't even recall him being so good for Swansea, maybe ignorantly but when Liverpool signed him I thought 'Who?'.

Liverpool have bang average players, especially in midfield, Gerrard who has been a legend is quickly falling in terms of his quality for me.

Suarez whilst being a little shit (although if he's in your team, you'll love him) is class, but my god last night he was a liability.

Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool have bang average players, especially in midfield, Gerrard who has been a legend is quickly falling in terms of his quality for me.

Suarez whilst being a little shit (although if he's in your team, you'll love him) is class, but my god last night he was a liability.


What? Gerrard deteriorating? He's having a phenomenal season. Pool's top player so far for sure.

I completely agree that Liverpool have a ridiculously average team - this is compounded by a manager who tries to fit his team to his style rather than mold the style to the team.

As for Suarez - its just the typical crap constructed by the media. I remember some idiot defender saying that Suarez was the worst diver he had seen in the premier league, and then said in the same sentence that Drogba was his idol! Haha, I've seen Drogba take some tumbles that even would make Busquets blush.

Bale dives like crazy as well, but he is always portrayed in a positive light by the British tabloids whilst the foreigner gets crucified.

TBH if I was Suarez I'd leave England for greener pastures elsewhere.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I've been absent for a week and i've been reading this thread with something of a smile on my face. You people really don't need Benni or any other outsider to make a joke of this thread... There is plenty of aggro between the Liverpool fans themselves...don't blame others now.

I saw the WBA match.
Liverpool played a good match, but had the bad luck that Foster had a fantastic match. WBA might have had Buffon, Casillas or Neurer in their goal, they wouldn't have done better.
This is bad luck for Liverpool. They created lots of chances but somehow (i.e. Foster) the ball never went in goal...
Besides that: WBA is a very good team...why do you think Liverpool should automatically win against WBA. I've read that Liverpool weren't able to win a single match against a top half team...well then you don't deserve to play the CL.

On top of that, most Liverpool fans aren't realistic. Their club has been a shambles for 3 or 4 years now. This should be a transitional season. Judge Rodgers and his players at the end of next season or pray for a Sheikh or an oligarch like Abramovich.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Man you are a negative fan for a team in the chase for the CL spot and doing well in europe

Spurs does not play good football under Villas Boas, and goals seems more coincidental than a result of a good plan. Redknapp had many flaws as a coach, mainly that he uses very few players and his few chosen gets extremly tired towards the end of the season, but Spurs played the best football in PL under Redknapp in general. Boas also sold one of the best attacking midfielders in the world, van der Vaart, only to replace him with a bunch of mediocre players.

He can't lean on Bale for an entire season and expect to get a medal for it...
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