Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Makes me wonder if there is some kind of a way he and Welbeck can eventually combine. I rate Welbeck's technical ability higher, but Sturridge has far better finishing skills atm. Sturridge is definitely looking like a great get for LFC. Seems to me Rodgers was an idiot for not bringing him on til the 2nd half against us (Utd). They look a lot more dangerous with him on the pitch.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Really good article there.
I hope for you that Henderson will be given the needed time to develop himself as a player, and why not replace Gerrard at the right time.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Gerrard and Carra was great too , I really hope Carra starts more offten inside Skertl , I think we need a good CB as I dont trust anymore to Agger-Skertl !

good performance in general we make city looks like a small team , we need to perform vs "small/middle tabel" teams and we need to win those matchs

once again great to see Enrique back and Glen playing in his own possision , Glen for me its best right back in EPL and even in europe , this guy its WORLD CLASS

You know whats funny is that several years ago when carra started slowing down and Liverpool's defence became leaky everyone was saying for pool to by a top-class or a high potential CB. But they are STILL running with the same trio (duo really, Carra made his 1st (? - or 2nd) start for Liverpool in EPL). They still haven't done anything about it.

Teams need to build from the back. Glen Johnson was a great signing, definitely I think one of the best Right backs in the Premier League. Maybe Rafael is more adventurous in attacking play, and maybe Zabaletta is better defensively but he combines the two very well.

I think Wisdom has the chance to develop in to his mold as well, but I was surprised by Rodgers dropping Enrique early, who was one of the best buys last year. Great to see him back at LB.

But still... they are pretty thin at CB. I know they were chasing Shawcross for sometime, but for the price they were asking for him, they could have got a top quality spanish or italian CB.

However, I'm still not sure I like Rodgers tactically. Too many times Pool try and play it out of the back as if they have Pique and Puyols there. Plus Rodgers was pretty disappointing bringing off Sturridge for his golden boy. Pool needed the 3 points, and given the teams knocking on the door for a European place, they are gonna need some positive thinking in those circumstances.

Hopefully Rodgers rests Suarez and lets Coutinho have a run at West Brom.

Great game from a Neutral perspective. Too bad it pretty much confirmed Man U winning the title.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Seriously does anyone have the % of passes Henderson completed? Seemed like it woukd have been very high. He was very good today, not world class but a solid effort. Stevie g was awesome. Liverpool looked very good. Sturbridge MOM

86% same as Gerard. But Pass success is a useless stat. He only sent in two crosses. Gerard played 18 long balls and was accurate on 13 of them. Pretty incredible game for him.

Sturridge, Gerard played out of their minds today...

Milner was incredible for Citeh as well.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Proud to see such a fantastic Liverpool performance. Should have won the game except for the combined gaffe of Skrtel/Reina.

Sturridge was fantastic, along with so many solid performances. As a team some of our passing was sublime, the way we moved the ball around and kept being positive was great.
No surprise that along with this match and the Arsenal game, these were very entertaining matches.

Hope we continue to build on this, and keep pressing on. Our next 5 games in the league are against teams below us if I remember correctly. Still I don't expect anything more than 5th spot. But if we can continue this good form and keep getting closer, then I think the summer transfers will help us get a new keeper, center-backs, one more striker and midfielder.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Plus Rodgers was pretty disappointing bringing off Sturridge for his golden boy. Pool needed the 3 points, and given the teams knocking on the door for a European place, they are gonna need some positive thinking in those circumstances.

Didn't Sturridge have a knock? That's what I heard so it's hardly disappointing bringing him off now is it?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Cant blame Rodgers for taking Sturridge off! He was carrying an injury.

Liverpool badly need a new keeper now - are they loooking for one? And two new centre backs. You cant try and play the Barca way with Skrtel and Agger, they're not good enough.
Re: Liverpool Thread

no matter with the match results, i've see 2 fantastic goal from new boy Strurridge, and Captain Stevie G
+Respect to Sturridge not celebrating with the goal to his former club :))
Re: Liverpool Thread

Cant blame Rodgers for taking Sturridge off! He was carrying an injury.

Liverpool badly need a new keeper now - are they loooking for one? And two new centre backs. You cant try and play the Barca way with Skrtel and Agger, they're not good enough.

Liverpool do not badly need a new keeper at all. Only last game v Arsenal he made a few great saves. Keepers make mistakes and I don't expect them to save everything at all. He is still a top keeper in my eyes. Agger is pretty decent on the ball and I'm pretty happy with him. Skrtel is decent enough too but wouldn't mind some more CB's as Carragher can't go on forever.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You know whats funny is that several years ago when carra started slowing down and Liverpool's defence became leaky everyone was saying for pool to by a top-class or a high potential CB. But they are STILL running with the same trio (duo really, Carra made his 1st (? - or 2nd) start for Liverpool in EPL). They still haven't done anything about it.

well I know its really funny , carra isn't a starter from long time , but I really feel more "safe" playing him than any of Agger/Skrtle (still dont know to write his name!) and thats not good thing , Carra plays with heart he always give maximum and those guys seems dont care that much honestly

Teams need to build from the back. Glen Johnson was a great signing, definitely I think one of the best Right backs in the Premier League. Maybe Rafael is more adventurous in attacking play, and maybe Zabaletta is better defensively but he combines the two very well.

I dont agree with you on any of them , Johnson is by far better than both , and Glen is atacking player too , he controle ball very good and he has technique (more than Downing I think) he's very good on dribbling and also as defensive hes really good , hes completed RB for me best in EPL

I think Wisdom has the chance to develop in to his mold as well, but I was surprised by Rodgers dropping Enrique early, who was one of the best buys last year. Great to see him back at LB.
But still... they are pretty thin at CB. I know they were chasing Shawcross for sometime, but for the price they were asking for him, they could have got a top quality spanish or italian CB.

Wisdom seems good on defensive but I cant see him going forward , even when he have ball he just try to back it , I guess hes young and has "fear" but hes not good enought to be a starter atm maybe after some time ok but not now !

yeah was great to see enrique back , hes a good player sometimes I dont like his "desision" on game but still hes not bad at all and its best from what we have so far !

Hopefully Rodgers rests Suarez and lets Coutinho have a run at West Brom.

Great game from a Neutral perspective. Too bad it pretty much confirmed Man U winning the title.[/QUOTE]

not sure about suarez getting rest , we dont have luks to drop points vs WBA , and not sure about Coutinho but im looking forward for his debute I hope he will be a good sign
Re: Liverpool Thread

I agree with Benni about Skrtel and Agger, they are not good enough.
Reina has a very bad season. These things happen.

But this is not his first bad season, it's his third...if a GK has 3 consecutive bad seasons, it's time to search other alternatives. A dip in form that lasts 3 seasons is quite a serious dip in form.
Re: Liverpool Thread

So what? He's had a dip in form. It doesn't make him completely useless all of a sudden.


How many chances do strikers miss that could win games?

How many misplaced passes do midfielders or defenders make that lead to goals?

I can't be bothered to troll the net for 'FACTS' on this but I bet it's incredibly higher than any goalkeeper error stats.

The goalkeeper is the last defence so ANY error of judgment on their part is overanalised in my opinion.

How many games has Pepe saved from becoming draws or defeats in his time at Liverpool?

Get a grip people. :RANT:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yeah it only means something if you can compare those stats to other keepers in the same league and also compare stats of other things instead of just goals from his mistakes. Like how many saves he has done this season? Clean sheets? etc etc If he has let in 8 goals because of his mistakes (Which is probably quite subjective anyway) how many times has he also kept the ball out of the net, it is unfair to give one stat and not the other imo.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Unfortunately, that is not the way it works for GK's.
You can have 10 great saves in a match and make one big mistake: then you have a bad match.
On top of that (and that may be unfair, but it is a fact), a prone error GK (and that is what Reina is for the moment) will have a negative impact on the rest of the team. The team plays with the jitters...

For people who don't see it. Look how much stick De Gea has got recently. I can assure you that De Gea is a much, much better GK than Reina at the moment...
Re: Liverpool Thread

I agree with that to some extent, but if a keeper makes 10 great saves and then makes a mistake for one, then I think most supporters/team mates would realize that it would have been a lot worse if it wasn't for the goalkeeper making those saves.

I know what you mean though, Goalkeepers mistakes are 100x more damaging to a team than any other player on the pitch....apart from an Arsenal defender where they take turns to make mistakes ;))

Being a keeper is unforgiving.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Open your eyes friends, Reina has been poor for a long time now. Mistakes are costing Liverpool points. If they were sitting in top 4 it wouldnt matter, but they're not.

His best days are behind him. Even the most deluded, biased internet forum on the planet (RAWK) want a new keeper - and they wont have ANY bad word said about Liverpool player.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Open your eyes friends, Reina has been poor for a long time now. Mistakes are costing Liverpool points. If they were sitting in top 4 it wouldnt matter, but they're not.

His best days are behind him. Even the most deluded, biased internet forum on the planet (RAWK) want a new keeper - and they wont have ANY bad word said about Liverpool player.

He has been poor compared to the standard he set for himself, but he isn't the only one costing liverpool points and if you look at most keeper 'mistakes' then it usually comes from bad decision making or mistakes from the people in front of the keeper as well.

Every keeper makes mistakes that cost goals, it happens all of the time, whether it be a positioning error, bad decision etc some get away with them some don't. 95% of goals are down to player error including the keeper, because if they didn't make the error then there would be no goals. But nobody is perfect.

I don't know why I am defending Reina :LOL: I just don't think he is doing that bad at the moment. I think it was last season where he seemed to have a big dip in form, but he seems to have recovered from that mostly and is doing ok in my eyes. He is by no means the reason why Liverpool are not doing well/or have not done well over the last few years.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Open your eyes friends, Reina has been poor for a long time now. Mistakes are costing Liverpool points. If they were sitting in top 4 it wouldnt matter, but they're not.

His best days are behind him. Even the most deluded, biased internet forum on the planet (RAWK) want a new keeper - and they wont have ANY bad word said about Liverpool player.

Who gives a shit what RAWK think? Why do people keep referring to what others think? I couldn't care less. I have my own opinion.

Reina has made some mistakes but like I said, he isn't all of a sudden a poor keeper. Anybody who thinks he is poor is just being a complete cock.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Anybody who thinks he is poor is just being a complete cock.

There we go again.
Somebody should learn you a liltle bit of internet etiquette and savoir faire.
It isn't a crime to use some arguments.

I have some second thoughts about GK's. IMO there aren't that much really trustworthy GK's in the EPL. Could it be the balls. Look at the the 'flight' those balls sometimes make. They have the most bizarre curves, maybe goalkeeping nowadays is a lot more difficult than 10 years ago.
Re: Liverpool Thread

well I know its really funny , carra isn't a starter from long time , but I really feel more "safe" playing him than any of Agger/Skrtle (still dont know to write his name!) and thats not good thing , Carra plays with heart he always give maximum and those guys seems dont care that much honestly

I dont agree with you on any of them , Johnson is by far better than both , and Glen is atacking player too , he controle ball very good and he has technique (more than Downing I think) he's very good on dribbling and also as defensive hes really good , hes completed RB for me best in EPL

Meh, heart is overrated. I like Carra a lot but he doesn't have the same quality to be the starting CB for a potential top 4 side like he once did. Agger and Skrtel have always been pretty inconsistent. Like seriously, an injury to one of them and whatever European hopes Liverpool have are up in smoke.

Your answer that 'Johnson is better than both' - what are you basing this off exactly? Zabaleta is one of the best tacklers in the game...averaging almost 50% more than Johnson.

And for a right back Johnson takes a lot of shots without really producing anything, plus he doesn't seem to know how to cross the ball. Rafael crosses the ball much more than Johnson and doesn't waste opportunities taking stupid shots. When you consider that Rafael is 6 (!) years younger, the quality Rb that he can become is pretty frightening really. He makes more defensive mistakes and fouls but he has a lot of time to improve.

Yes I completely agree Johnson is a top RB but he isn't tearing away from the rest of the pack. He still has several problems he needs to get fixed. He's been in great form this season, so lets see if it can continue.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I support Reina I think hes still good , and he had some time coz of team was having bad time too , and how many saves he has made ? you can see from last season and this too how hes nervous most of time coz of team being crap , I think hes one of our best players with Suarez Gerrard and Johnson , I hope Reina don't leave Liverpool , and I hope he remain for 4-5 more season , I think reina has so much to give and hes still a very good GK

about goal vs city I blame Skrtle not Reina !
There we go again.
Somebody should learn you a liltle bit of internet etiquette and savoir faire.
It isn't a crime to use some arguments.

I have some second thoughts about GK's. IMO there aren't that much really trustworthy GK's in the EPL. Could it be the balls. Look at the the 'flight' those balls sometimes make. They have the most bizarre curves, maybe goalkeeping nowadays is a lot more difficult than 10 years ago.

Gerd... You aren't my mother so wind your neck in. If somebody is being a cock and going overboard with their criticism then why not call them a cock? It's only a word and if you take it serious then thats your problem, not mine. There are sites on the web that will not allow swearing. Clearly this isn't one of them as I've read a lot worse than what I've put. Chill out old fella.

I have plenty of good manners. This is just a website where you can just say silly things now and then. It's not me in person is it? I don't need any educating by you. The spiel you gave the other day was a load of rubbish as if you read what I put there was nothing wrong with it apart from some minuscule iPhone typos that weren't worth the effort changing.

But I'll take your words of advice into consideration. If somebody talks crap, I'll call them on it though and I don't need your blessing either way. Capiche?
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