Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

It would perhaps help if you could make a few posts where you build up a consistent way of reasoning. It looks as if i'm the native English speaker and you are the foreigner.

It would also help if you wouldn't always interupt your senctences with fucks and's not that i'm offended by them (i use them myselves).

It's also clear that you take this very personal, it wasn't meant that way. But discussing with you is hard without degenerating into sloganesque language...

This is not about Jordan Henderson (to be completely honest, i like to watch him, but basically i couldn't care less about him as a player and a human being). Maybe i just watch football different. I've been plenty of times wrong too, but i always try to explain my point of should try it at least once.

Or maybe i just don't understand and it's a cultural thing and that is why i called you Fawtly Towers...your posts seem so awfully English (and aren't you Welsh ?).
Re: Liverpool Thread

It would perhaps help if you could make a few posts where you build up a consistent way of reasoning. It looks as if i'm the native English speaker and you are the foreigner.

It would also help if you wouldn't always interupt your senctences with fucks and's not that i'm offended by them (i use them myselves).

It's also clear that you take this very personal, it wasn't meant that way. But discussing with you is hard without degenerating into sloganesque language...

This is not about Jordan Henderson (to be completely honest, i like to watch him, but basically i couldn't care less about him as a player and a human being). Maybe i just watch football different. I've been plenty of times wrong too, but i always try to explain my point of should try it at least once.

Or maybe i just don't understand and it's a cultural thing and that is why i called you Fawtly Towers...your posts seem so awfully English (and aren't you Welsh ?).

What haven't I explained about him? Pretty sure I've said what I think but I'll sum it up for you...

He's a decent footballer.
He doesn't control games though.
He doesn't do much wrong.
He doesn't set the footballing world alight either.
I don't believe he's as good (yet) as some people make out.
He doesn't give the ball away that much.
He isn't making defence splitting passes that often.


Christ, I just gave my opinion and now I want a team of Norman Hunter's and other hard knocks and long ball merchants? Seriously, what the hell? All because I'm not seeing this wonderful player yet?!

OK, I chucked a few swear words in and now and then there are some spelling mistakes. Typing on my phone and sometimes word suggestions popup without me realising. I've seen the mistakes but when reading back I don't feel the need to correct them all as there really isn't a need.

Apart from that, there is nothing wrong with my sentence structures. If I wanted to write a novel, my English would be fine. This is a forum. There's no need to go back and change every little thing as the point is made well enough. It's not my fault people are so defensive about certain players and then don't read what I actually say as they are too wound up.

Thanks for pointing out how bad my English is. Is the above OK?
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Just thought I'd weigh in the Henderson topic:

I don't think it's fair to 'hype' the lad as much as it could be said that some people are, after all he's only 20 years old and is nowhere near being finished product. As gerd has said, there is evidence to suggest that he has a good footballing brain and yes he does make some nice passes and plays etc.

But the main issue for me is that we only see this in glimpses from him, he is by no means a consistent performer. In my opinion, I have seen more games in which Henderson has been invisible bar a few nice touches than I have seen him really get hold of the game and be a key figure.

Therefore, I don't think now is the time to question whether he was worth the amount Liverpool paid for him. You're going to need to wait 3 or 4 seasons maybe to know whether it was a good investment. The only thing I can say is that compared to last season, he really has come on leaps and bounds in terms of his technique and overall awareness and play. It does look promising.
Re: Liverpool Thread

@DasKapital, Henderson already is 22 ;)

perhaps he was invisible doing the defensive job..he moves around constantly, but played behind Gerrard he makes Gerrard perform. Henderson would be much more usefull for us near the goal, since he can shoot pretty good..

If he is worth what Liverpool payed for him, my answer is YES. definetly worth it.
Re: Liverpool Thread

@DasKapital, Henderson already is 22 ;)

perhaps he was invisible doing the defensive job..he moves around constantly, but played behind Gerrard he makes Gerrard perform. Henderson would be much more usefull for us near the goal, since he can shoot pretty good..

If he is worth what Liverpool payed for him, my answer is YES. definetly worth it.

Oh that's embarrassing haha! I'm not a massive Liverpool fan so I get most of my information from my Dad and watching the games with him, so blame his memory for that error :P

He still needs time to develop, it's far too early to write him off as a flop signing.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You are doing it again...
And i wasn't particularly referring to your opinion about Henderson.
I was (a.o.) referring to your rant after the Oldham match and how you defended Rodgers a couple of days before Rodgers himself apologized...
After reading that i had this image of your ideal team being one with Norman Hunters, Andy Carrolls and Martin Skretel' take my posts way too serious....

Let's just leave it at this...if i offended you, i'm sorry. That was never the intention.
Re: Liverpool Thread

What haven't I explained about him? Pretty sure I've said what I think but I'll sum it up for you...

He's a decent footballer.
He doesn't control games though.
He doesn't do much wrong.
He doesn't set the footballing world alight either.
I don't believe he's as good (yet) as some people make out.
He doesn't give the ball away that much.
He isn't making defence splitting passes that often.

I agree with all of those points. Henderson seems like a decent player, who has been performing fairly well over the last few games. But realistically he needs to keep up this sort of form week in week out for a good few months before he can be called a sensational midfielder. For instance around Christmas a few years ago Emiliano Insua had a great run of games for Liverpool at full back. He looked like the best player (or at least the best wide player) in Liverpool's squad for 5-6 games, but in the end he faded a bit, actually after a South American U20 cup in Boliva which was a disaster for Argentina, and those 5-6 games seemed more like a good "blip" in an otherwise mundane spell at the club. On the other hand a player like Maxi Rodriguez consistently performed well in his two and a half years at Liverpool, he had very few bad games and shone in many - espeically at the end of the 2010-11 season. The jury is still out on a lot of Liverpool players in terms of quality of the signing - not just Henderson, but also players like Joe Allen, Borini, Coates, etc. Henderson is perhaps ahead of the others in that list but he needs to play well over an extended number of games.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You are doing it again...
And i wasn't particularly referring to your opinion about Henderson.
I was (a.o.) referring to your rant after the Oldham match and how you defended Rodgers a couple of days before Rodgers himself apologized...
After reading that i had this image of your ideal team being one with Norman Hunters, Andy Carrolls and Martin Skretel' take my posts way too serious....

Let's just leave it at this...if i offended you, i'm sorry. That was never the intention.

"then you are blind, dumb or dishonest" - That's what annoyed me.

Like I said, I have no issue with Rodgers giving the players a rollocking. Don't see it as an issue to be honest. It's done and dusted and hopefully has the desired affect. If the players are going to cry about it then they are at the wrong club.

I still don't see how me saying there's nothing wrong with a rollocking now and then turns into me wanting those type of players you've listed?

I'm all football. Keep it on the deck. Pass and move and all that. If you ever came across any of my teammates over the years they'd say I'm one of the best passers of a ball they have ever played with. Their words, not mine. Nice to hear though :)

Anyway, I'm not offended but I've posted in here for years and I'm pretty level headed and honest in my opinions. I say one thing and now I like hoofball footballers? Doesn't work like that fella.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson looks promising and that's about it.

I still can't believe Sterling got a £40k p/week contract after 2 half decent games. That's mental, he's been crap since!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson looks promising and that's about it.

I still can't believe Sterling got a £40k p/week contract after 2 half decent games. That's mental, he's been crap since!

Yes he has. Been saying that for ages too.

Before anybody goes mental again, I'm not saying he is rubbish. I'm saying he is playing rubbish at the moment. There is a difference. He may come good but who knows. I hope he does but he shouldn't be heavily relied on at this moment in time.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson isn't rubbish at all. He's just not worth the money spent on him.

Cabaye cost Newcastle £6 million didn't he? He is 10 times better than Henderson.

Henderson is a decent player who would do well at a midtable club, where Liverpool are right now. If Liverpool dream of better things, Henderson isnt the player who will get them there.

All my opinion of course.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Benni, I don't think we disagree that much about Henderson (he is a decent player and IMo can become a very good one, but time will tell).

Imo the mistake you make is that you let your assessment be influenced by the price tag Liverpool payed for him. IMO that is the reason why clubs liek NEwcastle, Arsenal and Swansea are buying French and Spanish players because you get more value for your money when you buyt those players than English players with their inflated prizes... But Henderson is hardly to blame for that...

Anyway, there is too much talk about Henderson in this thread. And the talk about him is too positve, but there used to be a time when opinions about him were far too negative...

You can all blame me for all the talk about Henderson.
Re: Liverpool Thread

True, prices are inflated for English players. But Sunderland were laughing with the £20 million paid for him.

I know a Sunderland supporter who I talk to a lot (he goes to most games) and he says that they were made up when Henderson left because they all knew he wouldnt make it as world class player.

Obviously, none of us know what will happen as there is no such thing as time machine.

But if I was betting man I would put every penny I own on the fact that he will never ever be comparible to a Frank Lampard, Paul Scholes or Steven Gerrard. He won't ever get neat their class - he just doesn't have the natural ability or raw talent to make it that good.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He will never be as good as Paul Scholes, but that is the best English football player of the last 20 years (if not longer). One of the most underrated players in the history of football.

I also doubt he will be better than Frank Lampard.
Re: Liverpool Thread

As a United fan I can weigh in on Young and Jones.

Young isn't a great comparison because he's older and more proven. His combined goals/assists is actually pretty high in the prem tables while at Aston Villa, and both his strengths and limitations were pretty clear. Maybe he was a bit overpriced, but he was in his prime and is English.

Jones is a good comparison because at the time he, like Henderson, had achieved virtually nothing at the top level of football. Both were bought for potential, rather than their actual current level. I don't think he's been any worse than Henderson to date, and has had a lot of injuries which is perhaps more worrying for someone so young. Neither has lit it up, neither has been 'worth' their transfer fee, but both have time on their side.

Plus both would be highly sell-able assets in a couple years time, you'd easily recoup half their transfer fee selling to an Everton/Villa etc.

I've watched lots of Henderson and he looks very normal to me. Which at his age in this league isn't half bad.

Sorry to hijack the discussion about Henderson but while I agree w you on Young, I disagree with your Jones assessment. I think he has been truly eye opening this season and is looking like one of the players Utd can build their future success with. Can argue SAF has made quite a few purchase mistakes but as you know those mistakes typically don't stick around for long either. Jones has looked anything but a mistake this season and I'm stoked we have him. Just my opinion of course. Anyway, one again, sorry to hijack.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He will never be as good as Paul Scholes, but that is the best English football player of the last 20 years (if not longer). One of the most underrated players in the history of football.

I also doubt he will be better than Frank Lampard.

I would be happy if he will be only half as good as them at some point for LFC
Re: Liverpool Thread

I would say that the most promising young player for CM position is Paul Pogba.

Of course there are Hazard, who's only 21 or Mata (24) for AM/winger position
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson looks promising and that's about it.

I still can't believe Sterling got a £40k p/week contract after 2 half decent games. That's mental, he's been crap since!

Agreed, he looks promising, nothing more. He has improved from last year, and yes he does play some nice passes with intelligence.
He has the potential to be a decent player, but not worth 20m for what he was at Sunderland.

Sterling, yet another example of the British hype.
Re: Liverpool Thread

True, prices are inflated for English players. But Sunderland were laughing with the £20 million paid for him.

I know a Sunderland supporter who I talk to a lot (he goes to most games) and he says that they were made up when Henderson left because they all knew he wouldnt make it as world class player.

Obviously, none of us know what will happen as there is no such thing as time machine.

But if I was betting man I would put every penny I own on the fact that he will never ever be comparible to a Frank Lampard, Paul Scholes or Steven Gerrard. He won't ever get neat their class - he just doesn't have the natural ability or raw talent to make it that good.

You do talk some crap. You posted like your sunderland supporter friend speaks for the entire Sunderland fan base. I have a friend who for some reason is a Sunderland season ticket holder and he was gutted when we signed him as he says Henderson was something special for his age...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Oh my god .. still talking about this guy ? and now avatars tooo ?

i only posted link to an article..

And, i would chainge avatar to the current one even if we didn´t talk about Henderson, simply becouse i like the picture..

take it easy... :BOP:
i only posted link to an article..

And, i would chainge avatar to the current one even if we didn´t talk about Henderson, simply becouse i like the picture..

take it easy... :BOP:

And the article is probably from a Liverpool fan working for a Liverpool based newspaper. No bias at all then? Our local paper goes overboard with some of our players so its just filling up column inches with pointless stuff.

What is laughable is it mentions the "rise" of him... after 4 games since he's back in the team.

Who cares what he says anyway? We have our own opinions so linking to articles like that are literally pointless. I don't get why people do this?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson's reaction to this thread.

Re: Liverpool Thread

Should we shut the Henderson talk once in for all? I beg to disagree with some of you but it's not worth a constructive shout at all of you, Henderson is ours and any talk about the future of his in a red shirt will be told in time and this bashing/trolling/discussion is finished.

Now Carroll is apparently agreed to be sold this summer to West Ham by Liverpool according to Sullivan.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Michael Ngoo scored his second goal in second game for Hearts, he was one time MOTM...

good loan for him so far..

Wilson already played 3 games for Hearts as well.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Great, he is the next Henderson then

wtf? do you deliberatly try to provocate?

edit: are you even Liverpool supporter? i wonder...what´s the matter with you guys?! always pesimistic about everything... nothings good enough for you, everything is bad, nobody is good enough, everyhing just not working, overpayed, etc...

i write about our youngsters becouse i´m happy he is doing well and you write such stupid response...

it´s useless to post here..
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