Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Don't get too excited yet PIPA, you have made this mistakes with many Liverpool signings already.

Coutinho is a very neat & tidy player and will do well at Liverpool. BUT don't expect a world beater.

Ultimately he failed in Italy. And Serie A is weaker than PL.

However it will be very interesting to see how he does, good luck to him! :)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

i don´t get excited at all ;) i am not a fan like that anymore...

he is just a kid, how he develops is in the stars...nobody can know how it will turn out for him..
Re: Liverpool Thread

can´t believe we lost after 2 goals up...the defence need to be sorted...

Henderson for me never was a doubt...some people tend to judge before they even play for the team...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Arsenal's defense made Henderson look like Messi.

I can't believe how we let the game slip from our hands in 3 minutes time but overall it was a solid performance and we could have won it at the end.

Looking forward to Man City game which is going to be much more difficult and if we get something out of, I say we have a great chance for a Europa League place at least.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Few thoughts on a pretty decent match:

1. Arsenal gifted the two goals. There was some tenacity from LFC, but both were a catalogue of defensive errors from Arsenal
2. Liverpool are a better football team when they don't play Sturridge and Suarez against decent opposition
3. I assume Rodgers changed something at half time, because for the first 25 minutes of the second half LFC looked like they were down to 10 men
4. Reina and Szcecny both made massive howlers tonight. But both will be ignored because a certain De Gea did too.
5. Gerrard is really quite good still.
6. Can anyone explain to me why, when it's 2-2 with 15 left against a rival for a European spot you waste time? It was like watching Stoke. Walking pace to get the ball, taking ages on corners and throw-ins. Didn't LFC want a win?
Re: Liverpool Thread

hats off to you Gerd, you were right about henderson, he will be the most important player for liverpool in the next 5 years

Henderson`s goal redeem himself but he gave the ball away cheaply and easy he lacks vision and anticipation . I think he`ll be a late bloomer 27-29yrs . ATM he`s just a good squad player the way Song was for Arsenal who became vital at the end.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson`s goal redeem himself but he gave the ball away cheaply and easy he lacks vision and anticipation . I think he`ll be a late bloomer 27-29yrs . ATM he`s just a good squad player the way Song was for Arsenal who became vital at the end.

he also has a fantastic "engine" the more he plays the better he will get
Re: Liverpool Thread

Arsenal goals were not gifted to Liverpool, they had good pressing and deserved the chances...

Reina made some great saves as well...especially right after the first Liverpool goal.
Re: Liverpool Thread

he also has a fantastic "engine" the more he plays the better he will get

You never know when you have talent just waiting to prove themselves I just saw the highlight of RM vs Barca. RM`s 19yrs old CB Raphael Varane gave Messi a very hard time and scores the only gol for RM :CONFUSE: . I think they have a gem on their hands!!!! How did Newcastle miss this guy?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Wisdom imo, should play as CB. I don't know if you noticed but everytime he got the ball, he was looking for a back pass. The CB position suits him better, he's strong and solid in defense.

Henderson lacks creativity but right now he looks like the Liverpool version of Jack Wilshere, he's got a lot of energy.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Arsenal goals were not gifted to Liverpool, they had good pressing and deserved the chances...


I must have missed Sanga slip under no pressure, Vermalaen swing and miss the ball utterly under no pressure, Ramsey to clear straight to Downing and then Mertesacker turn his back on Suarez's shot.
Re: Liverpool Thread

under no pressure? :D

we were just lucky then, no credit to our players attack what so ever.
Re: Liverpool Thread

that isnt hard :P

Re: Liverpool Thread

Hernderson scores a tap in after Arsenal defender passes it to him - 20 million worth of talent right there!

Re: Liverpool Thread

I said 2 2 and I was right.

I'm annoyed that it could have been 2 0 if BR had of made the Enrique change at 60 ... There was a clear issue that wasn't solved in the first 15 of the second half and they scored two goals from it imo

Learning curve. Would have taken a point before hand though.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Arsenal's defense made Henderson look like Messi.

In 1986 England's defense made Maradonna look like Messi (at the time nobody realised that, you would have...i'm quite sure about that).

What i meant to say is: scoring a goal in an important match is a very good thing for a player who never had a decent chance and is a class player. The people who blamed him for Liverpool's bad season only see the obvious: goals.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Good to see Rodgers take some share of the blame for the Oldham defeat:

Following his angry blast in the wake of Sunday's FA Cup defeat to Oldham, Rodgers also backtracked and put the blame for that shock reverse down to HIMSELF.

He said: "Sunday was more my fault than theirs. I'm a great believer in young players, I look at the depth of our squad and put a lot of trust in them.

"The problem is when I put them in and I don't have some of our big players its difficult. And thats how it as on Sunday. But I never had any second thoughts that I would get a reaction."
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers said we are done with transfers in this window coming in..

still some might go out on loan, or they should at least...

All in all, pretty decent window, we bought two young players long term and one already improved our attack.. We got rid of overpayed underachieving Cole and his massive sallary + we let Sahin go back.. Ngoo and Wilson loaned out to Hearts.. still some young players might go..

nice job, but i expect a big summer in terms of squad chainges..especially in defence and defensive midfield area... + we need to sort out the Carroll situation..
Re: Liverpool Thread

In 1986 England's defense made Maradonna look like Messi (at the time nobody realised that, you would have...i'm quite sure about that).

What i meant to say is: scoring a goal in an important match is a very good thing for a player who never had a decent chance and is a class player. The people who blamed him for Liverpool's bad season only see the obvious: goals.

Well I can't say much about England's defense back then because I wasn't even born in 1986.

But what I can say is that I have often misjudged some Liverpool players, Lucas especially(I thought he could never be they player he is today, but goodness me he was awful in his early Liverpool days).

In Henderson I saw something and I remember you were one of the first to admire and acknowledge his talent while most of us hated and wished we didn't sign him. Now I guess the £20M we spent on him will prove to be worth every penny in the near future.
Re: Liverpool Thread

haha you won´t stop i see... but have your fun, i think it´s sad tbh...

not at all.

I respect that some of you guys rate Henderson. I just dont see it. £20 million for a player like that is just absurd.

He's never going to be a world class player IMO. But thats just it - my opinion. I could be very very wrong and you can all tell me how wrong I was in a few years!

Just like I'm telling you how wrong you are about Benitez now!

Re: Liverpool Thread

Well I can't say much about England's defense back then because I wasn't even born in 1986.

But what I can say is that I have often misjudged some Liverpool players, Lucas especially(I thought he could never be they player he is today, but goodness me he was awful in his early Liverpool days).

same here , I never thought Lucas will be a good player , but he prove me wrong , I do think same about Carroll tho and I would LOVE he prove me wrong same as Lucas did ;)
not at all.

I respect that some of you guys rate Henderson. I just dont see it. £20 million for a player like that is just absurd.

He's never going to be a world class player IMO. But thats just it - my opinion. I could be very very wrong and you can all tell me how wrong I was in a few years!

Just like I'm telling you how wrong you are about Benitez now!


If Henderson plays at pool for 10 years, he probably is worth 2 mill a year. If he is gone next season, then no.
Re: Liverpool Thread

not at all.

I respect that some of you guys rate Henderson. I just dont see it. £20 million for a player like that is just absurd.

He's never going to be a world class player IMO. But thats just it - my opinion. I could be very very wrong and you can all tell me how wrong I was in a few years!

Just like I'm telling you how wrong you are about Benitez now!


ok, but you are like a broken record now.. :YAWN:

seems to me you hate all about LFC more than your love for Inter or whatever club you support in reality...stop hating, it will lead nowhere... every club make´s mistakes and judging a young player by the price that was payed for him and calling him shite or not good enough is immature... he will be in the club for long time and he makes progress... if you can´t aknowledge it, then it´s your problem..

hope you say something about the money United spended on Zaha, that is ok i suppose ;) ...
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