Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Coutinho needs to gain some weight, I don't know how he'll do against the likes of David Luiz and Kompany.

Though he has never impressed me that much, I think he's worth the money we've spent and should he improve his body shape and final touch, in 2-3 years he'll probably become as good as Cazorla/Silva.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He's very Nani-esque, from what I've seen. And, like Nani, he will delight and frustrate, the ratio of which will determine whether he's a success.

Will be interesting to see how he develops. Not really a gamble for the reported price either
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't really rate Coutinho as highly as the media. imo he lacked some balls and was very inconsistent with Inter.

Yep you are right Inter fans are glad to see him go.

He is far too lightweight for Prem League football too.

Big risk for Liverpool this.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Hopefully will be a good signing. But who's he going to replace in the lineup? Must be Downing or Henderson.

I say replace him with Downing since Henderson has been playing well or for Allen. Either way he should be playing first team football and hopefully he does not end up like Assaidi ! i thought he was a free agent !
Re: Liverpool Thread

I've seen him a couple of times with Inter in the CL and i liked him.
Could be that he wasn't that good for Inter, but both Henry and Bergkamp weren't exactly a success in Italy...we all know how good they were in England.

Good transfer i think. IMO he is as good as Henderson, i.e. will become a player like Lampard and Gerrard (and i'm only 25% joking). Good buy by Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yep you are right Inter fans are glad to see him go.

Not really , I have few inter friends and also some "serie a" fans who aren't happy he's leaving , all tho I'm not sure if he is something what we need !


We are losing 1-0 after few min :A
Re: Liverpool Thread

shocking performance, Coates having a nightmare together with Jones..

the passing has been awfull today... only Henderson with Suarez are bright spot of this game.. rest not good enough.

hope we turn this around, since it would be a shame not to...and a big warrning sign for some of our players imo.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Robinson and Coates are Wigan and QPR type of players at best.
I have been hugely disappointed with Coates who is not making the most of his height and seems afraid and weak in aerial duels against an opponent of his size like Smith today.

I'm afraid the same thing which happened to Tottenham earlier today will happen to us.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Borini was awful!

Coates is not made for English football he very light weight for such tall man.

Terrible result for LFC should never lose to a League 1 side.
Re: Liverpool Thread

there are matches you can excuse a loss, for the oposite team being better or us being unlucky..

this match was a disgrace, there are players here nowhere near LFC level and that are not good enough..

don´t get me wrong, i will stand by the manager, but....i can´t understand what system we play, or what chainged since Hodgson, Kenny days playing wise...

not good enough and i feel sorry for the away fans..
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rawk is going to be full of epic material after that one. Gotta love that Oldham stadium with the hangar like stands, the rust etc, there s some romance there. Didn't see more than the last 15 min.. was the result fair according to the LFC fans?
Re: Liverpool Thread

I know this is an overreaction but what the hell is Jones fumbling around in that first half? Jack Robinson is only 18 I think so he'll learn but bad game for him. Sterling can go to the lower leagues with that performance, hell "I'm dreaming to play in Wembley since I played there before it was built" my bottom! Borini's nowhere match fitness but I would've given him the striker's spot as he's not a wide attacking player type.

I have to say Smith is a very capable Carlton Cole type player that would suit some teams in the Premier League.

I wish I could say we can at least concentrate on the league but come on Rodgers put out a strong side minus Lucas and Gerrard, so attacking wise should've done much better. Kinda tells you how much Lucas was missed.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Borini was awful!

Coates is not made for English football he very light weight for such tall man.

Terrible result for LFC should never lose to a League 1 side.

Tell that to all the EPL teams that lost against lower league teams in years gone by. It happened before, it's a one off game that's what makes FA cup special especially for lower division teams. Even the mighty Manchesters and Arsenals have lost before. LFC is no different.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rawk is going to be full of epic material after that one. Gotta love that Oldham stadium with the hangar like stands, the rust etc, there s some romance there. Didn't see more than the last 15 min.. was the result fair according to the LFC fans?

RAWK is brilliant reading at the moment! Loads of them blaming the ref as usual!

Re: Liverpool Thread

should have played carragher instead of coates, what is it with premier league players not being able to play on bad pitches,surely they could reajust to a style that would work,embarrassing for liverpool
Re: Liverpool Thread

Good game fair result, showed yet again we're easily bullied. Certain players are just unable to step it up in the trenches.

This why the team really needs some experience can't expect Gerrard & Suarez to bail the team out everytime, anyway time to concertrate on wednesdays game.
Re: Liverpool Thread

It's obvious why Rodgers doesn't play Coates.

I know some rate him but he is so slow and clumsy. Not good enough.
Re: Liverpool Thread

should have played carragher instead of coates, what is it with premier league players not being able to play on bad pitches,surely they could reajust to a style that would work,embarrassing for liverpool

These players had that style,
Tommy Smith,Phil Thompson,Steve Heighway,Emlyn Hughes,Keegan Toshack etc and they couldnt half shift the ball down the flanks on a poor pitch.
Re: Liverpool Thread

should have played carragher instead of coates, what is it with premier league players not being able to play on bad pitches,surely they could reajust to a style that would work,embarrassing for liverpool

Look no further to OT yesterday * worst pitch at the weekend ,made DW Stadium look average.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Brendan Rodgers post-match interview:

I was disappointed with the young players today. We're trying to give them experience and let them see what it's like to play for Liverpool. It's not just about playing for Liverpool, you've got to be able to be competitive and be a part of a group that is going to challenge for trophies.

It's great to put young players in, but you've got to have personality and today our young players disappointed me.

I hope we won't see the likes of Robinson and Coates playing for a long time after such a shocking performance.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Can't say I'm not happy about the result (only because of Dickov and Reese)

They may have played badly but I'm not sure being openly critical about your youngsters is the best move on Rodger's part.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I was disappointed with the young players today I've got to be honest.

he was stunned, and shattered, symptom of a cold sweat.

"It is not enough to play for Liverpool and get up for the Arsenal and Manchester City games because if we are going to win trophies you need to be able to come to places like Oldham and win and we weren't good enough for that."

He should realize by now...many clubs are showing inconsistency . Players need to rest and rotating or lack of really makes the difference.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Brendan Rodgers post-match interview:

I hope we won't see the likes of Robinson and Coates playing for a long time after such a shocking performance.

I hope the oposite, nobody will learn by sitting on bench..but they should be loaned and prove themselfs... just like any other players who are still very young..

it´s hard to criticise players who are very young as Robinson, Wisdom, Sterling, Shelvey or Borini... but there should be at least some quality and spirit... otherwise they can´t play for Liverpool.

Sterling imo will be overplayed at some point if we continue overusing him all the time...i hope he won´t end up like Owen who was burned out with 25 and injured a lot...

Allen wasn´t good either, he had shocking first player who was consistent and performed untill the end is Henderson for me. The lad will be great player for us i believe. Skrtel couldn´t do anything about the own goal, it was Coates who made mistake and had realy bad game..he seem lost at some part of the game.. he needs to step up badly, loan will be necessary in his case.. it´s certain we will loan him imo..
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