Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Few thoughts on a pretty decent match:

1. Arsenal gifted the two goals. There was some tenacity from LFC, but both were a catalogue of defensive errors from Arsenal
2. Liverpool are a better football team when they don't play Sturridge and Suarez against decent opposition
3. I assume Rodgers changed something at half time, because for the first 25 minutes of the second half LFC looked like they were down to 10 men
4. Reina and Szcecny both made massive howlers tonight. But both will be ignored because a certain De Gea did too.
5. Gerrard is really quite good still.
6. Can anyone explain to me why, when it's 2-2 with 15 left against a rival for a European spot you waste time? It was like watching Stoke. Walking pace to get the ball, taking ages on corners and throw-ins. Didn't LFC want a win?

2. How the hell do you know that? They've only played together a couple of times. Ridiculous comment to make right at this moment.

4. Not sure what massive howlers Reina made? He mad some good saves. Messed up a kickout (so what) but can't really blame him for the goals.

6. Presume they were just on the back foot and would take the draw in the end... still almost won it at the death though. Do agree with this though, I don't personally get it. Should always try and go for the win and what will be will be.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Pacheco loaned to SD Huesca...

i think that´s it for him in red shirt, good luck to him!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Hernderson scores a tap in after Arsenal defender passes it to him - 20 million worth of talent right there!


You have a point there.

I don't get the huge love by some for Henderson all of a sudden either? He was decent. Tidy in possession of the ball and that was about it. He's decent. Not this amazing player all of a sudden. As for his engine, Mo Farah can run all day. It means nothing to me. I'd rather a footballer who doesn't need to be running around like a loon. Xavi plays at walking pace for example. The guy is quality. Henderson? Who know atm but calm down a bit. He hasn't done much to be honest. I must be watching different games if he is all of a sudden one of the star players.
Re: Liverpool Thread

hold on, nobody said here he is perfect or star player, the boy is 22, he improved a lot in last few games and was man of the match in most of them...

Henderson has also other qualities than just engine, he is calm, composed, he has great vision and pace...good shoot as well if he tries.. He has all the attributes to play in Liverpool´s midfield for years if he continues improving..

nobody is making him a new Xavi here, but he was worth the money, we all know English players are overpayed anyway and he was bought when he was 20 i think.. i think he will prove all wrong who think he was money wasted.. We look a better team, at least in midfield with Gerrard, Henderson and Lucas...imo our best midfield trio atm.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You have a point there.

I don't get the huge love by some for Henderson all of a sudden either? He was decent. Tidy in possession of the ball and that was about it. He's decent. Not this amazing player all of a sudden. As for his engine, Mo Farah can run all day. It means nothing to me. I'd rather a footballer who doesn't need to be running around like a loon. Xavi plays at walking pace for example. The guy is quality. Henderson? Who know atm but calm down a bit. He hasn't done much to be honest. I must be watching different games if he is all of a sudden one of the star players.

good post! At last some sanity around here.
Re: Liverpool Thread

:D :D :D is it possible not to laugh on this...?

Laugh away but I'd still like to know what is so amazing about the kid? I follow Liverpool and will support him all day long but I just don't see what you are seeing at this moment in time. Do you wear magic specs or something?

I don't remember him really standing out last night at all. He did nothing wrong but he didn't set the game alight either. OK he scored. Doesn't mean he's star man just because of that.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Remember, PIPA said Skrtel was world class and up there with Kompany and Vidic. He also told us all Borini would be a great signing. He told us Rafa Benitez is a fine manager.

He's a nice guy is our PIPA - but he's very biased and refuses to see Liverpool's failings.

Probably why he fits in at RAWK so well! :D
Re: Liverpool Thread

yeah, but man of the match performances in last matches only prove he is progressing, it doesn´t make him star man, i never said he i´m not quite sure why are you coming up with it...

not sure why we even discouss this player...i see no problem what so ever in him, or his position in the club..the money payed is ok, for that age, for his previous performances and for the highly inflated prices for all English national players..
Re: Liverpool Thread

Remember, PIPA said Skrtel was world class. He also told us all Borini would be a great signing. He told us Rafa Benitez is a fine manager.

He's a nice guy is our PIPA - but he's very biased and refuses to see Liverpool's failings.

Probably why he fits in at RAWK so well! :D

yeah you got me, sanity speaks from all your post´s :LOL:

btw, it would be nice from you to back your words with some quotes...since i never refused to speak about Liverpool´s failings, i simply don´t talk about something as a fail before it is a fail... it´s called support,not blind support...just hope of things being done by right people with the idea of best possible outcome..

i don´t know what´s your idea of support but talking shite about players who play as they can...basicly the post´s you make are useless for me, i think i add you on my ignore list, since you bring nothing positive to any discussion in this thread.. just provocate, with all you say here..even with the avatar.. simply you are a troll. :)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Dont agree at all with the people saying that Henderson was worth around 17-20M at the time. He wasnt worth that money then and I dont think anyone would offer us something near that money right now.
He is a good player, has vision, technique, good shot and flexibility but we overpayed awfully. Same us we have been doing for the past years with almost every player we sign.
See what Graham Carr is doing to Newcastle for instance, he knows very well the French League and Bundesliga and he is going for the quality players on the end of their contracts.
With the fee we spent on Henderson, he bought Cabaye, Moussa Sissoko, Demba Ba, Pappis Cisse and Tiote
Re: Liverpool Thread

Dont agree at all with the people saying that Henderson was worth around 17-20M at the time. He wasnt worth that money then and I dont think anyone would offer us something near that money right now.
He is a good player, has vision, technique, good shot and flexibility but we overpayed awfully. Same us we have been doing for the past years with almost every player we sign.
See what Graham Carr is doing to Newcastle for instance, he knows very well the French League and Bundesliga and he is going for the quality players on the end of their contracts.
With the fee we spent on Henderson, he bought Cabaye, Moussa Sissoko, Demba Ba, Pappis Cisse and Tiote

agree on some points, but for LFC the Henderson transfer was about to find a right player at right age with posibility to grow, wich Henderson is in the end. Liverpool needed a player to be in the team for long term and to continue growing and playing, he wouldn´t play at highest level at Sunderland and the fact we overpayed a bit is not that bad from today´s perspective..we could afford to overpay then.. + those Newcastle players will be payed sallary that is uncomparable to Henderson´s... still not sure why we are discoussing his price..English top clubs buy players like that always, players they plan to keep long term...

Henderson cost Liverpool 18 mil. €.

Was Phil Jones who cost United 19.3 mil. € and who was even younger than Henderson worth it? Why is nobody judging and criticising that player, just Henderson?

Was Ashley Young worth 18 mil. € for United? Was De Gea worth 20 mil. € ?

Was Jack Rodwell worth 15 mil. € for City? is he better than Henderson or same level..i don´t think so.. Henderson for me is better than him...

Was 18 year old Oxlade-Chamberlain who was bought from Championship worth 14 mil. € ?

Was Connor Wickham worth 9 mil. € for Sunderland? What´s up with him now anyway?

Was Lukaku, when bought from Anderlecht worth 22 mil. € that Chelsea payed for him?

The more fucked up transfer for LFC was Downing..he was old, cost us a lot and is underperforming since he joined.. To criticise Henderson who was 20 years old, who can get only better and who is growing each game is just stupid...

I don´t even mention Carroll transfer price, it´s worst in football history from today´s perspective.. but it wouldn´t be possible without Torres transfer for this was bigest and most stupid risk ever.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Wait, I deleted it, but this appears to be true. LFC are selling Reina to Arsenal.

Who is the back up (please be Brad Jones...)

Hrm, unclear. It was tweeted by 'sportswriter of the year' Martin Samuel.

And some sad f*ck created a fake Martin Samuel account to tweet fake tweets. I will never understand these people.

Apologies, nothing to see here.
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yeah, but man of the match performances in last matches only prove he is progressing, it doesn´t make him star man, i never said he i´m not quite sure why are you coming up with it...

not sure why we even discouss this player...i see no problem what so ever in him, or his position in the club..the money payed is ok, for that age, for his previous performances and for the highly inflated prices for all English national players..

I meant Star man as in Man of the match last night. He clearly. Agree with you about he's no more of a bad buy compared to Jones, Young etc.
None of them are worth what was spent on them.

We aren't discussing them as who gives a shit about them? We are in a Liverpool thread talking about Liverpool players.

In my opinion, he's nothing special at the moment. There are plenty of players in the lower leagues who could go out and do what he does at the moment. I hope he turns out great in the future but for now, jeez, the praise is over the top.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I meant Star man as in Man of the match last night. He clearly. Agree with you about he's no more of a bad buy compared to Jones, Young etc.
None of them are worth what was spent on them.

We aren't discussing them as who gives a shit about them? We are in a Liverpool thread talking about Liverpool players.

In my opinion, he's nothing special at the moment. There are plenty of players in the lower leagues who could go out and do what he does at the moment. I hope he turns out great in the future but for now, jeez, the praise is over the top.

yeah thats it , I wish united paid 100m for Young I dont give a shit about that , im caring for what we are doing , or better say we did with paying those money for Carroll , Downing and Henderson , and I really hope we go more for players from other leagues , English players are overrated and never worth those money
Re: Liverpool Thread

I meant Star man as in Man of the match last night. He clearly. Agree with you about he's no more of a bad buy compared to Jones, Young etc.
None of them are worth what was spent on them.

We aren't discussing them as who gives a shit about them? We are in a Liverpool thread talking about Liverpool players.

In my opinion, he's nothing special at the moment. There are plenty of players in the lower leagues who could go out and do what he does at the moment. I hope he turns out great in the future but for now, jeez, the praise is over the top.

that´s the point,only Henderson money was bad investment...wich is not true...

i gave example that all the teams need to spend similar price to get a player they realy think they need LONG TERM..especially if many english clubs fight for them at the same time...

i don´t agree with you on the lower league players point... Henderson is stand out performer of the team atm...he has football brain like only few of our players...that´s my opinion of him... he can be a class midfielder with more confidence..

I´m not praising him, i didn´t even started to praise him, i only try to be objective and even Gerd, who is no fan of this team aknowledges his quality.. and i believe also other football fans that are not biased can see there is something in him..
Re: Liverpool Thread

As a United fan I can weigh in on Young and Jones.

Young isn't a great comparison because he's older and more proven. His combined goals/assists is actually pretty high in the prem tables while at Aston Villa, and both his strengths and limitations were pretty clear. Maybe he was a bit overpriced, but he was in his prime and is English.

Jones is a good comparison because at the time he, like Henderson, had achieved virtually nothing at the top level of football. Both were bought for potential, rather than their actual current level. I don't think he's been any worse than Henderson to date, and has had a lot of injuries which is perhaps more worrying for someone so young. Neither has lit it up, neither has been 'worth' their transfer fee, but both have time on their side.

Plus both would be highly sell-able assets in a couple years time, you'd easily recoup half their transfer fee selling to an Everton/Villa etc.

I've watched lots of Henderson and he looks very normal to me. Which at his age in this league isn't half bad.
that´s the point,only Henderson money was bad investment...wich is not true...

i gave example that all the teams need to spend similar price to get a player they realy think they need LONG TERM..especially if many english clubs fight for them at the same time...

i don´t agree with you on the lower league players point... Henderson is stand out performer of the team atm...he has football brain like only few of our players...that´s my opinion of him... he can be a class midfielder with more confidence..

I´m not praising him, i didn´t even started to praise him, i only try to be objective and even Gerd, who is no fan of this team aknowledges his quality.. and i believe also other football fans that are not biased can see there is something in him..

He most certainly is not the stand out performer. He's not doing anything out if the ordinary. He's not doing anything more than Joe Allen for example. He doesn't take many people on. He's not creating loads of chances for the forward. He's not spraying balls all over the place. He's not controlling games. How is he standing out? He's decent. That's about it.

Forget potential. Forget how he might turn out. Like I said, I hope he turns out great but Right now he's not setting the world alight like some of the comments are suggesting. You are most definitely watching different games to me as I find some of the comments unbelievable. Talk about over exaggerating a players performances.
He had a hand in both goals,
How can you not say he stood out? He had some really nice combos with Gerard and Suarez and a few times played the right ball at the right time. He was very good vs arsenal.
Liverpool Thread

He had a hand in both goals,
How can you not say he stood out? He had some really nice combos with Gerard and Suarez and a few times played the right ball at the right time. He was very good vs arsenal.

Easily. He didn't stand out!

A few times he played the right ball at the right time? Somebody who stands out should be playing the right ball more than a few times. They were your words, not mine.

Problem is people go overboard. I heard it all with Scott Parker last year. Nowhere near as good as people were making out.

You can all carry on smashing one off over him in the whack off warehouse for all I care. You sound crazy though but carry on.

I don't need people come back saying "I told you he'd be class" if he is in a few years time. I'm talking about now. He seriously isn't playing as well as some of you say.

He's not doing anything wrong and he's neat and tidy but calm down dears.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Well said Pushy.

Be careful though you will be labelled a troll for not being sucked in by the Henderson love in.
Re: Liverpool Thread

agree on some points, but for LFC the Henderson transfer was about to find a right player at right age with posibility to grow, wich Henderson is in the end. Liverpool needed a player to be in the team for long term and to continue growing and playing, he wouldn´t play at highest level at Sunderland and the fact we overpayed a bit is not that bad from today´s perspective..we could afford to overpay then.. + those Newcastle players will be payed sallary that is uncomparable to Henderson´s... still not sure why we are discoussing his price..English top clubs buy players like that always, players they plan to keep long term...

Henderson cost Liverpool 18 mil. €.

Was Phil Jones who cost United 19.3 mil. € and who was even younger than Henderson worth it? Why is nobody judging and criticising that player, just Henderson?

Was Ashley Young worth 18 mil. € for United? Was De Gea worth 20 mil. € ?

Was Jack Rodwell worth 15 mil. € for City? is he better than Henderson or same level..i don´t think so.. Henderson for me is better than him...

Was 18 year old Oxlade-Chamberlain who was bought from Championship worth 14 mil. € ?

Was Connor Wickham worth 9 mil. € for Sunderland? What´s up with him now anyway?

Was Lukaku, when bought from Anderlecht worth 22 mil. € that Chelsea payed for him?

The more fucked up transfer for LFC was Downing..he was old, cost us a lot and is underperforming since he joined.. To criticise Henderson who was 20 years old, who can get only better and who is growing each game is just stupid...

I don´t even mention Carroll transfer price, it´s worst in football history from today´s perspective.. but it wouldn´t be possible without Torres transfer for this was bigest and most stupid risk ever.
Uncomparable ? Henderson is onabout 60-70k a week. None of the players i mentioned are/were paid that kind of money at Newcastle.
I dont know what is about with Connor Wickham these days. What I do remeber is you being so excited when we are about to sign him.
Easily. He didn't stand out!

A few times he played the right ball at the right time? Somebody who stands out should be playing the right ball more than a few times. They were your words, not mine.

Problem is people go overboard. I heard it all with Scott Parker last year. Nowhere near as good as people were making out.

You can all carry on smashing one off over him in the whack off warehouse for all I care. You sound crazy though but carry on.

I don't need people come back saying "I told you he'd be class" if he is in a few years time. I'm talking about now. He seriously isn't playing as well as some of you say.

He's not doing anything wrong and he's neat and tidy but calm down dears.

Without Henderson you lose that match,
It's pretty simple.
Re: Liverpool Thread

not at all.

I respect that some of you guys rate Henderson. I just dont see it. £20 million for a player like that is just absurd.

20 million for Messi is also absurd.
Trasfers fees in football are absurd.
One of the many mistakes you make is confusing the player's abilities with the the trasfer fee that was payed for him. They are totally unrelated.
Last year Henderson had a bad season, but even then he showed how brilliant he is.
Why did Henderson had a shocker of a season ?
1. Because the Liverpool fans never had patience with him. When after 5 matches it turned out that Henderson wasn't Messi-esque, they had written him off (just like Charlie Adam, a fine player who should never have gone to Stoke).
2. Liverpool were a shambles and that is hard for young new players.
3. He has too much football intelligence for the donkeys surrounding him. A big apart of his game are intelligent one touch passes and the oafs who played in the same team just didn't see it. (Since Xavi Alonso and Fernando Torres left Liverpool, that club is by far the team with the least football intelligence in the EPL).

Pu6hy: without Henderson Liverpool would have lost the match against Arsenal. Opinions about players are purely subjective. I can understand that most people will not agree with the point i made in the paragraph above, but if you don't see the difference Henderson made in the match against Arsenal, then you are blind, dumb or dishonest... You don't have to believe me because i'm obvious biased, but as it happens, quite a lot of other people have the same opinion.
When i read your posts they could have come from a Fawly Towers spin-off about football in the 70's. The game has moved on from then. Hell, even Rodgers apologized for his rant after the Oldham match, but you kept defending the undefendable because you believe that players should bite the ball in 6 pieces and then they can win every match...
These days football is all about skill, intelligent movement and apart from Suarez and Henderson, that is what Liverpool lacks. You want a football team with 6 Martin Skrtel's, 2 Andy Carolls, one Norman Hunter and a half decent winger like Peter Barnes or Steve Copell...
Hell, you should support Stoke or Milwall...
Liverpool Thread

20 million for Messi is also absurd.
Trasfers fees in football are absurd.
One of the many mistakes you make is confusing the player's abilities with the the trasfer fee that was payed for him. They are totally unrelated.
Last year Henderson had a bad season, but even then he showed how brilliant he is.
Why did Henderson had a shocker of a season ?
1. Because the Liverpool fans never had patience with him. When after 5 matches it turned out that Henderson wasn't Messi-esque, they had written him off (just like Charlie Adam, a fine player who should never have gone to Stoke).
2. Liverpool were a shambles and that is hard for young new players.
3. He has too much football intelligence for the donkeys surrounding him. A big apart of his game are intelligent one touch passes and the oafs who played in the same team just didn't see it. (Since Xavi Alonso and Fernando Torres left Liverpool, that club is by far the team with the least football intelligence in the EPL).

Pu6hy: without Henderson Liverpool would have lost the match against Arsenal. Opinions about players are purely subjective. I can understand that most people will not agree with the point i made in the paragraph above, but if you don't see the difference Henderson made in the match against Arsenal, then you are blind, dumb or dishonest... You don't have to believe me because i'm obvious biased, but as it happens, quite a lot of other people have the same opinion.
When i read your posts they could have come from a Fawly Towers spin-off about football in the 70's. The game has moved on from then. Hell, even Rodgers apologized for his rant after the Oldham match, but you kept defending the undefendable because you believe that players should bite the ball in 6 pieces and then they can win every match...
These days football is all about skill, intelligent movement and apart from Suarez and Henderson, that is what Liverpool lacks. You want a football team with 6 Martin Skrtel's, 2 Andy Carolls, one Norman Hunter and a half decent winger like Peter Barnes or Steve Copell...
Hell, you should support Stoke or Milwall...

Wow. Don't tell me what I want thank you very much. Never heard do much crap in all my life.

Nobody knows Liverpool would have lost If he didn't play. That is absurd. Who is to say one of the guys on then bench wouldn't have had an even better game?

The players who were poor against Oldham need telling. What's wrong with that?

I'm a total footballer. Trust me and pass and move is the way I like the game to be played. I've said Henderson was decent. I said he did the easy thing. Where is all this skill from him that you mention? He mainly gives it simple. Nothing wrong with that at all. I just don't get the massive love in as he doesn't or hasn't done anything out of the ordinary.

It's you guys who are mentalists who are treating him like a world beater.

Talking of football intelligence, I myself had too much for the players around me so I get that comment. Am I denying it about Henderson? No, I'm not. He hasn't done enough to suggest otherwise yet though.

I can't stand carthorses and I certainly don't want a team like what you have mentioned above so please don't talk absolute shit. You don't know me so wind your neck in. I won't lick anybodies ass like some do in here though. If you don't like that then tough titties.

I don't give the ball away. I appreciate what he is doing as I can relate but fuck me, some of the comments in here are laughable.

I'm not arguing with anybody but because I have a different opinion (ie. he isn't play as amazing as some of you suggest - WTF is wrong with saying that?!!!), I have to read shit like that above about me wanting a team of Martin Skrtel's?! Jeez. Nothing could be further from the truth and that is an idiotic thing to say.

Plenty of people agree with you about Henderson. So what? What's the point in even saying that as the exact opposite can be said as loads of people don't agree with it. People in here say well X agrees with it. Who gives a shit what X thinks? They aren't the be all and end all of football knowledge. In fact some of them chat a load of rubbish at times. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing about things but please don't talk shit saying I should support Stoke and all the other bollocks you just said.

What is Fawlty Towers about saying I don't believe Henderson is playing as good as some of you are saying? Another ridiculous comment.

What I've said isn't that bad at all. He's decent just not as good as some make out (so far!!!). There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that. You'd think I'd shagged one of your wives with the way some are acting just because I'm not seeing how amazing the kid is yet.

Expected more from you Gerd.
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