Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

wtf? do you deliberatly try to provocate?

That means you ate the bait. :OT:

Didn't mean to offend you pipa but it was provocative and you reacted. Some people will stick to what their doing best so for me at least, know what to expect and react accordingly. Some of us is still here.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

You can be a supporter without having to wear the tinted specs all the time PIPA! Most of the fans in here are knowledgable and can see what is good and what's not.

You spend too much time at RAWK it's brainwashed you friend! ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

You can be a supporter without having to wear the tinted specs all the time PIPA! Most of the fans in here are knowledgable and can see what is good and what's not.

You spend too much time at RAWK it's brainwashed you friend! ;)

You're no friend benni. Football is in a way similar to religion, most devotees respect what others believes, while some would bash others who isn't the same faith while always finding negatives and wanting them to move to the theirs.

We stick with what we love and please respect our views.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You ll never walk alone, Brendan Rodgers is the best coach ever and Suarez is the best player in the world....assuming you guys beat City tomorrow, though a draw is ok too. But hey, you can use all 3 pts right? Go Pool! :BOP:
Re: Liverpool Thread

You ll never walk alone, Brendan Rodgers is the best coach ever and Suarez is the best player in the world....assuming you guys beat City tomorrow, though a draw is ok too. But hey, you can use all 3 pts right? Go Pool! :BOP:

hahah....for a minute I was rubbing my eyes seeing a ManU fan say that. But then remembered about the 10 pt lead.

I can't see us winning, we are probably knackered after the effort in the Arsenal game, and City will capitalize.
I'll respect yours if you don't start spouting nonsense about our players and our views about them.

How is saying somebody isn't as good as some of you are saying nonsense? The nonsense is coming from the ones going overboard about a lad who is playing ok last few games.

I've seen comments from Benni that are just winding up people but the last few days when talking about Henderson isn't nonsense. It's his opinion. If somebody wants to come in here and say they don't believe the kid is as amazing as some, it's hardly an issue now is it?

Anyway, Martin Kelly allegedly demanding 45k a week to stay. Not worth that money at this moment in time and no big loss if be goes. Plenty of other players out there who can do the same job as him as he is another one who isn't exactly setting the game alight.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Agger, Carragher, Lucas, Gerrard, Henderson, Downing, Suarez, Sturridge.

Subs: Jones, Wisdom, Skrtel, Allen, Shelvey, Sterling, Borini.

good to see Enrique starts , I dont like this Wisdom and Glen playing in left its awful , really good lineup exactly what I would pick ! than our bench isnt that bad at all , Allen, Shelvey, Sterling, Borini can com up if we need to attack more ! all tho I would like there was a good striker on there but still sterling can com and I think its good we dont start it he can be better on last 20 min than as a starter !
Re: Liverpool Thread

He's still out as he was playing for Morocco I guess , but I don't think he'll ever play for Liverpool and that's a shame this guy deserve a good chance , I just think BR dosnt like him at all
Re: Liverpool Thread

Apparently Aissadi wasn't a Rodgers signing
Shame he's been left out in the cold
Cause he's a deceent player.

Yet again we hit the self-destruct button, Sturridge
Was great Suarez looks knackered...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Oh dear, there goes another flop by Reina, oh well... you lost 2 points rather than winning 1.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sturridge....What a bargain!

Amazing match from Liverpool once again and if it wasn't for Reina's gaffe we would have won it, no doubt.

We still have Chelsea, Tottenham, Everton at home and I reckon we're gonna win 2 out of 3.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Reina makes so many mistakes last few seasons but the media say nothing about them why is this?

Apart from that Liverpool were superb today I really loved watching them.

Agger is not a world class CB though always makes too many errors. Henderson was invisible today.

Suarez superb. Johnson excellent. Suarez bright and clever off the ball.
Re: Liverpool Thread

That goal was skertls fault, he should have just cleared it instead of stopping and leaving it to reina

yeah I think same as you , he stop runing and telling reina "ball is yours" , what an idiotic goal we had 3 points in hands and than 4th place can seems more easy target , but still I believe we can get it if we play GREAT and win most of match's left !

Sturrigde was GREAT , we played really good football we were a better team so far , it seems we were champions and we were playing home !

Gerrard and Carra was great too , I really hope Carra starts more offten inside Skertl , I think we need a good CB as I dont trust anymore to Agger-Skertl !

good performance in general we make city looks like a small team , we need to perform vs "small/middle tabel" teams and we need to win those matchs

once again great to see Enrique back and Glen playing in his own possision , Glen for me its best right back in EPL and even in europe , this guy its WORLD CLASS
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thoroughly outplayed City but once 3 points.

Also very few opportunities LFC had 4 shots on target, City only had 3! Tight stuff, exactly how both coaches like it I think.
Seriously does anyone have the % of passes Henderson completed? Seemed like it woukd have been very high. He was very good today, not world class but a solid effort. Stevie g was awesome. Liverpool looked very good. Sturbridge MOM
Re: Liverpool Thread

When Studge broke through at City (and even before that) I thought he was a cert to be England's number 9 for the next decade, the Lineker/Owen/Shearer of this generation. Unfortunately, due in the main to Mark Hughes' total fuckwittery, he left to Chelsea and his career stalled for the most part.
The good news is that he's young enough to recover and has made a good choice in moving to Liverpool where he SHOULD be guaranteed the striker role. I still think he has the potential to lead the England attack for the foreseeable future and I hope he fulfills that potential. I expect he will do really well for LFC and prove a bargain at 10-12m.

Told ya :SMUG:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Enjoying watching us play for a change.

Can't wait till we sign a decent right winger. It's becoming a bit of an on-going joke now when Downing gets it. At one point he actually forgot the ball :LOL:.

He can do all the defensive side of the game, but he is awful in attack.
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