Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Last time that happened, it was a catastrophe for the club...

yeah , hope to dont see never more him as manager , he cost us much and we are still paying his wrongs ....

but they can give him a role on club as he's a legend , but never more as manager !
Re: Liverpool Thread

I thought FSG are these businessmen who've been in sports ownership for a while? So why are Liverpool still a circus when it comes to PR? Liverpool are never out of the press these days, and more often than not for the wrong reasons. These are things you'd expect from owners brand new to their role, not experienced sports owners.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Oh dear, RAWK is having another meltdown because of Rodgers telling Suarez off today!

(Suarez) If I were luis I'd go. We don't deserve him.

(Suarez Diving) I love that he's so honest about it.

(Rodgers unhappy with Suarez) Congrats English press and Alex Ferguson. Well played.

Can't wait 'til Suarez scores and dives in front of Rodgers.


I do have question for the knowledgable Pool fans that post here - are Liverpool supporters actually like the people at RAWK?! They seem so conspiracy theory driven.
Re: Liverpool Thread

it´s more sad you have the time and will to pick such lines and post them here.. i fear you are obsessed with picking on LFC... ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

it´s more sad you have the time and will to pick such lines and post them here.. i fear you are obsessed with picking on LFC... ;)

it only takes 2 seconds - I follow a Twitter feed which tweets all deluded RAWK posts. He must be more obsessed than me!

Re: Liverpool Thread

Suarez is a disgrace to football to be fair, he's done endless amounts of horrible things now i.e. handballs against Ghana, biting people, diving, racism etc etc

The league will be better without him. He'll leave in the summer for Sydney FC hopefully and we wont have to put up with his strange ears anymore.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Why do you say that, is that what Man United normally do to their players who need disciplining?

Actually, no. Fergie has a long history of 'resting' players he's annoyed with (see Evans and Rooney on boxing day last year, or RVN after the Ronaldo bust-up).

But LFC and Rodgers rely on Suarez too much to do that. I will eat a hat if Suarez is 'disciplined' and not playing this weekend.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Suarez is a disgrace to football to be fair, he's done endless amounts of horrible things now i.e. handballs against Ghana, biting people, diving, racism etc etc

The league will be better without him. He'll leave in the summer for Sydney FC hopefully and we wont have to put up with his strange ears anymore.

Re: Liverpool Thread

Suarez is a disgrace to football to be fair, he's done endless amounts of horrible things now i.e. handballs against Ghana, biting people, diving, racism etc etc

The league will be better without him. He'll leave in the summer for Sydney FC hopefully and we wont have to put up with his strange ears anymore.

you're disgrace of this forum man , shut the f*ck up and just dont watch his games if you think so and dont com here again to talk for him , just stop keeping yourself on his c*ck
Re: Liverpool Thread


Re: Liverpool Thread

I did some reading on that incident. Apparently United did that after the FA had pressured them.

Here is the text from the news article:

While United bowed to pressure from the Football Association by suspending their illustrious striker and fining him two weeks' wages, around £20,000, they also made it clear they have no intention of waving him adieu.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I did some reading on that incident. Apparently United did that after the FA had pressured them.

Here is the text from the news article:

While United bowed to pressure from the Football Association by suspending their illustrious striker and fining him two weeks' wages, around £20,000, they also made it clear they have no intention of waving him adieu.

It's cool, the FA made up for it with Rio ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

It's cool, the FA made up for it with Rio ;)

Well don't worry, the FA will charge Suarez too with whatever they feel is correct for such an offense. Don't worry about Liverpool doing anything to their player.

No need for you to worry about it as your team is 24 pts ahead of Liverpool who are in a mid-table fight.
I can understand if Stoke fans and their manager are worried since a Suarez-inspired Liverpool is a challenge for that Europa league spot, and nowhere near top-4.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

you're disgrace of this forum man , shut the f*ck up and just dont watch his games if you think so and dont com here again to talk for him , just stop keeping yourself on his c*ck

Can't say i've read much interesting posts from you.
I completely agree with Benni about Suarez and there are dozens of us on this forum. I suppose we are all a disgrace to this forum ? No need to be rude.

Next time you do this, i'll report you to a mod or an admin. An internet forum is all about opinions. You gotta to respect somebody's opinion even if he's wrong. In this case Benni is absolutely right. Although Suarez is a fantastic football player, he is a cheat, a twat, a cunt, an arsehole an idiot and a racist.

People here are fed up about the discussion and controversy that surrounds Suarez. I think it would stop if some of you would concede the obvious. Until then this discussion will continue to emerge.

Why don't you guys start a defend Suarez thread ? I will not visit it. I want to discuss Liverpool and even Suarez for all the right reasons, for football. But as long as some of the Liverpool fans in this thread keep building flat earth theories around Suarez, this discussion will dominate this thread.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Could Sneijder still end up at Liverpool ? Maybe ...

I would welcome it, imagine him and Gerrard supporting Suarez, Sturridge. That would be a lot of goals for sure.

Please just sign the midget, this whole saga is getting ridiculous. Still, I don't see his glamorous lifestyle fitting in an environment like Liverpool (no disrespect intended, great city, but can't see him being a fan of it..or rather..his wifey)
Re: Liverpool Thread

That would be great for WBA, Coates and Liverpool. IMO Coates has everything to become one of the best CB's in the world.
Re: Liverpool Thread

That would be great for WBA, Coates and Liverpool. IMO Coates has everything to become one of the best CB's in the world.

Yep. And Steve Clarke will be an excellent coach to help with his defensive learning.
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