Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

And a friend of mine who is Norwegian told me that this guy Forren is not good enough for Liverpool and he has seen him in action a lot of times.

Probably, he might become a decent CB in the future but from what I'm being told he hasn't impressed in the Norwegian league so far and we all know premier league is miles ahead in terms of quality so I don't really expect much from this guy.
Re: Liverpool Thread

The Times saying we're no longer in the race for Forren, Southampton leading the chase now.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think it's best, you need to stick with British players for now....not Forren players......:WOOT: :COAT:
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think it's best, you need to stick with British players for now....not Forren players......:WOOT: :COAT:


Phil McNulty ‏@philmcnulty
Sounds like Vegard Forren prefers the idea of permanent football at Southampton more than going through an audition at Liverpool.

Ben Smith ‏@BenSmithBBC
@philmcnulty Mr Forren pulled out of his trial with LFC, Southampton all clear to wrap it up, it seems. Insert pun here

James Pearce ‏@JamesPearceEcho
Forren never a priority for #LFC. Rodgers happy to take a look at him but once a bid came in from Southampton he advised Molde to take it.

David Prentice ‏@prenno
Vegard Forren has had a change of heart. Southampton have made a firm bid. He wants 1st team football so is heading south for talks now.

David Prentice ‏@prenno
Trial had been planned at Liverpool but not likely now.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

It wasn't long ago everyone was slating Henderson. Now they've moved on to Allen and Henderson is now the bees knees again. Allen is a good footballer. He isn't playing great at the moment but it doesn't mean he is a bad player at all. Sterling is absolute shite at the moment. How come he isn't getting the grief Allen is getting?

If Raheem Sterling is Shit then why is he starting every match ?I know its your opinion but he is a fast and skillfull player and scores ! he is 18!
If Raheem Sterling is Shit then why is he starting every match ?I know its your opinion but he is a fast and skillfull player and scores ! he is 18!

He scores? He's scored but wouldn't exactly say he scores!
And if you actually think he's playing well then you are watching different games to me. He may be fast but so is Usain Bolt. He may be skilful but I don't see him taking anybody on that much. He's not really doing anything.

Look, he's young and I hope he turns out to be brilliant but he shouldn't be in the side at the moment. I think he needs a kick up the ass as he's starting to believe all the hype about himself.

Show me or tell me what he's done the last few months. His decision making isn't great a lot of the time either.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He scores? He's scored but wouldn't exactly say he scores!
And if you actually think he's playing well then you are watching different games to me. He may be fast but so is Usain Bolt. He may be skilful but I don't see him taking anybody on that much. He's not really doing anything.

Look, he's young and I hope he turns out to be brilliant but he shouldn't be in the side at the moment. I think he needs a kick up the ass as he's starting to believe all the hype about himself.

Show me or tell me what he's done the last few months. His decision making isn't great a lot of the time either.

Rodgers is the one who picks the team. He has come down heavily on the likes of Downing, Enrique when they did not perform.
Gerrard is pretty much untouchable, since he is the captain, he plays every match irrespective of form. To be fair though he has got quite a few assists this year.
Same goes for the back-four, even though we have not been defensively solid, they hardly get changed. (which is still ok)

But for Sterling and Allen he has kept playing them irrespective of form.
Both should be squad players IMO, and not guaranteed starters. Especially Sterling who is only 18, and needs to be treated the same way as Suso who is given a few games here and there.

Now with the departure of Cole, Sahin, and potentially Assaidi (read somewhere that he may be going too) and we read some news of Coates also being sold, then that is a huge dent to our squad numbers.

For me this should be our midfield and attack:
Hendo, Lucas, Gerrard
Downing, Sturridge, Suarez
subs: Allen, Shelvey, Suso, Sterling, Borini

And depending on form, the players get rotated.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Given chat about Sterling, makes me wonder what happened to Assaidi - isn't that where he should be rotating in?

Potentially will be leaving back to Holland. Seems like Rodgers does not like him either. Sahin is gone, Allen and Borini seem lightweight. Assaidi not playing.
Sturridge has started well, and seems to have that bit of fight which we need.

That makes it 4 out of 5 signings which are questionable at this point. Not a great start in the transfer market for Rodgers. Let's see how things go in the summer. I hope it is better
Re: Liverpool Thread

Given chat about Sterling, makes me wonder what happened to Assaidi - isn't that where he should be rotating in?

I've read something about Assaidi being a deal already lined up before Rodgers arrived. He was interested in Assaidi when at Swansea but cooled on him and he didn't really want him at Liverpool either.

It keeps being mentioned that he's still unfit but it just seems he's not part of Rodgers' plans really.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I've read something about Assaidi being a deal already lined up before Rodgers arrived. He was interested in Assaidi when at Swansea but cooled on him and he didn't really want him at Liverpool either.

It keeps being mentioned that he's still unfit but it just seems he's not part of Rodgers' plans really.

Interesting though, but Rodgers seemed a lot more excited when Assaidi was signed.

Rodgers said: "We're delighted with the signing, he's a young player who has done very well, in particular in the last couple of seasons, in Holland.

"He fits our style perfectly, he's an exciting player who is very good in one versus one situations and I think he's a player that will excite the crowd.
"We're not expecting too much too early, he needs time to adapt but we're delighted he's chosen to come here over a number of other clubs.
"As I said, I'll look forward to helping his development and I hope he'll become a very good part of this club."
Re: Liverpool Thread

You wouldn't expect Rodgers to say Assaidi sucks and doesn't fit my system, of course he's gonna praise his signings even if that signing was against his wishes.

I still think Assaidi is gonna get some game time in the future but I heard a rumour that we will use him as a part deal to bring Siem De Jong to Liverpool which would be a great deal for both clubs involved because I highly rate De Jong even though I would prefer Eriksen.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Gerrard is now actually the 3rd highest rated midfielder in the fantasy league, somewhat surprising. However he was also creating the most chances for the team before the recent good form. The stats show he is their on merit, not favoritism.

I guess the general expectation and what we are used to from him gives everyone the impression he isn't doing much this season.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I was probbaly the one in here who criticized Gerrard most. Last season i thiught he was finished.
He played a very EC and since then he is very good.
Liverpool can't afford to play without him at the moment.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ah, Plan M now has two accounts on here. Very mature. Another one to ignore then.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Kenny did nothing wrong in most Liverpool supporters eyes thats the sad thing. Instead they turn on owners who already gave them £60+ million for new players last season.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You can thank Kenny for that I'd imagine.

Yes, that is somehow forgotten these days. FSG did spend a lot of money. Looks like they've learnt their lesson, and hence got Rodgers to manage a youngish side with less money available.

So it's hard to blame them alone. Kenny/Comolli made the biggest gaffe in Liverpool's recent history with 80m spent on players out of whom maybe one will be decent (hendo).
It will take years before we recover. Or maybe the kit deals will start reaping the rewards soon :-)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Interesting comment from Borini. He gets injured at exactly the same time for the same period for the last 3 years.

"It was extremely frustrating because in the last three years I have got injured for three months every year in October. That was the most frustrating thing because at the same time for the last three years, I've got an injury.

"I haven't played a full season yet because of those injuries, but I hope they'll stop [now]. It's just been bad luck and nothing about me. They've been different injuries each time and not the same."
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ah, here's the loveable little Luis Suarez, doing his best to keep his head down:

'Let's see: they said that when we played against Stoke, for instance, and in that case they were right. I invented a foul because we were drawing 1-1 against Stoke and I wanted to win.'

Okay good, given the FA took action against Roy Keane when he came clean in a book..hrm.

What else Luis?

'I have my conscience clean. But as I have said: Manchester United controls the media, they are powerful and the media will always help them.'

Ah okay, well then. Those damned papers, all coming out of...London. And their Manchester...wait. Hang on. Oh then there's the hated Liver..oh.

Alright. Smart fella.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Beach, let's not make the mistake to take that litle stupid shit too serious. It's not because he is a fantastic football player that he talks sense...oh and, be carefull with the media too...Who knows Suarez ever said this (although it sounds exactly like him).
Re: Liverpool Thread

Assadi (sorry for wrong spelling) is better than Stuart Downing. But if liverpool are going to swap him for that holland player (forgot his name) then its a good deal. Whats the point of buying assaidi if your not gonna use him ? waste of talent ! and waste of money !
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is he though? I havent seen anything of Assadi.

If anything Rodgers has made poor signings so far it has to be said. Sturridge the jury will be out on, Allen is a decent, tidy footballer but wont ever light up the league. Sahin - we know what happen to him.

Borini? Scored a few goals for Roma, hasnt done anything of note in Liverpool shirt although has been unlucky with injury.

He wants to do an Arsenal and sign talent on the cheap but he appears to be getting it wrong.

time will tell of course.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is he though? I havent seen anything of Assadi.

If anything Rodgers has made poor signings so far it has to be said. Sturridge the jury will be out on, Allen is a decent, tidy footballer but wont ever light up the league. Sahin - we know what happen to him.

Borini? Scored a few goals for Roma, hasnt done anything of note in Liverpool shirt although has been unlucky with injury.

He wants to do an Arsenal and sign talent on the cheap but he appears to be getting it wrong.

time will tell of course.

If you look at the number of signings made since the summer of 2009, when we started the decline, it's staggeringly poor for Liverpool.
- Aquilani
- Konchesky
- Joe Cole
- Poulsen
- Meireles (good)
- Adam
- Downing
- Carroll
- Henderson (22 yrs, may be good in 2 yrs, is improving)
- Suarez (good)
- Allen (22 yrs, may be good in 1-2 yrs, but was expensive)
- Borini (21 yrs, may be good in 2 yrs)
- Sahin (24 yrs : 3 goals/3 assists in 12 matches)
- Assaidi (24 yrs : 1 assist in 9 games)
- Sturridge (23 yrs, may be good)

Look at the players who left
- Alonso (signed at 23 yrs, instant hit)
- Mascherano (signed at 23 yrs, instant hit)
- Benayoun
- Torres (signed at 23 yrs, instant hit)
- Riera
- Kuyt
- Maxi
- Bellamy
- Ngog
- Meireles

I may have missed some players here and there.
But overall, Liverpool have done a horrendous job in buying and selling players in the last 3 years. The end of the Hick-Gillette era and some of the gaffes of the previous 4 managers have contributed.
Rodgers has'nt got off the best start, but his signings can only be judged after 1 more year.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

there are still those rumors about Sinjder going on ... he said himself he want to look good and not hurry up , and also wage isnt the problem as media say for him !
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