Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Things went pretty well for Liverpool, only 1-0 (very good goal), it should have been 3 or 4 -0 but sloppy United.

Sturridge and Henderson should come in for Gerrard and Allen who are extremely poor.

If Liverpool don't play better, then they will get a thrashing because United will not stay this sloppy.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Let's see if Sturridge and Henderson can shake things up a little and I'd be very surprised if they won't be sent in at half time.

Allen has had no impact in the games ever since his arrival and if u compare him with Alonso, you'd see how poor he is and how much we are missing a player like Xabi.

A draw is the best we can get today but the chances are very slim because Man UTD could've been 3-0 up by now and I gotta feeling Lucas will be sent off.
Re: Liverpool Thread

It's just one game Pipa chill my friend :) As I said, MU's playing very well and we'll have to up OUR game in the second half for any chance of a point taken.

i know it´s just one game, but a very important game and it´s not enough for me..

we play like with 9 men with Sterling and Downing as our main wingers threat... we need top class wingers in thier prime to run for their lives and not pass ball to the midfield.. or lose it..

it´s going nowhere..

United have Kagawa, Nani, Young, Valencia... we have Downing and Sterling...that´s a big difference...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Another ball over the top where we struggle and we concede from the free kick.

Utterly gutless and disgusting performance. Rodgers and the team need a good kicking for this, just not on at all.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Would you look at that?! We bother taking the effort to actually try to score and we do! Maybe it's something we should remember in future?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sturridge making a massive difference, seems to be linking very well with Suarez.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Not expecting anything from today ... well, maybe a sending off. I'd be happy if we at least put in a good performance and give it a go.

First half, absolutely not. Second half, a lot better.

FSG need to give Rodgers the chance to get the players he wants without overriding him. If they believe in him that much, and he wants the older players like Dempsey, then they need to trust him.

I'm not convinced FSG are going to give Rodgers much to work with at all, though. Letting Cole and Sahin go has decreased the squad even further, and lowered wages (FSG's holy grail) ... but where are the replacements?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Deserved and should have got a point. *sigh*

Gonna be fun to watch your game against Arsenal now. :APPLAUD:
We shouldve finished them off..SAFs subs were questionable. Nearly going full defense. RvP showed several times he only needs a touch to be dangerous but virtually no service in 2nd half. Credit to LFC for showing balls. Glad we ve already played at An field before the Sturridge signing. Fair score in the end IMHO.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Gonna be fun to watch your game against Arsenal now. :APPLAUD:
We shouldve finished them off..SAFs subs were questionable. Nearly going full defense. RvP showed several times he only needs a touch to be dangerous but virtually no service in 2nd half. Credit to LFC for showing balls. Glad we ve already played at An field before the Sturridge signing. Fair score in the end IMHO.

Not for me!!! :PUKE:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers with some strange decisions today.

Best team won overral. Liverpool have only beat 1 team in top half of table this season. Very poor
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't know if any of you noticed but Suarez looks more dangerous playing behind Sturridge because whenever he had the ball, two or three defenders were after him often leaving Sturridge unmarked.
In my opinion this formation could work against any opposition and had we played with Sturridge and Borini from the beginning we probably could've even won the match.

PS. I still don't think Sturridge is the answer for our vacant nr.9 position, because he's not very clinical like RVP and goes missing at times but for the remainder of the season he should play upfront with Suarez as they seem to link well and we will still have Borini as a backup striker which is good enough for now.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Very encouraging second half from Liverpool's point of view...much better performance than the first half.
Another mucky winning goal for United (but very bad defending: Agger and Skrtel are not good enough, but we all know that...).
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm still of the opinion our formation is all wrong.

Can't stand this 4-3-2-1 crap. (It's not 4-3-3 as there's NO support for Suarez from the other supposedly two up with him.)

With Sturridge on and two strikers up top, it suddenly occupied the United defence. They breezed through the first half.

Got to be 4-4-2 for me. United use it home and away and are miles ahead in the Premiership with it.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Fair result today strange tactics and team selection from rodgers today especially allowingutd to dictate the game in the 1st half. Much better in the 2nd but the team shouldve been playing like that from the get go, Sturridge looks good and Suarez playing off him is the way to go much better threat in the final 3rd.

There is still a way to go with the transition of this team.
Re: Liverpool Thread

man that Sterling need a punch in his face , such an idiot has been today i would replace him after 1st half , and i hope he dont start next matchs , he should learn a fucking lession from today

Allen was so bad that I would give him more than 30 min , if henderson was in his best days since he came on Liverpool why the hell in earth he didnt start ?

that windstom of how the hell is his name its so crap , I hope to dont see him anymore this season , I would even start with gandpa Carra before than him

Gerrard ? seems he dont have a damn blood , cmon man ur playing against manchester fucking united

Sturridge made difference , shame he dont start !
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm still of the opinion our formation is all wrong.

Can't stand this 4-3-2-1 crap. (It's not 4-3-3 as there's NO support for Suarez from the other supposedly two up with him.)

With Sturridge on and two strikers up top, it suddenly occupied the United defence. They breezed through the first half.

Got to be 4-4-2 for me. United use it home and away and are miles ahead in the Premiership with it.

You do realise utd were playing a 4231? 442 only works if your midfield is strong enough to dominate a midfield, and for a lot of home games that could work, but you saw utd have even more space to attack in the 2nd half with Lucas off the pitch. The only reason 442 "worked" was because the game was lost and the team had to gamble. Utd still created the best chances whilst being more foccused on defending and protecting their lead. Had they played the same as the 1st half they would have run away with it.
Re: Liverpool Thread


It made my chuckle a bit lol, do you really think Allen has flopped or there's still time for him to develop and become a British Xavi :P ?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Has anyone been reading that RAWK_Meltdown twitter feed today?! Its so funny.

And why did Liverpool fans let off a flare when they were losing?? Most strange.


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