Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

I didn't find this there but the Red Cafe has an entire thread dedicated to relaying all the fun that is posted over at Rawk like quotes and pictures. Response to Kenny as Ambassador:

Here are 2 picture gems:



Gotta see the humor of it :D:D

Haha brilliant! They are crazy at RAWK.
Re: Liverpool Thread

So Sahin's gone now, I wonder if we've got a replacement lined up? It's clear our squad is too small, Rodgers himself mentions it a lot, so I imagine we wouldn't let Sahin go without a replacement.

Hopefully it's not an Andy Carroll situation again.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Does Sahin's departure mean that Sneijder is coming to Anfield ?
PS. I'm very sad to see a player like him leave and I feel like he was never given a chance to play more regularly and even when he played, he was playing out of his natural position.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I was really happy when we loan Sahin .... but didnt see much from him , all tho I dont think he had enought chance's , I guess he didnt want to stay and perform that much too ! anyway hope to see him on his best days at BVB ;) about sneijder im still not sure !
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sneijder isn´t coming to Anfield and i bet he never was suposed to.. We can´t afford to pay his wage demands, it´s not possible with our sallary structure, simple as that.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sahin scarcely played and if he played he was player either out of position or in a second rate team.
IMO Rodgers wasted Sahin for Liverpool (of course i don't see the players in training).

If Sneijder doesn't come, Liverpool should be very glad.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sneijder isn´t coming to Anfield and i bet he never was suposed to.. We can´t afford to pay his wage demands, it´s not possible with our sallary structure, simple as that.

Out of interest, what's the gossip on what Suarez makes each week?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sneijder transfer is impossible, only if he agrees we pay him half he expects to be payed..wich is not going to happend.

Our best payed player is payed less than Sneijder i it´s not going to happend.

Besides i prefer us going after younger player in Sneijder´s position that can be bothered and hungry to play for the reds, something maybe Sahin was missing i think.
Re: Liverpool Thread

i cant see Sneijder getting more money than Gerrard or even Suarez (who by far its best player of Liverpool)

Word on the street is that his agent said that even though Galatasaray would meet the wage demands and transfer fee, he is still holding out for a top club in England. Apparently he stated that "he's willing to make a bit less money to play in a more competitive league as he can always go and make boat loads of money in Russia or the Middle East later on in his career".

Re: Liverpool Thread

Tancredi Palmeri ‏@tancredipalmeri
According to Mediaset, the english club from which Sneijder is waiting for a bid is Liverpool

Sneijder links not going away. I keep reading that he's stalling on the Galatasaray offer as he's hoping/expecting a bid from a Premier League team and Liverpool keep getting mentioned. I like Sneijder from what I've seen but wow, so many negative comments lately from people who will have seen him a lot more than I have.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sneijder links not going away. I keep reading that he's stalling on the Galatasaray offer as he's hoping/expecting a bid from a Premier League team and Liverpool keep getting mentioned. I like Sneijder from what I've seen but wow, so many negative comments lately from people who will have seen him a lot more than I have.

And then there are these reports:

I agree with folks that I can't wait for this saga to be over. Sneijder in his prime is one of the best midfielders in the world but it seems like his focus has been much more on glitz and glamour as well as injuries lately rather than performance on the field. Still think he can offer a lot if a team is able to turn him around but if I were a LFC fan I wouldn't hope too much for his arrival. On the bright side however, he might be able to shift some of the negative attention away from Suarez and instead have shitty "newspapers" like the Daily Mail focus on his wifey and Hollywood friends instead.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sneijder links not going away. I keep reading that he's stalling on the Galatasaray offer as he's hoping/expecting a bid from a Premier League team and Liverpool keep getting mentioned. I like Sneijder from what I've seen but wow, so many negative comments lately from people who will have seen him a lot more than I have.

maybe that's why Sahin was shipped off. To make room for Wesley :-)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ferguson is at it again, trying to talk about Suarez before the match.

So here we have this so-called great manager stooping down to that level again. If he was such a great manager, he should just shut up and not talk about opposing players or managers.

Thanks for winding him up again, just the tonic Suarez needs for Sunday.

I would really love it, if Suarez scores the winner at Old Trafford. Absolutely would love it !! (a la Keegan)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ferguson is at it again, trying to talk about Suarez before the match.

So here we have this so-called great manager stooping down to that level again. If he was such a great manager, he should just shut up and not talk about opposing players or managers.

Thanks for winding him up again, just the tonic Suarez needs for Sunday.

I would really love it, if Suarez scores the winner at Old Trafford. Absolutely would love it !! (a la Keegan)

Sounds to me like you're making a mountain out of a molehill there. That is probably one of the tamest set of comments SAF has ever made, especially if you'd bother to read more than the first 2 paragraphs.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ferguson is at it again, trying to talk about Suarez before the match.

So here we have this so-called great manager stooping down to that level again. If he was such a great manager, he should just shut up and not talk about opposing players or managers.

Thanks for winding him up again, just the tonic Suarez needs for Sunday.

I would really love it, if Suarez scores the winner at Old Trafford. Absolutely would love it !! (a la Keegan)

Do you only read headlines? He was asked about Suarez being controversial. This is what he said:

"I don't know whether he enjoys [being controversial], but it is something we hope we don't suffer from ourselves." Fair imo.

Then he was asked about the handball last week:

"I never saw the game last Sunday, so it is difficult to say whether it was a deliberate handball,you will always support your own player, I don't think that is surprising from Brendan. I have done it myself. It is just part of your loyalty to the player and protection for them too."

So Fergie not only says Rodgers was right, he also says Suarez did nothing wrong.

And finally, on the game being marred by controversy, he said: "Over the years, the Liverpool-Manchester United games have been relatively free of controversy - nothing really sensational in terms of decisions that marred the game, and that is good."

So Fergie has answered questions when asked in a completely fair manner, and actually stood up for Suarez and LFC last week, and ended saying he didn't want any 'sensational controversy'.

And now LFC fans are saying he's crazy/lost it/being a pr*ck.

Seriously. He does press conferences, he is asked questions, he responded. Can you let me know what's wrong with any of those responses.

Fergie has recently claimed RVP could have died. If you want to mock him, at least pick your battles.
Re: Liverpool Thread

"I hope we don't suffer from some of the decisions that have gone his way in terms of that. We want it to be a good game on Sunday."

Kind of mild from Ferguson in terms of trying to influence the referee
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ok sorry, I guess I criticized Ferguson a bit harshly. But here is his statement on Suarez

"I hope we don't suffer from some of the decisions that have gone his way in terms of that. We want it to be a good game on Sunday."

I do feel Ferguson is putting some pressure on the referee.

And yes I agree, it's these journalists asking pointed questions.

But how about if Ferguson just said that he does not want to talk about Suarez or any Liverpool players.
But then again no manager or player are saints, they are all looking for the best possible thing for their own club and job.

So yes, I agree I did get carried away
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I really liked Sahin when he clicked, but whatever the reason for his departure, good luck to him, hope he succeeds at Dortmund again. I think he made a mistake leaving that club which have moved on to better things and are now genuine CL contenders.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Interesting interview with Gerrard

I do agree with him that just signing young players is no use on it's own. We need a couple of good experienced players who are bang in their prime who can give us 2-3 years of their peak form.

Looking at our signings:
- Borini
- Allen
- Sahin
- Assaidi
- Yesil
- Sturridge

All of them are young and have potential, but some of them will fail for sure and be moved on. Sahin was not even given a decent chance, maybe he was too expensive, etc.

But how many of them will deliver anything this season. Maybe Sturridge. Allen is ok if you consider pass completion. But apart from that I don't see much impact on the first team.

So I think it would be good add some experience to this team to improve near-term chance of success.
How about Alonso, and another good striker and a wide player.
Just hypothetically if we had gone for Demba Ba and maybe someone like Adam Johnson.
I think they would provide instant impact.
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