Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

The analogy with Roy Keane is interesting. I stopped supporting Manchester United because of Roy Keane and Ferguson. My favourite team won everything, but to me it simply doesn't felt right because to me it felt unfair...i love football more than a club or a player...

I don't mind cheating up to a certain point. I know it's cultural but i always have to laugh with the "cheating diving cunt"-argument. But people like Ferguson, Keane and Suarez don't see that they are supposed to be role models for kids. Imagine kids on playgrounds biting other kids or doing what Keane did to Haaland ? What if your son came home being bitten by another 9 year old emulating Suarez ? What if your son's team lost a mtach because of a deliberate handball ? What if a United player would have done this in a match against Liverpool (or vice versa). Am i sounding like a drama queen ? Maybe, but i just want to know how far anybody can go to support a bloody stupid football club, no matter which club it is... I'm sick and tired of the rivalry between clubs and fans. When i supported United, i never hated Liverpool, i loved them...Now i support Spurs, but i love it that difficult ?

People like Keane, Ferguson and Suarez are a disgrace to football just like Lance Armstrong is a disgrace to cycling. The drama is that all the Liverpool fans will agree with me about Ferguson and Keane and all the United fans will agree about Suarez. If United buys Suarez (boy i would like that) then all Liverpool fans would "suddenly" see that he is a big cunt and all United fans would suddenly see that he is indeed a hell of a player and thath is cheating and his irritating behaviour isn't really that bad...after all he is a genius...(and yes he is).

This is not about Suarez, Ferguson or Keane... this is about extreme unfair and irritating behaviour. Those people should get punished: Ferguson for the way he puts refereees under constant pressure, Suarez for all his antics.

Oh and before anybody mentions it: Bale should get punished for his diving, but Bale isn't on the same level as the people i mentioned here in this post.

Pipa, your post about the hands being not Suarez problem but the linesman or the referees, is extremely short sighted. Surely you are more intelligent than this...

footballers or atheletes are not role models... YOU ARE! Its your kid, take responsibility to teach right and wrong. If my son came home and another kid bit him, i wouldn't go complain to suarez's parents! Yes kids emulate atheletes, no doubt, they also emulate there parents. When my kid is of age i will explain to my child that all adults are human, and humans make mistakes and are imperfect, they key to life is making the right choices and knowing right from wrong. Diving and biting are wrong son, dont do it...

suarez is getting undeserved shit in this case, %99 of all footballers would have done the same thing(klose the exception) unless of course suarez intentionally pushed the ball in the net with his hand
Re: Liverpool Thread

Anyway, lovely man that Suarez


What an absolute pathetic picture to post! You will find that every single footballer will at times ignore autograph hunters. But no. Jump on the bandwagon and just have a go at the man in the news at the moment.

Can't stand pricks on forums who do that type of thing. Grow up.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think there's anything overly galling about the Suarez handball from the weekend. As others have posted, many players have done/would have done the same thing.

It's just that it's HIM, AGAIN. That's all. If had been Sturridge no one would care.

So this weekend small matter of United vs Pool, should be an interesting match as always. Suarez is in too nippy form for Vidic imo, will expect to see Evans and Rio. Am very curious if Rodgers will play Sturridge as well as Suarez away at OT, or if he'll go more conservative and pack the midfield.

Either way, you can be pretty sure that something controversial will happen. My early prediction: Howard Webb awards a nothing penalty for LFC who hold on to win, and all the commentary is that this is United's comeuppance for having Webb in their pocket for so long (the same Webb that has given exactly the same number of penalties to United and LFC in matches between the two, but truth is overrated).
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think there's anything overly galling about the Suarez handball from the weekend. As others have posted, many players have done/would have done the same thing.

It's just that it's HIM, AGAIN. That's all. If had been Sturridge no one would care.

So this weekend small matter of United vs Pool, should be an interesting match as always. Suarez is in too nippy form for Vidic imo, will expect to see Evans and Rio. Am very curious if Rodgers will play Sturridge as well as Suarez away at OT, or if he'll go more conservative and pack the midfield.

Either way, you can be pretty sure that something controversial will happen. My early prediction: Howard Webb awards a nothing penalty for LFC who hold on to win, and all the commentary is that this is United's comeuppance for having Webb in their pocket for so long (the same Webb that has given exactly the same number of penalties to United and LFC in matches between the two, but truth is overrated).

Don't know about you, but I kind of dread these matches. Not because of whatever result or performance but you just know that the likelyhood of something "controversial" happening is so big and that it will be blown out of proportion.

As for the actual result, not sure really. Didn't see the Anfield match, and Liverpool have a very poor record against the top half so can imagine a match were Liverpool might be the more dominant team possesion-wise but actually create little whilst Utd will probably just get a single good chance that RvP puts away.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Don't agree with you Gomito. Footballers are role models...don't exagerate the influence of parents (who are of course very influential, but kids emulate football players and as a parent often you only can correct them). It helps of course if they are in sports clubs were their coaches and their parents (when watching the games) are role models. It doesn't help in the school yards.

Edmundo: Benni is not DJ Doc, i'm pretty sure of that. Djdoc visits this forum under another nick, i receive PM's from him (but i have promised no to say who he is). And concerning PIPa/BENNI: if there is blame at all, Pipa is as much to blame as Benni...
Re: Liverpool Thread

You don't need to apologize Benni, i don't see how you would offend's only football.

Beach: this morning i didn't have the time to give a proper answer. "Sadly" Edmundo was quicker than i. What i meant to say about Keane was (among other things) what happened at the 2002 WC. He mader Mc Carthy's life a hell then. Meanwhile Keane is/was a manager himself and i think we all agree that as a manager he is a shadow of Mick Mc Carthy.

On top of that i read his autobiography: what a dreadfull and pompous person he is. I don't like him. His autobiography does not sound very "honest" (or real). He believes himself in the myth Roy Keane as the ultimate warrior. He was a good player, but not the great player most United fans think...i know quite a few United players who played in the same position that were at least as good as Keane (Ince, Robson, Carrick,...).

He was a bully.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I still wait for the hillarious post´s of other teams fans than just from LFC forums..

Nevermind, i will not answer on post´s that are deliberately aimed on making fun of LFC fans, players or previous coaches and that have no logic or realy sence at all to start with.. i never saw him making simillar post´s towards other teams fans or players or managers, not that i wanted him to..but come´s pretty obvious what´s his aim, at least to me... Also my english isn´t so good to be able to describe what i realy think so.. i won´t..

To good there are also users here who see things my way..


About the United vs. Liverpool match, i think United will want to stop Suarez as much as we want to stop RVP. To bad they only have Suarez to stop for making LFC stop scoring basicly..

We have to stop also Rooney if he will play + other very good players.. and Imo someone like Cleverley is a fantastic player as i saw lately..

In realy serious way, we can´t compare our team with United´s team, especially their attack is well balanced and has depth.. our is unexisting despite Suarez and Sturride, it´s not enought threat, especially zero threat from wings.. I think it will be a tight match decieded by one goal in the end like almost always....or they will trash us.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I have made criticsm in other club threads but you dont seem to pick up on these. You pretend that I only criticise Liverpool FC which isnt true.

Its like we are not allowed to post in here unless we post good stuff about Liverpool. OR if we are not a Liverpool supporter we get told to 'stop trolling' etc.

Look at my posts in Man Utd, Man City and Chelsea threads. I criticise their teams/players as well.

Football is about opinions. And I have mine - but it seems that people are more sensitive and tribal in this Liverpool thread than any other football club thread on Evo Web.

And I am allowed to criticise Benitez - I think he is a poor manager, end of story.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

agh I see the problem utd have with Suarez...

YouTube - roy keane tackle

YouTube - Cantona vs supporter Crystal Palace

YouTube - Dive Dive Dive again C Ronaldo Manchester United

YouTube - Scholes handball volleyballshot , Red card

as we have all the qualities of the above players rolled into one, you don't like it.

but those same players are worshipped for UTD. well played lads!

They all got punished if i'm not wrong :YAWN:

Henry admitted that he handle the ball so why can't Luis Suarez
Re: Liverpool Thread

Just read that ESPN received so many comments from angry LFC internet warriors that they've issued an apology for Jon Champion saying Suarez's handball was the 'act of a cheat'.

First time I've ever heard a sports network doing something like that. So for all those mocking RAWK - give em their due!
Re: Liverpool Thread

With ESPN, the commentator called Suarez a cheat, when it was not clear if Suarez intentionally handled the ball in this incident.
So in that sense what ESPN did was fair.

If Suarez had however did what Maradona did, or even Henry did, then by all means call him a cheat.

Even for the Ghana game, he was penalized by a red card. So not sure why people call him a cheat for that incident. Countless players have done the same and got sent off.

For the Batkal incident, he was penalized for uncivilised aggressive behavior, which he got banned. Cantona kicked a fan, got banned. Both well deserved among many such violent incidents on the pitch where players got punished.

BTW I'm not trying to justify Suarez, I don't like his antics, and yes he can be obnoxious in the way he does it,
But I'm just saying that people who demonize him should look at their own players first before taking their aim at Suarez.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

You don't need to apologize Benni, i don't see how you would offend's only football.

Beach: this morning i didn't have the time to give a proper answer. "Sadly" Edmundo was quicker than i. What i meant to say about Keane was (among other things) what happened at the 2002 WC. He mader Mc Carthy's life a hell then. Meanwhile Keane is/was a manager himself and i think we all agree that as a manager he is a shadow of Mick Mc Carthy.

On top of that i read his autobiography: what a dreadfull and pompous person he is. I don't like him. His autobiography does not sound very "honest" (or real). He believes himself in the myth Roy Keane as the ultimate warrior. He was a good player, but not the great player most United fans think...i know quite a few United players who played in the same position that were at least as good as Keane (Ince, Robson, Carrick,...).

He was a bully.

Keane was/is a cunt but he was much better than that. Robson comes closest but Keane was a great player. And leader.
Re: Liverpool Thread

With ESPN, the commentator called Suarez a cheat, when it was not clear if Suarez intentionally handled the ball in this incident.
So in that sense what ESPN did was fair.

If Suarez had however did what Maradona did, or even Henry did, then by all means call him a cheat.

Even for the Ghana game, he was penalized by a red card. So not sure why people call him a cheat for that incident. Countless players have done the same and got sent off.

For the Batkal incident, he was penalized for uncivilised aggressive behavior, which he got banned. Cantona kicked a fan, got banned. Both well deserved among many such violent incidents on the pitch where players got punished.

BTW I'm not trying to justify Suarez, I don't like his antics, and yes he can be obnoxious in the way he does it,
But I'm just saying that people who demonize him should look at their own players first before taking their aim at Suarez.

Exactly. Stoping that ball against Ghana was instinct, and very good one + that would anyone do to save what´s possible.. I admired him for doing that, becouse he show no fear, if the goal was in, Uruguay woudld be lost...This way he gived them at least hope that Ghana won´t score...and they didn´t... not sure why people even criticise him for that hand..imo it was one of best moments of the World cup.. it was Ghana´s fault not to score the penalty.

Suarez is not going to be bad becouse of the critics, he thrives on hopefully he has a great game against United, even if he will be booed for whole game i can imagine.. Many oposite fans hate him and talk about him... just like all non-United fans were doing the same in time CR was playing for them...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Exactly. Stoping that ball against Ghana was instinct, and very good one + that would anyone do to save what´s possible.. I admired him for doing that, becouse he show no fear, if the goal was in, Uruguay woudld be lost...This way he gived them at least hope that Ghana won´t score...and they didn´t... not sure why people even criticise him for that hand..imo it was one of best moments of the World cup.. it was Ghana´s fault not to score the penalty.

No sane person criticises him for doing it at the moment, they criticise him for not leaving the pitch, sticking around til after the pen was missed and then celebrating in front of the African fans.
Re: Liverpool Thread

No sane person criticises him for doing it at the moment, they criticise him for not leaving the pitch, sticking around til after the pen was missed and then celebrating in front of the African fans.

To be fair, I don't think he was goading in front of the African fans, was he? He was leaving the pitch and when the guy missed the penalty he turned back to celebrate.
And at the end of the game, the Uruguay players were putting him on their shoulders. So the entire team was to blame for any goading they did.

Against Mansfield, he did his usual celebration, kissing his wrist and ring finger. His wrist has his daughter's name. And it was definitely a more low-key celebration than most of his other goals.
So he was not goading anyone there either.

Of course, I do find him obnoxious at times, and he is not a classy player by any stretch of the imagination and he can be downright irritating, but I think you're really clutching for straws in your justification. Fair enough, you don't like him. So be it.

Does anyone remember Gary Neville's run and celebration in front of the Liverpool fans, or Adebayor's celebration in front of the City fans. Now that is real goading.

Sorry but the more I think of it, Suarez is just more open in what he does. Open in his aggression, cheating, whatever, But the other so called saints of football are also sinister, but it's not so obvious, and they are a bit more civilised than Suarez.
At the end of the day, they're all the same in varying degrees.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Perhaps we should indeed have a thread about the dirtiest football sons of ladies of the night, though I wouldn't want to be a mod on the forum in that case.

Anyhoo..Suarez or RvP, Reina or De Gea, Shelvey/Gerrard or Cleverley/Carrick/Kagawa, Sturridge or Rooney/Chicarito (I'd be shocked if Rooney doesn't has become almost a given every time SAF states an important player "probably won't be ready in time"), will Nani be back for real? Will Cole or Valencia play decent? Will 'Pool have any decent wing play this time? Can Vidic/Ferdinand/Smalling/Evans/Evra control the Urugayan freight train? Will Webb make a questionable call because he won't take shit from someone (I swear Webb is about the only ref I'd be scared to get in a fight with)

I'm freaking excited for Sunday, but worried at the same time. I'm sure there will be some kind of fallout, SAF and Suarez will do something controversial, players on either side we don't expect will leave a mark on this game either positively or negatively..hearts will be broken. I'm gonna need a lotta beer for this one. :BOP:
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I think every neutral will agree with me that Suarez is on of the biggest cheats (if not the biggest) around in football. Why do you guys are so sensitive?
The first reaction about Suarez hands was by dags...but that is accpeted because he is one of the tribe.
Non Liverpool fans aren't so their comments are not accepted. Sensitive, more objective people like tik tell us that we exagerate. I've stopped writing about Suarez for a while, because (seriously) he is not that important to me and on top of that he is a fantastic player, but why are some of you denying the obvious ? Stop denying the obvious and this thread will not be dominated by useless discussions about Suarez. Some of you just don't realize that they provoke it.

Oh and by the way, i completely agree with Benni's last post. Liverpool's fans are very passionate and that is wonderful most of the time. But why are you guys so oversensitive ? It's not only the English but also the Slovakian, the Albanian and (a litle bit) the Dutch ? I don't understand it. Most neutrals who come here have nothing at all against Liverpool... I want Liverpool to compete for the title...why can't i give my honest opinion ?
Re: Liverpool Thread

It's not the criticism that annoys me Gerd, it's that its the same comments over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Just look at the Suarez handball, I think the majority now agree that it wasn't anything ridiculous and just part of the game and maybe not even intentional....yet the first reaction was "What a cheating C#$t!" followed by the same opinions and moans since he has played here. It's old, it's boring and for me, when I visit a Liverpool thread I would prefer some interesting discussion about the upcoming match, transfer news / rumours, ect.

But most of the time I dont bother, as it's usually Benni being critical and Pipa going on the defensive or Suarez doing something that happens in most matches by most players yet it causes another bucketload of crap in this thread.

Even the topic of the upcoming match is now being snowed under by the "Why so sensitive" stuff. It's not sensitivity, it's annoyance that the exact same comments are getting repeated on a nearly weekly basis.
Re: Liverpool Thread

It's not the criticism that annoys me Gerd, it's that its the same comments over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Just look at the Suarez handball, I think the majority now agree that it wasn't anything ridiculous and just part of the game and maybe not even intentional....yet the first reaction was "What a cheating C#$t!" followed by the same opinions and moans since he has played here. It's old, it's boring and for me, when I visit a Liverpool thread I would prefer some interesting discussion about the upcoming match, transfer news / rumours, ect.

But most of the time I dont bother, as it's usually Benni being critical and Pipa going on the defensive or Suarez doing something that happens in most matches by most players yet it causes another bucketload of crap in this thread.

Even the topic of the upcoming match is now being snowed under by the "Why so sensitive" stuff. It's not sensitivity, it's annoyance that the exact same comments are getting repeated on a nearly weekly basis.

Exactly. Again.

I try to mostly keep to posting news and Twitter rumours in here as mostly everything just turns to shit, as you say, its the same things being repeated regardless of what anyone says anyway.

I just completely ignore Plan M/Benni, its pretty obvious what his game is and I'm still not sure why Pipa gives him the time of day. Benni's English is fine but when he gets accused of being someone else, suddenly its all broken English. Riiight.

This thread was great a few years ago when the likes of Abhishek posted. Now its just a Suarez bitchfest for the most part. A shame as I don't post here as much as I'd like as I know its a waste of time.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think this weekend's match will be fantastic. United are in imperious form, and we look to be clicking in attack, and both defences are not great. So expect a high-scoring game. United will be favorites to win. Just hope they don't win with yet another last-minute goal. I'll snatch the hand for a draw, but a win will be ecstasy !

I hope we start with the team that started against Sunderland, one exception that Sturridge starts instead of Sterling, with Sterling to come on in the 2nd half when legs start tiring.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Exactly. Again.

I try to mostly keep to posting news and Twitter rumours in here as mostly everything just turns to shit, as you say, its the same things being repeated regardless of what anyone says anyway.

I just completely ignore Plan M/Benni, its pretty obvious what his game is and I'm still not sure why Pipa gives him the time of day. Benni's English is fine but when he gets accused of being someone else, suddenly its all broken English. Riiight.

This thread was great a few years ago when the likes of Abhishek posted. Now its just a Suarez bitchfest for the most part. A shame as I don't post here as much as I'd like as I know its a waste of time.

Hey Shaddupaya Face, Benni and me went to the school together in Milan. He support Inter and me Ac. We have many interesting conversations on the football. He say the truth, he love man not hate man.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Reactions to Beni just show that discrimination still exists. People who are "different" are not accepted despite all the bullshit about having respect for each others. Basically we still are cavemen (and i'm not above it).
Could somebody care to point out what he's doing wrong ? I see irritated reactions from people that i respect enormously (Edmundo, tik, Bobby) and i don't understand them.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Hey Shaddupaya Face, Benni and me went to the school together in Milan. He support Inter and me Ac. We have many interesting conversations on the football. He say the truth, he love man not hate man.

Re: Liverpool Thread

Reactions to Beni just show that discrimination still exists. People who are "different" are not accepted despite all the bullshit about having respect for each others. Basically we still are cavemen (and i'm not above it).
Could somebody care to point out what he's doing wrong ? I see irritated reactions from people that i respect enormously (Edmundo, tik, Bobby) and i don't understand them.

For me when he used to be here he was a big WUM and always used to come into the Liverpool thread and be a knob. He isn't half as bad as he used to be to be honest.

I can understand why Liverpool supporters get annoyed with him as he always twists the knife when things are going wrong with Liverpool (he does with other teams, but on the whole mainly with Liverpool). He says he doesn't have a problem with Liverpool but he obviously likes winding up the supporters.

I don't really mind him too much as Benni to be honest, he isn't as much as a knob as he used to be.

The thing that gets me now is him pretending to be Italian, it makes me laugh to be honest, he should just admit who he is and just tone it down a bit (Which he has been doing overall).

Anyway it isn't a big deal for me, but if he posted in the Arsenal thread with comments like he does here it would get on my nerves a little (Cue him going to the Arsenal thread and commenting :LOL: )

If you think he is just being a neutral posting his impressions in the Liverpool thread then imo it is wrong, he has a deeper agenda than that, mainly to revel in Liverpool's misfortune.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Why all the hate friends!? Let get along we all have opinion and football is beautiful like sun rising in morning

Re: Liverpool Thread

guys stop telling bullshits , no matter what he does as long as he score and play like this we gonna love him ;) and I dont give a SHIT what utd fans think about him or about any of our player , if they dont like and feel "bad" when suarez does stuff like that I hope than he do them often ;) END OF THE STORY

Re: Liverpool Thread

guys stop telling bullshits , no matter what he does as long as he score and play like this we gonna love him ;) and I dont give a SHIT what utd fans think about him or about any of our player , if they dont like and feel "bad" when suarez does stuff like that I hope than he do them often ;) END OF THE STORY


That's what makes LFC fans special. Doesn't matter what their players do, they support them 100%.
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