Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

That's what makes LFC fans special. Doesn't matter what their players do, they support them 100%.

well you know that what Cantona did its WORST thing one player can do so far, kick a fan in tribune , what you guys say for him ? you say fuck him ? no you still see him as KING ;)

btw Liverpool FC Albania fans making this as profile pic , damn its so good to see all fans with same pic :)

Re: Liverpool Thread

Daniel B. ‏@dan_bu
Nuri Sahin's return to Borussia Dortmund 99% done, according to "Sportbild". #BVB #LFC
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thanks DagsJT good post..

Sahin never lived up to his potential really at Liverpool - not enough starts??

Maybe he will flourish again under Klopp who is best manager around at the moment IMHO.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Reactions to Beni just show that discrimination still exists. People who are "different" are not accepted despite all the bullshit about having respect for each others. Basically we still are cavemen (and i'm not above it).
Could somebody care to point out what he's doing wrong ? I see irritated reactions from people that i respect enormously (Edmundo, tik, Bobby) and i don't understand them.

I dont mind Benni....its the posts between him and pipa that are annoying. Maybe they should get their own thread like liverbird and pipa... Or whoever it was.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thanks DagsJT good post..

Sahin never lived up to his potential really at Liverpool - not enough starts??

Maybe he will flourish again under Klopp who is best manager around at the moment IMHO.

That was probably the catch22 of this deal. To get him back to his level and used to the epl meant playing for the whole which time his loan would have ended. With Lucas and Gerrard settling in as the main midfielders and Henderson, Shelvey and Allen all available for those positions its best to get him off the wagebill. I wonder if they can get 50% back from 4mil payment...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thanks Tik

that was my next question as well - would LFC be responsible for 5 mill payment still or was that already paid?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Will Sahin turn out to be the sort of player that had one good period and will never be as good again...hope not...i loved him (and i love Dortmund, i hope they win the CL this year).

About Cantona versus the Chrystal Palace fan: he was one of my heroes and i was very annoyed with what he did there. Afterwards, hearing everything what happened, he was even more one of my heroes. His reaction was over the top and violence is never good, but i don't agree with the fact that fans can shout anything. Cantona = still GOD.
Re: Liverpool Thread

So will you likely look for a replacement for Sahin's spot or is their sufficient cover for CM anyway?

Sneijder would be brilliant bit of a business for you lot IMO.
Re: Liverpool Thread

So will you likely look for a replacement for Sahin's spot or is their sufficient cover for CM anyway?

Sneijder would be brilliant bit of a business for you lot IMO.

I've been saying this in various threads, so sorry if i repeat myself, but i don't think Sneijder would be a good buy for any English club. He's well past it (and "it" was one season). Besides that he has a massive ego and is a pain in the ass for his team mates.

There is the story of Sneijder in the Dutch national team harassing one of his team mates who still played for a Dutch club. Sneijder constantly pointed out that he earned as much in a month as his team mate in a year. At long last his team mate got so fed up with it that he was relieved he wasn't selected for the WC in South don't need such a player in your dressing room.

PS: i have nothing against Wesley Sneijder, who was one year brilliant for Inter under Mourinho. I really enjoyed his vision and inch perfect passing that season, but besides that one season he has been an inconsistent player who sometimes is absolutely brilliant but who often adds nothing to the team...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Maybe with his time out not playing and many teams wary of bringing him in, it might give him a kick up the arse and make him more humble.

Talk of 12mill or maybe less for him and of course he will have to take a big wage cut, if he can get back to his best form or anywhere near it, it might be a gamble worth taking.

If his attitude changes, I wouldn't mind Arsenal taking a punt on him.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Talk of 12mill or maybe less for him and of course he will have to take a big wage cut, if he can get back to his best form or anywhere near it, it might be a gamble worth taking.

the thing is he will never accept any wage cut at all. if no club is willing to offer him the same wage he gets right now, he will wait till his contract expires (once his pricetage will be 0, it won't be hard for him to find someone willing to pay him as much as he wants).

wesley's main issue is not even the attitude. it's the kind of player he is; the quintessential luxury player. he's absolutely brilliant at what he does (when he's bothered), but, even when he's on top form, he still remains a very limited player; a player who doesn't partecipate at all in any sort of defensive efforts and whose contribution to the offensive phase of the game just isn't good enough to justify his lack of defensive commitment.
lining up wesley snejder is pretty much like displaying 1 midfielder less, because whenever his team is not in possession, he will behave as the laziest and most selfish of the "pure strikers".
but whereas u can accept such an attitude from a centre forward (infact sometimes such an attitude is even to be encouraged in your strikers), u can't have this from a midfielder. especially from a midfielder who scores less than an average trequartista and who provides less assists than an average supporting striker.
that's why i said his contribution to the offensive phase of the game doesn't justify his lack of commitment. if u score more than 12 goals per season and provide more than, say, 15 assists, then u can afford to be a lazy f*ck.... otherwise u're nothing but a brilliant useless player.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

the thing is he will never accept any wage cut at all. if no club is willing to offer him the same wage he gets right now, he will wait till his contract expires (once his pricetage will be 0, it won't be hard for him to find someone willing to pay him as much as he wants).

wesley's main issue is not even the attitude. it's the kind of player he is; the quintessential luxury player. he's absolutely brilliant at what he does (when he's bothered), but, even when he's on top form, he still remains a very limited player; a player who doesn't partecipate at all in any sort of defensive efforts and whose contribution to the offensive phase of the game just isn't good enough to justify his lack of defensive commitment.
lining up wesley snejder is pretty much like displaying 1 midfielder less, because whenever the his team is not in possession, he will behave as the laziest and most selfish of the "pure strikers".
but whereas u can accept such an attitude from a centre forward (infact sometimes such an attitude is even to be encouraged in your strikers), u can't have this from a midfielder. especially from a midfielder who scores less than an average trequartista and who provides less assists than an average supporting striker.
that's why i said his contribution to the offensive phase of the game doesn't justify his lack of commitment. if u score more than 12 goals per season and provide more than, say, 15 assists, then u can afford to be a lazy f*ck.... otherwise u're nothing but a brilliant useless player.

I read a couple of things that suggested he would definitely have to take a wage cut in order to move as most clubs just won't pay it. The clubs that can could just buy him now for 12m (Pocket change for them) and have him now.

When does his contract expire? I thought it wasn't until next summer? if it is this summer it makes more sense what you say. I thought the price would go down somewhat with Milan just not playing him and want to get rid of his wages. So with a possibility of it being a bit less than 12m and with him willing to take a cut (That is if he is willing, I believe you when you say he is not), then it could have been a good deal to take a risk on him.

But as you said it could just be a waste of money on a player that could potentially trouble the dressing room as well and not be a team player.

It's crazy how players limit themselves because of money, he is wasting his best years of football.
Re: Liverpool Thread

bobby said:
When does his contract expire? I thought it wasn't until next summer?
actually his contract will only expire in 2015!... wich makes this situation even more weird, as usually theese sort of comunication breakdowns between players and their clubs only happen when the player has 1 year left on his contract.

the thing is the player and his agent seem to be adamant on this point. according to the italian media wesley is not gonna compromise on his wage.... infact this entire drama started precisely because inter (given wesley's drop in performances) wanted to renegotiate his contract (wich was nowhere near its expiring date).
so, if he was gonna accept a paycut, he could have stayed at inter, avoiding this situation altogether.

bobby said:
It's crazy how players limit themselves because of money, he is wasting his best years of football.
yep, it's really annoying when u think about it. as soon as they put a decent streak of good performances, they don't waste any time sending their agents to negotiate a raise with their clubs. but when the club assumes the exact same initiative (demanding a renegotiation because of a drop in performances), they cry as if they were underpayed proletarians and hide themselves behind "the sacred bond" that is the contract :TD:
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Re: Liverpool Thread

actually his contract will only expire in 2015!... wich makes this situation even more weird, as usually theese sort of comunication breakdowns between players and their clubs only happen when the player has 1 year left on his contract.

the thing is the player and his agent seem to be adamant on this point. according to the italian media wesley is not gonna compromise on his wage.... infact this entire drama started precisely because inter (given wesley's drop in performances) wanted to renegotiate his contract (wich was nowhere near its expiring date).
so, if he was gonna accept a paycut, he could have stayed at inter, avoiding this situation altogether.

yep, it's really annoying when u think about it. as soon as they put a decent streak of good performance, they don't waste any time sending their agents to negotiate a raise with their clubs. but when the club assumes the exact same initiative (demanding a renegotiation because of a drop in performances) they cry like they were underpayed proletarians and hide themselves behind the sacred bond that is the contract :TD:

That's true, if he took a pay cut he would just stay at Inter. Unless there is too much bad blood there now for him to stay?

Someone has to give way soon then, Milan can't afford to pay him until 2015 and not play him and he can't waste his career not playing in his final years.

It is a crazy situation.
Re: Liverpool Thread

as gerd said, Sneijder wouldnt fit into any English club. He wants close to 200k a week wages and his best days are far behind him.

Where would he fit in at Liverpool anyway? He likes to play in the hole, so behind Suarez? With Lucas and Gerrard behind him?

Could work. But I cant see him joining Liverpool, or any other english club.

Only one that would maybe go in for him is Chelsea and Man City - they like to throw silly money around.
Re: Liverpool Thread

in regards to Sahin, apparently he never wanted to go to Liverpool in the first place.

Arsenal was his preferred destination but Mourinho already had a relationship with Rodgers and didn't want to give him to Wenger.

Might have something to do with Sahin looking unhappy at Liverpool? Also, Liverpool were prepared to pay £5 million just to have a player on loan, Arsenal were not.

Liverpool probably regret it all now - another wasted big amount of money,.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers is again talking up Borini when he has shown next to nothing.

Not sure why someone with the obvious quality of Sahin was not given more chances, the guy scored more goals than Borini !!
And now looks certain to go back to Dortmund where he was majestic.

Hopefully Sturridge will be a good signing for us.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Turkish newspaper Fanatik Gazetesi are reporting that Liverpool have submitted a bid in the region of €15m for Fenerbahçe stiker Moussa Sow.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You really shouldnt keep posting twitter nonsense DagsJT - half of it is pure speculation.

You may as well post links from The Sun and Mirror.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yes sorry DagsJT no offence intended.

I just think the Twitter stuff is rumours nothing else.
Re: Liverpool Thread

this guy its my friend and we were together to see match !

pic from that day!

Those values appear to stretch all the way from Quezon City to Macedonia. Plator Sllamniku is a Kosovo Red. He saw his first Liverpool game in Macedonia's capital.

"July 29, 2010. Skopje, Macedonia" he explained.

"I remember it was a sunny Thursday afternoon. I was in a car, singing 'Fields of Anfield Road', en route to the Philip II Arena, Macedonia's national stadium. More than 120 passionate Reds were making the trip from Kosovo to watch the match.

"For some, like myself, it would be our first time to watch the game live.

"We gathered at the city centre early that afternoon. We sang through Skopje's streets for hours, creating a massive roar. People stopped and stared at us. We wanted everyone to know that we are the Kosovo Reds.

"An hour before kick-off as we were finding our seats, the players started pouring onto the field. Lucas Leiva. Daniel Agger. Martin Skrtel. It was all surreal.

"It wasn't too long ago that I was sat in class, daydreaming of seeing the mighty Reds and now, they are here. I couldn't believe that I was finally seeing the players who represent the club that I have supported and devoted my life to.

"Before the match started, we chanted the players' names as loudly as we could, even Jonjo Shelvey, who was 18 at that time."

For Plator, there was one particular moment that sticks out.

"The players, taking notice of our relentless chanting, applauded us, showing how much they appreciated our support.

"For fans like us, who have supported Liverpool FC for a long time despite being unable to visit Anfield, a simple gesture like that from our players goes a long way.

"It felt like an acknowledgement that there were fans from this country who were as passionate about the club as people from Liverpool. The memory of being in the same stadium with the players, cheering my heart out, from start to finish, cannot be replaced.

"It wasn't a European heavyweight clash. It wasn't one of our greatest victories. But we won, and the match will hold a special place in my heart forever.

"On a regular matchday, around 30 to 40 Liverpool supporters would turn up to watch the game.

"On a derby day or a clash against United up to 100 Kosovo Reds come out to sing and drink together. For a medium-sized town with 300,000 people, the massive following Liverpool has here is quite astonishing.

"Back in 2008-09, during most of the matches, around 50 fans gathered at the city's square and marched through Prishtina's streets, singing. People knew that every time they hear a football chant through the streets, they must be from Liverpool fans.

"A few months ago, I remember overhearing two people at the bar, discussing Liverpool's popularity.

"One of them was wondering why, despite the lack of trophies and titles over the recent years, Liverpool still have a massive following worldwide. Despite not winning the league in 23 years, how do the club still manage to maintain a loyal fanbase?

"That's not what we're all about, though. Of course, we'd love to lift titles but win, lose or draw, it's Liverpool Football Club we choose. It is Liverpool Football Club that brings us together, not the accolades."
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