Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool squad for the match against Man UTD:

Reina, Wisdom, Johnson, Agger, Skrtel, Lucas, Gerrard, Allen, Downing, Sterling, Suarez.

Subs: Jones, Henderson, Sturridge, Carragher, Borini, Shelvey, Robinson.

Is Borini medically clear to play today or he's there just to make the numbers??
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rodgers loves Allen. He could sleep with the manager's wife and he would still start.

I fancy Liverpool to get something today.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Not expecting anything from today ... well, maybe a sending off. I'd be happy if we at least put in a good performance and give it a go.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I am really not convinced with this formation long term.

Why have so many teams and managers created and adopted all these unproven formations in recent years?

Give me 4-4-2 any day. Sturridge and Suarez to play up top together occupying a central defender each.

Manchester United have continued to be successful for over twenty years with 4-4-2 and yet again they are top of the league with it.

I don't get the obsession of so many managers, pundits and media 'experts' attempting to re-invent football tactics and creating new positions. Defensive midfielder, holding midfielder, wing back, second striker etc. Absolute nonsense.

A great midfielder can and should be able to do it all. A forwards job is to score and defense to prevent goals.

Complicating football is unnecessary in my opinion.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I am really not convinced with this formation long term.

Why have so many teams and managers created and adopted all these unproven formations in recent years?

Give me 4-4-2 any day. Sturridge and Suarez to play up top together occupying a central defender each.

Manchester United have continued to be successful for over twenty years with 4-4-2 and yet again they are top of the league with it.

I don't get the obsession of so many managers, pundits and media 'experts' attempting to re-invent football tactics and creating new positions. Defensive midfielder, holding midfielder, wing back, second striker etc. Absolute nonsense.

A great midfielder can and should be able to do it all. A forwards job is to score and defense to prevent goals.

Complicating football is unnecessary in my opinion.

Football has evolved. I agree about the English league, its more about attacking and going for the opposition.

But Europe you need to be more tactically aware. And the 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1 systems are popular now because they are not as rigid as the 4-4-2 and you can keep the ball better by having an extra man in midfield.

What annoys me is some of the media that go on about Brenda's philosophy as if he invented the 4-3-3 system. We all know he didnt obviously and Liverpool invented the pass and move game in England in the 70s, when Rodgers was just a kid.

He talks a lot that man too - but I still think he's a good fit for Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread


Re: Liverpool Thread

Obvious that the goal was coming, we look terrified out there.

This is embarrassing. No desire, no commitment, no bottle, no composure. We're shit scared of United coming at us, we're shit scared of taking a player on. We're passing the ball about because we're scared to take responsibility and it's costing us.

Awful, awful "performance" so far. We've still not had a shot after 35 mins, not even close to scoring.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Missing person alert Steven Gerrard last seen at 1 29 PM in the centre circle in the Trafford Park area of Manchester

Nope, he's been on the pitch. He's just been giving poor back-passes and screwing up the very rare occasion when we get the ball and he can create a chance for Suarez.
Re: Liverpool Thread

damn, i hope Pepe will be ok...

His form has been poor for a long time now. I wouldn't be concerned about Jones coming in, who arguably been in better form for a while when he's played.

I'd be more concerned about using a sub for Reina when there's so many other players out there who can be taken off for being so poor.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Unbelievably poor. Have United had an easier match all season? Downing and Allen have been terrible. Allen wasteful and ducking away, Downing ... well, he might as well not be on the pitch anyway.

Henderson and Sturridge need to come on, and Rodgers needs to kick some backside in there because this is unacceptable for any match, let alone against Man Utd.
Re: Liverpool Thread

we lose the ball to much and we are no threat in attack... as i said, United need to just keep Suarez out of the game and they easy win this..

we need to replace 3 or 4 players for top players... Sterling is not yet ready and Downing, Allen with Wisdom shouldn´t start such important games...

Henderson should come on, Allen down.. Sturridge for Sterling or Downing...

still hope for a draw..
Re: Liverpool Thread

we lose the ball to much and we are no threat in attack... as i said, United need to just keep Suarez out of the game and they easy win this..

we need to replace 3 or 4 players for top players... Sterling is not yet ready and Downing, Allen with Wisdom shouldn´t start such important games...

Henderson should come on, Allen down.. Sturridge for Sterling or Downing...

still hope for a draw..

Sterling would be fine if he took players on, that's his major strength and he's not doing it. It's almost like he gets the ball and remembers he's been told NOT to run at players but instead to hold up the ball so we can add another pass to our stats.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Why are we talking replacing 3-4 players by selling them at this moment? It's just one game, chill.

True that Allen is the one that's playing poorly and should be replaced with Henderson. It wasn't really Liverpool playing that poorly, but Mancs are unbelievably sharp on passing and possesion, they defended very well. Downing is about the same as Raheem's play in my book, let's kick off the second half ! YNWA !
Re: Liverpool Thread

Even if he did get past the first player there are another two to cover as its only suarez up there to keep the other defenders occupied.
Re: Liverpool Thread

couse they do nothing? zero balls, no attack thread, nothing..

It's just one game Pipa chill my friend :) As I said, MU's playing very well and we'll have to up OUR game in the second half for any chance of a point taken.
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