Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

all players will try get away with as much as possible on the pitch,so saying suarez is the worst at it is a waste of time. i could list aload of players that have cheated and got away with it. its the referee and linemans job to stop it happening

that incident will mask the fact that liverpool were terrible again and dont have the strength in depth to match other teams in the prem and really need to build a strong squad instead of relying on suarez to get them out of jail game after game
Re: Liverpool Thread

all players will try get away with as much as possible on the pitch,so saying suarez is the worst at it is a waste of time. i could list aload of players that have cheated and got away with it. its the referee and linemans job to stop it happening

that incident will mask the fact that liverpool were terrible again and dont have the strength in depth to match other teams in the prem and really need to build a strong squad instead of relying on suarez to get them out of jail game after game

I thought Sturridge looked a good threat. Okay, it's Mansfield but he still made great runs off the defenders and got into the positions to begin with. Pretty excited to see him get to full fitness and provide options up front, which is something we've been lacking for a while.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well, lets state one FACT! That Mansfield owner already won the biggest trophy in his bird! what a sexy LADY :BOP:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rob Harris ‏@RobHarris
Brendan Rodgers on Suarez goal: "There is no doubt it was handball ... I assume the officials thought it wasn't deliberate"

Rob Harris ‏@RobHarris
Brendan Rodgers on Suarez goal: "It's not Luis' job to do that (own up to handling) ... it's up to the officials - that's why they get paid"

That's a somewhat disingenuous statement. In this particular case I agree, but Rodgers is basically saying that Suarez should go ahead and try to cheat, and if the refs don't spot it, it's on them.

Extend that logic to a dive and follow it through. Well yes it's a dive, but it's up to the ref to recognise that.
Re: Liverpool Thread

That's a somewhat disingenuous statement. In this particular case I agree, but Rodgers is basically saying that Suarez should go ahead and try to cheat, and if the refs don't spot it, it's on them.

Extend that logic to a dive and follow it through. Well yes it's a dive, but it's up to the ref to recognise that.

"If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later.

- Bob Paisley

Sturridge should be put down for that horrible celebration.

Yep, pretty awful.
Re: Liverpool Thread

That's a somewhat disingenuous statement. In this particular case I agree, but Rodgers is basically saying that Suarez should go ahead and try to cheat, and if the refs don't spot it, it's on them.

Extend that logic to a dive and follow it through. Well yes it's a dive, but it's up to the ref to recognise that.

that is exactly what garry Neville has been saying on sky sports due to it being an elite sport.

YouTube - Gary Neville on diving
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Re: Liverpool Thread

That's a somewhat disingenuous statement. In this particular case I agree, but Rodgers is basically saying that Suarez should go ahead and try to cheat, and if the refs don't spot it, it's on them.

Extend that logic to a dive and follow it through. Well yes it's a dive, but it's up to the ref to recognise that.

Essentially its the governing bodies' responsibility, referee's and players are equally responsible on the pitch but that can only get you so far in such high level matches / sport. As long as ref's aren't protected from themselves, and by that I mean getting a video ref to help instead of often having to guess, and players arent retrospectively banned for cheating its not going to get any better.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rawk is fantastic reading at the moment in their post match meltdown!

One guy just posted that Suarez should sue the commentator! Lol
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rawk is fantastic reading at the moment in their post match meltdown!

One guy just posted that Suarez should sue the commentator! Lol

If you want to retain even the slightest regard for humanity, I seriously discourage you from ever, ever reading RAWK and imagining that the posters in there have any semblance of reality.
Re: Liverpool Thread

If you want to retain even the slightest regard for humanity, I seriously discourage you from ever, ever reading RAWK and imagining that the posters in there have any semblance of reality.

was that the website that said charlie adam was the new pirlo.......:COAT:
Re: Liverpool Thread

word..loved her lil celebration :BOP:

Re: Liverpool Thread

I personally am not a big fan of Suarez, and I'm not sure whether Suarez intentionally handled it or not. If it was intentional, then shame on him.
But if it was not intentional, then people should stop the witch-hunt.
The officials deemed it unintentional, so that's all that matters for the result of the match.

But I find it amazing the amount of fans who come to this thread venting their hatred of Suarez whenever there is controversy.
Just hope Ferguson does'nt start bringing these things up prior to Liverpool-United match. Let's see how classy he is. At least the mansfield coach was classy enough

"I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt and say it was a reaction. He's a goalscorer and I think goalscorers put the ball in the net anyway," he added.

When asked whether he felt cheated, Cox said: "No I don't. For me to come out and say something like that I think would be quite cheap.

"If it had gone in the other end and one of our players had done it I think we'd have accepted it."

And here is Graham Poll's view, he says even if Suarez had intentionally handled it and confessed, the ref may not change his decision.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

The analogy with Roy Keane is interesting. I stopped supporting Manchester United because of Roy Keane and Ferguson. My favourite team won everything, but to me it simply doesn't felt right because to me it felt unfair...i love football more than a club or a player...

I don't mind cheating up to a certain point. I know it's cultural but i always have to laugh with the "cheating diving cunt"-argument. But people like Ferguson, Keane and Suarez don't see that they are supposed to be role models for kids. Imagine kids on playgrounds biting other kids or doing what Keane did to Haaland ? What if your son came home being bitten by another 9 year old emulating Suarez ? What if your son's team lost a mtach because of a deliberate handball ? What if a United player would have done this in a match against Liverpool (or vice versa). Am i sounding like a drama queen ? Maybe, but i just want to know how far anybody can go to support a bloody stupid football club, no matter which club it is... I'm sick and tired of the rivalry between clubs and fans. When i supported United, i never hated Liverpool, i loved them...Now i support Spurs, but i love it that difficult ?

People like Keane, Ferguson and Suarez are a disgrace to football just like Lance Armstrong is a disgrace to cycling. The drama is that all the Liverpool fans will agree with me about Ferguson and Keane and all the United fans will agree about Suarez. If United buys Suarez (boy i would like that) then all Liverpool fans would "suddenly" see that he is a big cunt and all United fans would suddenly see that he is indeed a hell of a player and thath is cheating and his irritating behaviour isn't really that bad...after all he is a genius...(and yes he is).

This is not about Suarez, Ferguson or Keane... this is about extreme unfair and irritating behaviour. Those people should get punished: Ferguson for the way he puts refereees under constant pressure, Suarez for all his antics.

Oh and before anybody mentions it: Bale should get punished for his diving, but Bale isn't on the same level as the people i mentioned here in this post.

Pipa, your post about the hands being not Suarez problem but the linesman or the referees, is extremely short sighted. Surely you are more intelligent than this...
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Out of interest, other than Keane on Haaland (which not only didn't end his career as ABUs would you have you think, it didn't even prevent Haaland playing again the next week) what else did Keano do that so offended you Gerd?

I always thought he was a player fans of other teams had kind of a begrudging respect for. He never dove, played every match as if his live depended on it and I always thought he got more out of both his ability and his teammates. Weird one to bring into the fold.

Ferguson I understand and agree that he should be a role model for both young managers and football in general. He should be an ambassador, not a cantankerous old git.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Keane on Haaland is quite enough for me, no matter that he could play the next match. That argument alone says it all just don't do that deliberately...
Re: Liverpool Thread

I lost a lot of respect for Keane over the Saipan incident. He was there representing his country and in effect walked out on the world stage. In 2002 it was eight years since they had been in a World Cup and it would be another 10 years before they made another tournament of note. He may have had a point about the facilities, schedule and planning being below par, but engineering a conflict and insulting the manager in front of the players was catagorically not the way to resolve it. If he had made a public complaint about the facilities and organisation, and then even if he had said he would retire at the end of the tournament due to the bad organisation it would have been one thing, but to leave the the team after the tournament began was the worst possible thing to do - they couldnt even call a replacement for him. He engineered a situation whereby the FAI (national association) had to choose between him and the coach (McCarthy), and in that situation by defualt the coach will always be chosen (irrespective of the player, manager or team invloved).
Re: Liverpool Thread

was that the website that said charlie adam was the new pirlo.......:COAT:

Yes thats the one! RAWK is hilarious, even Liverpool supporters I know laugh at it.

its full of deluded idiots who massage each others egos by spouting absolute nonsense.

Have any of you guys seen the RAWK_Meltdown twitter feed? It takes quotes from the forum, its hilarious!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yes thats the one! RAWK is hilarious, even Liverpool supporters I know laugh at it.

its full of deluded idiots who massage each others egos by spouting absolute nonsense.

Have any of you guys seen the RAWK_Meltdown twitter feed? It takes quotes from the forum, its hilarious!

seem to me you read it more than many Liverpool fans around here..

i´m registerd there but i don´t think there are idiots everywhere there are stupid people and not stupid people...but again like i said before, you can´t generalise...not in a forum and not in life..
Re: Liverpool Thread

PIPA why do you care about what I read and dont read? Yes I do read a lot of RAWK - its got a reputation across the football world for being deluded and full of conspiracy theories!

Its a fantastic read with my morning coffee, its full of lols!

Have a look at this:
Re: Liverpool Thread

so what LFC forum do your Liverpool supporting friends read except of this one, that is not as funny for them?
Re: Liverpool Thread

so what LFC forum do your Liverpool supporting friends read except of this one, that is not as funny for them?

I dont understand your question sorry PIPA. They read RAWK for a laugh but their opinion of that place is "The lunatics have taken over the asylum".

RAWK is the only football forum I know that always wishes death/injury to rival team's players. Horrible place.

They dont even know abvout Evo Web, whats that got to do with RAWK?

Anyway, lovely man that Suarez

Re: Liverpool Thread

So do you want to share more hillarious or horrible forums? Perhaps any funny United forums, or City...? or Chelsea you read..? Or there are no deluded people on those forums posting or wishing dead or whatever to rivals..? You seem to know many forums as you write, but you write only about one so far so i´m a bit curious...

and there were maybe some kids writing and you take that serious..? I start to wonder how old you are seriously...

About the Suarez picture, you can´t be serious, are you?!
Re: Liverpool Thread

I said a few weeks ago that people on this thread should just ingnore DjDoc in his current re-incarnation. All that has happened since is his disrupitve behaviour, petty bicckering and pointless posting has illustrated that even further. Incidently the mirage of him being an Inter fan from Italy now seems to have totally evapourated.
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