Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Sorry to be mean here but found this quote on the united forums..was apparently said by one of ESPNs commentators:

"Anfield is a difficult place to win at. Even Liverpool can't win there."
Re: Liverpool Thread

Just a question guys : Why isn't Assaidi even present in the team list ?
+ Sterling is a bit over hyped at the moment I think.
Re: Liverpool Thread

becouse he is better than Reina this days...

unbeliveable easy goal for Aston Villa scored just now...

stupid goalkeeping.
Only in your dreams man. Reina is not in the best days of his career but still he is a lot better than Jones. I dont know why you say that Reina was responsible for todays goals.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Only in your dreams man. Reina is not in the best days of his career but still he is a lot better than Jones. I dont know why you say that Reina was responsible for todays goals.

where did i say he was responsible for today´s goals..??

I made a comment right after the first Benteke goal becouse i was angry, Reina should realy catch it or react better.

About Jones, he is probably best n.2 we had since i remember so it´s only reasonable we renewed with him + he had good run and won us some games with his saves..only thing he lacks is the long passes...but Reina isn´t the same he was two or three seasons ago.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think it's better for Rodgers to keep quiet, let's start winning games consistently, and start putting in chances before talking about top-2 or top-4. Let's actually get into the top-4 before talking about staying there.
Today was classic case of us just not being clinical enough or even having the high pressure. The midfield does not seem right. Gerrard has lost it, Suarez keeps trying his tricks and fails to find team-mates, Sterling is too raw, Allen I'm not sure what is his role, he offers almost zero attacking threat. Our defence also went to sleep for the 3 goals as we were easily opened up, it's almost as if they did not expect the goals.

Well it's a good wake up call, many people were expecting these were easy wins. I think we surprised people by winning at West Ham, but this result compensates for that. We can still recover, but oh man, we really need a good striker and some more ruthless players. Again, why does someone like Benteke end up at Aston Villa. How come we are not signing players like these ?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Could do worse than that big lad playing for the other team today. Benteke's been class all season, think he can step up another level or two as well as he matures.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think it's better for Rodgers to keep quiet, let's start winning games consistently, and start putting in chances before talking about top-2 or top-4. Let's actually get into the top-4 before talking about staying there.
Today was classic case of us just not being clinical enough or even having the high pressure. The midfield does not seem right. Gerrard has lost it, Suarez keeps trying his tricks and fails to find team-mates, Sterling is too raw, Allen I'm not sure what is his role, he offers almost zero attacking threat. Our defence also went to sleep for the 3 goals as we were easily opened up, it's almost as if they did not expect the goals.

Well it's a good wake up call, many people were expecting these were easy wins. I think we surprised people by winning at West Ham, but this result compensates for that. We can still recover, but oh man, we really need a good striker and some more ruthless players. Again, why does someone like Benteke end up at Aston Villa. How come we are not signing players like these ?

Got to agree. Nobody has loved Gerrard more than myself, but I think he's gone. All those years of carrying Liverpool must have taken its toll. Joe Allen...couldn't agree more, he's just pointless. Well okay not pointless, he's world class at passing the ball five yards backwards, forgot about that. Sterling, yes raw. Shelvey is also a much poorer player when he's not the main man in midfield. We need to give this guy his chance, and make him the playmaker and if that means leaving out Gerrard then so be it.

Downing, well when the going is good he's okay, but there's no fight in him. If Cole is to play a role he needs to play much more, I do think he's the type of midfielder (along with Shelvey) that can link up well with Suarez.

Where is Assaidi? Disgrace he's not playing. Where's Suso? These technical players are what we need.

Defensively, why don't Liverpool ever close down the opposition before the 18 yard box. We give players a free shot from around 20 yards game in game out. Well guess what, almost every time is proficient enough to bury these goals these days.

Rodgers is starting to baffle me. He harps on about being more technical and yet all his technical players are left out, not even on the bench. Henderson starts to find some form, then he's dropped for Lucas.

From now til the end of the season, if we lose the majority of games I wouldn't care so long as we give all the above mentioned this season to play together.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool - Benteke 1-3
Aston Villa payed 7 million euro for Benteke. There is maybe a lesson there.
The same team has a player that is a goal machine for 3 consecutive season and is in the team of the Euro League...Jelle Vossen. Not that i want Vossen gone from my favourite team, but why doesn't Liverpool go after that type of player. Young, cheap and hungry players who are desperate to prove themselves.

Two years ago nobody had heard about Courtois, De Bruyne, Benteke, Vossen.
There must be dozens of players like that, relatively unknown and cheap litls gems. Why did Michu ended up for Swansea, Liverpool have a tradition of Spanish players ? Your scouting staff is useless...

Joe Allen is a great player, but the problem is that he is too intelligent for his team mates. Liverpool is a team that lacks football intelligence. The symbol of this lack of intelligence is Gerrard.Here is a player that even in his best days was notorious for his lack of intelligence. Before you infuriate yourselves, i'm only quoting somebody else. When the person in question was asked to give an example of a talented player who seriously lacked intelligence, he named Steven Gerrard. You people migh have heard about him, its a Spanish manager who is currently in Japan with Chelsea.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool - Benteke 1-3
Aston Villa payed 7 million euro for Benteke. There is maybe a lesson there.
The same team has a player that is a goal machine for 3 consecutive season and is in the team of the Euro League...Jelle Vossen. Not that i want Vossen gone from my favourite team, but why doesn't Liverpool go after that type of player. Young, cheap and hungry players who are desperate to prove themselves.

Two years ago nobody had heard about Courtois, De Bruyne, Benteke, Vossen.
There must be dozens of players like that, relatively unknown and cheap litls gems. Why did Michu ended up for Swansea, Liverpool have a tradition of Spanish players ? Your scouting staff is useless...

Joe Allen is a great player, but the problem is that he is too intelligent for his team mates. Liverpool is a team that lacks football intelligence. The symbol of this lack of intelligence is Gerrard.Here is a player that even in his best days was notorious for his lack of intelligence. Before you infuriate yourselves, i'm only quoting somebody else. When the person in question was asked to give an example of a talented player who seriously lacked intelligence, he named Steven Gerrard. You people migh have heard about him, its a Spanish manager who is currently in Japan with Chelsea.

Joe Allen is distinctly average. He's weak and has zero creativity and is just a vehicle for passing the ball five yards at a time, normally in the wrong direction. He's not for me. But, obviously Rodgers puts him down first on the team sheet.
Re: Liverpool Thread

And of course you are more knowledgeable than Rodgers.

At the beginning of the season Allen was seen as the only good transfer, not anymore.
You know what Liverpool biggest handicap is ? The fans.
Re: Liverpool Thread

The symbol of this lack of intelligence is Gerrard.Here is a player that even in his best days was notorious for his lack of intelligence. Before you infuriate yourselves, i'm only quoting somebody else. When the person in question was asked to give an example of a talented player who seriously lacked intelligence, he named Steven Gerrard. You people migh have heard about him, its a Spanish manager who is currently in Japan with Chelsea.

Talent without intelligence is a wasted talent. I don't think that Gerrard has wasted his talent or anything and the fact that he's become a Liverpool icon tells all what we need to know about him and I'm proud to identify the club with a player named Steven Gerrard and others like Dalglish, Rush etc.
I might tend to agree that Gerrard isn't the most intelligent player in the world but for all he's done up to now, he'll always be in our hearts no matter what his current form is and that's the bottom line.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Only now everyone starting to see the cracks appearing that I have been telling you all about since august.

Liverpool won't finish anywhere near 4th come May.

Rodgers talks a good game but Liverpool now in a worse state than when Dalglish was manager.

Very worrying times.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm not sure i agree Benni.
Rodgers just needs time. It will take a couple of seasons before Liverpool are up there again.
Just give Rodgers time to build his own team. Another manager is the worst solution and would put Liverpool back to square one.
Re: Liverpool Thread

And of course you are more knowledgeable than Rodgers.

At the beginning of the season Allen was seen as the only good transfer, not anymore.
You know what Liverpool biggest handicap is ? The fans.

Err, nobody said I was more knowledgeable than Rodgers. But if you want to pursue the issue then all I can say is that you need to appreciate what works and what doesn't. At the moment Rodgers 'knowledge' isn't working. His team selection, isn't working.

Who said Allen was seen as the only good transfer? Certainly not me. I'm a Swansea City season ticket holder, I think myself, and other Swansea fans, have seen enough of him to come to a conclusion that he is no great miss.

And as for the 'fans' being the biggest handicap, I don't think there's a club in the world that shows more patience than Liverpool fans. But again....what do I know.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think Suarez would be much better in a support striker's role. Getting someone who can exploit the space that Suarez creates and can intelligently feed of that is crucial for Liverpool... as well as finish.

I agree with some of the other posters... I don't watch Liverpool every week but whenever I do I am at a loss to describe what Joe Allen adds to the team. I remember catching some article (probably from Suckernet) describing him as the 'key' to liverpools midfield, like how Xabi Alonso of ye olde days linked the midfield to the attack, but unless I have watched the wrong games, all I see are non-intelligent passing HOPING something happens rather than trying to create.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm not sure i agree Benni.
Rodgers just needs time. It will take a couple of seasons before Liverpool are up there again.
Just give Rodgers time to build his own team. Another manager is the worst solution and would put Liverpool back to square one.

You are right Rodgers does need time but the lack of a 2nd gameplan is very obvious.

I like Rodgers but he appears as one of those cliche managers but I gather this from the Being Liverpool documentary so maybe an unfair criticsm as we dont know what goings on behind closed door and at Melwood training ground.

Where do Liverpool go from here though?? Rodgers seriously doesnt have the playing staff to play the 'Tika Taka' football he seems obsessed with.

Team also know how to play against Rodgers teams now, as Swansea found out latter end of last season and Liverpool much of this season. Sit back against Liverpool and counter attack them as they leave so much space behind and Rodgers still hasnt addressed this.

He needs to ship out Downing, Cole, Henderson, Gerrard, Shelvey and focus on players who are comfortable with possession football and understand the system better.

Gerrard is a hollywood footballer, about pace and energy - bursting forward - he doesnt look right in this liverpool side.

Reina also very very shakey these days and makes too many mistakes and not just this season. The media dont seem to pick up on it either which is strange. Jones isnt a good enough replacement and Doni? Hsvent seen enough of him in Liverpool shirt.

Sacking Rodgers would be stupid too I agree. Liverpool need time to build something and with his philosophy but the game has changed and fans are impatient. Especially Liverpool ones who have been 'in transition' since the 90s if you think about it. They demand some kind of success sooner rather than later but are seriously lagging behind Man City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd, Spurs and you could even throw Swansea City in there these days.

Like I said before - worrying times. Because I cant see Liverpool finishing in a CL place yet again come May 2013 and that means the likes of Lucas, Suarez, Agger and Skrtel will be looking to win trophies and play in Europe's biggest compeition again.

You can be the most loyal player in world football but if you are talented and hungry, theres only so much you can take and finishing 8th-12th again will only test these players patience.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Only now everyone starting to see the cracks appearing that I have been telling you all about since august.

Liverpool won't finish anywhere near 4th come May.

Rodgers talks a good game but Liverpool now in a worse state than when Dalglish was manager.

Very worrying times.

your posts are annoying man , get some rest and stop posting shits over here , look at your damn team a bit more than LFC
Re: Liverpool Thread

your posts are annoying man , get some rest and stop posting shits over here , look at your damn team a bit more than LFC

I don't see nothing wrong with his posts to be honest. Everybody is entitled to his own meaning...
This thread is n't exclusively for Liverpool fans.
Re: Liverpool Thread

@Benni Everybody is free to express his opinion nowadays but your posts are very annoying. Everything about Liverpool seems to bother you.
Try to be at least as intelligent as gerd on your posts, don't just talk trash.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think Joe Allen is being overplayed by Rodgers. He needs a rest. Yes he's a decent midfielder, but I'm not quite sure what is his role. He is not a defensive holding midfielder, he's not a playmaker sitting behind the striker, he does not score goals, he does not create many goals either. So what exactly is his role apart from passing the ball around which he is good at times. Even Swansea barely miss him since he left.

Rodgers has modern ideas from Spain, but alas I'm afraid his level is mid-table anonymity with teams like Swansea where there is not much pressure.

Unless we get players that are more ruthless, we will consistently be passing the ball around and not scoring many goals, while being vulnerable to the counter-attack.

Last year our problem was scoring goals, nothing else. Not sure why Rodgers or FSG could not see this and the top priority should have been to spend money on a couple of goalscorers, rather than trying to emulate Barca which is far more difficult.
Re: Liverpool Thread

The problem is that this a team in transition.
It's a mix between what sort of players Rodgers wants and player who already were at Liverpool. You can't expect him to buy 11 or more players (look what happened to QPR).

Patience is the key.

Of course if Rodgers himself is talking about a second place, this doesn't help much to get patience from the fans.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Konami is great!



Re: Liverpool Thread

@Benni Everybody is free to express his opinion nowadays but your posts are very annoying. Everything about Liverpool seems to bother you.
Try to be at least as intelligent as gerd on your posts, don't just talk trash.

Point out to me in last post I made what was trash?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Guys Benni is an imposter who used to post on here as various other names, djdjdoc, planned m, and some other things. It's best if everyone just ignores him, he adds nothing of value in any of his posts, he is just trying to aggrivate a response. Ignore him and eventually he'll go away.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm sorry Edmundo, Benni will not go away, because i will not ignore him.
I don't see his posts as provocative at all. He is just asking questions, society don't like people that are asking (sometimes awkward) questions.
But if you ignore awkward questions, you do the same as dictators do. You are a person i respect enormously and i enjoy 99% of your fantastic posts, but this time you make a mistake IMO. To be fair, i make lots of mistakes myself.

I post this in the Liverpool thread, but could have posted it in any other thread, this has nothing to do with the Liverpool fans.

PS: And about Djdoc and Plan M: i've always respected them (him ?) and i was always treated in a nice and respectful way too. I have no complaints whatsoever about him (them). Never.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I loved Plan M! But I thought him and DJ Doc were mates, not the same person.

Once you read Plan M's posts as comedy they are great!
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