Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

I think Rodgers has realised an important point about his job. If you can't produce results, make sure you don't produce results while using youth players. Fans love that.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Squad size coming into play again with an eye on Sunday. Hope Coady plays well.
Re: Liverpool Thread

why didnt Henderson shoot? And some people seriously want him to play instead of Gerrard?!

really poor player just dont see what some can see in him because I am always left scratching my head when he plays.

liverpool football is safe safe safe...(which sums Joe Allen up in a second)

where is the penetration? (and I dont mean about this youth team tonight - although please remember that Carragher, Coates, Cole, Downing, Henderson arent exactly babies)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Great goal but a shame as we've played pretty well so far and looked comfortable. Even Cole looks dangerous.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool looked very comfortable in the 1st half, Anzhi is never a dangerous side in my humble opinion, I can't believe they're on top of the Russian league. I hope Assaidi and Suso will play in the 2nd half, as they could make a big difference.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Just saw this on another forum


(no offence intended friends I thought it was funny!!)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Hahaha Pipa, there's still a long way to go.

I can't believe how a team like Liverpool is left without a recognized striker. It was very painful to watch Liverpool tonight, as we looked worse than a Premiership team at times.

Coates, Shelvey, Henderson were awful especially Coates.
I won't have a go at Cole this time as he looked very good playing alongside players like Morgan and Shelvey, but players like Suarez and Gerrard make him look rather shy, so I think he has to go asap.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Suso called up to the Spanish U21's. I thought he looked impressive last night, some nice dribbling which I've not seen much of him before.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Henderson is one of the poorest excuses for a professional footballer I've ever seen.

PIPA will be in here any minute telling us all he needs time, he's still young etc etc refusing to see that he's not a very good footballer.

Re: Liverpool Thread

Well you should check the definition of the word "fantastic" cause Henderson has nothing to do with it, atm at least as I can't predict the future, he might turn out to be as good as Lucas or even better, who knows.
Re: Liverpool Thread

From what i've seen of him with Liverpool, he thinks too quick for his team mates.
He must be the only intelligent player in this team (no he isn't Joe Allen is there too).
Re: Liverpool Thread

Kind of agree, he doesnt seem to have the confidence or consistentcy yet, but at the same time he reads the game well with good simple passes. Sadly for him thats not enough atm. Unless he starts playing regularly he will need to move on.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I also think it would be best for both him and Liverpool if he went to another club.
He is one of these players who suffers because the transfer sum that was necessary to buy him. If another clubs buys a foreign player, you always see comparisions with the transfer sum Liverpool gave for Henderson (or Downing or Caroll). That must be hard for those young people...
Re: Liverpool Thread

i also agree Henderson has the attributes/technique.

confidence is a massive thing in football and if your team mates are not on the same wave length that can screw you over

i am suprised that henderson does not play more as he suits Rogers playing style but he opts for Shelvey. i suppose shelvey is more powerful like a raw young gerrard, just not as good.
Re: Liverpool Thread

From what i've seen of him with Liverpool, he thinks too quick for his team mates.
He must be the only intelligent player in this team (no he isn't Joe Allen is there too).
Lucas, Sahin, Shelvey and Suso are also players very smart. I dont think Henderson is an intelligent player, I always arrive to the same conclusion when I see him, he is never going to be more than an average player, it looks like he is afraid of doing things, he hides, play it very very simple. Personally, in this year and a half he has been in Liverpool apart from those last 30 minutes he played against Manchester United last season, I cant tell wether he is playing a game or not.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yeah, at the same time as Henderson not stepping up the likes of Suso, Sterling and Wisdom are taking their chances. Makes you wonder what Henderson does, or doesnt do in training to still not get a chance in the team. Allen is 21 and is playing every game aswell so how much time does this 21 y.o. need...
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