Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

But he has zero evidence, it's a great story, truly unbelievable

In theory he has the emails, which are stored in a could and hence are evidence if it ever came to that.

It's also just so f*cking mental I almost have to believe it. Occam's Razor and all that.

Re: Liverpool Thread

LIVERPOOL supporters have waited many years and been through two changes of ownership since the club first made clear the desperate need for a significant increase in capacity for home games. Following the takeover by FSG in 2010 the club began to look at the possibility of a redevelopment of Anfield alongside the various plans to move to a new stadium in Stanley Park.
The Anfield Wrap understands that an announcement will be made on Monday confirming that Liverpool intend to redevelop Anfield.

The announcement, it is understood, will be made by Liverpool City Council and relates to the commencement of Compulsory Purchase Order consultations as part of plans for improvements to the Anfield area. Those improvements include work to redevelop Liverpool Football Club’s Anfield stadium.
The intention, following satisfactory progress in the consultations which continue into next year, is for the stadium redevelopment to commence in 2014.
Re: Liverpool Thread

A couple of thoughts on the Duncan Jenkins vs Jen Chang fiasco:

1. I've always thought Jen Chang was below average at covering soccer/footy here in the USA. He was on the small team at ESPN (USA) that covered the sport so I would end up reading him on occasion and was always left unimpressed.

2. I wasn't too disappointed when he was hired by LFC, however. I think the tabloid-style sports coverage employed by the British media is pretty horrible for the consumer. Everything is made out to be SENSATIONAL!!!! and it's very frustrating to try and find a reputable news source for Liverpool news. Every transfer window, Liverpool is linked with over a hundred players, and 99% of said links are total bullshit. Then you have to read about the analysis of why each linked player would be "brilliant" for the club, or "a major transfer coup." It's stupid. Anyways, I though Jen Chang might bring a different angle to how Liverpool would present their side of the news (as a news reporting agency ESPN (USA) is highly credible in its field, they definitely confirm their stories before reporting on them in most cases)... perhaps do a better job of getting news out that was more accurate and worth reading.

3. Having read about Duncan Jenkins, I think the guy who made him up is a total loser. From what I gather, this guy decided to further pollute the footy news world by re-posting Liverpool "news" (in quotes, because I'm certain all those "news" stories come from other idiots just making stuff up) stories from other sites... or just making up some of his own under the guise of having an inside man at the club. When consumers bought into this ploy (and I'm sure a lot of consumers didn't really believe it, they are just insanely hungry for any Liverpool news to talk about) and it brought this loser more attention, he just kept it up.

4. So I'm not surprised that Jen Chang contacted him.

5. Sounds to me like they had a face-to-face.

6. I highly doubt that the events from the meeting and after were correctly retold by "Duncan Jenkins"... even if he were a believable person, so much of what he says happened is just him guessing and speculating as to what was going on.

7. The loser blogger guy has admitted that every public statement he's ever posted up to this point has been a lie or fabrication of a "character"

8. However, he says we should believe that in this instance, this fantastic story is the truth.

9. Jen Chang has denied all the crazy bits of the story.

10. Jen Chang has no experience in being a press liaison for any previous entity (I'm only aware that he was a reporter at ESPN and Sports Illustrated) and is learning on the fly how to do this new task or providing the news vs. covering it.

11. "Duncan Jenkins" is some weird loser on par with a paparazzi and Jen Chang will probably be mediocre at best for Liverpool.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

sorry if already posted friends

Arsenal defender Laurent Koscielny says Liverpool's Luis Suarez is a cheat

Arsenal defender Laurent Koscielny has blasted Liverpool striker Luis Suarez, accusing the Uruguayan of being a "cheat".

Suarez has come under fire in recent weeks after being accused by Stoke boss Tony Pulis earlier this month of going to ground too easily.

FIFA also waded into the Suarez debate, with vice-president Jim Boyce calling on the Football Association to take action after seeing simulation become 'a cancer within the game'.

Suarez angrily hit back at the comments from Boyce and now Koscielny has joined the list of critics of the Liverpool forward, saying he hates playing against the player because of his antics.

"Who is the forward I hate to face? Suarez," Koscielny told L'Equipe. "Last season I didn't feel too well.

"It was a match at 12.30 and I don't like that schedule.

"He is tiresome to defend against. He cheats. He pulls your shirt, giving small blows. You always want to give him a kick but you have to be careful not to be red carded.

"For example on September 2 against Liverpool, it was the case with Luis Suarez.

"He is a player who likes to dive as soon as there is contact. During a challenge we jostled a bit each other and he fell.

"He started to talk to me in English, to say it was a penalty."

Koscielny admits the striker who impressed him most was former Chelsea ace Didier Drogba.

"He is strong, he is good when he plays with his back to goal, a great header of the ball and good in the gaps," Koscielny said of Drogba.

"He is the first defender, running everywhere. We saw against Barcelona last season. On his own, he crashed the Barcelona ship."

Asked about Wayne Rooney, Koscielny said of the Manchester United striker: "He is very clever, even if Robin van Persie is even smarter.

"He goes back to the midfield quite often. Rooney likes the ball and to assist."
Re: Liverpool Thread

If we stopped speaking about Suarez for a while until there is some real new controversy (which will be saturday or sunday, but i hope not, because i would like to discuss football).
Re: Liverpool Thread

yeah we get it PIPA, you think the world is against Suarez.

And you say I repeat myself :D

You look to much in to things, i was amused by the gif..that´s why i posted..

And you all come here and think Liverpool fans will not defend Suarez if he can´t defend himself... let´s not talk about him becouse arguing about how he behaves in a thread dedicated to his club is very frustrating..

i will back Suarez 100% everytime untill he wears the Liverbird upon his chest, no matter what he does..

there is a big difference between acussation and true state of mind.. untill you are proven of guilty, you are not guilty, and with this i agree 100% - this about the incident that made him enemy n.1 in premier league..

if you want to argue about Suarez, i think many would welcome the separate thread about him as a player where you can discouss how bad person he is and so on... also for Uruguay NT matches whatever..

Untill he is a Liverpool player i will support him, probably after that as well, becouse i don´t believe he is a bad person.. and especially that he deserves the threatement he gets right now..

it´s just football ..nobody deserves to be threated like that becouse a ball game actions..

that´s my last words about discoussing Suarez past or behaviours here.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Just to chime in on Suarez... since that's the topic that's not going away:

- Obviously, he goes down sometimes with minimal contact. He's not the only one who does it (not saying it's right) so it's a little ridiculous as to why he's been receiving the vast share of the criticism on this issue lately.

- As some have said before, just because he dives on occasion doesn't make him a terrible human being.

- On the flip side, he does get fouled all the time without getting the call from ref.

- And personally, I wish he'd stop doing it. I'd prefer if he'd stick to Fernando Torres style diving. If you get your shirt pulled in the box, fall down. Otherwise, stay on your feet.
Re: Liverpool Thread

whatever he does on field and is criticised for and cursed for..

there are X players worse than him as persons who actually are not as much pointed on , especially if they are English or play for one of the you know what clubs..

this is what i ment..obviously i won´t back him in terms if he breaks law or does something bad... but so far he did nothing than other players doesn´t do.. is Cantona a devil he kicked a fan? was he pushed out of the league? are other divers pushed out of the league, like Drogba was?!, or many others right now...? i can see this only with Suarez + is Terry pointed on as bad human being who destroyes the game? for his PROVEN RACIAL ABUSE and with affairs, was Rooney with his prostitute affair?????!!!!

for me there is a wich hunt on him just for the same case there was after C.Ronaldo playing for United...becouse he is top class player and real talent that many non-LFC fans would love to see playing outside England asap. How many matches did Ronaldo won you with dives? i can remember plenty such cases... the same for many other players..

Suarez is no saint,but the criticism now is to much and i hope some neutrals agree...compared to other players who do the same and maybe worse.. and that maybe have some protection from the refs, becouse Suarez has zero protection atm. in England..
Re: Liverpool Thread

The main reason for Suarez being targeted, is the way Liverpool as a club portraits the matter. Sure, they`re are cheats in the league and managers are not criticized enough. I remember everyone hated Arsene`s "I didn`t see it" the media use to show him replays in the post match. What other managers get that treatment? Us,Fans didn`t like when Arsene said that. It was embarrassing and today Wenger doesn`t say that anymore the media put pressure on Wenger and he changed.

Let`s give Rodgers a chance to sort it out and he will(learning the hard way). So, for the love of God for those Lpool supporters, man up and stop with the blame it on Suarez campaign. A simple, I wish he curves that out of his game already and everyone will move on.
Re: Liverpool Thread

PEPE REINA is a fitness doubt for Liverpool’s Premier League clash with Reading at Anfield on Saturday after picking up a hamstring injury on international duty.

The Reds keeper was an unused substitute during Spain’s 1-1 draw with France in Madrid but complained of discomfort after taking part in a half-time warm-up.

The extent of the problem is not yet known but should become clear when Reina returns to Melwood to be assessed by the club’s medical staff today.

Re: Liverpool Thread

I think it would do Reina and Liverpool good for him to rest a bit and get back his focus, although he got his clean sheet last game.
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