Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread


Dear Mr Kightly,

I took my 5 year old boy to his first ever Liverpool game on Sunday. If I'm lucky, I get up to Anfield once or twice a season. Sunday was a big day in a father and sons life, I'm sure we can all remember our first trips with our dads (Liverpool 5-0 Coventry, Rush 4, Hansen 1).

Now if you think it was Suarez's dive (and yes it is embarrassing at times) that is ruining football, I can assure you, that you are very much mistaken. £50 a ticket for a premier league football match, plus all other associated costs, to see the worlds greatest league and players in action... What did me and my boy get? Stoke. I'm just not getting it anymore, and although you never fall out of love with your team, football on the pitch is simply losing its appeal and is nowhere near value for money. Because of Luis Suarez? Actually far from it, he is one of the few positives in football at the moment. But Stokes tactics? Then Mr Kightly, that's what is ruining football. Playing for nil nils, kicking lumps out of talented players, constant fouling, 11 man defending and worst of all, your goalkeeper starting his time wasting routine after approx 20mins of the match. That's what is ruining football for the fans in this country. Bloody time wasting after 20minutes!!!!

Now, since I lost my job last week, and committed a small fortune to witness you're team and its 'ruining' of the beautiful game, maybe you could jump down from your ridiculously high horse, and reimburse me with 0.1% of your outrageous weekly wages...

Yours Sincerely

Kevin Clune
Re: Liverpool Thread

i LOV schumacher lad hence it was my username previously

suarez likes to hit the deck too easily and too often imo. then again the toon we have players who like to take a tumble from time to time and it pisses me off too.

Mate im just pointing stuff out. how easily it is to judge a player on an action. Keane deliberately set out to break an opponents leg and end a career. Schumacher deliberately took out a player.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You would fit in pefectly at RAWK Ad75!!

Now blaming Stoke because they play in a certain way!

you couldnt make it up
Re: Liverpool Thread

Another great point. I think some of you should read the list within this.

Ive heard the expression 'clamp down on it' or ' stamp it out' but never 'stamp down on it'.

I bet they are having a right old laugh in the Stoke changing room. Huth gets away with violent play by Stoke verbally attacking the victim. Then laugh about it.

Not sure why Suarez is public enemy no 1.

Football has granny prostitute bashers, drink drivers, drug test cheats, players who knock off their brothers wife, players caught dogging, cheats, gamblers, legbreakers, wife beaters, rapists and alcoholics.

Not quite sure where the odd dive fits into the above category.

If Suarez was a different colour would this bullying and victimisation be allowed?

Just a thought.........
Re: Liverpool Thread

every club plays a certain way. im not happy with how the toon seem to lump the ball up to demba ba or cisse and hope for a knock down. on the odd occasion ben arfa does something different but we are too boring and predictable. stoke have big strong tall lads so of course they will play physical. if players cant handle physical challenges they shouldnt be on the pitch. too many nancy boy poofs on football fields these days
Re: Liverpool Thread

Not quite sure where the odd dive fits into the above category.



Re: Liverpool Thread

every club plays a certain way. im not happy with how the toon seem to lump the ball up to demba ba or cisse and hope for a knock down. on the odd occasion ben arfa does something different but we are too boring and predictable. stoke have big strong tall lads so of course they will play physical. if players cant handle physical challenges they shouldnt be on the pitch. too many nancy boy poofs on football fields these days

Nothing wrong with being physical. We used to have Souness and McMahon who could really dish it out.

The problem is when physicality oversteps the mark and someone could get hurt and its not punished. in the last few weeks, in our games, we had Saurez stamped on in the chest and Henderson nearly having his leg broken with a horrendous challenge by mulumbu. both incidents passed without even a booking or a free kick.

Its just wrong.
Re: Liverpool Thread

lol nah benni supports juventus

Im just wondering why he hates Liverpool and Suarez so much? I mean we dont play Inter a lot, we dont even directly affect them in any manner.

Unless he follows an English team too? I just dont get the connection.
Re: Liverpool Thread

van persie on sunday springs to mind with his elbow no need of that but unfortunately refs cant see everything that happens on a football pitch so huth may have done a bad thing but it wasnt seen if it was the wrong call was made on what happened like. as for suarez if that lad stayed on his feet and wasnt such a horrible character he would be one of the best attacking players in world football.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Thread has become a mess again, time to hit the ignore button again and at least cut out some of the crap.
Re: Liverpool Thread

van persie on sunday springs to mind with his elbow no need of that but unfortunately refs cant see everything that happens on a football pitch so huth may have done a bad thing but it wasnt seen if it was the wrong call was made on what happened like. as for suarez if that lad stayed on his feet and wasnt such a horrible character he would be one of the best attacking players in world football.

Mason said he did see the incident on sunday mate. thats why Huth escaped a retrospective ban.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Im just wondering why he hates Liverpool and Suarez so much? I mean we dont play Inter a lot, we dont even directly affect them in any manner.

Unless he follows an English team too? I just dont get the connection.

I have no problem with LFC. But your club havent exactly done yourselves any favours last 12 months or so:

Evra/Suarez gate, a legend like Dalglish wearing the t-shirts before the case was even heard, now Suarez diving all over the place and blaming Stoke City for it..

then to top if off, some of your support blaming everyone else and their mother for YOUR faults.

You were once a great club in my eyes. But things have been ugly at LFC for quite a while now and its a shame because you are fantastic club steeped in hisotry and tradition.

I wont post anymore on matter because believe it or not I am not troll.
Re: Liverpool Thread

oh right well ref mistakes are 2 a penny in matches these days and there isnt much you can do about that lad. but diving on the floor under virtually no challenge you can do somet about. rodgers have a word with suarez and tell him to stop grass huggin or else he will cost you potential penalty kicks when he is fouled.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I have no problem with LFC. But your club havent exactly done yourselves any favours last 12 months or so:

Evra/Suarez gate, a legend like Dalglish wearing the t-shirts before the case was even heard, now Suarez diving all over the place and blaming Stoke City for it..

then to top if off, some of your support blaming everyone else and their mother for YOUR faults.

You were once a great club in my eyes. But things have been ugly at LFC for quite a while now and its a shame because you are fantastic club steeped in hisotry and tradition.

I wont post anymore on matter because believe it or not I am not troll.

So Dalglish is a legend. Did you ever stop to think that Dalglish had access to more evidence than joe public and truly believed Saurez to be innocent?

That man went to every funeral after hillsborough and has done more than anyone in regards to this club.

I take his word over anybodys, especially the fa, press or Evra. i believe 1000% that if saurez was a racist and that there was indeed clear damning evidence to support it lfc and Dalglish would have sacked him. No doubt in my mind.
Re: Liverpool Thread


First things first, Luis Suarez dived during Liverpool’s home game against Stoke City last weekend and it was as abhorrent as it was ridiculous. Let’s get that out of the way because no one should be under the misapprehension that what follows is in any way a defence of the Uruguayan or any of his vertically challenged colleagues in the Premier League including Gareth Bale and Ashley Young, to name but two.

The dives that Bale and Suarez committed last Sunday were not even particularly good ones. They were more Greg Louganis (fortunately there was no board to crack their heads against) than Tom Daley and the only saving grace was that the sheer awfulness of their execution ensured that no match officials were taken in by their antics.

But amidst the avalanche of moral high ground-adopting opprobrium that followed, there was something seemingly innocent that was, if not equally as sinister as outright and blatant cheating, then certainly concerning. That is the widely held idea that because Suarez and Bale dived, and had been caught out doing so, they cannot expect to get decisions when they really are fouled.

It is a "boy who cried wolf" argument and it is one that is continually put forward whenever referees get a big decision wrong involving a player with a certain reputation. Last week, Graham Poll, himself a former referee, used his weekly column in a national newspaper column to pursue that angle as he argued that Suarez could not expect to be awarded a penalty when he was brought down against Norwich City because he had previous.

“The Uruguay striker has attracted a reputation for diving, which is now resulting in him - and his club - being deprived of spot kicks,” Poll wrote. “Suarez was brought down by Norwich’s Leon Barnett as he bore down on goal.

“It was one of the easiest decisions of the season and yet Jones, a competent referee, waved appeals away. The fact that it was Suarez again can only leave the impression that it is his reputation as a player who goes down too easily that is affecting referees’ decision making.”

First and foremost, it should be noted that Poll described it as “one of the easiest decisions of the season" and that’s exactly what it was. Jones – who earlier this season had failed to spot that a header by Everton’s Victor Anichebe against Newcastle United had crossed the goalline – somehow interpreted Leon Barnett grappling with Suarez and then felling him from behind with an elbow to the shoulder as nothing more than two players coming together in the box.

Television replays were not required to reveal it to be an abysmal decision by a leading referee. This was not, as was the case in another incident involving Suarez the previous week when he got a slight touch to the ball before being tripped by Manchester United’s Johnny Evans, a difficult decision to make. It could not be justified by highlighting past indiscretions from Suarez any more than a policeman failing to recognise and deal suitably with a street assault because the victim has previous. It was rank bad refereeing, a failure to spot a very obvious offence at what was a crucial juncture in the game.

What happened during Liverpool’s goalless draw with Stoke City the week after does not change that. If Suarez was the villain against Stoke then he was the victim at Carrow Road. You can’t have a system of rules with the aim of justice if it punishes the former but fails to recognise the latter, especially if the system is governed by something as subjective and easily manipulated as reputation.

Suarez should have been booked for his dive and he should have been awarded a penalty for being fouled. It really is that simple and any attempts to justify any player not getting the decisions they deserve is a distortion of what the laws of football are supposed to stand for.

The rules of the game are supposed to apply to every player equally. Each incident in which a foul may or may not have been committed should be judged on its relative merits, not on the identity of the players involved. If we go down any other route then fair play and the integrity of the game are brought into question to a much greater extent than by a dive, no matter how unpalatable and unacceptable simulation may be.

There is even a double standard at play from those who claim it is inevitable that reputation plays a part in decision-making. “It is human nature,” argued Poll, despite the fact that when it suits them referees are quick to hide behind a self-manufactured justification that the rules of the game prevent them from showing humanity.

It is all about the laws of the game they said when a young player was booked recently for lifting his shirt over his head to display a message in support of the Hillsborough families after scoring a goal. The rules are quite clear that such gestures are not allowed and therefore the player in question had to be given a yellow card. There is no room for human nature to take over and recognise it for what it was, so the argument goes. Instead it has to be treated as an act that is in contravention to the rules and as such the perpetrator must be punished.

That’s all well and good but you can’t have referees choosing when they are “only human” and when they are not. They can’t be influenced by the rules and the rules alone when it suits them only to decide that they are, after all, a moveable feast when it does not.

Again, their ultimate responsibility is to judge any given situation according to the laws that they are charged with enforcing, any other influences are superfluous and contrary to their responsibilities.

None of which is to suggest that any referees who do fall into the trap of judging situations on reputation are in any way abnormal. It is, as Poll suggests, only human nature. But the point is that they should not be excused when they err by doing so. It is a mitigating factor, not a justification.

When the Premier League fixtures resume after the international break the strong likelihood is that at least one of the players mentioned at the very start of this blog will (if fit) be involved in another penalty controversy.

Bale, Young and Suarez all run with the ball, they all take players, they all invite challenges from opponents and they have all won penalties as a result. They have also all dived and as such have a reputation for doing so whether they like it or not. But when any of the trio does tumble – under undue and illegal pressure or not – then if the referee in question is influenced by anything other than the incident itself he will be doing his own industry and football a disservice that both could do without.
Re: Liverpool Thread

How many remember Eduardo's dive? He was banned and then young did the same in Europa for Villa that same week. This after the SPL FA went to the UEFA demanding justice. Soon , after every top player in the SPL started to get moans for diving -n- conning the refs, making the SPLFA look like clowns in glass houses.Like someone said handy out pinch forks, this was done before to a foreigner w/o history, imagine to someone with history. Manager's need to defend their players in public or allow the media's justice. !
Re: Liverpool Thread

Whats wrong with defending Saurez? No one fucking else is!

Silly question. What's wrong with defending a compulsive cheat? Really?

All i can say is that in this country, the current targeting of Saurez is nothing more than casual racism. Everything he has been involved in has been reported a hundred fold worse than someone similar. John Terry and racism, hardly a peep, Saurez and racism and everyone has their fucking pitch fork out. Saurez dives and its a dirty foreigner disease, Bale, Young and Wellbeck dives and its nothing. Its a fucking disgrace and i'm truly ashamed to be british currently.

You're pushing the realms of sanity here, hardly a peep concerning Terry and racism? It went to court and has been in the papers, on the radio and on TV for pretty much a year.
Ashley Young's diving? "nothing" you say, dear god, your tribalist nonsense is incredible. Even Ferguson has accepted that Young has been taking the piss.
Bale and Welbeck, like Gerrard, have dived a few times but they're not comparable to Young or Suarez (the latter being on a level all to himself)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Very interesting interview with Liverpool and Spain goalkeeper Pepe Reina live on Radio Onda Cero if you speak Spanish:

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Pepe Reina—"Suso's page on Wikipedia was recently edited to say ‘Suso Alonso’. We all hope that he will be the new Xabi Alonso of Liverpool"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Reina—"Did I ever think my name might be one of the names in the Rodgers' Envelopes? No. Personally, I'm not scared of that. I am motivated"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Reina on the Hillsborough campaign—"It's been a constant battle for the entirety of 23 years. Finally we have some justice for the families"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Reina—"We finally have the truth, but we still want justice for Hillsborough; and I say 'We' because this club and this cause has marked me"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Reina—"We are the youngest aged squad in the Premier League on average, reinforcing with a new vision. Liverpool is re-arming itself again"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Suso then rang up Onda Cero—"It's great to be compared to Alonso. It is an honour, though I personally try to play more like Xavi than Xabi"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Suso—"Rafa [Benítez] phoned me and convinced me to leave Cádiz CF. When he left us and Hodgson came in, everything was totally the opposite"

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Suso—"Liverpool is the ideal club for me. I'll sign a new deal soon and be here for a long time. The fans can relax, it'll be done A.S.A.P."

Nik ‏@TouchlineDrama
Del Piero to Gazzetta dello Sport—"I had offers from the USA, Brazil, Thailand, Qatar, Spain…Liverpool also but I'd begun talks with Sydney"
Re: Liverpool Thread

Silly question. What's wrong with defending a compulsive cheat? Really?

You're pushing the realms of sanity here, hardly a peep concerning Terry and racism? It went to court and has been in the papers, on the radio and on TV for pretty much a year.
Ashley Young's diving? "nothing" you say, dear god, your tribalist nonsense is incredible. Even Ferguson has accepted that Young has been taking the piss.
Bale and Welbeck, like Gerrard, have dived a few times but they're not comparable to Young or Suarez (the latter being on a level all to himself)

Realms of sanity? Go and look at the Terry reports during the whole fiasco. Lionheart Terry this and that, no mention of racism in the headlines. the Guardian themselves treated the two headlines of Saurez and Terry differently. The actual outcome of the Terry hearing is different from Saurez with a far more lenient outcome.

And as for Young, he was castigated for what? Two weeks during the games. Oh the poor sod.Saurez has been subject to dogs abuse for over a year non stop.

I suggest you shut the hell up until you know what you are talking about and stop being a gobsh*te.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Silly question. What's wrong with defending a compulsive cheat? Really?

You're pushing the realms of sanity here, hardly a peep concerning Terry and racism? It went to court and has been in the papers, on the radio and on TV for pretty much a year.
Ashley Young's diving? "nothing" you say, dear god, your tribalist nonsense is incredible. Even Ferguson has accepted that Young has been taking the piss.
Bale and Welbeck, like Gerrard, have dived a few times but they're not comparable to Young or Suarez (the latter being on a level all to himself)

excellent posts and well summed up :WORSHIP:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sounds like Andre Wisdom is injured now too. Pretty bad when your backup youth players are being ruled out from your main squad. Hopefully it'll clear up by the time we play again, he's played well recently.

Dominic King ‏@DominicKing_DM
Pearce on Andre Wisdom: 'He went over on his shoulder playing for @LFC & there has been no ease up in the pain. He's gone back.' #ENGU21S
Re: Liverpool Thread

excellent posts and well summed up :WORSHIP:

Actually i think you will find a lot of examples where Saurez stays on his feet even though he could go down. But dont bother looking into that as it doesn't fit your blinkered view of the world.
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